Chapter 37: The finale

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Aaron's POV (Still waiting to start from a different POV lol)

I woke up this morning. I got some sleep. I went downstairs for breakfast. You know, I kinda miss hanging out here with Courtney and Gwen.

Okay. Not kinda. I do miss it. It gets kinda lonely in here when you have no one to enjoy breakfast with.

I-I guess you can say I'm not really use to eating my meals alone. Though even though I am alone, this breakfast doesn't get any less delicious, that's for sure.

Not sure how they make their breakfast so... perfect. Or maybe it seems perfect after eating the trash Chef and Chris makes us that they call 'food'.

Either way. This still tastes great. My thoughts were inturupted by the loud speaker.

"Good morning finales. Meet me in the forest clearing and get ready to diet." Chris said.

Um... what?

"Sorry. Typo. Get ready to die." Chris finished.

/Aaron:"Woah! He can't actually kill me and Scott, right?.... Can he?"\


After finishing my lemonade, I started heading to where Chris wanted me and Scott to meet him. Scott was following behind.

"So. You and Courtney huh?" Scott started.

"Yeah... what of it?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing. It's just, I know she's purposely going out with you in attempt to make me jealous."

"Actually. N-no. That's not the case. She actually was sad when you broke up with her. And I asked her out, not the other way around."

"Pfft. Whatever. You still haven't realized that it was such a dumb move to bring me to the finale. You might as well give up now. See this?" Scott started to 'attempt' to flex"Arms like a cheetah. Might as well save yourself a trip from the hospital."

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure I'm more than capable of beating a farm animal."

/Aaron:"Okay, is it just me or is it the longer I stay on this show, the more immature I get?"\

"Too bad I'm not a farm animal." Scott glared.

"Really? I beg to differ." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah. Well, my mama also told me I'm as handsome as a mule." Scott said arrogantly as if that was a good thing.

"Well. She wasn't lying to you. That's for sure." I walked up ahead.

/Aaron:"What? You can't be mad at me for making that come back. He was basically telling me to do it. And I guess I'm a bit sensitive when it comes to... well. Courtney. Falsely accusing her of cheating. That jerk."\

Me and Scott met up with Chris and Chef. Chris started to explain the challenge.

"Congratulations on making it to the finale. It's something you'll regret for the rest of your life which will likely be rather short since this final challenge is so vicious. So brutal. So savage." Chris started.

Me and Scott exchanged frightened looks.

"That our lawyers said we had to change it." Chris said and I sighed in relief.

"Good. So, you made some changes to the challenge?" I asked, still relived.

"No. But we told them we did. High five!" Chris offered Chef.

"People gonna die." Chef stated.

"Yeah. Those people." Chris pointed as me and Scott gasped." Combatants. Choose your weapon. So, what'll it be? Meatball bazooka? Bow and blood Tipped arrows. A leach gun. A slingshot. Or. Why is there an oven mit there?" Chris asked.

Chef quickly ran up and grabbed it.

"T-there was an extra hook."

"Dibs on the leech gun." Scott called.

I took the slingshot. Since that's what I have the most experience with. I mean. Really. Season 3 there was that Zeke hunt, that challenge we had where we had to battle the villians using slingshots, and not to mention my previous challenge.

I have to say, I have pretty good aim with the slingshot. Plus I don't know how to use a bow, so.... yeah.

"Now that you've got your weapons, you'll need them to pop these balloons. Each one contains a previously flushed All-Star." Chris stated.

"Chris. I would like to express some concern for my former competition. Can they even breath in there?" I asked.

"I don't know. Ask our classic competitor Owen." Chris pointed." He filled them"

"Thanks Chris. These double deep fried beans really do the trick." Owen laughed." Watch."

He started farting out a balloon and it exploded.

"Mommie." Owen squeaked.


"You have 30 seconds. Any All-Star you shoot down becomes your helper. And.... go!" Chris blew his horn.

I took a leech and started to aim.

"Okay. Depending on the force of the shot, plus the force of wind shifting the leech in a different direction, also keeping in mind the weight of the leech. Here goes."

I fired a leech. It managed to pop a balloon. Gwen fell out of the balloon. Okay. I guess I have Gwen back.

I aimed again keeping the same calculations as last time. I popped another ballon and Courtney fell out. Huh. My aim and luck is pretty good.

I took another leech and was about to do the same thing again. My attention was drawn by Scott.

"How about you take a break?" Scott smirked.

He aimed his gun at me.

"Hey, wait. You can't-" I started/pointed but he started firing at me." Stop! Quit it!"

I defened the best that I could and then fell over. Scott managed to shoot down Heather and Alejandro. I got up, took the leach that Scott fired at me and fired it back at him.

Chris blew his airhorn.

"Times up! Oh intern. Go collect the helpers please." Chris ordered.

The balloons ended up flying off.... yeah, Chris should expect some lawsuits. Then again, Courtney is the only person who ever had the guts to sue Chris so...


The helpers that didn't fly off joined our situation.

/Aaron:"I feel bad bringing my best friends into this dangerous finale. Then again, that better than possibly floating off into space. And we were planning a friendship finale so...."\

"Alejandro and Heather you will be holding Scott. Courtney and Gwen you're on team Aaron. But you for are here as helpers only meaning you can't win." Chris grinned." Meaning no money.... zero money plenty if pain. HEATHER! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" Chris aksed through his megaphone.

"Yes Chris I hear you! Alejandro and I are fine with the rules." Heather said... happily.

"Oh no! Are you two dating?" Chris asked in horror.

Eh, they kinda fit each other perfectly...


We then got in a cart taking us to where the finale was going to take place.

"Scott. Aaron, this season I decided to come up with something very danger- I mean special. Yeah. Special. For the both of you." Chris stated as me Courtney and Gwen exchanged a look.

"Say hello to the final challenge of Total Drama All-Stars. The moats of doom!" Chris laughed as Lightning struck.

We all gasped at the sight of the challenge.

"Each level has a sliver of safe-ish ground where you'll find tools to help you survive the insane danger that await you in each moat. The first moat at ground level is filled with toxic waste. You might wanna avoid falling in unless you wanna go to the prom with Ezekiel." Chris stated.

"And how are we suppose to get across that?" Courtney asked annoyed.

"Don't worry. We provided you with canoes and paddles to get across. Assuming that your canoe doesn't sink into the toxic waste, you'll meet moat number two. Boiling hot lava. The thrid moat is just plain old swamp water. But what lies beneath will definitely kill you." Chris finished as we saw the fly get eaten by Fang causing Scott to panic.

"Scott. Aaron. If you somehow survive all three moats you must say goodbye to your helpers and go it alone as you storm the castle. Take your life in your hands as you fight your way pass the Mad King." Chris said.

"I am the Mad King. Gar." Chef said with no excitment at all.

"If you get pass the Mad King and find the strength to pull the sword of victory from the stone you are the true Total Drama All-Star. And the winner of one million dollars! So? Excited?"

"This challenge is crazy!" Gwen stated.

"Yeah. What if one of us die doing this. This probably isn't even in my contract." Courtney glared.

"Let's just try to stick together. We'll be fine." I grin.

/Aaron:"I hope."\


"Good luck Aaron! You're gonna need it!" Scott mischievously laughed.

"Oh really? You're then one who's gonna need that luck. For you don't have any skills." I smirked.

"On your mark, get set, go!" Chris shouted and blew his airhorn.

Me and my former Amazon teammates quickly ran over to our canoe. We managed to get it to float in the toxic waste.

I got in first to test it was safe.

"Well the boat's not sinking, so I guess it's safe. Come on, get in." I told them.

They joined me and started paddling. We saw Scott doing the same thing that we were doing.

The boat sunk a bit.

"Row faster!" Courtney instructed.

We all started paddling as fast as we could. After getting close enough, I jumped from the boat to the tiny sliver of land that was available.

Courtney followed my lead. Gwen hopped off the boat and managed to land on the tiny sliver of land. Though she lost her footing and was about to fall back.

Me and Courtney quickly grabbed Gwen and pulled her in our direction so she wouldn't fall in the toxic waste.

"You Alright Gwen?" Courtney asked.

"Yeah. Thanks for the save guys." Gwen thanked.

"Of course. We know you would've done the same for us." I grinned.

We looked over and Saw Scott and the other villians doing the same thing we were.

"Let's keep going, we don't want them to catch up!" Courtney said.

"Agreed." I agreed, heading to the ladder.

I was climbing up as fast as I could. I manage to finish climbing. I felt myself sweating seeing the pool of lava. My goodness It's hot.  Chris then started talking on the loud speaker.

"Welcome to level two. All tied. No one's died. Yawn. Let's go people." Chris said.

Courtney and Gwen joined me on the second moat. It's so hot up here. I'm practically in an outside oven.

"Okay, he said there are tools on each moat to help us get across. Anyone see anything useful?" Courtney asked.

I started looking around to see anything.

"How about this?" I heard Gwen say.

I turned around in her direction and saw her pointing at a grapple gun.

"Looks like the grapple gun me and Courtney found in season 2." I stated.

"Looks kinda old." Courtney raised an eyebrow.

"Do you think it still works?" Gwen asked.

"Only one way to find out." I stated.

I looked over and saw Scott managing to get to the second moat.

"We better act fast." I stated.


Me and the girls grouped up close together.

"Okay. You two might wanna hold on." I stated.

They both held on to me I I aimed the gun.

"Here goes." I stated, slightly worried about how this might turn out.

I shot the gun and the hook went out and attached to a peice of the thrid moat's small sliver if land. And just like that, we managed to use the gun to get over the second moat.

Though are landing was a bit unbalanced. But none of us are dead, so still good.

I got up and helped Courtney and Gwen up. We saw Scott, Heather, and Alejandro already caught up.

Me and Scott exchanged a look and then glared.

"That million is going to be mine!" Scott pointed.

"Yeah. Sure." I rolled my eyes.

We all looked at the third moat. We saw Fang pop out of the water. Scott instantly started panicking and screaming.

The shark seemed busy on Scott so I dived in the swamp water and swam across.

"That's it Aaron! Go for the win!" Courtney cheered.

I climbed kept climbing at my fast rate. When I got to the top, Chef immediately fired at me. I almost felt back but I held on to the ladder to keep myself balanced.

I quickly got off and hid behind a conveniently placed rock. I peaked out seeing if there was anywhere I could go, but everytime I tried to look, Chef kept firing at me, forcing me to stay hidden behind the rock.

Chris then came flying by on his jetpack.

"Aaron is in the lead, though that might be changing rather soon." Chris stated.

Scott managed to climb up the other side of the ladder and hide behind another conveniently placed rock. Chef kept firing but the had to reload.

While he was reloading me and Scott both dashed for the sword. We both grabbed the handle and both were fighting over who pulls out the sword..

"Let go!" Scott pulled.

"You're kidding right? And let you win? Not in a million years!" I pulled.

We kept pulling back and forth until Fang somehow got up here. Fang grinned and pointed at his missing tooth.

I thought he got his tooth back. Unless Scott managed to knock it out again. Eh, not gonna think about it.

Scott was startled again by the shark and the cat and mouse game staring Fang and Scott started up again.

I pulled with all of my might and got the sword out.


"Aaron wins the million dollars!" Chris cheered.

"Yes!" I cheered.

My attention was drawn by Scott running away from Fang.

"Ah! Get away! Get away!" He ran.

The rest of our helpers managed to get up here and joined our situation. I happily dropped the sword and took the case and grinned.

"OH MY GOSH! YOU WON!" Courtney ecstatically ran over with Gwen following behind.

"Nice work Aaron." Gwen grinned.

"I knew you could do it." Courtney grinned, ecstatically hugging me.

Personally, I give 70% of the credit to the shark. But that's just me. Suddenly the platform we were standing on started to tremble.

"Um. What's going in?" Chris asked.

"Um. Chef, out of curiosity, what did you use to make these moats?" I asked.

"A fracking machine." Chef answered.

"Woah! You can't say that on TV." Gwen stated.

"Are you out of your mind?! A fracking machine is hydraulic drill! You're not suppose to use it on an island this small! It's seriously Dangerous, and more importantly not in my contract!" Courtney stomped.

"Why? What could happen?" Chris asked.

Suddenly water started spewing out of the hole where I pulled out the sword.

"THE ISLAND IS SINKING!" Courtney exclaimed as we all panicked.

*cue the extreme footage of the island sinking*

We managed to find the broken down cabin and me, Gwen, and Courtney sat on it. Hey, at least it floats.

"Well. At least we're not dead." I awkwardly chuckled.

"Yeah. Agreed." Gwen nodded.

And that's the season finale. Sorry if it sucked. Not good at doing All-Star finales. Not really my thing.

Anyways, I'm really really sorry this took so long. I've been getting so many test and quizzes and H.W. I don't get as much time to write.

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