Chapter 27: Broken alliances?

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I was peacefully sleeping in my bed. My mind was in a whole other world. I suddenly heard really loud music playing.

My dream crashed and I woke up. Me, and the rest of the guys woke up, turned on the light and walked out of the trailer. The girls woke up too.

"Agh, my back! Ow, what's with the mattresses? Are they filled with rocks or something?" Duncan groaned, rubbing his back.

"Maybe it's just your bed. Mine was perfectly fine." I stated.

The girls joined us. The loud music continued to play. Duncan and Owen kept making weird noises. Harold picked his nose. I moved from them and joined Courtney and Beth.

"Can you believe these guys? What a bunch of Neanderthals." Courtney commented.

Beth then started making a hooting sound. She was pointing at something. We all gathered around and saw Chris and Chef dressed in prehistoric outfits.

"Good morning cast. Or should I say, good middle of the night. Hope you're all well rested and ready to boldly go where very few men and even fewer ladies have gone before." Chris stated.

"Wait a sec. I could have sworn we already caveman movies." Harold stated.

"We did Harold. But we had to reuse to costumes since my astronomical salary accounts for roughly 97% of the show's budget." Chris explained.

"Ah. Dude. It's the middle of the night. And I was having the best dream about a bottomless deep-dish pizza." Owen explained.

"Sorry Owen. While today's movie genre may start at the dawn of time. It quickly moves up, up, and away!" Chris said.

"Oh. I get it now. We're doing outer space. Movie." Beth stated.

"What was your first clue? Genius." Courtney stated.

"Hoo! This is so exciting. I love scifi!" Beth cheered.

"Don't you get enough science fiction with that imaginary boyfriend of yours? What's his fake name again? Brainy?" Courtney taunted.

"It's Brady." Beth corrected." And he's totally real."

"Listen up space cases. You'll soon be facing some out-of-this-world challenges. But first, I have a very special suprise for you. Each of you has received one special item sent to you from the outside world. Which by now must feel like a distant planet." Chris tossed us our boxes.

Owen opened his box, excited. He took out a golden trophy.

"A citizen of the school year trophy." Owen stated.

"Let me see that." Courtney snatched it." Awared to the most trusting, caring, honest student. Who always puts others before himself." Courtney read.

"Excuse me." Owen squeaked.

Owen the burst out crying and ran off.

"What's his problem?" Duncan asked.

"More importantly. Why didn't I get one of these?" Courtney asked.

I playfully rolled my eyes. Classic Courtney. Some things just never change. Harold received nunchucks from home.

Courtney opened here package. She received a photo. She quickly hugged the photo, hiding it.

"What is that?" Duncan asked.

"Just... I need a minute." Courtney stated.

Courtney took a minute to look at the photo.

"Aaron. This is the photo I was telling you about, with whole debate team." She told me.

"Ah. I see. Nice job Courtney." I clapped.

"You haven't opened your packaged yet."

"Oh  yeah. Guess I should see what I got."

I opened a box. It had a blue post it note on it. Courtney looked at the post it note.

"Just in case you get cold, you have something to keep you warm." She read.

I look to see the blue jacket I wore last season. I heavily sighed. Of course this is what my mom would send me.

"Of course." I sighed.

"Why would she send you another jacket? You're already wearing one." Courtney raised an eyebrow.

"Let's just say my mom can be a tad extreme. But that's what makes her my mom." I smiled.

Duncan received a tarantula from home named scruffy. (Or, that's how it sounds so I'm assuming that's how it's spelled.)

Duncan was doing kissing noises towards the spider. Honestly, this is werid. Guess the bad boy has a soft spot for spiders...

"Aren't tarantulas like the fourth most deadly spider in the world?" Harold asked.

"I believe so." I answered.

"They're only dangerous when they're startled by loud noises." Duncan explained.

"NO WAY!" Beth exclaimed.

The tarantula jumped onto Harold's face.

"Ahh! Get it off! Get it off!"

"Scruffy, no. Bad killer spider."

Duncan took the spider off Harold's face. Harold hit himself in the head with his nunchucks.

"Look everyone. Brady gave me a promise ring. Can you believe it?" Beth exclaimed showing us a red ring pop.

"Nope." Duncan answered.

"Not even remotely." Courtney answered.

"Wait? Is that a candy ring?" Duncan asked.

Owen then came out of nowhere.

"Somebody say candy?" Owen asked.

"I thought your boyfriend was a model. Aren't , like. Models rich?" Harold asked.

"Brady says, 'it's a sweet ring for his sweet lady'"

"Looks more like a breakup ring to me." Courtney stated.

Seems like Courtney would attempt to be a little nicer if she wants this three-way alliance to work.

"Alright gang. Time to blast off to the great unknown. Everyone knows that a good outer space movie has three things in common. One: the zeroes gravity is always a trip. Two: the g-forces are killer. And three: everything is recycled in space, including number one and number two." Chris said.


"Which brings us to our first challenge. I'll meet you at the thrill ride set in ten minutes." Chris told us.



We got dressed in our normal attire and met up with Chris at the thrill ride set.

"To achieve zero gravity is to fly a jet on parabolic course with large vertical climbs. And even larger vertical drops. But with the price of jet fuel today, we're gonna simulate the effect on this midship space shuttle. Which will hit the optimum speed needed to keep you all in perpetual state of zero gravity." Chris explained.

That's kinda cool... but is it life threatening?

"Um? Have I mentioned my fear of heights? And falling? And floating in mid-air at heights that could result in falling?" Owen stated.

"Is that thing even up to code?" Courtney asked.

"Your first outer space challenge will be to spend the rest of the night on the shuttle, sleeping in zero gravity conditions." Chris explained.

"That's doesn't so tough." Duncan grinned.


We all got into the midship space shuttle. Chris started speaking on the loudspeaker.

"Y'all might wanna hold onto something that is bolted down 'cause we're almost ready to launch." Chris annouced.

"Yes!" Owen cheered.

"He said launch. Not lunch."Courtney informed.

"Aww." Owen sighed.

"In 5,4,3,2,1. Blast off!" Chris annouced.

At first, I was expecting something bad. But we're floating in mid air.

"Alright astronauts. It's gonna be a long night, so you better get some sleep." Chris told us.


I was floating in mid air, watching the others interact.

"Duncan? Can I have your pillow? Mine floated off somewhere." Courtney told Duncan.

"No can do babe. I already gave it to scruffy. Zero gs can be tough on the little." Duncan explained to her.

I was relaxing, reading a book leaning my head back on my pillow.

"Um. Aaron. Can I-" Courtney started.

"Have my pillow?" I finished.

"Yeah. How did you-"

"I was listening to your conversation. Here." I slowly floated the pillow in her direction. She grabbed it.

"Thanks Aaron."

"No problem."


I lied down on my back in the air and started to doze off. Suddenly the room started blinking red and an alarm went off. Chris started talking to us on the loud speaker.

"This is Houston and you have a problem. You've been hit by an asteroid. And your guided system is toast."

"What do we do? What do we do?!" Owen panicked.

"I just saw this in Race to save Space 3. We have to manually override the navigation system." Harold answered.

"Quick! Someone grab the joystick thingy!" Duncan pointed.

Duncan tossed Harold and Harold got a hold of the joystick. The beeping noise stopped and the room stopped flashing red. Me and Courtney clapped.

"Way to go Harold!" Beth cheered.

"Nice job!" Courtney clapped.

"You really came through for us." I clapped.

Suddenly the room startled flashing red again. Chris once again started speaking to us through his loud speaker.

"Uh oh. Looks like you have a hole in your field lodge. You have exactly T-minus 10 minutes before the seal the hole. Or you'll run out of precious oxygen." Chris told us.

"We have to plug the hole! Quick, find something big and formfitting. Hefty yet flyable!" Harold told us.

Me, Courtney, and Beth looked at Owen.

"What? Why you looking at me like that?" Owen asked.

"Three-way alliance?" Me and Courtney started.

"Three-way alliance." Beth grinned.

Me, Courtney, and Beth managed to use Owen to seal up the hole. Me, Courtney, Harold, and Duncan fell out of the ship.

"Well Harold? Aren't you gonna offer to help me down?" Beth asked.

"Wasn't planning on it." Harold asked.

"He sooo wants me." Beth said, as she climbed down the ladder.

Um... what? Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Harold all over Leshawna? Eh, not gonna think too deep into it. I helped Courtney off the ground.

"Nice going. Ladles-" Chris started.

"Eh, ehm." I coughed.

"Nice going ladies, and Aaron. It was your quick thinking that saved the group." Chris told us.

"Yes! Score one for the three-way alliance! Right guys?" Beth asked.

"Yay for us." Courtney said unenthusiastic.

"Woo hoo! Go team!" I said with more excitement.

/Aaron:"Courtney said she wants me to help convince Beth to get into the alliance. If this is gonna work, she's gonna have to feel like she's part of the team."\

"As a reward. You three will get to decide the order of who goes first to last at the next challenge." Chris told us.

"Ooo! I know. Let, you, me, and Aaron go first, that way we can-" Beth started, but Courtney covered her mouth.

"Uh, yeah. We decided Chris. The order will be Harold, Owen, Duncan, Beth, Aaron, and last but not least me." Courtney said.

/Aaron:"Look. I understand that Courtney wants to win, but that was a bit far. We should've all came to an agreement. I didn't even have a say in it. But, then again. She is the reason I'm here so..."\


We made our way to our next challenge. We were dramatically walking. Chris then ran pass us, ruining the shot.

"Enough messing around. Alright gang, if you thought spending the night in Zero G's was a stomach-churning experience. Then your gonna looove this next challenge. Who can last the longest on the g-force trainer. Or as I like to call it. The Vomit comet! If you thought you were under pressure before, wait 'till you feel the effects of four times Earth's gravitational force." Chris annouced

"I'm starting to think we shouldn't have gorged on chilli for lunch." Duncan stated.

"Yeah, that may of been a bad call." Owen said, as he farted." Oops. My bad."

"Remember crew. Courtney, Beth, and Aaron have already picked the order. Harold, you're up first." Chris told Harold.

"Awsome. I'd hate to being going last in something called a Vomit Comet. Thanks for taking one for the team Courtney." Harold thanked her.

"Ah. Uh. No. No. No no no, wait! I change my mind. I-I wanna yo first." Courtney said.

"Too late. The order it set." Chris annouced.

"Is this the part where I thank you?" Beth said sarcastically.

/Aaron"Vomit Comet? Man, this might be a tough one to beat. But seeing as I almost got voted off last elimination ceremony, I guess I should try."\

Harold got in the Vomit Comet.

"Have a nice spin Harold." Chris waved.

"Hey? Where'd Scruffy go?" Duncan asked.

Harold started screaming.

"Let me out!  LET ME OUT!" Harold screamed.

Chris stopped the machine. Harold walked out like a zombie.

"Where's my Scruffy?" Duncan asked Harold angered.

Harold shrugged and then walked off. Scruffy was dead on his back.

"NOOO! SCRUFFY!" Duncan cried.

"There there. Scruffy's in a better place now." Courtney comforted.

/Aaron:"Yeah... not sure why you'd have something that dangerous as a pet. Eh, not worth thinking to hard about."\

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't beat you to a pulp-" Duncan started but his back pain came back.(Both type of backs used in that sentence.)

"Yes! I knew my mind powers would kick in when I needed the most." Harold grinned.

"It's that stupid matress. I still have a stabbing pain in my back." Duncan groaned.

"Who stabbed you in the back? It wasn't me! I'm a good guy. Not some dirty, backstabber, I swear. You gotta believe me." Owen explained nervously." Um, nothing to see here. Carry on."

Okay. That didn't sound suspicious at all


Owen was next.

"Alright Owen. You're next. Harold sucked, but managed to keep his lunch down. So at least you'll have a dry run." Chris told him.

Owen got in and got spun around. He immediately started screaming. They stopped the ride and Chris stopped his timer.

"10.3 seconds. You people stick at this. Duncan. You're up next." Chris told him.

Duncan went in. I think Owen might have farted in there. Duncan was spun around. He ended up barfing.

"Ew." We all cringed.

"Way to go, partner." Beth aimed at Courtney.

"33 seconds. Most impressive Duncan, my man. But I'm deducting ten seconds for puking." Chris told him.

"Ugh! That was totally disgusting. How could you do that to me?" Courtney asked, angered.

"At least the ride snapped my spine back into place. No more pain." Duncan stretched.

"Wanna bet?" Courtney balled her fist.

"It's down to you three. Beth. Your slightly soiled chariot awaits." Chris grinned.

Beth looked worried.

"If all three of us refuse to do the challenge. Then we'll have strength in numbers at the elimination ceremony. You two are with me on this, right?" Courtney asked.

"What's it gonna be Beth?" Chris asked.

"Um. The three-way alliance is sticking together Chris. All three of us are refusing to participate." Courtney answered.

"I'll do it!" Beth exclaimed.

Courtney gasped.


Beth got in and was spun around longer than the guys.

"35 and a half seconds! We have a new Vomit Comet record!" Chris annouced.

Courtney was angered. Beth walked out happily.

"That wasn't so bad. Once I got pass the crimping smell and the squishy feeling between toes." Beth informed.

"That was the sickest thing I've ever seen. I'm impressed." Duncan grinned.

"Last chance Courtney and Aaron. Ride the Vomit Comet now, or risk a ride in the limousine later." Chris stated.

"Me and Aaron are not-" Courtney started.

"I'm going in." I gasped for air and plugged my nose. Courtney gasped at my decision.

/Aaron:"It's too risky. If I'm gonna stay in the game and help us get to the finale. I have to win invincibility."\

I got in the Vomit Comet. The machine started spinning. It's worse being in it then actually watching other people do it.

I stayed on for as long as I could. I felt the spinning come to a stop. I was covered in barf... ew.

"We have a new record! 38 seconds!" Chris annouced." Courtney, last chance to ride the Vomit Comet."

"Uh uh. No way. I forfeit." Courtney answered.

"Well then. In light of Beth's and Aaron's willingness to get their feet wet. So to speak. I declare her and Aaron the winner of today's challenge." Chris declared.

"Yes!" Beth cheered.

"Alright!" I cheered.

I recieved a glare from Courtney.

/Corutney:"Okay. I would've expected this from Beth. But Aaron? He betrayed me! How could he? After all I did for him. Grr!"\

We saw Chef cutting carrots in the Vomit Comet.

"Hope y'all like gumbo." Chef said, and continued whistling.

With that and the fact that I'm covered in barf. I was just about ready to barf.


After that barftastic challenge. I washed my hair and just cleaned myself in general. I mean. Seriously. Who wants to go around smelling like barf?

I walked into the girls trailer. As soon as I walked in I got a glare from Courtney. I raised an eyebrow.

"What happened to you?" I asked.

"She's mad because we 'went against her'" Beth answered.

"Excuse me?! I had a plan! All three of us could've just voted for one of the guys! But instead you two decided to ditch me and do things your way!" Courtney argued.

"Our way? You were the one who insisted on picking the order!" Beth argued.

"Could you two stop?! You're both acting ridiculous!" I stated.

"I'm acting ridiculous? You're a traitor Aaron!" Courtney yelled at me.

"Excuse me? I'm a traitor for not wanting to be eliminated?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"You ditched me for Beth!" She stated.

"He ditched you because you were wrong!" Beth yelled." You deserved it for being so bossy towards us!"

"She does make a point. I mean, you did pick the order without asking one of us." I sighed.

"Oh. So if that's how you two feel, then three way alliance is over!" Courtney shouted.

"Fine!" Beth crossed her arms.

"Fine!" Courtney crossed her arms.

"What?!" I widened my eyes.


We headed to the gilded Chris ceremony. I didn't really know who to vote for. Me and Courtney usually decided together. I guess I'll  vote for Duncan. Since he's never a bad choice.

"And six shall soon become five as we bid farewell to another cast member. Everyone, cast your votes." Chris annouced.

I clicked the Duncan button.

"And the gilded Chris goes to, Beth, Aaron, Owen, Duncan, and Courtney." Chris annouced." Sorry Harold, your Lamo-sine awaits."

Harold gasped and looked around and sighed in defeat. He got up and walked off.

"Get on with it, Doris!" Duncan told him.

Harold dashed back and pulled down Duncan's pants before getting carried away by Chef. I chuckled to myself.

"I kinda had that coming." Duncan said.

"Yeah. You really did." I said as he glared and I crossed my arms, and smiled victoriously.

"6th place? But Owen's the traitor. You gotta watch that guy like a hawk!" Harold stated being thrown into the Lamo-sine.

/Aaron:"I'm kinda glad Harold finally had the guts to stand up to Duncan. Though I'm kinda bummed about the whole alliance situation. That's the first disagreement me and Courtney ever had. Maybe I should go talk to her."\

After the elimination ceremony, I went off to fine Courtney. I saw her with a stack of papers.

"Um, Courtney." I started.

"Hmp." She turned around, crossing her arms.

"I wanted to talk to you. In private."

She sighed.

"This better be an apology for siding with Beth." Courtney rolled her eyes.

We walked some distance away from the trailers.

"Look, I didn't do the challenge purposely to disagree with you. I wasn't siding with Beth. I did the challenge because last elimination ceremony I almost got voted off. It would be horrible for me to leave you without an ally so close to the finals." I stated.

"So, what you're saying is. You did the challenge for you wouldn't leave me alone in the game?"

"If the shoe fits. And in this case, it does. I want us to win together." I grinned.

"Well, when you put it like that, there isn't an apology needed. I'm sorry. Guess I dropped the gun on that one."

"It's fine Court."


"Yeah. Friends" we hugged." Friends to the end."

We released from our hug.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but what's with the stack of papers?" I pointed.

"Oh. Well, let's just say I have some reviewing I have to do with Duncan. I made a list of things that I need to change so he and I can have a serious relationship."

"Do you really think that's going to work? I mean, he's a bad boy. Your Courtney. I'm not trying to be mean. But do you think that can last forever?" I frowned, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Don't worry Aaron. It's gonna work. I'm sure he'll be willing after I talk to him about it." Courtney explained.

"Oh. Well, good luck with that." I patted her shoulder.

"Yeah. Before you go, can you read over it for me? I wanna make sure there aren't any mistakes."


After I read over it. I gave it back.

"It seems fine."

"Okay. Well, goodnight Aaron." She waved.

"Night." I called back.

I went into the guys cabin and got some sleep.

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