Chapter 24: Murder Mystery

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We were all in the crafts services tent eating breakfast.

"Breakfast taco? Is that all Chef knows how to make now? Mexican themed breakfast foods?" Harold asked, biting into his breakfast taco.

"Ew. Was that an egg shell?" Lindsay asked.

"Chef is the only cook who makes eggs like peanut butter. Smooth or crunchy style." Harold bit into the taco. Then he took out what he just ate. It was a piece of computer hardware.

"Maybe Chef finally ran out of stuff to put in the eggs. All he's got left is computer hardware." Duncan commented.

"What If there's something on it? Something all, challengy." Lindsay asked.

"Only one way to find out. Stick it in Courtney's PDA." Beth smiled.

"My PDA isn't going anywhere near that Hoover coated thing." Right as Courtney said that, Duncan snatched it from her." Hey!"

"I thought you wanted to win this." Duncan said.

Courtney sighed.

"Do what you have to do." Courtney told them.

Duncan took the hardware from Harold and plugged it into Courtney's PDA. Duncan started playing an audio of Chris.

"I hope you all had a filling breakfast. It was so delish. I was practically on cloud nine. I could've had a dozen of them." Chris laughed." But enough about breakfast. It's time to 86 this combination. I mean, conversation."

"So werid." Beth commented. "I think maybe Chris needs a vacation."

We contiued listening to the audio.

"Right now I'm going to relax in a nice safe and secure place and get ready for todays challenge. You're probably wondering what the challenge is. It will remain a mystery until you find me. Hopefully you'll clue in and track me down. But in the mean time I'm gonna crack open a soda and relax. See ya." Chris said.

"Unless there's a killer reward I'm not gonna bother finding Chris. I could use a day off from that weiner." Duncan said.

"I'm with Duncan. Let Chris come for us." Harold said.

"Yeah but maybe if we find Chris we'll have some kind of surprise. Who doesn't love surprises?" Lindsay said as Courtney rolled her eyes." I think he was giving us hints. He said he was on cloud nine. That's like heaven. Which means he's not alive anymore. What do you do with dead people? You bury them. So maybe he's buried underground. Maybe we should dig and see if we find him."

"Uh. We could. The only problem is that makes zero sense." Duncan told Lindsay.

"Oh It's so obvious." Courtney said.

"Really. It is." I added." Chris said he was feeling 'safe and secure' get it? Safe?" I hinted as the rest aside from Courtney were confuse.

"Chris said 'he was going to crack open a soda'. You crack a safe. Now you get it?" Courtney added.

"No, still nothing." Lindsay said.

"He's clearly in the bank vault set from the bank heist challenge. Duh!" Me and Courtney both explained.

"Nice." Duncan pointed at Courtney.

"Go figure. Aaron and I have brains. Let's go  Aaron." Courtney said arrogantly as we both walked out the craft services tent.


We got to the safe that Chris was locked in

"So, what's the plan heist meisters?" Duncan scoffed at us.

"Try cleaning out your ears and listening for a change." Courtney told Duncan." Chris talked about combination right after mentioning cloud 9. And he could've had a dozen for breakfast burritos."

"And he also said 86." I added.

"See Duncan. Aaron was listening. You could learn something from him." Courtney said, finishing unlocking the safe.

Chris was in there with a hat and a bag.

Me and Courtney both ran up to Chris.

"Where's our prize?" Courtney snapped.

"Yeah. Because we could've just left you in the vault. Everyone else was going to. I think a reward is fair." I added.

"Hmm. I hardly recall having mentioned any sort of prize." Chris said, coughing." But thanks for releasing me. It was getting stuffy in there."

"You're not smoking!" Courtney exclaimed.

"What, oh no. Of course not." Chris said tossing something in his mouth

"Ew." Me and Courtney both said.

"What? It's chewing Tobacco." Chris said.

"EW!" We all exclaimed.

"Nah! Just kidding. It's black licorice."


"Yeah. You're right." Chris spat out the black licorice." That stuff's disgusting. Now It's time for mystery movie day. I've got a challenge for each of you. Tonight, you're to meet me at the train station set." Chris told us.

"I have a train set at home. It runs on solar power." Harold said.

"Fascinating." Chris said sarcastically. "But first, I'll require full fingerprints DNA samples from each competitor. So each of the competitors has to gather the evidence for any one of the other competitors, which means It's in your interest to prevent the other guy from getting your deets. Now go pack an overnight bag and get me my clues."

"We are going to get a prize." Courtney said " I promise you that." Courtney walked off.


We headed to the girls trailer

"I still think I should get credit for coming up with the idea to look for clues." Lindsay claimed.

"Ugh. If we listened to you, we'd still be digging under the cafeteria with teaspoons" Courtney fired.

"Not nice."

"Look guys. It doesn't matter in the big picture who did what. As long as we all have fun." Beth said.

"Lindsay. I really respect you. I was only acting like that out if jealously. I would sincerely like us to be friends. Let me make it up to you. Can I treat you to a spa session." Courtney suggested.

"I would also like to apologize. We weren't the nicest competitors." I added.

"Ooo! Spas are my very favorite!"

/Courtney and Aaron:"Man, we are good!" We high fived.\


Courtney was giving her manicure on the front of her hand while I was giving her a pedicure on the front of her foot.

"Hahaha. That tickles. I've never had a manicure done on the bottom of my fingers. And I never had a pedicure on the bottom of my feet." Lindsay said.

"Oh, It's a fancy style in France. Very trendy." I lied, getting a paper on Lindsay's foot getting her prints.

"Oh I love being trendy." Lindsay said.

Courtney got two of Lindsay eyebrow hairs gave me one as we stashed our prints. We then ran off.


I next headed to the makeup confessional. I saw Beth in a barrel and Harold taking her DNA. I took a strand of Beth's hair and then added it to my collection.

Later I met back up with Courtney.

"Well. You collected quite a lot of DNA samples." I grinned.

"Yeah. I plan on winning that prize." She stated.

I pulled a small strand of my red hair out.

"H-here you go. Add it to your collection." I told her.

"Oh. Thanks." She said, taking the strand of hair.

"Well. Goodbye." I started walking off.

"Wait!" I stopped walking. She took a strand of her hair out." Here. It's only fair."

I took the strand. Her PDA went off.

"That's my timer. Time to go collect and strand of Duncan's hair." She smirked.

I gave her thumbs up then we went our different paths.


Night has fallen. We met Chris at the train station. We turned in our prints. Me and Courtney had the most.

"So. Where's our prize?" Courtney asked.

"Yeah. This is the first part of the challenge, right? Plus we did get you out of the safe. I'd say we deserve some sort of reward." I added

"Sorry you two. It's not prize time yet." Chris told us.

"Make it prize time!" Courtney demanded.

"I'm trying to do my job here." Chris defened.

"Courtney. If It's not prize time. It isn't prize time. I'm sure we'll get a prize soon." I patted her shoulder but she moved my hand.

"I'm getting our prize." Courtney said, sharply.

"Okay... if you insist." I sighed.

"I want a prize! I want a prize! I WANT PRIZE!" Courtney whined.

"Alright already! Here!" Chris said, giving her a bag of chips." I was gonna eat them on the train but you're welcomed to them if it will shut you up. Now, can you please get on the train?" Chris asked frustrated.

We started to head to the train.

"Hey? I haven't even said all aboard yet. ALL ABOARD!" Chris annouced.


We got on the train.

"Hey Courtney. Don't you think that was a bit... harsh. You bugged him until he gave you a prize." I stated, furrowing my eyebrows.

"He owed us. We let him out of the safe. We deserved a prize." She explained.

"I guess."

"Do you want some or not?!" Courtney snapped.

"Y-yes. Of course. It's still our reward."

Chris then took me and Courtney's prints.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Courtney asked.

"Yeah. What gives?!" I added.

"Regulation to ride the train ma'am and sir." Chris said.

Chef then rolled in a cart which had actual food.

"Welcome aboard the 7:30 to Funvile! Let the party begin."

"There's a party? Awsome!" Harold exclaimed.

"And It's for all of us? Awesomer." Beth cheered.

"This is great that we a get to share this, huh Courtney?" Lindsay said.

"Whoopdi-doo. Me and Aaron are sticking with our delicious, exclusive, cheese flavored, cheese type, prized snack!" Courtney said.

"Can I have one?" Beth asked.

"Did you win them? No. Me and Aaron did. Get lost. Here Aaron."

She poured some of the cheese chips in my hand. I ate them. I see why Chris was going to eat these. Suddenly the light went off.

"Who shut off the light?" Harold asked.

"Um, you can't kill the host!" We heard Chris say. We then heard him getting beat up.

The lights came back on.

"There. That's better." Harold said.

"Look!" Beth pointed."Chris is dead!"

We look to see Chris dead on the floor.

"Dead dead?" Lindsay question.

"Yep. Totally dead." Duncan said

Me and Courtney walked over to see.

"No! That's not possible. We never got a decent prize. Harold, give him CPR!" Courtney told Harold.

"You picked the right guy. I'm a licensed paramedic. Did you know that CPR is actually a whole series of assessments and interconnections-" Harold started.

"Just do it! He's not breathing." Lindsay panicked.

Harold got on his knees and started doing CPR and saying 'ew' everytime.

"Still no pulse."

"So, um. What do we do?" Beth asked, slightly frightened.

Harold and Beth started running around. Them along with Lindsay started panicking in fear. Beth and Harold crashed into each other.

"Would you two pull it together losers? We've Gotta figure this out." Duncan said.

"This reminds me of the time we were on the bus on the way to cheering camp. The head cheerleader. Carmelita Santos, passed right out." Lindsay explained." I always hated Carmelita because Carmelita thought she was so great, but we had to do something. She was drooling! So me and Bitsy Steffanpolous ran to the front of the bus. Bitsy's real name was Elizabeth, but everyone calls her Bitsy."

/Aaron:"Yeah. This story doesn't really help our current situation. But might as well listen to see where this is going."\

"....So Mrs.Whitlock came running back from the rest stop with some full sugar fruit punch... not aspartame/saccharin stuff. That doesn't work for these situations. And gave it to Carmelita and we have to get some fruit punch for Carma. Uh Chris."

/Aaron:* stares at camera in confusion then facepalms.*\

"Yeah... okay anyone else have any great ideas?" Courtney asked.

"Knowing about trains myself. I can say that an engineer is probably steering this thing. And could be counted upon for aid. Duh." Harold told us." Beth, try the phone to the engine."

Beth ran over and picked up the phone."Hello? Hello? Nobody's answering!" Beth panicked.

"We're trapped. We're all gonna die!" Lindsay panicked.

Me and Courtney gave each other a look.

"Okay, aside from Aaron. Is everybody here really that gullible? Yeah, Chris just happened to croak right here in front of us and we can't reach anybody?" Courtney stated, kicking the dummy.

"Not to mention we heard him getting 'beaten' when it looks like there are no scars. Not to mention his grey skin tone and the skin feels like rubber..." I added, poking Chris's head.

"Yeah! Agreed! He's probably not even dead" Courtney stated kicking the dummy again." I only watched when you guys had to jump out of a plane[kicks dummy again] you guys were in that episode. Doesn't any of you remember that there was no plane?[stomps on dummy]

"They're right." Beth said, cringing at Courtney kicking the dummy.

"I guarantee the crew is just shaking the train car and the window view is a holographic projection. This obviously all make-believe" Courtney stomped on the Chris dummy one last time.

I put a hand on her shoulder.

"Easy Courtney. Try to calm down a bit, k." I told her.

"I will. Alright everybody. We need to chill out and get back to the studio. Which will happen most effectively when I tell the producers that this violates my contract." Courtney tried using her PDA. She then gasped." No bars! How does my PDA have no bars.  Aaron, try to use your phone!"

I check my phone.

"No bars either Court." I sighed.

"Grr!" Courtney stomped on the Chris dummy and walked off.

"Duncan. Climb trout of the ceiling hatch and go find Chef, or a producer or somebody."

"Why do I get to be the lucky one?" Duncan asked.

"Because you're the only one that can handle it." She said in his ear." I know. I'm good."

Duncan was sent to the ceiling hatch. Duncan started knocking then the lights went out again.

"I don't like this. Something just brushed up against my leg." Lindsay said.

"Something brushed up against my leg " Beth stated.

"I keep brushing up against things that feel suspiciously like legs." Harold stated.

The lights came back on. Duncan then fell into the train.

"Yeah. It's a real train and I won't be going back out there again." Duncan stated.

"If this is real and if we're really stuck in this car. Then somebody must be the murderer." Harold said, with a magnifying glass.

"Oh can't you be serious?" Courtney stated.

"Yeah. You're really falling for this?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I am! What is more serious than a murder?" Harold asked.

Beth gasped.

"Chris's body's gone." She pointed at the outline.

"He's disappeared!" Harold exclaimed.

"The aliens got him!" Lindsay screamed.

"You're all idiots. This is a set up. Duncan, go check to see if he's on the other carts." Courtney told Duncan.

"I'm going to do something productive too. And find out who done it. Before it gets too late. I don't want to get murdered in my sleep." Harold said.

"I don't want to get murdered  either." Lindsay said.

I facepalmed at the whole situation.

"He wasn't murdered. He walked away. They're messing with your head. Your little hollow pinheads." Courtney said

"Yeah. Can't you guys tell the difference between a human being and a rubber dummy?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Would a pinhead be dusting the place for prints?" Lindsay smirked.

"Um. Yes." Courtney anwered.

"Good idea Lindsay." Beth said." I'll collect evidence to." She said picking up me and Courtney's chip bag.

"Ah ha!" Harold said.

"What is it?" Courtney asked.

"It's one of Duncan's green hairs." Harold said. Righ after a dramatic sound effect played after.

"Where is that annoying music coming from?" Courtney asked.

"Chris, maybe." I shrugged.

"Duncan wasn't with us when the body disappeared." Beth stated as Harold and Lindsay gasped.

Duncan then returned.

"The other carts are empty. What?" Duncan asked as he notice the others staring at him.

"These nitwits think you did it." Courtney stated.

"Chris refused to give Courtney a reward. Which clearly upset her." Harold said.

"And she's your love interest." Lindsay added.

"That's called a motive." Beth finished.

"Love interest? She made me go up on the roof and stole my prints and DNA." Duncan defened.

"Guys. Let's not get side tracked. We all know it's just a big scam. Next you'll be saying it was professor plum in the conservatory with a bacon sandwich." Courtney said.

"That hair could've fallen off my head when we found the body." Duncan backed away.

"Book him." Harold said as they all approached him.


They hand cuffed Duncan to the wall. Me and Courtney went to go talk to him.

"Me and Aaron will get us back to set and then you'll be cleared. Just hang in there." Courtney said.

"This feels a little too familiar for comfort." Duncan looked at the cuffs.

"I'm sorry the others won't listen to me. They keep listening to-" Courtney started.

"Blondie." I answered." Even though you're a 'criminal', I'm pretty sure even you wouldn't go that far."

Me and Courtney went to see what Lindsay was saying.

"Can you die if somebody poisons your hair gel? He uses a lot of that." Lindsay says

"I mean, if you rub your hand in your hair and then eat afterwards. I suppose you can." I answered.

"Oh. Blah blah blah blah. This is the same person who thought Chris was buried alive. Doesn't it make more sense to help me try to get us off this train?" Courtney asked.

"If I do, can I still use this?" Harold asked holding up his magnifying glass.

"Yes. And congratulations on being too sensible to listen to Lindsay." Courtney said.

"Well what do you know? I could be just as right as anybody." Lindsay stated.

"Guys! Enough of this arguing. We need to focus. Let's go see if we can stop the train." I stated.

Harold lowered his head down to see the outside of the trian.

"If this train was solar-powered like my set at home we could just throw a giant parka over it. That'd be easier."

"It's still easy. Just stop the wheels, stop the train." Courtney said.

Beth joined our situation 

"What if we throw something into the path of the wheels to stop them?" Beth suggested.

"That's actually a good idea." I said.

Courtney snatched Harold's magnifying glass and tossed it in. But it didnt stop the train.

"We have this giant soda bottle from the party." Beth stated.

The juice just splatter in Harold's face.

"I feel sticky." Harold stated.

"Try this" Beth handed Harold a pillow.

The pillows feathers just spalatted in Harold's face. Duncan burst out laughing and made a smart remark.

"Ah ha!" Lindsay exclaimed.

Harold played a sound effect on his keytar.

"Sorry. Continue."


Lindsay set up a chart with the napkin on it.

"Here we have suspicious napkin covered with some kind of orange powder. As though it was held like a murder weapon." Lindsay started and flipped the page. It was drawing of a girl with a bag of chips eating the chips along with a drawing of a guy eating the chips.

"And here we have Courtney and Aaron sharing a bag of orange cheeseys. Which they refused to share. There for Courtney and Aaron are the only ones to have orange cheesy finger."

"Why would we kill Chris? Better yet, why would we use a napkin as a murder weapon?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh this is ridiculous." Courtney scoffed.

"Really? The prints don't lie." Lindsay said.

"We were framed. Who are you going to belive. Digbat over here, or the two people who actually have a brain?"

"Cuff her!" Lindsay told them.

Beth and Harold started approaching us as I put my fist.

"Keep your hands off us." Backing them away.

Suddenly a door opened behind us and we heard a laugh.

"Oh. I really had you guys. I look good in rubber don't you think? Cracker Jack's special effects dudes."

"Whoa. Coolio. How do I get a rubber Harold?" Harold asked.

"Threaten to quit your hosting job unless they give you an extra big budget to psyche the kids out." Chris explained.

"We were not psych out. We knew. Right Aaron?" Courtney started.

"Yeah. As if Chris would get murdered " I said.

"Nonetheless the winner of today's reward challenge is the person who solved the crime. And that person is detective Lindsay." Chris held her hand up.

"I prefer detective Lindsay her hotness." She said.

"No! That isn't fair. Me and Aaron won two portions already." Courtney whined." We were the ones who knew you weren't dead. She couldn't even tell the difference between a human being and a rubber dummy[stomps on rubber dummy for the last time] Besides we didn't do it. We're innocent." Courtney explained.

"They all say that. The reward that Lindsay will be enjoying tonight is a night at the movies with a friend of her choice."

Lindsay released Duncan.

"Wanna go to the movies with me?" Lindsay asked Duncan.

Courtney and Beth both gasped. Duncan smirked.


While Lindsay and Duncan went to the movies. Me, Courtney, and Beth headed to the trailers.

Courtney seemed a bit.... off.

"Courtney? You sure you're Okay? You seem off. Very... very off."

"I'm fine."

"It's about Duncan. Isn't it?"

"Pfft. No. As if." Courtney lied. "I don't care. I couldn't care less. Not even if I wanted to. I do not... care...... NOOOOOO!"

"Courtney. Calm down. It's just one movie night. If Duncan's not making a big deal out of it, why should you?" I stated.

"Good point."

"Speaking of Duncan. Do you think- well, do you think, um?"

"Do I think what?" Courtney asked.

"Do you think that's gonna last? You know, you and him? You two have a lot of differences.  Like, alot alot!" I stated.

"Well you know what they say. Opposites attract." She said."But, I'm sure it'll work. I'm already working on my list of corrections."

"Corrections? Courtney, don't you think that's a bit... extreme? I mean, sure it might work. But what if. Well, if Duncan's not willing, then what?" I asked.

"Oh. He'll be willing to do what I ask of him." She said confidently.

"Okay. If you say so."


I headed back to the guy's trailer and got some sleep.

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