Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in

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Everyone wants him
That was my crime
The wrong place at the right time
And I break down, then he's pullin' me in
In a world of boys, he's a gentleman
Got lovestruck, went straight to my head
Got lovesick, all over my bed
Love to think you'll never forget
We'll pay the price, I guess
Slut (TV)


Being a Artois was all fun and game until you reach the age of responsibility, from a young age they had been taught to be nothing less than perfect. Mary, Grace and William Artois mastered the art of pretending since they were children

Being an Artois was a hard job.

Mary Artois, the first thing people noticed about her was her sharp mind, the way she used her intelligence to her own benefit, she always liked to be right, never wrong. People would describe her by 'She's more than just a pretty face'  and she loved that

What people tend to like about her- she was careful, fair and never rude, she was in love with the idea of freedom but she was also a perfectionist, quiet all the time and very competitive. Mary was someone who never outcasted her emotions not even to her family.

"What I do not understand is how are you and Will going to marry me off a week after my father's death?" Mary questioned trying to cool the air with her fan. The golden warm sun caused her blush in her cheeks to become more flushed

"You hated your father, Mary" Catherine stated with an annoyed tone and her daughter shrugged staring out of the carriage window

"He was a horrible excuse of a man" Mary replied leaning her head against her brother's shoulder "Why London? Why not Kent? For God sake, you are the Duke of Kent, I am the sister of the Duke!"

"I'd rather marry in London than Kent" Grace said with a shrug

"Good thing I am not you"

"It's a family tradition, Mary" William sighed glancing at his pregnant wife who was sleeping next to his mother "You're of age, therefore you shall marry"

"Fair" she muttered quietly just when the carriage stopped. She wasn't opposed to the idea of marriage, in fact she wanted to but she was also terrified. She was afraid to end up like her mother, trapped in a loveless and abusive marriage

Mary wouldn't be in London if it weren't for her mother insisting that her daughter should secure her future, Grace was excited that it'd be her turn right after her elder sister. William disagreed at first but finally changed his mind as Catherine kept on reminding him of his duties to his family

The coachman opened the door and held up his hand for Mary to take helping her out of the carriage, she offered him a polite smile before stalking towards the house. With a deep breath she allowed herself to take a look at the mansion

The manor was quite beautiful, she didn't remember the last time they were in London but she was still a child. She took a step inside their house to see the housekeeper and the maids all waiting for them

To her surprise, Mary was fond of their London home more than the one in Kent which said a lot because she used to adore it. This one was quite expensive and original, the aura was so warm and comfortable. It felt like a fresh start.

"Mary, you need to rest before the ball tonight" Catherine told her daughter but it sounded more like a warning "You have to outshine everyone... even the Queen, especially the Queen"

"She's beautiful and intelligent, she'll do great" Diana smiled at her sister in law as Will helped her walk, she was almost due to give birth to their first Artois heir

"I doubt it" Grace teased with a smirk making her sister roll her eyes in annoyance

"Leave your brain at home, Mary, God forbid you scare off your suitors" Catherine added sternly making Mary glance at her brother who gave her a playful wink

"Perhaps, I should leave my body at home too" the younger Artois retorted with a smirk "Which one is my room?"

"Just pick whichever you like" her mother dismissed her with a heavy sigh

After the maids helped Mary settle into her room, Diana knocked on the door before getting inside. She smiled at Mary who was lying down on her new bed trying to catch her breath. She couldn't believe that she had been on the road for days, yet her mother was still forcing her to attend the ball

"Your Mama is just anxious about this new season and you're her eldest daughter" Diana sat down next to her with a small smile "You'll be fine, I trust you"

"What if they don't like me? I mean, I know I'm only nineteen and I have many more seasons to come but-" she trailed off with a sigh "Silly me, it is not like I get to choose who I'll marry, Mama or William will be doing it for me"

"Will is on your side, you do not have to worry about that" Diana placed her hand on Mary to comfort her "However, he is worried about you choosing wrong"

"Me either, trust me" Mary scoffed bitterly, she was terrified of ending up with someone like her father "But do not worry, I am not Mama"

"I know" Diana nodded hesitantly because somehow that worried her even more

"Go rest, I'll be fine"

"Alright, I'll be in my chamber in case you need me" Diana kissed her sister in law's forehead before standing up to leave as she closed the door behind her

This was only the beginning.


Arriving to the ball, Mary was escorted by her brother and her mother as the musical instruments could be heard from the entranceway. She glanced at her brother who gave her an assuring nod and somehow that didn't give her courage nor confidence

The Danbury ball was truly mesmerising, she looked up at the crystal chandelier dangling from the ceiling. The ballroom was filled with men and women dancing making Mary take a deep breath before forcing a smile

Show time

Elegant women were dressed in the most exquisite ball gowns showing off their expensive jewels. The second they started noticing the Artois family, everyone fell into an uncomfortable silence before the murmurs echoed through the crowd

"You look like you've seen a ghost, smile" Catherine told her daughter with a smile making Mary do as she was told "Head up, act like you own this ballroom"

"You look rather stunning tonight, Mary" an unfamiliar voice spoke catching their attention making the Artois family turn around. It was a woman Mary didn't recognise

"Lady Danbury" Will greeted leaning down kissing the back of her hand politely. Mary smiled with a mannerly nod

"Agatha, it's lovely to see you" Catherine's eyes shone with true joy making the siblings share a look. It was very rate when their mother showed genuine affection

"Why don't you leave the children wander around, while you accompany me" Lady Danbury suggested with a pointed smile offering her arm causing Catherine to sigh before taking it

"We'll see you later, Mama... Lady Danbury" Mary quickly pushed her brother away before their mother change her mind

"Thank the Lord almighty" Mary sighed in relief making her brother chuckle " Mama would've made the matter worse"

"What matter? Fetching yourself a husband?" He questioned sarcastically and she gave him a look "I believe it wouldn't be an issue, you are an Artois. You don't find them, they find you"

"I hope you're right" she said with a shaky tone and her brother wasn't worried about that. He noticed the way she caught every man's attention. The way every envious wandering eye of every woman followed her.

Meanwhile from across the room, a certain blue eyed man was staring at her clearly astonished by her presence. He was sure he had never seen her in London before and he had seen a lot of women, he knew some but most of them were just familiar

"Who is that lady?" Alexander Bridgerton asked his older brother Benedict but never tore his eyes from the brunette beauty "The one with William Artois?"

"His sister, I believe. Lady Mary Artois" he replied shifting his eyes back to his brother "I'm familiar with that look, she is off limits"

"She's here to find herself a suitable suitor, she's not off limits" Alec retorted drinking his glass of champagne in one gulp

"William is over protective of his sisters, the emphasis is on protective" Benedict warned him grabbing his arm moving him away "Do not think about it, he is never going to give her hand to you, ever"

"Why?" Alec scoffed offensively as he faced his brother and Benedict gave him a pointed look

"Your reputation precedes you, Alec so do not get your hopes high. Also, she's an ice princess... She won't fall for your meaningless sweet nothings"

"Mark my words, I am going to marry that woman" Alec told his brother firmly and somehow Benedict doubted that because for one, his brother was not the commitment type and second, he doubted William would allow Alexander near her

Men had been eyeing Mary but they didn't dare approach her merely because her brother who intimidated most of them. She smiled at the man who gave her the lemonade as a shorter young woman stood next to her

"Hello" Mary greeted politely with a nod as she was about to leave

"I'm Penelope Featherington" the redhead introduced herself nervously catching Mary's attention, no even one lady tried to approach her except for this one

"I'm Mary Artois" she smiled back offering her a glass of lemonade "I don't know a single person in this ballroom except my family, of course"

"Have you ever been here? In London, I mean?" Penelope asked curiously as Mary grabbed another glass of Lemonade

"Yeah, but I was five if I recall correctly" she took a sip from her glass before wincing at the taste "Too sugary... Have you been outside London?"

"No, never I would love to travel somewhere someday" Penelope said as her pained eyes traveled to a certain Bridgerton "Have you?"

"Outside Kent? No, I've only been to London once or twice when I was a child. I forgot how beautiful it is here" she replied looking around at some unfamiliar faces "Is it always like this?"

"Most of the times, yes"

"Well, I do not know how my family is expecting me to find a match when my brother's presence is threatening almost every man in this room" she joked playfully just when a man approached them

"Miss Artois, aren't you a true beauty?" he greeted with a bright smile but didn't acknowledge Penelope, Mary looked at her new found friend who mouthed 'Lord Abbott'

"Lord Abbott" she faked a smile with a polite nod

"May I have this dance, Lady Artois" he asked her and she looked around for her brother who was nowhere to be seen, the man before her was surely in his forties and that was unsettling to say the least

"I'm afraid my card is full" she lied with a fake frown and Penelope cleared her throat

"Your mother is looking for-"

"This is not your concern, Miss Featherington" he spit out sharply with a glare as Mary stood in front of Penelope

"Do no speak to my friend that way" she warned him as her tone matched his making him scoff with a disgusted expression

"Not so beautiful after all"

"You would have to be at least half as smart as I am for me to get offended" she bit back with a mischievous smirk and he took a step closer threateningly

"You are too close, aren't you?" An unfamiliar threatening deep voice spoke and Mary didn't look around, she beheld that sad excuse of a man's gaze

A tall figure moved in front of Mary protectively blocking her from the man's view "Where are your manners, Abbott? That is not a way to speak to a lady" Alec's words were like a venom to Abbott's ear

"You did not see the way-"

"I haven't finished talking yet, Abbott, also you are banned from our clubs from now on" Alec added calmly as fear washed over Abbott's face, it could mean he wouldn't be able to gamble anymore, it also meant he would no longer be able to retrieve the tons of money he lost

Mary looked around instantly trying to hide her smile as Penelope refused to meet her eyes knowing she'd burst out laughing. When Abbott walked away horrified, the Bridgerton young man finally turned around to see that Mary's back was the one facing him

"Pen" Alec greeted with a smile before shifting his gaze back to Mary "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?"

"I'm quite capable of speaking for myself" she turned around meeting his ocean blue eyes, for a moment it made her heart skip a beat "I'm Mary Artois"

"Alexander Bridgerton" he inclined his head and she gave him her hand, it felt so delicate and soft even though she was wearing gloves as he pressed his lips against the back of it

"I was handling the situation quite well, my Lord" she stated taking back her hand clearing her throat, she felt the heat rise to her face making him smirk amusingly

"I am sure you were, my Lady" he agreed with no doubt lacing his tone, her lips parted in surprise, but she said nothing, the man was handsome, she could not deny it. She wasn't sure if she got Alexander Bridgerton figured out yet and somehow that scared her

He was looking at her as if she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen and maybe she was just imagining things, she thought but it didn't matter, her heart was beating so fast that it almost made her dizzy and then when she realized that she had to say something, she cleared her throat awkwardly

"Penelope, shall we?"

"May I have this dance, Miss Artois?" He questioned holding out his hand for her to take, she stared at him quite unsure of his request. She looked at Penelope who gave her a small nod and it was enough encouragement for her to take his hand

"It would be my pleasure" she smiled at him politely taking his hand as he led her to the dance floor. He twirled her playfully first causing her to giggle before they lined up taking the first steps slowly before setting the pace

"I never thanked you for what you did earlier" she said with a sincere tone "So thank you"

"You're not promised, I hope" he said curiously and somehow dread settled in the pit of his stomach

"I wouldn't be dancing with you if I was" she retorted as they continued to dance and for a moment they both fell into silence. She noticed how most ladies were more shocked than envious which confused her

"Why is everyone looking at us?" She inquired feeling more anxious knowing all eyes turned on her "Are you married?"

"God no, I wouldn't be dancing with you if I was" he said her exact same words easing the tension in her body "Dancing is not really what I do most of the times when I'm here or at any... ball but I could not resist dancing with such beauty as yourself"

She chuckled unimpressed by his flirtatious attitude "Are you trying to flirt with me, Alexander Bridgerton?" She asked a fake surprised tone

"Am I really flirting if I am stating facts?"

"Consider me impressed now" she laughed shaking her head in disbelief, she looked into his eyes, they held that so much confidence and dominance but truth was he was masking his vulnerabilities and weaknesses

"Has that line ever worked for you?" she sucked in a breath trying to conceal her amusement

"I usually don't have to say anything" he spoke confidently with a proud smile

"Well, I'm clever than you think" she told him as their dance came to its end "I'm not charmed easily"

"So I've heard"

"You've been asking about me" she teased with a chuckle and he averted her gaze almost as embarrassed that he asked after her

"I've never seen you in London, I'm merely curious" an almost unnoticeable blush rushed into his cheeks as she rolled her eyes playfully "An ice princess?"

"Oh, you definitely asked around about me" she couldn't help but laugh heartily and a warm smile spread across his face. Her laugh felt a bit too comforting to his liking

"Is that a bad thing?" He looked down briefly at her lips before maintaining a sharp eye contact with her. He knocked her out of breath as he kept his eyes on her, only her as if she was the only one in the ballroom

"I believe we're done here?" She cleared her throat looking away trying to hide her blush

"Bridgerton" William greeted grudgingly making Mary look up quickly meeting his gaze "Mary, go back to our mother"


"Now" he said sternly but still kept his tone even, she nodded looking back at Alexander who was glaring at her brother

"Lord Bridgerton... brother" she gave Alec a polite nod before walking away angrily with a huff. "Must you always spoil my fun"

"You do not want a list of reasons why you shall stay away from my sister?" Will questioned sarcasm lacing his tone "One, she is my sister. Two, your reputation precedes you. Three, she will not become one of your toy plays and four, she is an Artois, she is my sister"

"I'm wounded, you really think I am going to corrupt your sister? What if I truly fancy her?" Alec placed a hand against his chest as if he was offended. He didn't truly blame Will for being over protective because he himself wouldn't want someone like him courting one of his sister

"Stay away from Mary" Will deadpanned blankly making Alec scoff

"Stop acting all high and mighty when you and me both know you're far from that, you were just as bad as I was" he retorted with an annoyed look

"Was?" Will frowned uncertainly, he doubted Alexander turned into a saint over night

"Since I met your sister" he smirked devilishly catching a glimpse of her with Daphne but before Will had the chance to react, Benedict wrapped his arm around him pulling him back from throwing a fist at his brother

"What he meant is that he will stay away from her" he amended with a bright smile "I will make sure of that, you do not have to worry about that"

"For the sake of our long friendship, I do hope so" Will told Benedict before sending a glare to the younger Bridgerton "It had been an awfully long night, I bid you goodnight for now"

When William stalked away, Alexander looked at his brother clearly betrayed. He wasn't going to keep his distance from Mary and even Benedict was aware of that but he at least prevented a scandal, one that could cost them all

"Stay away from William's sister, Alec. You will surely find someone else in matter of minutes that will make you forget about her. This is nothing but a fun chase for you to entertain yourself with but she is a honourable lady" Benedict stated clearly exasperated "Do go off somewhere else"

In the meantime Mary had just made a new acquaintance, it was the Diamond of the season herself- Daphne Bridgerton. The second they started talking, they found themselves relating to one another a bit too much in the matter of the pressure they both felt from their families

"My brother hadn't allowed me to dance with anyone" Daphne complained with a sigh "How does he expect me to marry?"

"My brother is scaring away every suitor who dares walks my way" Mary scoffed as her eyes found some familiar blue eyes "Well, minus your brother"

"My brother?" Daphne frowned deeply in confusion, she knew it wasn't Colin since she caught him dancing with Marina Thompson


"Alexander" she repeated in pure astonishment and Mary nodded "Alexander? Are you sure it's not Benedict?"

"He said his name is Alexander... He has blue eyes" Mary described hesitantly, she was slowly starting to be wary of their reaction "He's quite tall, very tall and I am saying that as someone who is quite tall herself"

"Did he ask you to dance with him?"

"Yes... is that a bad thing?" Mary questioned looking at Daphne narrowly "To dance with your brother? Is he a bad- I apologise, sometimes I speak before I think"

"Every mother here had been trying to trap my brother, Alexander into marrying their daughters for couple of years now. He was never interested... you see most of the ladies in this ballroom wants him"

"I cannot imagine why" Mary lied knowing damn well how charming Alexander could be and how easily he could get what he wanted "He is just a man"

"You must be Miss Artois" Violet Bridgerton greeted joining the two young women and Mary gave her a polite nod

"Mama, Alec asked Mary to dance with him" Daphne blurted out still in disbelief making her mother choke on her own drink "He must be fancying her"

"I doubt it" Mary said quickly shaking her head in denial "It was merely to be polite, trust me. Your son does not fancy me"

"Mary!" William called approaching his sister as he bent down grabbing Violet's hand kissing the back of it "Lady Bridgerton, Miss Bridgerton"

"I shall see you soon, Daphne" Mary smiled at her before doing the same to Violet who nodded with an excited beam

As Mary wrapped her arm around her brother's, they both walked towards the doorway with every eye on them as they exited the ballroom "I want you to keep your distance from Alexander Bridgerton and I mean it. Do not go near him at all cost, he has a reputation with women and you will not end up like one of them, understood?"


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