18. Our Discussion

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Y/N P.O.V.

I walked over to the counter and sat between the two men eating their dishes. When I entered the room, Michael looked away from me, and Toshiki was almost halfway finished with his plate. 

I sat there poking my food in silence. Michael didn't say anything either, which was awkward for us both. Toshiki stood up to carry his dish to the sink, washing it to place it on the rack.

"I'm going out." He said as he faced the two of us. As we were looking at him like he was crazy.

"Why?" We both asked in unison. 

"You two need to straighten yourselves out and discuss this. I'm not staying here to hear any bickering or complaints about it. Talk it out." He said as I let out a slight whine. Michael looked a little nervous and didn't say anything.

Toshiki turned his heel to grab his keys and put on his shoes to leave out of his home. It was just Michael and me alone as I finally had the guts to stuff my face with food. 

"How'd you sleep?" He asked. 

"Pretty good," I replied, not looking up at him as we continued our conversation. "How are the kids?" I asked. 

"They are doing alright and wanted to know if you're returning." He replied. 



Michael got up from the stool and walked to the sink to wash his dish and place it on the rack. He didn't look back at me but stared at the wall.

"Michael?" I asked.

He tensed up a little when I called out his name as he turned halfway around. I sat there poking my thighs, looking a little nervous about speaking, but since we were alone. We had to discuss our issue.

"A-Are you still mad at me?" I asked.

"No. I'm not mad." He replied. 

Okay. Good, so far. 

"Do you have any plans for today?" I asked. 

"Nothing at all. I just thought I stop by since Toshiki was able to let you two stay over." He said as he fully turned around and leaned against the counter. "You two are very close friends, and I can see why he takes good care of you." 

"I do the same with him in return. Toshiki is a great person to work with, and I have to return the favor by doing so." I leaned over, taking a sip from my drink. 

"Does it involve the work you two do?" Michael asked. 

"Yeah...it didn't go too well for us last night," I replied in a low tone. 

"What didn't go so well?" He asked. 

"We failed the mission to catch someone known as Mr. Prince. I can tell you all about him so other time, but right now..." I paused as I lowered my head. "I'm sorry for lying to you for a few years after working for you, Michael. I just wanted to do something other than stay in the office all day and night." 

"But you can do just one job that you're good at." Said Michael as he leaned away from the counter and walked towards the aisle I sat in. He arched forward, resting his arms on the counter, staring into my eyes. 

"I like working for you because I thought it would be interesting to work as a bodyguard, too," I replied. 

"You are one of the first women that passed the test and safety protocols to be a bodyguard. It even inspired other women to work in the same position even when they join the military." Said Michael, as I faintly smiled. He continues, "Besides, I think working in two places at once is too much for you. Don't you agree?" 

"Yeah, but I just wanted to stay working as a bodyguard to blend in through the crowd. No one knows about me, but some do if they know my history." I explained to Michael feeling a little unsafe with the idea of being a "normal" citizen if there were others out to look for him. 

It's not easy being a spy like Michael being a celebrity.

Michael leans over and says, "Well, we could get another different because I don't want you to be pressured. You have two jobs, and working as a spy or a bodyguard is not a good combination. It's not good for your health, Y/N." I merely nodded as he came around the aisle and touched my shoulder.

"I just want to..." 

"I know. I will have to ask you not to work for me." Said, Michael. 

"I'm fired?" I asked. 

He nods. "Yes, but I want you to be in my life. If you would like that?" He says, his cheeks turning bright red. 

"But I can still fight and protect you, right?" I asked as he chuckled. 

"You can do that, and you're forgetting I had a martial arts black belt." He commented. 

"Since when!?" I exclaimed. 

He let out a small giggle. "A few years back in 1998, when I went to Japan. I enjoyed it." 

"You could come train with Toshiki and me!" I beamed. 

"I highly doubt that Toshiki would let me train with him. He's salty and has a bit of an attitude." It was my turn to laugh at his response about Toshiki. He's not that bad and quite a gentleman-like person with a positive attitude, a good friend, and trustworthiness. 

"You have no reason to be worried about Toshiki. He's great once you get to know him more." I reassured, patting his arm as he faintly smiled. 

"Good to know."

I looked at Michael as our eyes met and asked, "Are we still together? Are you okay after learning about who I am?" I could see him looking directly into my eyes for a moment. 

"We are together. It's still a lot to take in, but I know you're just trying to do your job to protect yourself and us too." Said, Michael. 

He pulled me into his arms, snuggling into the crook of my neck as I was a little tense by his touch. I then relaxed and hugged him back, inhaling his cologne smell. 

"I didn't mean to upset you last night, and I didn't hear you fully explain the whole scenario about your job and what you wanted to do," Michael said as he pulled away as he combs through my hair with his fingers.

I pulled away as he reached to cup my cheeks to pull me in a kiss. I kissed back. Soon, the door opened, revealing Toshiki as we broke away from the kiss. 

"I'm back. Are you two getting along?" He asked. 

"We got along just fine. Where have you been?" I asked. 

"I went out for a walk. Glad to see you both fine." He said, removing his shoes to make his way over in our direction. 

"I'm also not working as a bodyguard anymore," I said. 

He looked at me, shocked to hear this news I brought up. 

"What? I thought you enjoyed working as a bodyguard since you have been taking the job seriously." He said, setting his keys in the bowl. 

"I did. But I want to return to the office and work with you all." I said, with a smile on my face. 

"I can't believe it. Wait until Mila hears this news being brought up from you." He shook his head, looking more surprised as I giggled at his reaction. 

"Also, I think you have a new training partner." I grinned. 

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