Chapter 36: Sundae Mundae alternate version #2

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Like I said before. Not cannon. Just a "What if this happened". It's kinda going off of the 'cannon' writting of the episode. So, if Courtney seems more heartless than what she normally is, that's why.

Okay. Let's go.

Aaron's POV( I'm literally waiting to start a chapter with someone else's perspective haha)

It was the next day. Me and Courtney were in the girls cabin together. We were just enjoying each other's company.

"So, you're saying you know how to control your dreams?" Courtney grinned.

"Yeah. I-I could teach you if you want. Everything feels so real. You can do anything you want in your dream. As long as it isn't too startling that you jolt awake."

"Well. Maybe you could teach me sometime." Courtney grinned.

Me and Courtney headed outside. Chris started an announcement bright and early.

"Attention punching bags. Please gather in the forest clearing. And bring your padded undies. Because today's challenge is a buttkicker." Chris stated.

We saw Chef driving by and drop Gwen off. Literally.

"Hey Gwen. How was your night on Boney Island?" Zoey asked.

"Not bad actually. A woolly beaver tried to eat me so I climbed a tree to the top and slept in the canopy. Fell asleep looking at the stars." Gwen explained.

"Wow." Zoey started.

"Yeah. What a nightmare. Luckily Gwen is super smart and totally strong so she lived to tell the tale." Courtney hugged Gwen as I happily nodded in agreement.

"Well. Welcome back Gwen." Zoey said as her, Mike, and Scott left the scene.

"'Welcome back Gwen'." Courtney mocked.

"What?!" Gwen pulled away.

"Nothing. I was just noticing that cutthroat vibe Zoey has about her. So two-faced. We should shun her." Courtney stated.

"Um...." Gwen started.

"Are you still mad at me for all the kissing I did? Because like I said before, Scott was an accident and both Aaron and Cameron kissed me." Courtney clarified.

I felt myself blushing of the memory of kissing Courtney.

"I'm not mad at you. I just hope your head is still in the game." Gwen pointed.

"Don't worry. I can reassure that Courtney's number one priority is the game." I stated." After ending her relationship with Scott, we got to strategize last night."

"So you guys still wanna go all the way to the finale with me?" Gwen grinned.

"Of course we do. Right Courtney?" I grinned.

"Gwen. I promise. It's me, you, and Aaron. Right to the end." Courtney smiled.

/Courtney:" Yeah. Aaron and Gwen are great. But if you ask me winning is everything. This is gonna be the farthest I'm going to get in Total Drama and I am going all the way. Aaron is sweet on me for obvious reasons so I'm keeping him around since he'll probably let me win. Which mean Gwen goes second last. Right before Gwen Scott has to leave. Zoey has to go, like now. The only wild card is Mike but I'm pretty sure I can crush him. *happily sighs* making a chart always helps clarify things nicely."\

Me, Gwen, and Courtney were walking in to where Chris wanted to meet him.

"Hey guys. After we win the million, me, you, and Gwen should totally hang out at a mall and go clothes shopping." I suggested.

"That actually sounds nice." Gwen agreed.

"It would be a nice change of scenery. Especially being in this dump for so long."

Scott then came out of nowhere 'attempting' to flex.

"Hope you three got lots of sleep. 'Cause I'm feeling as strong as an ox." Scott stated.

Mike and Zoey joined our situation.

"Don't you mean strong as a rat?" Mike corrected.

"Eh?" Scott looked up in confusion.

"Ohhh. You haven't seen Courtney's chart." Mike said happily.

Courtney gasped.

"Chart?" I asked.

"What chart?" Scott asked.

"This one." Mike happily pulled out her chart.

We all gasped at the sight of the chart.

"Great plan by the way. Not the way I wanted to go down but still-"  Mike grinned.

"Second last?" Gwen pointed." Right to the end. My butt."

"I can explain-" Courtney started.

"You gave me a tail? Wow?" Scott glared and walked off.

I took the chart from Mike and closely examined it. She put a squirrel's tail on the drawing of me. I read the tiny small notes that she put next to each drawing but payed close attention to the one she put next to the drawing of me.

It says," Aaron's sweet on me for obvious reasons so he'll probably let me win."

I looked at her then back down at the chart then back at her. The rest of the cast stormed off leaving me and Courtney alone.

"Y-you. You wouldn't?! H-h-h-how could you? I! I can't believe... I trusted you!"

"I. Um. Well-"

"Courtney. Did you ever even forgive me? After everything on the plane and Hawaii?"

"I. Well. Yes. B-but-"

"But you still planned on using me and Gwen to win the money and just keeping it for yourself?"

"N-no.  I. Well...."

"You're lying. I can't believe you actually planned on doing this. And you don't even feel bad!"

"Well. I was going to share...."

"We all agreed to split the money. Not this! This is unacceptable!" I threw the chart on the ground in frustration.

I was breathing heavily in anger and heartbreak. It was taking all of my mental stability to keep myself from crying.

"What was I to you?" I asked.

"Well- you. I-"

"Was I a joke?! I thought you actually cared! I was your best friend! I forgave you for everything you've done and I put your past behind you and moved on like a friend would. Heck, I didn't even hold it against you!  You clearly didn't do the same!"

"Please! You're over exaggerating it!"

"I'm over exaggerating?! This just shows me that you'd take a million bucks over me! Your best friend! Did you even feel the same way that I did?"

"Well- kinda. I mean. Yes, but-"

"I can't believe you! I thought you have changed! You're that same old puppet master who likes pulling my strings and using me to your advantage! I-.... I loved you! I cared! You just.... I don't even want to even be bothered with you anymore. I see how you are. You clearly think money is more important than your friends. We are so done! Heck, we didn't even get to start!"

"But... I-"

"I don't want to hear it. You're constantly toying with my emotions. You of all people should know what that feels like. And it hurts like hell Courtney. It really does. And you just keep doing it! I can't just keep letting you do this to me!" My eyes watered.

I heavily sighed and wiped one of my eyes.

"You. I. I can't." I heavily sighed turned around and walked away.


We met up with Chris and he began explaining today's challenge.

"Behold. My sad skinny interns. I totally forgot to feed them this week." Chris smiled.

Mike obnoxiously laughed... what is wrong with him? They're is that funny...

"I know. Funny right?"

"No. Not really." I crossed my arms giving the interns slight looks of concern.

"It is. Anywho, today's challenge is a race to make a delicious sundae and serve it up to the good ole what's-his-name. And who's It's over here." Chris stated." So, to make this fun, for me you'll have to travel to the most dangerous areas on the island to procure the ingredients of this desert. Your icecream awaits at the top of the diving cliff, which the ice machine has been making nice and slippery all week. The maraschino cherries are perched on a rock in the swamp. You'll find chrushed peanuts in the cafeteria. And the final ingredient. Chocolate sauce can be found in a pool surrounding a recently planted mutant fire flower." Chris explained as Chef started handing us our bowls.

"You're sick McClain." Gwen pointed, receiving her bowl from Chef.

I agree with Gwen. His twisted mind is sickening.

"What can I say? Prison changed me... for the better. The first person to have their sundae completely consumed by the interns wins. On your Mark's. Get set." Chris blew his air horn.

We all stood there.

"What are you waiting for? They're hungry. SCRAM!" Chris yelled, blowing the horn as we took off.

I took off following behind Gwen.

"Guys that chart meant nothing!" Courtney claimed.

"Ugh." Gwen scoffed.

"Seriously. It was not serious." Courtney lied.

"Save your incredibly bad breath Chartney." Gwen rolled her eyes.

"Lying to us isn't going to get you far Courtney. You're better off trying to win. Please just leave me alone." I sighed and ran up ahead.


Me and Gwen went up ahead. Me and Gwen were working our way up. Scott then came running by.

"Out of the way!" Scott ran by causing us to fall over some." Courtney has to lose meaning I have to win."

"Not cool!" Gwen called out.

"Let's just keep going." I said, as we continued to go up. Me and Gwen got up scooped up our icecream.

"Gwen and Aaron has scooped up first place." Chris said on the annoucer.

Gwen happily cheered as I followed behind emotionless. We hopped and slid down the cliff.


Me and Gwen were now traveling through smelly swamp water to get the cherries.

"Stinky." Gwen plugged her nose as we approached the cherries.

"Gwen and Aaron are first to the cheirres. Will they keep their lead? Not if Snappy has anything to say about it."

"Snappy?" Gwen question.

We turned around and saw an aligator.

"Gah!" Gwen screamed.

Mike then came in on a vine landing on the gator.

"Bet that hurt." Mike smirked and laughed.

"Woah! Thanks for the save." Gwen thanked.

"Huh? Oh yeah, sure no problem. OH MY GOSH! ANOTHER GATOR!" Mike pointed.

We turned around.  He dunked on Gwen's head and got ahead.

"Sorry! False alarm!" Mike 'apologized' and then laughed.

"You Alright Gwen?" I asked.

"Yeah. Let's keep going." She said annoyed.


Me and Gwen then headed to the cafeteria. We were quitly sneaking in while the robot was attacking Mike.

"Hey guys! Watch out for the robot!" Mike warned.

The robot noticed us and started chasing us around. Isn't this day already bad enough?

"Gah! Woah! Easy! I mean you no harm! Gah!" Gwen ran.

Gwen managed to trick it into getting stuck. We took this time to get the nuts and run out. As we ran out we bumped into Courtney.

"Guys. I-" Courtney started.

"No time to chat." Gwen stated.

"Wait! I'm sorry! I never should have made that chart, I still want us to be a team. I still want us all to be friends! Please don't vote me off. Vote for Zoey!" Courtney said firmly.

Gwen and I exchanged a look and heavily sighed.

"Okay. I tell you what. I'll vote for Scott and I'll try to convince Zoey to vote fro him too." Gwen said.

Courtney squeeled happily.

"Seriously?" Courtney said hopefully.

"I still want to be friends too. But to prove that I can trust you, you have to vote for yourself." Gwen said as we started to leave.

"Ugh! Get real. You're just trying to make it unanimous." Courtney stated.

"That's a chance you'll just have to take." Gwen said as we ran off.


Me and Gwen headed to the last area for our ingredient.

"'Still wanna be friends'. Well we'll just se about that. Woah! It's huge!" Gwen noticed the plant.

"Yep. Toxic waste. The most terrifying growth hormone money can buy." Mike said.

The flower then charged up and fired at us. Literally. We dodged. It then attacked again but it was only aimed at Mike.

Me and Gwen took this time to get our chocolate and get going.

"Gwen and Aaron exit the chocolate fire zone and retakes the lead." Chris  announced.


Somehow the rest caught up and we were all running for the win.

"Run faster! I don't care who wins as long as it's not Courtney!" Scott stated.

Courtney then came running out of nowhere.

"Tada! Shortcut!" Courtney cheered as everyone but me complained. I just heavily sighed." Haha woo! I win! Eat it interns!"

"Surprise! Change of plans! You have to eat your own sundaes." Chris stated.

Everyone but me and Courtney seemed excited. I would normally enjoy something like this. But right now, my mood is just gone.

I'm not sure what happend to Courtney's sundae, but it's covered in some sort of barf. Yeah, I wouldn't eat that.

I slowly started eating. It's good, but like i said, I just don't feel like eating. I can't really eat when I'm in a bad mood.

"Ah! Brainfreeze!" Gwen exclaimed as Scott laughed." Easy to laugh when you have no brian to freeze."

"You're just jealous because I'm almost done." Scott smirked.

"Finished!" Zoey exclaimed.

"Boom! Just like that Zoey wins the challenge and Immunity!" Chris stated as everyone but me complained.

Courtney happily sighed in relief

"You gonna eat that?" Scott pointed.

"Here." Courtney was about to happily hand it over.

"Not so fast. Everyone has to eat there own sundae. Remember? You won't get anything else to eat until you finish the sundae you thought was good enough to feed my interns. I wouldn't feed them that." Chris said.

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't feed them anything...

"It's not my fault.  Mike ruined the chocolate on purpose." Courtney said.

"But you're the one who put it in your sundae." Chris said.

"What was I suppose to do? Skip the chocalote sauce?" Courtney asked.


"Well... now I know for next time." Courtney sheepishly smiled.


After the challenge, I sat down outside the cabin on one of the stairs. I was eating whatever warm icecream I had.

Courtney came out if the girls side of the cabin and sat down next to me one the stair. I turned the other way, refusing to face her.

"I know I was a bad friend but please, don't vote me off." I heard her say.

It was taking all of my years of meditation to not blow a fuse. But that last thing... well. I kinda just blew up.

I got up in frustration and got off of the stairs. I sharply turned around and faced her.

"Do you even hear yourself right now?! You clearly cared more about the money more than what you did me. You're still wanting me to not vote you off but you can't even show that you cared about our friendship. I can't believe I let myself fall into another one of your well throughout traps! When the show started, I forgave you. I gave you another chance. Because I cared. And I loved you for who you were. But you don't even care. You're so caught up in the money you can't even see how bad you hurt me. But you.... You can't even give a damn about how I feel!" I stormed off.


We headed to the elimination ceremony.

"I know I was a bad friend. But please please don't vote for me." Courtney begged.

Begging for us not to vote for her. Not actually asking if we still wanted to be friends I guess her head was really in the game. Too into the game that is.

"I won't. As long you vote for yourself." Gwen said." By the way your sundae smells like the outhouse."

Courtney gagged got up and ran off and barfed.

"Guess shes not hungry." Gwen smiled.

"Elimination time. Tonight Zoey got immunity, so and Scott and Courtney are on thin ice. Scott you finished dead last and you're all out of allies. Courtney backstabbing your friends and trying to poison my interns. Really? It's time to vote."


Everyone voted. Well. Everyone but me. But we all know who is getting the flush of shame.

"I've tabulated the votes and tonight's loser with three votes against two is Courtney." Chris stated.

"You know. Even all of this. I still couldn't bring myself to vote you off." I heavily sighed.

"Y-you can't flush me yet  I-I'm still eating." Courtney claimed taking a spoon of her icecream and almost barfing.

"That's the spirit. Never give up!" Chris flushed her." I know. We're all gonna miss her."

I heavily sighed.


I headed to the girls side of the cabin, sat down. I leaned my elbow on my knee and place my hand on my head.

"It's me, you, and Aaron. Right to the end."

"Please! You're over exaggerating it!"

"Guys that chart meant nothing!"

"I know I was a bad friend but please, don't vote me off."

It all just keeps replaying in my head. And it just refuses to leave.

Gwen walked in and noticed me sitting there, drowning in my own emotions.

"Hey Aaron. How are you holding up?" She sat down next to me.

"Not very well. I just- well. I wish things were different. I guess. I just can't get it out of my head. I hoped. I dreamt. There was just so much I had planned for us and now. It's all down the drain."

"Yeah. Sorry about that. Guess this season has been a bad run for relationships for the both of us, huh?"

"Yeah... I guess so." I sighed." I'm gonna get some sleep Gwen."

"Okay. Well. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I layed down on the bed and covered up.

Betrayed by my own best friend. It might take a while, but it might be best if I just move on....

An: And there. That is the alternate version number two. I know, so many emotions.

Gotta say. Aaron's gets quite sensitive when it comes to his girl Courtney. And yes this chapter is meant to be written similar to the writing of the episode.(but it didn't shove Mike/Mal and Zoey down your throat. It just shoved Aaron's sad emotions down it)

Thanks for reading and please vote. And with that, I give my goodbyes!

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