Chapter 25: Rock on!!

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Me, Courtney and Beth were in the girls cabin.  Beth was brushing her hair and me and Courtney were talking.

"So. You said you were in an all girls rock band?" I asked.

"Yeah. It was called the A-type psychotic crazys! Unfortunately we broke up before our gig. Apparently you can't start a band with 5 leads and no back up." Courtney stated.

"Ah. I see. You seem to really take interest in music." I grinned.

Suddenly Lindsay bursted in 'singing'.

"You, and meeeeee! Like butternives we're free! We're free!" Lindsay sung.

"Butternives?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Would you please shut up?! It's like butterflys not butternives!" Courtney corrected in frustration." Ugh! And everybody knows you picked Duncan for your movie reward last night as retaliation. The murder mystery challenge is over. So you can stop massacuring that song."

"I was not mascaraing anything except my eyelashes Courtney. What's the other thing you said I did?" Lindsay asked clueless.

"Massacuring and 'mascaraing' are two different thing Lindsay." I facepalmed.

"Guys! Can we try to get along?" Beth intervened.

"Oh, stop playing dumb Lindsay." Courtney said.

Lindsay then continued singing. Courtney sighed.

"She's not playing, is she?" Courtney asked.

"Nope. I think not." I said.

Lindsay kept singing. Suddenly we heard drums playing from outside. Courtney opened the trailer door as me, her, and Beth saw Chef playing the drums. We walked out of the trailer.

"Nice of you to join us. Today's movie genre is... drum roll please!" Chris stated.

Chef did a ongoing drum roll.

"Okay. Enough. The spotlight's not big enough for the both of us." Chris said as Chef stopped.

"Today's movie genre is-*quick drum roll* The rock and roll biopic." Chris annouced.

"All right!" Harold cheered excited.

He then started imitating guitar sounds.

"Is a biopic kinda like a tooth pic? 'Cause I could use one right now. Popcorn stuck right there." Lindsay pointed in her mouth.

"Shut up. Popcorn down." Chris told her."Any good rock and roll biopic starts with a kid from humble beginnings. Drawn into the seemly glam world of rock and roll music. After overcoming enormous hardship, the kid gets a break and makes it ginormous. Bigger than me even. The kid is then drawn into the world of scandalous stuff, I'm not aloud to talk about with sixteen yearolds. Things that lead to dangerous addictions, multiple divorces, the occasional night in the joint. And an untimely death. While sitting on a toilet. A few things that any certifiable rock god needs to know that I can talk about. You need to know how rock out on the guitar, work the paparazzi, and trash a hotel room. Any questions?" Chris asked.

Lindsay raised her hand.

"Why is Owen eating my popcorn?"

"Hey everybody." Owen waved.

"Owen!" We all said in shock.

"Owen. You were suppose to wait for your que. What is wrong with you?" Chris exclaimed.

"I-I was hungry. And when I'm hungry I forget everything other than what my tummy is telling me." He explained.

"Owen! Get lost until I give you your que!" Chris demanded.

Owen ran off. Chris cleared his throat.

"I have an announcement to make. 'Cause I'm the host and can do whatever I want I've decided to bring someone back to the show. Can anyone guess who that might be?" Chris smirked.

Lindsay gasped.

"Is it? What's that name of that boy I like again? Tyler?" Lindsay pondered.

"Ugh! I can't take it anymore!" Courtney complained.

Owen then came back.

"Hi everyone! I just can't help myself!"

Owen went around greeting everyone. Well, everyone but me and Courtney. I guess when you vote someone off unfairly-ish, you don't leave many friends behind.

"Fine Owen. Fine." Chris stated.

"Hello! Not fine! No way Owen is allowed back! Me and Aaron had to file a lawsuit to get back on this show. I'm contacting my lawyers!" Courtney pulled out her PDA.

"You two aren't the only ones with lawyers. Owen also filed lawsuit and won. His jaw was busted by Chef. And he was unfairly kicked off the show. That good enough for ya!" Chris grinned." Alright people, time for your first big gig. Meet me at the big stadium in ten minutes. You can't miss it." Chris walked off.


We started walking to the stadium.

"Where did Chris say stadium is again?" Beth asked.

"He is so going to kill us. We're so late." Courtney added.

"Yeah. We are so dead. Everyone knows bad attendance is a bad start." I nodded along.

"I said ten minutes! Not ten hours!" Chris snapped.

"You also said to meet you at the big stadium and this is the dumpy gilded Chris award theaters." Duncan said.

"Where you might get dumped. Not bad. First step to becoming a rock legend is to show up late for your own show... what's with all the eating?" Chris asked Owen." We told you no outside food. Didn't you strip search him?"

Okay. No... just no.

"For your first challenge you're gonna be rocking out on the guitar." Chris said.

"But I don't know how to play the guitar. Is it anything like the recorder? I can play the recorder." Lindsay stated.

"Yeah. It's a lot like the recorder. Only completely different! Since I'm guessing most of you can't read, let alone read music you'll be playing a guitar shaped peripheral.  The notes will be represented by colored notes on the screen. Which corresponds to your guitar. You'll play simultaneously during which you'll be eliminated. Everytime you play a wrong note *imitates electrocution sound effects.*"

"You mean you're going to electrocute us?" Beth asked worried.

"Me? Electrocute you? Of course not. The guitar will electrocute you." Chris laughed as we all gasped." But don't worry. You'll live. Though you may never be able to play the piano again."

"I can't play the piano anyway." Lindsay shrugged happily.

"Or use the phone." Chris added.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Lindsay screamed as if the world was ending.

/Aaron:"I better not get shocked. I actually like playing the piano. And using my phone."\

"ARE YOU READY TO ROCK OUT?!" Chris asked us excited.

"For those about to rock, I salute you!" Harold saluted.

"Bite me." Duncan muttered.

"You ready Court?" I asked, smirking.

"Yeah. I got this." She smirked.

"Annnnd, rock on!" Chris told us.

The simulation started. I started playing as fast I could. Harold's guitar started burning up. Then Chef splash water on him. Then he got shocked.

Owen wasn't doing bad until he fell off the stage. Lindsay didn't even start playing.

"Do you have one in red? This one doesn't really go with my outfit." Lindsay said. She then got shocked.

Beth wasn't playing fast enough and hers blew up.

I wasn't doing too bad. I would miss a couple notes, but other than that I was doing fine. Duncan effortlessly played. Meanwhile Courtney was doing the opposite. She gave all she had to give. She played with heart and soul. It was amazing... she was amazing.

Duncan then smashed his guitar. The simulation finally ended. I sighed in relief.

/Aaron:"Grr... you see what I mean?! He doesn't try with anything! Like at all! Yet she puts so much hard work into everything she does." I sighed.\

"Nice one Duncan. You broke it." Chris stated.

"Oops. Sorry." Duncan said sarcastically.

"Impressive, all three of you. But the winner is-"

Chef started his drum roll.

"Duncan!" Chris annnouced.

"What? But I hit every note. And I played behind my head, and on my knees, and with my teeth!" Courtney stated.

"Yeah. How did he beat both of us with his effortless playing? We both gave it our all." I asked.

"Yes. Yes you did. But you two tried way too hard. And if there's one thing rockstars don't do. It's try. Even a little. You saw Duncan."

"Yeah. He played every tenth note. And broke his guitar afterwards" Courtney stated.

"Exactly." Chris pointed, smirking with finger guns.

"Watch and learn babydoll. Maybe one day you'll be able to rock as hard as me." Duncan closed his eyes smiling.

Courtney picked up her guitar. Swung the guitar at Duncan's groin.

"AHHHH!" Duncan screamed in pain.

"That hard enough? Babydoll." Courtney deviously grinned.

"We'll be right back soon as Courtney cools down with a hot bath. And Duncan gets the rock back in his roll." Chris chuckled as Duncan fell over.

/Aaron:"Okay. I'm trying to picture the two in a relationship. Personally, I feel it just won't work out. I mean. It's a similar pattern. Duncan gets Courtney angered and she ends up hitting him right where it hurts. But there's only so many hits a guy can take there. She's probably gonna kill the dude... or at the very least. Prevent him from having children."\


We relocated to our next area. Which was the red carpet. Like the runway they have on Celebrity Manhunt. Chef opened a limo door and Chris came out. We were pretty excited. Chris started speaking, mic in hand.

"Welcome back to the rock and role biopic edition of Total Drama Action. Now, in order to become a true rock immortal you must know how to work the paparazzi. First part of your second challenge is an obstacle course of fans, phohogs, groupies, and an autograph hounds. You'll start at the Lamo-sine. Walk up the red carpet, pass the obstacles, and finally back stage. One of you will win, the rest will be celebrity roadkill. Duncan, for winning the first challenge you get our backstage pass so you'll start half way."

/Aaron:" Chris said that it was an obstacle course. Meaning that everything on the red carpet is an obstacle. So, with that information it's clear to see that we're suppose to avoid everyone."\

We all sat down. Courtney was in the Lamo-sine.

"Okay. Courtney. You're up first. Annnnd. Action." Chris said as she ran out."

She ran dodge the first paparazzi guy.

"Autograph hound! Will she sign? She will! Nice moves!" Chris narrated." Oo, the tricky path fancam attack. Will she make it?"

Courtney smiled and the rolled.

"Courtney executes a smile and duck. A difficult cambo. Followed by a backhanded wave to the groupie. And a clean swag hand grab, nice!"

Courtney finished the obstacle course.

/Aaron:"Seeing how Courtney handled the obstacles, we clearly had a similar thought process on the obstacle course."\

I was next. I sat in the Lamo-sine, ready and confident.

"Annnd. Action!"

I got out the Lamo-sine, running at a nice balanced pace. A paparazzi popped up. I quickly dodged his flash at the best of my ability.

Then an autograph hound popped up. I shrugged and picked up the pencil and neatly signed in cursive writing.

More paparazzi came. I dashed at a higher speed and slid perfectly passed them. I ran right past the groupie. I lightly waved back and continued dashing through the course.

Then the standie of a guy holding a bag popped up. I picked up the bag and continued through the course.

Then a standie of a guy holding sandwiches popped up. Knowing Chris, there's probably some sort of booby trap in it. So I skipped it.

I got to the final standie. Which was a bald, buff man.

"Sir, I belong in here. So would you mind stepping out of the way?" I crossed my arms, raising an eyebrow.

The standie sunk into the ground. After that, I dashed into back stage.

"Nice moves. And good call on grabbing the swag. Lucky for you. You, along with Courtney get to keep what's inside. You finally got a decent prize."

I excitedly took out what was inside. My excitement the left as soon as I saw what it was.

"My autobiography. Volume one." Chris smiled.

/Courtney and Aaron:"Ugh. Did you see that swag?" Courtney asked in discuss.

"Yeah. I thought we were actually going to get something useful."

"Yeah. The only thing missing was a barf bag with Chris's face on it."

Suddenly a barf bag with Chris's face on it was tossed in.

"Ew! Gross" Courtney cringed.

"Dido. Who's idea was that?" I cringed.\

Me and Courtney watched the rest go. Some did better than others. I'd say Lindsay did the best. Well, aside from me and Courtney.

We left back stage and got back on the red carpet to see the results.

"And now the moment you've all been waiting for. The photographic evidence. Let's see your best shots. Shall we? Courtney and Aaron ducked. Duncan socked, Owen tripped. Natch. Beth slipped. Harold, if that's not a cry for help. I don't know what is. And Lindsay posed. Which means we have a winner." Chris stated.

Me and Courtney both smirked at each other, knowing it was one of us...  well, so we thought.

"Lindsay!" Chris annouced.

"YAAAAY!" Lindsay cheered.

"How is that possible? Me and Aaron were the only ones who avoided the paparazzi!" Courtney glared.

"Who said you were to avoid the phohogs?" Chris smirked.

"Chris. You called them obstacles. Me and Courtney used context clues. The word obstacle is usually something your way. So using the word obstacle was very poor word choice." I stated.

"Whatever. The paparazzi means exposure. And Lindsay exposed. You know it. Lindsay wins an advantage in the next part of the challenge where you'll compete for invincibility." Chris annouced.

/Aaron:"I still think that me and Courtney deserved that round. But Chris makes the rules so, nothing much I can do there."\

"Finally. The ultimate rockstar challenge. Trashing the hotel room. You've got 30 seconds on the clock. With Lindsay getting an additional ten for having won the first part of the challenge. Annnd, action!" Chris ran out the room.

Everyone started breaking stuff. Courtney went berserk, and tore the whole place down.

"Time. Lindsay, you now have an additional ten seconds. Go!" Chris started the tiny clock.

Everything was demolished. There was nothing to destroy.

"I see your predicament. Thanks to Courtney, there's nothing left to destroy which means Courtney wins invincibility." Chris annouced.

"Yes!" Courtney cheered.

"Now, you've gotta decide who gets booted from the band." Chris stated.

Beth's POV

Night has fallen. We saw Owen and Harold walking.

"Psst. Guys." I said." Overhere."

"Ladies. What's up?" Harold asked.

"Beth and I have been thinking about who to vote off. Since we can't lose Courtney, we're thinking Aaron." Lindsay said.

"Vote off Aaron?" Owen asked.

"Hello? Do you see how good him and Courtney work together? Plus, Courtney would never admit it. But she'd go ballistic if he got kicked off." Lindsay smiled.

"And it would get rid of the only vote she can count on." I added.

"You don't need to convince me." Harold stated.

"I don't know. I think I'd like to vote for Courtney." Owen stated.

"But she has invincibility." Harold stated.

"I know I'd be wasting my vote but it's her fault I got kicked off the show. Plus I don't think she was very nice today."

"But Owen. Aaron voted you off too." Harold stated.

"Yeah. But he wouldn't have if Courtney didn't tell him to. Plus he wouldn't have been able to if she didn't bring him back along with her. Plus he promised to give me his next gilded Chris."

Aaron's POV

After Courtney fixed her hair. We headed to the elimination ceremony.

"Now for total drama. Seven left, one must go. And it won't be Courtney." Chris said.

Courtney nudged my shoulder.

"Hmm?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Vote for Lindsay." She whispered as I nodded.

I voted for Lindsay.

"Alright! The gilded Chris awards goes to Courtney and Beth. Harold and Owen. And Duncan."

Me and Courtney exchanged worried looks.

"One left. The final gilded Chris goes to... Aaron." Chris tossed it as I felt a wave of relief come over me." Lindsay's going bye bye."

"But Lindsay? Harold and I voted for Aaron." Beth explained.

"Not so. In fact, what happened is a first for the show. A contestant accidentally voted themselves off." Chris annouced.

"What?" Lindsay exclaimed.

"Take a look. Unlike me, the camera never lies." Chris said.

We watched Lindsay click to vote off herself instead of me.

Everyone gasped.

I would feel bad. But she was going to vote me off. So, I'm fine with this.

"Lindsay. Time for you to say sayonara." Chris stated as Lindsay looked confused.

"That means goodbye in Japanese." I stated.

"Yeah. What he said." Chris added.

I felt someone nudge my arm. It was Owen.

"Hey. Remember that deal we made with the gilded Chris chocolate?" Owen started.

"Here. Knock yourself out." I gave it to him and left

/Aaron:"Okay. That was too close for comfort. If it wasn't for Beth distracting her and Lindsay lacking the ability to pay attention. I would've been the one in the Lamo-sine."\

/Duncan:" Man. If I knew that everyone was plotting against Aaron. Instead of voting for the World's Biggest Dweeb, I would've voted for the extra lawyer Courtney brought with her."\

Me, Beth and Courtney were headed to the girls trailer. She seemed.... annoyed.

"You alright Courtney? You seemed annoyed." I stated.

"I'm fine Aaron." She sighed, still sounding annoyed.

"Come on. I know that look. Something must be on your mind."

"Um. I'm just mad that I lost that second challenge to Lindsay. Yeah. That's what is it." She told me.

"Well. We're going to remove that frustration, okay." I told her as she smiled.

We walked in the girl's trailer. We sat down and crossed our legs.

"Now. Close your eyes. And take a deep breath through your nose. Concentrate on the breathing. If any other thought crosses your mind, just block it out and continue focusing on your breathing." I told her. She did everything I was doing as I said it.

"Even if it's a thought of you?" Courtney winked.

"Y-yes. Even if it is a thought of me." I blushed.

/Courtney:"Okay. So I told a tiny lie to Aaron. I wasn't actually mad about losing the second part of the challenge. Well. I was. But I'm over that since I won. But, I was worried that Aaron was going to be booted from the game. He's the only real friend I actually have in the competition. And he's always by my side. Even more than Duncan. He helps me. A lot. He calms me down. He's very supportive. When I'm upset, he has a worried upset face on his face. His blue eyes staring into mine makes me... Gah! What am I saying?! I have a boyfriend... sort of."\

Courtney's POV

After about seven minutes of meditation, my mind was clear and calm. Thanks to Aaron temporarily replacing my old meditation teacher.

I happily sighed, as I finished my meditation session.

"There. Better?" Aaron asked, smiling.

"Yeah. I am." I blushed.

He gave me a pat on the shoulder.

"If you need me to coach you through that ever again, all you have to do is ask. Okay? I'll be here when you need me. There's no need to feel like it's wrong to ask for help. I'm your friend. " He told me.

His concerned blue eyes stared into mine. I felt my heart speed up a bit.

"Yeah." I smiled.

He got up and opened the trailer door.

"Aaron?" I said.

He turned around.

"T-thank you." I smiled.

He gave me a warm smile.

"Your welcome Courtney." He smiled one last time and walked out the cabin.

I smiled. I then caught myself in my thoughts. Gah! Am I blushing? I felt my cheeks. My heart beat started to slow down to its original pace.

AN: Ah yes. What a nice sweet end to the chapter.

I'm really starting to ship these two more and more. I actually didn't plan this chapter fully out.

But the last part came to mind after Courtney brought up her meditation teacher during one of her confessionals this episode.

Anyways. Thanks for reading. Sorry my schedule has been a little... iffy.

And don't forget to vote(I-if you want)

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