Chapter 28: Our new pets

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I was sleeping peacefully in bed. I woke up to the sound conversating coming from the other trailer.

It sounded like Courtney and Duncan. I kept listening in then dosing off. She seems to really be confident that he'll actually change.

After some time, I decided to take some time to meditate. Keep my mind at ease and keep myself on high spirits. About an hour later, Owen farted and woke up.

"No pillow whipped at my head? No angry threat to stick a cork in it?" Owen gasped." Where's Duncan?"

Right as he asked that, Duncan came walking in like a zombie.

"Aughh." Duncan groaned, slouching over.

"Where were you all night? An alien abduction? It was, wasn't it? You were subjected to an endless night of alien probing . Oh the humanity!" Owen cried.

"Chill Owen. I spent the night in Courtney's trailer." Duncan stated.

"Really? What did you two do all night? Come on, come on." Owen nudged.

What was Owen inferring.... I'm sure they wouldn't that. They wouldn't move that fast...

"Down boy! We talked. About relationship stuff mostly. It's a little hazy. I'll let you know after I read this." Duncan pulled out a stack of papers.

Owen took the papers.

"Dude. Courtney gave you... homework?" Owen asked.

"Oh. You finally got the 32-page letter?" I asked.

"You knew about this?" Duncan raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I read over it for her. If I were you, I would get memorizing." I suggested, leaving out the trailer.

/Aaron:"Okay, is it just me, or if you have to make a 32-page letter to have a relationship with a guy, wouldn't that be. Oh, I don't know... A RED FLAG?!"\

I went to Chris to get more cinnamon rolls. You know, enjoying my special privileges.

I sat down next to Courtney for breakfast. Beth sat down on the other side of Courtney and joined us for breakfast.

"So, Courtney. You and Duncan, huh?" Beth teased in a playful manner.

"Got anything to tell us?" I smirked.

"Yeah, it was nice to finally work things out between us. Beth. We didn't keep you up. Did we?" Courtney asked.

"Nah." Beth answered.

Duncan then entered the craft services tent.

"Hey babe." Duncan walked over to Courtney.

"Um. I thought: according to letter that Courtney would only engage in the use in pet names." I raised an eyebrow.

"He's right. It's right there on page three." Courtney started.

"Section five." Me and Beth finished.

How does Beth know more about a letter that wasn't even for her? Maybe because she actually has a brain that absorbs information... eh, not gonna think to hard about it.

"You promised to memorize that letter verbatim." Courtney stated.

"I will. I will. I'm just very tired right now. Aren't you?" Duncan asked.

"Don't worry. I forgive you. Just like I forgave the other 316 minor transgressions I outlined in my letter. But I expect you to memorize that letter so it doesn't happen again." Courtney crossed her arms.

"Anything for you ba- I'm mean Courtney." Duncan corrected.

"You may hold me now." She grinned.


Me and Beth both stared in discus. Owen started making choking sounds.

"I know. Those two are sickening." Beth stated." Woah! You really are choking!" Beth exclaimed.

Beth helped Owen get out what ever he was choking on. Well, today is very interesting. I decided to just enjoy my cinnamon buns. Courtney's PDA went off. My phone went off at the same time.

"New message?" Courtney questioned.

"You too?" I asked.

"Yeah. I just need to check-" Courtney started until she was interrupted.

"Attention cast." Chris said.

We walked over to Chris.

"Dude, what's with the flying rat on your shoulder?" Duncan asked.

"That's my new BFFF. Best flying friend forever. That brings us to today's movie genre. The animal buddy flick."

We all gave Chris a werid look.

"The hallmark of any good animal buddy flick is the human animal bonding. First. The human and the animal start out as enemies. Then through many misadventures animal and human grown to care about each other. And become fast friends." Chris explained.

It looked like Chris was getting along until the bird bit his finger.

"You guys, just hang tight for a sec. K." Chris told us, walking away.

Chris ended up fighting the bird and coming back covered in feathers.

"So... where were we?" Chris asked.

"The last thing you said was about after many hardships, the human and the animal begin to bond." I reminded Chris.

"Oh right. The first animal buddy movie challenge will be to pick an animal and to teach it to be just like you. That shouldn't be too hard. Since you're all animals." Chris smiled.

We all gave Chris an unamused look.

"The cast member whose animal most resembles them at the end wins the challenge." Chris told us.

We met up outside the trailers for Chris to explain how we're gonna pick our animals.

"Alright cast. Time to meet your future BFFFFFs. Best furry feather or finned friend forever." Chris said.

Chef removed a blanket to reveal the animals. There was a shark, a bear, a raccoon a chameleon, and a puppy.

[AN:so cute.]

"Pick an animal and get training. You have three hours." Chris told us.

"I got the shark! The shark's mine!" Courtney annouced, pushing Beth to the ground.

"Dibs on the dog!" I annouced, running toward the cage that it was in.

"I'll take the chameleon. In tribute to my beloved reptilian friend Scruffy." Duncan told Owen.

"Dude, Scruffy was a bug." Owen told Duncan.

"Nobody talks about Scruffy like that! Nobody." Duncan told Owen.

I shrugged it off and looked at the cute puppy in the cage.

"Hello little one." I whispered." It's nice to meet you. I'm gonna name you Pepper."

I opened the cage and gently took the puppy out of the cage and softly scratching It's ear.

/Aaron:" I love dogs. Well, the nice friendly ones. I had a puppy when I was four. Sadly it lasted about two years. While I was in school, my dog went into my room and at a bag of Hershey kisses that I had. Man, I'll never forget that. Poor guy."\


I sat down on a bench and relaxed with my puppy. I was trying to think something I can teach my dog.

Duncan happened to sit down on the bench. He looked like he was trying to teach his chameleon to turn the color of his mohawk. It doesn't look like he was having much luck.

"Duncan! Hours almost up!" Courtney said from behind.

"Hour for what?" Duncan asked.

"Page 2 section 5. According to the letter, your suppose to pay Courtney a compliment once every hour." I explained.

"Oh, yeah. Right. Um, you have. Nice teeth." Duncan told her.

"Quit fooling around with that glorified lizard and get memorizing. After all, what's more important? Winning some stupid challenge, or making me happy?" Courtney asked.

I slowly made my exit from this discussion. I decided to teach my dog meditation. Since that was the only idea that came to mind.

"Now Pepper, remember. Meditation is all about focusing your mind on the breaths. Breath in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth. Concentrate only on that. Nothing else."

I spoke to the dog as if it actually knew english. At least I actually got her to sit in the meditation position.


After that, I came back to come check on Courtney. She had Pompoms.

"Ready?! Here we go. F-I-S-H-Y. You ain't got no alibi. You fishy, uh huh. You fishy uh uh. Come on get your fins up. Fins up. Come get your fins up. Get your fins up."

"I don't think it's following along." I raised an eyebrow." But, um. Courtney. What do you think of my dog? I'm calling her Pepper."

The dog jumped on Courtney and licked her.

"Hmm.. it is kinda cute." She grinned.

"Okay. How's your fish training going?" I asked.

"Eh. It could be going better. Now, if you Excuse me."

She picked up her pompoms and got ready to continue.

"Okay. From the top .F-I-S-H-Y. You ain't got no alibi. You fishy, uh huh. You fishy Uh huh. Hey bait breathe? Are you getting all this?" Courtney asked annoyed.

The shark charge as if it was going to eat her. Yeah, not sure how that's gonna go.


After going over the mediation with my dog one last time, we met up with Chris.

"Alright cast. Time to judge the animal buddies." Chris annouced.

I saw Courtney with part of her clothes ripped, a bandage around her head, a black eye and crutches.

"Courtney. What happened to you? Are you okay?" I asked, worried.

"I'm fine. But you should see the other guy." Courtney said.

/Aaron:"That's horrible. The sad thing is... Duncan wasn't even concerned. I don't even think he noticed."\

"Beth, you and you raccoon are up." Chris told her.

"Sorry Chris. I was totally unable to teach my raccoon anything. Oh no! I lost my retainer." Beth exclaimed.

Her and her raccoon started looking in a trash can and found it. She put it back in her mouth. Ew.

"Ten." Chris said.

"Alright bear. Show us your best Owen impression." Chris said.

The bear stretched and farted. They gave Owen a six.

"No fair. We haven't started yet." Owen stated.

"Next." Chris said.

I went next.

"Okay. So, I taught my dog a very useful skill." I stated.

"And what might that be?" Chris asked.

"Meditation." I stated as Pepper sat on the ground in meditation position.

"Eh. 8." Chris said." Next."

Duncan went next and his chameleon turned the same color as his mohawk.

"Courtney. You seem to be short one animal buddy." Chris told her

"It. Uh, it couldn't make it. Sashimi anyone?" Courtney offered to Chris and Chef.

They happily ate the sashimi.

"Where'd you get fresh fish around-" Chef started.

"As if I'd be that cruel. I gave the shark a nice roundhouse to the belly and it coughed up It's lunch. From his stomach to yours." Courtney smirked.

I mean. It's kinda what they get for telling us to eat garbage last season. But like I said before, two wrongs don't make a right.

"Points have been tallied. And winner of the first challenge is Beth." Chris annouced as she cheered.


We got on a bus. The bus came to a stop.

"Here we are gang. Don't you just love field trips?" Chris grinned as we all got off the bus.

"The woods. Again?" Beth asked.

"Your next challenge is to find your way back to the film lot. A ten mile hike through these woods. Using only your animal buddies to guide you." Chris said." But be careful. Several vicious and life-threatening traps have been set up along the way."

"Who would do such a thing?" Beth asked.

"Um. Me. First one back wins invincibility. Beth gets to shave thirty minutes off her final time for winning the first challenge. Everyone ready?" Chris asked.

"Um. Chris? Where's Courtney?" I asked.

Chris laughed." She's with her animal." He answered.

"See you all back at the film lot. And good luck, because two of you are being cut loose tonight." Chris got on the bus and drove off.

"Two?!" Me and Beth both said, eyes widening.

I sighed. We all splitted off in different directions.


After sometime of me and Pepper walking around, my dog was picking up a smell.

"Hmm... what is it girl?" I asked her, kneeling down.

She started barking.

"You think you might know where Courtney is?" I asked.

She happily nodded.

"Okay. Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I said, excited.

Pepper started sniffing and ran in a direction. I followed the directions she was running in.


After about 5 minutes jog, we found ourselves at a waterfall. We looked up at it. We saw a shark spit out a tiny electronic device. I caught it with ease.

"Courtney's PDA?" I pondered.

I looked up and saw Courtney going down the water fall.

"NOOOO!" She yelled.

I put the PDA in my pocket and went over where Courtney was.

"Here. Take my hand." I told her.

She grabbed it and I pulled her out of the water.

"Courtney? What happened to you? How did you end up falling off down a waterfall?" I asked.

She didn't give me a response. She was hugging herself and shaking.

"You alright?" I asked.

"My PDA. It's gone." She shuttered.

"Oh. You don't mean this do you?" I smiled, pulling it out of my pocket.

She gasped at the sight and quickly took it.

"Aaron? How did you-"

"I happened to catch it after the shark spat it out of its mouth. We really should start heading back. Beth already has a thirty minute edge." I told her.

"Yeah. You're right. Let's let's going." She agreed.


Night has fallen and me and Courtney were still looking for a way back. I took out my phone and used It's flashlight so we could see better.

"Well. It doesn't look like we're gonna make good timing. Hopefully none of the others are back yet." Courtney stated.

"Yeah. Agreed." I continued.

The night sky got darker and the wind got stronger. I continued to try to navigate through the forest, carrying pepper in my arms. Courtney held my phone to use as a light since I was holding my dog.

The winds howled loudly and got stronger. I almost fell over. I saw Courtney hugging herself, shivering.

"Courtney. You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I could be worst. At least we can see where we're going. Though these winds are freezing me." She explained.

I looked at the red coat that my mom made me bring and wear this season. I looked back at Courtney shivering. My walking came to a stop.

"What's going on? Why are we stopping?" Courtney asked.

I took off my jacket. I can see why she was cold. My grey T-shirt isn't gonna cut this cold.

"Here. Put it on." I handed it to her. She grabbed it.

"You sure? You're probably gonna get cold soon."

"It would be selfish to not help you. You're cold. I'll be fine." I stated.

"You're 100% sure?"

"Yeah. I'm 100% sure." I told her." Can you hold Pepper for me?"

"Yeah. Sure." She took her and I took my phone and continued to navigate.

/Courtney:"Aaron is a really good friend to have. Especially now that me and Duncan are back together. I have someone to talk to about relationship stuff. He's a very good ally. It was nice of him to give me his jacket."\

We came across a cave.

"Hey. How about we go in there?" I pointed." We can stay there until morning comes."

"Yeah. Good thinking." She nodded

We walked in and sat down. I heavily sighed.

"Finally we catch a break." I sighed.

"Yeah." She sighed, tired.

"So. How did things go with the shark?" I asked.

"I ended up beating up two of It's friends. Then it took my PDA."

"Ah. I see. Sounds like you had it rough." I stated.


We started hearing a growling sound. Me and Courtney quickly exchanged worried looks. The growling continued. Me and Courtney exchanged frightened looks. We saw a bear approaching us.

"AHHHH!" We both screamed and dashed out of the cave.


We were now hiding in a tree. We weren't sure if the bear followed us. But at least we're safe. I was starting to get cold. I stroked Pepper's head softly.

"Ugh. Wish we had something to eat." Courtney stated.

"Check the jacket pocket on the left. There should be something."

She dug in the pocket. She picked up a bag of cheese doodles.

"I packed them just incase I got hungry. We can split them if you want." I offered.

"Yeah. Sure."

"I mean. This could be worse. We still have each other."

Me and Courtney gave each other a smile. We shared cheese doodles and fell asleep.


The next morning I felt soft hair on my face. I peaked through one of my eyes. I noticed Courtney was leaning her head on my shoulder and I was leaning my head on her head.

I started to slowly move, but Courtney moved my head back to where it was and started hugging me. I felt my cheeks heating up.

"Um. Courtney? You're cuddling me..." I told her.

She slowly opened her eyes. She happily sighed. She then realized what she was doing. She quickly moved her head, embarrassed.

"T-that was an accident."

"It's fine Courtney."

"You won't tell Duncan about this accident right?"


"Okay. Let's get going."


After our second day, we started to fine the trailer. Owen came back with his bear. I had my dog and Beth was already here.

Duncan came swinging in and shot a rock at Beth.

"Lord of the files much." Courtney narrowed her eyes.

"Welcome back cast. Better late than never. Beth and her raccoon buddy easily won the challenge. Which means, invincibility. Beth gets a free past into the final three.." Chris said.

"Beth!" Courtney said shocked while Beth cheered.

"The question is who will join her in the final three. And what two people will be the next to leave. The only one place to find out. At the most excited gilded Chris ceremony ever." Chris said.


Me, Beth, and Courtney were heading to the girls trailer.

"You know you had it rough when this place starts to look good." Courtney stated.

"Yeah. Dido." I stated.

Courtney's PDA started to go off.

"Oh. Message from my lawyers. Wonder what those bloodsuckers want now." Courtney said, checking her PDA.

Me, Beth, and Courtney took a look.

"Harold was right!" Beth exclaimed.

"Cheater!" Me and Courtney both stated.

We all went to confront Owen.

"I trusted you." Beth stated

"Did accidentally toot?" Owen asked.

"You can't hide behind that bear forever." Courtney stated as it roared at us.

"You underestimate my cowerdes." Owen stated.

Beth was then shot with a dart. We saw Duncan do a silent cheer. We both rolled our eyes. Courtney walked over and kissed him. I think this is my cue to leave.


We headed to the elimination ceremony.

"This is a big one cast. Beth is safe from elimination which means the rest of you are fair game. So sharpen those claws and cast your votes. Someone is going home for the last time. And remember. This particular time. You get to vote twice. If you want to." Chris told us.

Courtney voted for Owen. I would tell her to vote for Duncan, but I don't think she would. I voted for Owen and Duncan.

"The gilded Chris goes to... Beth. And Duncan." Chris annouced.

"Courtney, since Beth and Duncan both voted for you, it's time for your ride home. And Aaron, since Owen and Duncan voted for you. You'll be riding home too. Owen, I'll deal with you in a moment."

"What?! Duncan voted for me? Ugh!" Courtney threw the voting device.

So... close.


"How could you do this to me? After everything. We are so done." Courtney said as the door was shut.

Well... I guess we're out the game. That could've gone better...

August, 16th, 2019

AN: Well. They came back as a team and they went down as a team.

I know, Aaron came close to winning. But don't worry, I have a special chapter planned after this one.

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