17. Caught In A Lie

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Y/N P.O.V. 

"Y/N wait-" Michael shouted.

I left the house and didn't bother to look back at Michael. It was still raining outside, and I didn't care to get soaked or catch a cold, possibly after a fight. As I made it to the city, I needed to find a place to rest because my legs were aching, and I didn't feel like sitting. Luckily, with the amount of change I had, I could get a ride at a bus stop nearby. 

I was outside in the cold, wet rain pouring hard on me. After returning to the city with a broken car, I could barely see the street lights. I scanned around and didn't even notice that I was at the playground where I used to play when I was a little girl. 

I saw a memory of my younger self wandering around, and children were playing. They laughed, smiled, and played with their friends. 

"Found you!" One boy shouted.

"No fair!" A girl whined. 

"I think I found everyone here so far. Where's Y/N?" The one who was the tagger asked.

"I don't know. Let's go look for her!" Another kid spoke up. 

They scattered around to look for me, and I hid in a good spot. No one didn't find me, but as I emerged from my hiding place, I looked around to see that the playground was empty.

"I'm ready!" I looked around to see that there was no one around. Maybe they needed to find out where I was since I hid in a good spot. 

"I said, I'm ready!" I shouted again. 


"Come get me!" I shouted. 


I started to panic and whimper because no one was around to know where I was. 

"I'm right here..." I whispered. Looking around once more, I 

"M-Mooommmy! D-d-daddy!" I cried. 

I didn't realize it as I sat on the ground, crying. They were red and puffy as I covered my face and collapsed on my knees. 

I made a massive mess of things I could have explained more clearly to Michael or anyone else. No one understood my pain, even when I tried to hide it cause I wanted to be happy. I didn't like to be upset or anything--to brush it off and not let it overweigh me. I was always alone and didn't have anyone to trust.

I felt alone, invisible through the crowd trying to make friends only to be pushed away. 

After a while, I thought I had found where I needed to be, but instead, I backstabbed everyone, including my friends. 

There are a lot of things that I had to fix. First, I did lie to Michael for a few years, but I never did anything to hurt him. I didn't know what to do if he found out if I was a spy. I wasn't after the money; I only blended in to do my job. Second, I had to apologize to Toshiki and Mila. Third, I need to find myself and maybe work on getting back together. 

I stood up on my two feet again and continued walking as I went to a bus stop. I checked the time and was lucky that the bus had come and I was heading to Toshiki's place. 

I sat on the bus watching the rain droplets land on the glass window and slowly roll down. My eyes scanned the buildings that passed by until I reached my stop and got off. I continued walking and headed to Toshiki's place. I .entered the tall building in which he lives in a penthouse. 

Once I reached the door, I was dripping wet, like I had dived into the ocean to get there. I rang the doorbell feeling nervous as I waited patiently behind the door. I heard the lock click and saw Toshiki opening the door. His eyes widened to see that I was utterly drained under the weather. 

"Y/N, what on earth are you doing here? Why are you dripping wet?" He asked as I held my shivering form, trying to force a smile. 

"I-I walked here after quarreling w-w-w-with M-Michael." I stammered.

"Come in," He said, stepping aside to let me inside after locking the door. "Stay here. Don't sit anywhere, but remove your clothes until I get you fresh clothes." He was off to run me a bath and got me a robe to bathe in privacy. 

A few hours later, I bathed and wore the comfy clothes that Toshiki offered, which were only a bit bigger. I an oversized grey long-sleeve shirt and black night pants as I tied my hair in a bun. I slowly enter the room and spot Olive lying on the couch as she meows at me. I sat down and patted her back, earning a purr. Toshiki comes in carrying a tea tray and some of my favorite snacks.

"Drink up while you can to help if you catch a cold." Said Toshiki.

He poured me a drink as I silently said, "Thank you." I blew it and took a small sip of the liquid. 

We sat there in silence, and I felt terrible that our arguments were going on the wrong page. I decided to apologize to Toshiki after our first fight after the mission was a total debunk.

"I'm sorry I have pushed you away like that, Toshiki. I didn't think I was avoiding you or Mila for quite a while since I am working as Michael's bodyguard. I should've noticed this sooner, especially when we failed that mission." I replied, smacking my lips as I looked down in defeat. 

Toshiki sighed, "I understand how you struggled to handle two things simultaneously. Working at two places simultaneously is difficult, but I felt bad for going off at you." He leaned forward with his arms crossed over his chest, slouching. 

"No, I deserved it. I made you look bad after we--" He held out his hand for you to stop talking. 

He glanced in the corner of his eye, saying, "I'm not finished." He paused. Then he continues, "However, I may have been feeling withered lately since my outburst has quite upset you, and I want to apologize." He turned to face you directly, meeting his steel grey eyes.

"But I failed the mission, and we lost sight of Mr. Prince," I replied, hunching up my shoulders. 

"Not everything. I got what was left from his hideout and put it on a tracker when we find him the next time. It'll take a while for that to process through." He said to reassure you that the job was still progressing. 

"So, we can still find him?" You asked.


You wrapped your arms around saying, "You are the best! Oop!" You quickly let go remembering that he was still mad at you. 

"You don't have to stop." He replied.

You sheepishly nodded.

"Are we back in business?" I asked. 

"Certainly." He said with a small smile. 

You smiled back at him as he grunted, leaning back against the sofa with his arms behind his head.

"Anything else you want to tell me? Starting with your travel here after walking through the drizzling rain?" He inquired as you leaned back against the sofa, resting your arms on your lap.

"Michael found out I was a spy. We argued, and he kicked me out of the house since I told him the folders involved him. They weren't any crimes that involved him." You explained as the masculine male only hums in silence. 

"So, Mr. Jackson finally knows what you are after a few years without even noticing. If he knew the U.C.C. you're part of, I'm curious about his next move," Toshiki commented. 

"Janet explained what I work for, and I told him part of my job. Except he only thinks I betrayed him to use anything to post about him in front of the media, and that is not true." You audibly sighed. 

"I think we can sort this out in the morning. He can stop by here, and you two will have to talk through this and see where this will lead." Said Toshiki, and he stood up, shoving his hands into his pockets. "For now, you'll sleep in the guest room made up for you." 

"Thank you, Toshiki." You stood up to go leave and turned back, saying, "Goodnight." He nodded, and you went to the guest room to fall asleep. 


Michael P.O.V.

𝙽𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝙰𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚕 7𝚝𝚑, 2002

6: 34 𝙰.𝙼.

"Come on, Y/N...pick up..." I sighed heavily. 

I gave up trying to call her, but she didn't answer. I felt like everything had rumbled between us, and I knew her true identity. I wish I didn't tell her to leave or said anything negative because I could tell I had broken my heart after last night. 

"Please be okay," I whispered in a raspy voice. 

I was a little tired and didn't get much sleep, but I kept myself up. I went to go to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. I went to the cabinets to grab a glass, went over ot the sink to pour a drink, and gulped it down. Soon, I heard my phone ringing, and I went to answer it. I saw the I.D. that was an unknown number and answered it.

"Hello?" I answered. 

"Good morning, Mr. Jackson. It's a pleasure to speak with you around the time of the hour."  I heard a man's voice on the other side of the phone as I squinted my eyes. 

"Who is this?" I demanded. 

"Relax. I am a friend of Y/N's, and she came to my place last night after you both had a little quarrel." He said as I felt a strong wave hit my gut. "Come to my place, and she'll meet with you shortly.

"Wait, hold on. I don't know who you are or if you know anything about Y/N. Which one of your friends are you?" I asked, looking around the empty house with the phone against my ear. Y/N must have a few friends, but I'm curious if it's a trick. 

"You have nothing to worry about, and I am one of her friends. My name is Toshiki, and I will tell you the address to come by my place whenever you're ready. My address is One Queensridge Place, 9101 Alta Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89145." He explained, and I hung up as I stared at my phone briefly. 

I let out an audible sigh. I only wait sometimes to get dressed and goer to Toshiki's residence. I had to wear a disguise, and hopefully, no one would notice me. Bill drove me there, and the nanny babysat my kids as I looked outside the window feeling a little mournful. I was hesitant to leave when I arrived there, but I made it out as I walked past a few individuals. The size of this place was fancy and luxurious, cost a lot of money to live there. Toshiki told me he lived in a penthouse on the very top of the building, and I went up into the elevator to get to his place. 

As I spotted the door after exiting the elevator, I walked over to it and knocked. Bill stood outside the entrance to guard it, and the door opened ot reveal a tall male taller than me. He wore a plain grey long sleeves shirt, black joggers, and white socks. His hair was black and long, put up in a man-bun, his eyes were the color of steel grey, and I could tell he was Asian. 

"Go ahead and remove your stuff. Make yourself at home." He said. I watched him grab the ingredients as I obeyed to remove the stuff I wore. 

I had heavy equipment all black and placed them on the coat rack. I walked over to where Toshiki was standing in the kitchen preparing breakfast. I stood there in silence with my arms hidden behind my back. 

"Where's Y/N?" I asked. 

Toshiki didn't look at me as he was busy mixing the pancake mix and other stuff in the batter. His response was, "She's asleep. Don't go waking her up at the moment." He said, as I merely nodded. 

My eyes looked around the penthouse he lived in; it was bigger inside than outside. He was Y/N's partner working as a spy in the U.C.C. to solve essential things to get a hold of and earn what he could to afford this much. I whipped my head back towards Toshiki as he kept his eyes focused on the pan and started doing the eggs and sausages. 

"Do you need some assistance?" I asked. 

"Of course not. You don't have to since you are my guest, and I would like to prepare this for all of us." Said Toshiki in a low deep tone. He seemed earnest but very gentlemanly and liked to do this for all of us. 

I went to the counter and sat on the bar stool as I twiddled my thumbs together. I stared down at my hands, nibbling my bottom lip not too hard for it to bleed. The events played back in my mind, and Y/N came here after our argument. 

"So, Michael? Do you like blueberry pancakes?" Toshiki asked. 

His question interrupted my thoughts as I looked back at him, responding, "Yes, please. I don't mind. " I faintly smiled. He nods as he prepares my pancakes. I was anxious to know more about Toshiki since he was close friends with Y/N. 

"So, um..." I start as I place my hands on my lap. "...you and Y/N are partners working in the same business in U.C.C.?" I tried not to sound so awkward as to break the silence in the room. I only wanted to get to know about him. 

"Yes, we've worked together for over nine years in the same department. Technically, I have been there for more than 15 years, in the 80s." He replied as he flipped the pancake glimpsing over his shoulder and back at the steaming pan. 

"What do you work as being part of a spy?" I asked. 

"I work as Intelligence Analyst: An expert who gleans crucial insights from intelligence." Said Toshiki as he put the pancakes on one dish. "Eggs or sausages? Both?" He asked, glancing over his shoulder. 

"Both would be very nice," I replied. 

He did what he was told and gave me a glass of orange juice. Then, please switched off the stove to fix a plate for himself, and Y/N.grabbed grabbed the fork and knife to cut my pancakes already in syrup and took a bite. I swear, my mouth was watering over how delicious after taking one bite from the pancakes was like I hadn't eaten anything this in years. 

"How is it?" Toshiki asked, taking a seat away from mine and sitting an extra plate in the middle. 

"This is...unbelievably AMAZING!" I chimed. 

"Thank you." He said as he took a bite out of his meal. 

"Where did you learn how to cook this good? My chiefs never cooked anything this good--not offending them." I covered my face even though meals are prepared by different chefs worldwide in other countries. 

Toshiki chuckled. "I take it after my aunt when I was a child and learned the basics of cooking to keep it simple and pleasant. Y/N loves to eat whenever I prepare something for her, and she doesn't stop complimenting me." I let out a small chuckle as I took another bite from the eggs and sausage. 

' Why did I waste so many years not trying something like this? ' I thought. 

"It's delicious! You should've owned a restaurant to serve customers your famous dishes." I beamed. 

"I would, but I like my job the way I like it." He replied. 

I leaned over to grab a glass of orange juice to help swallow the remaining meals. I was too overjoyed by the food variety that this guy made. No wonder Y/N is friends with Toshiki, and they are partners to work as spies. 

I pulled the glass away from my lips, looking down a bit guilty. 

"Mr. Jackson?" Toshiki called out to me as I looked back at the male. 


"I want to tell you before Y/N wakes up for breakfast that you two will discuss this. I know you two had a huge quarrel last night, and we want to make it up." Said Toshiki as he took a bite out of his sausage. 

"But what if she changes her mind about seeing me here? I made her leave, and she came all the way here." I replied, looking down at myself for doing this to her. 

"It's understandable. She can't work in two places simultaneously and tried to make it work." He sighed. 

I merely nodded. I was calm over Y/N's lifestyle working under me, and she was terrific as a bodyguard. Not only just my bodyguard, but she was a spy too. She kept it a secret and only wanted to work for something else to keep herself busy. I put too much pressure on her and blocked her out with my thoughts to think she may have betrayed me of trust and loyalty. 

"Give her a chance, sir," Toshiki said. 

"Okay." I nodded. 

I soon heard footsteps and saw my baby girl wide awake. She was dressed in comfortable clothes that she borrowed from Toshiki and spotted the two of us. Y/N looked hesitant when we made eye contact and gave me a small wave. 

This was going to get the award.

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