My reputation's never been worse

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You should take it as a compliment
That I'm talking to everyone here but you
And you should think about the consequence
Of you touching my hand in the darkened room
If you've got a girlfriend, I'm jealous of her
But if you're single that's honestly worse
'Cause you're so gorgeous it actually hurts
Honey, it hurts
Ocean blue eyes looking in mine
I feel like I might sink and drown and die


Catherine Artois was awake since dawn making sure the house cooks did everything perfectly right for the busy day ahead of them. She had no doubts that the calls her daughter would be receiving were going to be numerous.

Mary ascended the stairs with a frown when she noticed the antique vases and the expensive flowers that filled the place with beauty and light. The round wooden tables were filled with different kind of pastries

"What on earth is going on here?" William questioned when he entered the room before kissing his sister's cheek

"I was wondering the same thing" Mary said with a deep breath, she knew what was happening and so did her brother but this was a bit too much even for the Artois family

"You are both here my dears" Catherine greeted with a massive grin

"I mean it's our home, is it not?" Mary quipped taking a plate of biscuits and put it on her lap

"Don't get smart with me, Mary Artois!" Her mother snapped with a glare making William snort taking a seat beside his sister "Your callers should be here at any moment"

"What if they aren't good enough for her?" William asked rhetorically and Mary broke out into a smile

"I told you Mama, Will should not have come to London with us, he will ruin my chances to get myself a husband" she said, her voice tainted with playfulness "God, who made these biscuits? They are delicious"

"Do leave some for Diana and your sister" William warned her before taking one from her plate and a clear of throat caught their attention

"Callers for Miss Artois, Lord Harris and Lord Phillips" the doorman announced and Catherine instantly grabbed the plate from her daughter's lap

Mary wasn't sure if she was excited or dreadful, she sat up straight and her features turned as cold as ice. After all, she had been called an ice princess by many and that what she had been taught to be since she could speak

Lord Harris was at least in his mid fifties making William snort in amusement, of course he wouldn't let him near her nor would he accept his proposal but this was something he would like to tease his sister about later

They both put down their gifts on the table before curtsying, she gave them a tight lipped smile but thankfully William didn't leave her side as they started talking about her beautiful she was and that was it

She asked each of them some questions merely to be polite but if she had to hear Lord Philips recite one more poem, she would jump out of the window. He was quite good looking but only if he kept his mouth shut

More callers joined them as the afternoon golden sun rose, her cheeks crimsoned and not because of the men surrounding her but due to the heat that was growing inside the room. Some of them she dismissed kindly, most of them it was her brother whom he rejected

"Thank you gentleman for joining us today" Catherine politely said dismissing them and they all nodded walking away. It was an exhausted day to say the least

"Are you two out of your bloody minds?" She scolded the siblings who shared a troubled look "William, what on earth you think you were doing dismissing every gentleman that came up her way?"

"I was doing my duty as her brother, some of them have debts, some of them cannot afford her" William explained with a cold tone standing up "Why are you willing to throw your daughter at any man that knocks on the door?"

"I know how this works, William. You do not, I am a woman, I know what is like to be a damaged good who cannot find herself a husband. I want her to have choices, I do not want her to end up like me!"

"Mama-" Mary began softly, she never truly understood why her mother was insisting that she get married as soon as she possibly could

"Stay out of this, Mary" Catherine cut her off with a glare before turning her focus back on her son "You think she's still young and have so many seasons ahead of her but what I see is a young woman who is scared to end up in an abusive marriage. As a man of this house, you keep failing to see what truly matters here... Your sister will marry this season"

"And I will" Mary assured her mother with a small smile. After all it was her duty.

"Go take a bath and change, we are to attend the opera this afternoon. Make haste" Catherine ordered walking out of the room leaving the siblings alone

"Are you going to be alright?" William asked her with a frown and she forced a smile. She had to be or else she wouldn't survive this society anymore.


When the afternoon came, Grace had begged her mother to join them to the Opera but Catherine was in a sour mood so she just refused her. When she and Mary made it to their destination, the older Artois greeted many Mamas while her daughter simply nodded and smiled at them

"Catherine!" Lady Danbury called catching their attention only to see her standing with the Queen

"Oh my God, I am going to faint" Mary whispered nervously, dread filled the pit of her stomach as they approached them

Mary curtsied with her mother in front of the Queen
"So radiant, my dear" the Queen complimented Mary with a small smile which made her almost lose her consciousness. She and Catherine stepped back raising their heads to face them

"Thank you, your Majesty" Mary knew her protocol, no matter how easy it was for her to forget it at that moment

"Miss Artois is quite the beauty, I believe" Lady Danbury added with a wink making the youngest woman bite back a grin "But also just as brilliant"

"You flatter me, Lady Danbury" Mary smiled politely making Catherine smirk pridefully

"She made quite an impression... however fleeting it may have been." The Queen commented resentfully before walking away and Mary rubbed her friend's arm

"I would like to welcome you all to my box this evening." Lady Danbury told Catherine and Violet who were both ready to protest but she gave them a pointed look "I insist."

Mary looked around discreetly to see Alexander was staring at her, he smirked devilishly when she met his eyes again. He knew she felt the same attraction just as he did but somehow he knew he was a bit in too deep

She remembered her brother's and Lady Whistledown's words about how much of a notorious flirt and ladies man he was and she was smarter than to fall for his false proclamations. She was sure the words he said to her the previous night, he probably had spoken similar words to many

The opera was beautiful, the walls were painted with the most exquisite. They gave the vibrations that left everyone in awe each time they visited as Daphne and Mary were focused on the opera singer who delivered brilliantly

"They are saying her husband will not live
till the end of the month." Lady Danbury told the two women as Mary and Daphne were sitting a little in the front rather focusing on the opera

"Surely another rumor provided by that vicious, scandal-mongering writer." Violet replied grudgingly "Should her degradation know no bounds?"

"Lady Whistledown writes about my family too." Lady Danbury agreed before glancing at Catherine "Yet I suppose the duke can withstand such scrutiny, since he is, after all, a man."

"His Grace was fortunate to have you there with him as a child after what happened to his mother. Awful!" Catherine said sympathetically

"He is not what Whistledown writes."

"Nor is Daphne." Violet added making Catherine nod as well

"And Mary, yet I am quite surprised by her indifference" she said with a frown looking at her daughter

"So is Alec... he does not seem to care about the scandal sheet and what its written about him" Violet stated making Lady Danbury smirk "He is not what she writes about"

"It would seem the four of them have that much in common, then. Matches have certainly been made with far less."

"What are you suggesting?" Violet asked her quietly afraid that the girls would hear them

"Lady Whistledown merely writes what she sees. Perhaps we need to help her to see things a bit more clearly." Lady Danbury pointed out "The duke is quite fond of gooseberry pie."

"The very dish my cook is renowned for." Violet almost gasped at the coincidence as all three of them giggled

"I heard about Alexander's dance with Mary" Lady Danbury gave Catherine a look "I'm telling you I've known him since he was a boy... he never danced with anyone aside from his sisters"

"He does seem to fancy her" Violet agreed with a nod, her son had never openly fancied someone, yet Mary changed that overnight

"Mary should be invited to the Bridgerton's dinner"


The next evening Catherine had insisted that Mary would go to the Bridgertons mansion as Violet had invited them both but the former was ill so her daughter had to be there alone instead which Mary found a bit suspicious but didn't question it

Mary was sitting between Eloise and Alexander as she ate her food, Benedict tried to take his brother's spot but Violet denied it and that exactly what Mary needed to hear to understand that her mother and Violet were plotting something

"Haven't you heard what we're talking about?" Anthony asked from the head of the table "For all we know, Whistledown may be some interloper living in Bloomsbury, of all places."

"What should be so terrible about Bloomsbury?" Benedict asked sarcastically as he was sitting opposite Mary "That people there actually work for a living?"

"She does seem to be someone with access." Daphne added making Mary nod in agreement

"Who knows if Whistledown is even a she?" Colin countered and he sort of had a point, it could be anyone

"Fair point." Benedict agreed with a nod

"A man would not be able to come up with those kind of words, no offence" Mary smiled sweetly making Benedict chuckle

"None taken" Alexander said with a smirk and it bothered him that she hadn't looked at him since she came

"Because she is simply too good to be anyone but a man?" Eloise backed her up as Benedict mocked her by repeating her words

"Well, I think it rather obvious that the writer is Lady Danbury." Francesca suggested making almost everyone laugh except Mary, she did not know the woman too well yet

"Lady Danbury enjoys sharing her insults with society directly." Daphne defended her as she didn't seem to be enjoying her dinner at all "She would never bother herself writing them all down."

"It is a hard job" Alexander added with an amused look

"Could it be Lady Featherington?" Hyacinth asked curiously making everyone laugh except for Mary again who wasn't familiar with the woman

"No!" They all replied at the same time

"You have yet to read what Whistledown writes of the Featheringtons, little sister." Eloise said to her youngest sister

"We meet again" Alexander lowered his tone as he leaned closer to Mary who tried her very best to appear unfazed "It's like fate is trying to tell us something"

"I should believe so" Mary cut the meat with her fork not sparing him a single glance "It's telling me to not interact with you at all cost"

"Now that was not very nice of you" he placed his hand against his chest pretending to be hurt "Have I offended you, Miss Artois?"

"Unless you want my brother to kill you, I suggest you stop whatever that you're doing" she warned wiping her mouth with her napkin as he frowned deeply, he should've guessed her brother had bad-mouthed him to her

"I see" he nodded in understanding before letting out a scoff, he lost her before he even got the chance to have her. He found her to be quite beautiful in a unique way

He'd been staring at her for long than he'd liked to admit which Anthony began to notice as he gave Benedict a questionable look. Alec averted his eyes in fear that his siblings would notice but it was already too late

"Thank you, Miss Artois for joining us" Anthony pulled her out of her thoughts making her look up with a polite smile

"Thank you for inviting me"

"Gregory! Would you stop tossing peas at me?" Hyacinth snapped at her brother

"Those peas were already there. You cannot tell me what to do. I am older!"

"And I'm taller."

"Children!" Violet scolded stopping their banter as Eloise turned to Mary and began to converse mostly about books

Alexander had never thought of marriage, not really and he was happy with his uncommitted life. He never met a woman whom he'd thought he'd like to settle down with until of course two nights ago when he looked at Mary Alexandra Artois

It wasn't an instant thought to marry her of course but he was somewhat more interested to get closer to her but taking her as his betrothed surely wouldn't be that terrible. Mary was not only beautiful but she was smart enough to be immune to his charm

"He does have a presence about him." Francesca whispered from the other side of the table looking at the Duke

"If rakish dukes were one's thing." Eloise replied glancing at him making Mary nod in agreement before leaning forward

"From what my brother said, the Duke does not wish to marry... and I mean ever. Mama was hoping for some kind of a match the previous year when he visited William" Mary whispered to the girls as Francesca pouted "He said to not even think about it"

"Such a shame" she replied with a shrug making Mary chuckle

"Your brother does have a way with words" Alexander commented making Mary turn to look at him for the first time that evening

"I believe his words, my Lord" she replied blankly. His mouth tugged up into a smile when Mary side eyed him "Yours however, not much"

"What have I done to deserve such cruel words?" He asked softly and this time he was being curious to why she changed her behaviour overnight

"Your reputation precedes you" Mary stated putting down her fork and he looked taken back "It's not just my brother who speaks of it, everyone does. Even that little scandal sheet, am I wrong? Are they wrong?"

Alexander wished he could tell her that everything she heard was wrong but he couldn't, it'd be a lie. Mary gave him an unimpressed look when he remained silent unable to protest nor argue in his favor, he was afraid that her thoughts wouldn't subside

"Whatever Mama and yours are planning, it is not going to change anything" she added with an icy smile. Now he understood why people call her 'an ice princess'

"Putting us in the vicinity of one another, you mean?" He asked with a slight smile, he was impressed that she noticed as well "My mother wasn't subtle about it."

"Hastings, I'm so glad you decided to join us this evening." Anthony cut into the conversation when he noticed the interaction between his sister and the Duke "It was most spontaneous of you."

"Not at all. With Lady Danbury accepting your dear mother's gracious invitation on my behalf. Well, however could I have declined?" The Duke questioned rhetorically

"You and Mary must stay for dessert. It's gooseberry pie, Your Grace."

"Ah! Lovely!"


That night after Mary had returned to the Artois mansion, she went straight to her mother's chamber. She was angry that she had been scheming behind her back and try to force her down Alexander's throat

"Does Will know what you're doing?" Mary questioned closing the door behind her "Does he know you little scheme to get Alexander Bridgerton to court me?"

"I do not know what you're talking about" Catherine dismissed her making Mary chuckle dryly

"Alexander Bridgerton is a ladies man, he's a notorious flirt who cannot stay with one woman more than three days" Mary snapped slamming the Lady Whistledown paper on the table "William warned me to keep my distance"

"Keep your voice down" Catherine grabbed her daughter's arm pulling her towards the bed "Violet said that he fancies you, he wants to court you"

"Court me for three days?" Mary asked incredulously "You cannot seriously believe that Alexander Bridgerton will simply change his mind about marriage overnight. I am an Artois, Mama, I will not be made a fool out of and just because he danced with me, does not mean he wants to court me"

"What if he does want to marry?" Catherine asked softly tugging her daughter's hair from her face "What if his intentions are true? Perhaps if you give him a chance, you will know"

"Even if I want to give him a chance, my brother will not hear of it" Mary sighed in defeat knowing her mother meant well "Apparently, they went to university together and Will knows him better than the both of us"

"As you wish... but a chance may not harm you both"

Mary was preparing herself to bed when a knock was heard on her door but before she could even ask, it opened revealing Grace who motioned for her sister to keep quiet "Mama thinks I'm asleep" she whispered closing the door quietly

"What are you doing here?"

"You must tell me everything! Mama said the Duke of Hastings was there and all of the Bridgerton brothers" Grace excitedly sat down on the edge of the bed making Mary sigh

"Mama thinks she's doing me a favor when in fact she's doing the very opposite. If our brother knows I went to the Bridgerton dinner because she is trying to match me with Alexander Bridgerton, he'd kill him" Mary explained clearly frustrated "And we will go back to Kent immediately"

"He is rather known to be a flirt" Grace nodded in agreement "Lady Whistledown had written about you two at Lady Danbury's ball"

"Should you think... that maybe I shall give him a chance?" Mary asked her lying on her bed staring at the ceiling "Mama think so"

"Well, Mama thinks you should marry the first gentleman who proposes so... Do you think you should?" Grace asked with a pointed look

"How old are you again?" Mary asked with a frown, she sometimes keep forgetting how wise her younger sister could be

"I'm only two years younger"

"By giving Alexander a chance, I might be facing my brother's wrath and I could ruin your chances of becoming a debutante next season" Mary reminded her with a heavy sigh

"Be discreet then"


Mary, Catherine, William and Grace were on a boat to cross the river to the Vauxhall, the outdoor celebration was truly spectacular making the Artois sisters watch with their mouths open. When they arrived everything was captivating and mesmerising to say the least

Every woman was dressed in their best gowns and jewels and the men were absolutely obsessed. Mary was the first one to step out of the boat with the help of her brother as Grace and Catherine soon followed

Mary's green eyes shone bright against the fire illuminating before them as she kept staring at everything in awe, she was lost in a world of harmony but almost immediately remembered that she and her family were there in purpose. Lady Whistledown had written about her incapability to find herself a husband

"Remember why we are here" Catherine reminded them, especially her eldest daughter who nodded

"To find Mary's husband who is for some reasons still hiding" Grace joked with a grin making Mary chuckle as their mother glared at them

"Playing hard to get is his forte, I guess" Mary added sarcastically looping her arm around her brother's "Not mine, I'm just saying"

"You rejected half of London's population, Mary" Catherine stated as they walked in "And your brother rejected the other half"

"To be fair, none of them can afford her, I can barely afford her" William defended himself with a teasing smirk

"Perhaps, I should marry a prince" Mary shrugged just when her eyes caught some familiar ocean blue ones. She would recognise them even in a room full of men

"Mary, come with me" Catherine grabbed her daughter's arm pulling her away from her brother "William stay with your sister"

"Where are you-" William was trailed off when Catherine and Mary walked away, his mother had asked Grace to distract him while her sister dance with the eligible bachelors who asked her too

"Dowager Duchess, Miss Artois" an unfamiliar voice greeted catching their attention, it was a young man, probably around William's age

"Lord Montgomery" Catherine grinned joyfully, she was surprised to see the son of one of the richest families in Britain "It's a pleasure to see you again, I remember when you were just a boy"

"The pleasure is all mine" he smiled back shyly before moving his gaze back to Mary "May I have this dance, Miss?"

She swallowed, nodding in reply and he held out his hand for her when he noticed her hesitation. He intertwined their fingers gently walking them to the dance floor. She smiled at him as they began to dance, every movement was slow and steady

"Be honest, did you actually want to dance with me?" He asked with a playful glint in his eyes causing her to chuckle "Because mere seconds ago, you seemed terrified of the idea"

"Well, you misjudged my feelings" she told him with a raised eyebrow "I was not terrified, I was... hesitant"

"May I ask why?" He twirled her before placing his hand on her back as part of the dance

"I am not sure but... I'm not familiar with this. It's my first season and my first time in London... well as a debutante" she replied honestly, something about made her want to be honest. He was easy to talk to

"If it makes you feel any better, it's my first time in London too. I know some because I've met them in Oxford" he told her before the dance stopped "Can I offer you a drink?"

"Yes, please" she said politely as he motioned for her to walk first "Ladies first" 

"And a gentleman, who would've thought" she snarked with a teasing look

Meanwhile from a far Benedict was holding back a very jealous and angry Alexander, though he knew he had no right to feel that way but Mary was his as much as he was hers, she just didn't know it yet.

"What is wrong with you?" Benedict pulled him back from causing a scene "Get her out of your head, the sooner, the better... I don't want to have to kill my friend because he killed my brother first"

"What if I can't?" Alexander questioned as he kept looking at Mary who was laughing at something Lord Montgomery said "What if she's the one for me?"

"The one that would be the cause of a bullet into your skull" Benedict reminded him making Alexander wince at the thought

"That was morbid"

"Miss Artois is not the one for you unless you find a way to be in her brother's good grace" Benedict gave him a pointed smirk "I can help with that"

"So, what do you like to do in your spare time?" Mary asked the man she had been dancing with curiously

"Fencing, horse riding" he said handing her a glass of champagne "Sometimes travelling, have you been?"

"Minus London and Kent, nowhere" she admitted taking a sip from her drink. She was quite enchanted by Lord Montgomery, despite his unruly blonde hair, he was thoroughly interesting

"What do you like to do in your spare time?"

"Mostly reading but don't tell Mama, I said that" she warned him firmly and he chuckled nodding his head lightly 

"Your secret is safe with me" he placed his hand against his chest dramatically "Thank you for granting me the honour of dancing with me... I can almost dance with you for the rest of the night"

"Almost?" She knitted her eyebrows in confusion as he glanced at her brother who was glaring at him

"I'd like to speak with your brother properly, to assure him that my intentions are true. That if you allow me to, of course" he said with a small smile, it was barely noticeable and his words almost made her swoon

"You may, my Lord" she said softly, her heart was racing with excitement. He walked over to William while she remained in her place

Lady Whistledown could suck it, Mary had found herself a gentleman and her reputation had never been better. No matter how much the written words tried to stain her, she still managed hold her head up with pride

"Lord Montgomery, I see" a familiar voice spoke behind her, it was too close that made her flinch "I didn't mean to startle you"

"What are you doing here?" She questioned coldly without turning to face him

"Would you give me the honour of a dance, my Lady?" He asked as politely as he possibly can and she remained silent as he leaned closer whispering in her ear "Just one... please"

Mary turned around meeting those mesmerising blue eyes that made her heart skip a beat, she knew she ought to refuse. It was for the best, her best but she didn't find it within herself to say 'no' to him. He offered his hand as she stared at it before letting out a sigh of defeat

He took her gloved hand and spun her closer, their chests almost touching which left her breathless. He literally knocked her out of breath just by one touch, he placed his hand on her waist and she wanted to move, to push him away but she couldn't, her body craved his familiar and warm touch

When she saw him tonight, it seemed like she was just lying to herself. She did not dislike him but she never was infatuated with him as well, it was a mixed of emotions that she hated because it made her torn and not only that- helpless

"What do you want?" She asked him tiredly, she was exhausted from trying to study his every move

"You" he replied honestly making her laugh, she didn't believe him and he knew that but she looked so genuine for a moment made him forget about his jealousy earlier when he saw her smiling and dancing with another man

Mary was intoxicating and he was a victim of her alluring charm and grace

"God, you are so beautiful" he hadn't realised that he uttered those words until Mary looked up in surprise

"How many women have heard those words?" She questioned tauntingly and he groaned in frustration, if he had known his reputation would have come to bite him in the ass and make his future wife resent him, he would've probably joined the choir at the church from a very young age

"If you allow me, I'd like to show you how much I mean every word I say. I want you, Miss Mary Artois, I want to court you, I want to propose to you and I know your brother will not approve of me but I will try my very best to make you both believe me" he told her sincerely making her cheeks crimson, she wouldn't lie that he was very captivating but she was also prudent

She was speechless, and no matter how much she tried to come up with words, her mouth failed her. She felt like she was about to fall ill due to her heart pounding so fast and loud that she could it hear it

"If this is one of your games-"

"I meant every word, you can ask my brothers, my mother... I've told them" he admitted a small blush tainted his cheeks from embarrassment "If you give me a chance, you will not regret it... you have my word"

But before Mary could respond, Daphne and the Duke of Hastings making their way to the dance floor catching everyone's attention. A smile formed in Mary's lips as she watched the scene unfolding before her. They seemed to be too charmed by one another

"I want to get to know you, Miss Artois" Alexander pulled Mary out of her thoughts as she met his gaze "Will you allow me to do so?"

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