Chapters 38: Valentine's Day!

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Courtney's POV( There! Finally made a chapter where it starts with a different POV)

After Aaron won the seasons finale of Total Drama All-stars, he was rewarded the million dollars.

But, he's a man of his word and stuck to our three way alliance. So, we each got $333,333.33.(AN:And yes. I'm going off of Beth's calculations from season one)

Oh yeah, and me and Aaron have been dating. It's been going great. Like, really great.

We've been together ever since the show ended.

And that leads us to this present day.

Today is a special day. Like, beyond special. I mean, this is going to be my first valentine's day with an actual boyfriend.

A great boyfriend at that. I have a whole checklist of things I have planned. Thing number one. Check the checklist that reminds me to check my main checklist.

Okay, so maybe that was a bit absurd, and probably not needed. But making a list always clarifies things. Thought having one to tell me to check a list isn't really.... necessary. Eh, I'm gonna stop going on about this.

But, I have a great plan to make this a great valentine's day. And, of course I brought gifts. I brought this nice small pink teddy bear, and a nice size box of chocolates.

I mean, sweets once in a while is fine. Then again, Aaron drinks lemonade quite often so I guess this won't change anything health wise.

How does a guy that drinks so much lemonade stay healthy? Eh, I won't think too hard about it.

I pulled out my phone and checked the time. 9:48. I should probably get ready. I happily got up, took a shower and got dressed.

I looked in the mirror and did a tiny touch up on my make up. What? I have to be presentable. I mean, not that I'm already not, but you know.

I sat down on my bed and neatly combed my hair. Then I carefully put on my hat. I picked up my mirror and looked at myself.

I adjusted my hat and happily smiled in the mirror. I neatly place my mirror down and got up. I put on a bit of perfume and happily smiled.

I headed downstairs, still pretty excited about my date plans. My mother smiled happily seeing how beautiful I look. I know I look good. Stunning really.

"Well well. Looks like someone's all dressed up. I see you have plans today." My mother smiled.

"Yep. Excited plans. I have a date with Aaron today." I smiled confidently.

"Well. You sure fixed yourself up nice. Just make sure you bring a jacket with you. It'll be a little breezy this morning."

"Okay mom." I grinned, grabbing my red coat, and putting it on over my pink cardigan." Well, I'll see you when I get back."

"Okay. Wait, where are you going anyway?"

"Oh, well I have a lot planned. But me and Aaron are gonna meet up at the park first and then decide from there."

"Okay. You want me to drive you?"

"No thanks. I could use a nice morning stroll." I said, grabbing the bag that had Aaron's gifts in it. How did I almost forget that?

"Okay. Well, come home safe dear."

"I will!" I waved, and walked outside and shut the door.

I felt the cool breeze hit me. Guess I'll get walking. I started walking down the block with my heels clicking with each step.

Aaron's POV

After taking a relaxing shower, I flopped down on my bed and relaxed. Man... you ever have that feeling you're forgetting something?

I know I was suppose to do something, but what? What could it be? I heard my phone's notification noise go off.

I sat up, took my phone off charger and turned it on. It was from Courtney.

Hey, I'm heading to the park? Are you on your way there?~Courtney

Park? Wait? Today isn't..... is it? I strolled through my calendar on my phone.


Oh god. How could I forget. I literally shopped for this day last week. How did I forget? I decided to not respond to Courtney's text and start getting ready.

At least I already showered. I'm just gonna have to run to make up for lost time. I quickly got dressed.

Eh, at least the shoes match my hair. Yeah, I missed having red hair so I got it dyed again. I quickly combed out my hair a bit, and looked in the mirror.

I gave myself a confident grin and a thumbs up. Me, still being in a hurry, ran downstairs and put on my coat.

"Woah! Someone's in a hurry. What's the rush?" My dad asked as my mom joined the situation.

"I forgot today is valentine's day!" I said, quickly buttoning up my coat." I'll see you!"

I was about to run out but my parents stopped me.

"You almost forgot her gift." My mom pointed.

"Oh! Thanks so much!" I picked it up.

I like the present I picked out for Courtney. I would say what it is mentally, but it has to be a suprise for both Courtney and the readers.

After picking up the gifts, I happily waved goodbye to my parents and ran out. Woah. It's a bit colder than I thought.

Eh, still better than that time in the Yukons. So, I won't complain. I don't wanna move too quick because I don't want in some sort of way ruin the vio- I mean. Suprise I got for Courtney.

Courtney's POV

I arrived at the park. I sat down on a empty bench. I crossed my legs and pulled out my phone.

No response from Aaron. Where is he? It's unlike him to be late. I hope he's okay. Did he cancel?

Pfft. No. As if he'd do that. He would've told me if he did. So, maybe he got hurt. Our maybe I'm over thinking.

Yeah. I'm definitely over thinking this. I guess It's just my past dating experience was just bad.

I mean, the last time I went on an actual date was with Ducnan. Which didn't go so well. Or technically it would've been in that cave with Scott...

Ugh! Okay, I have to stop comparing bad experiences to this possible good one. I can't just assume this date will go bad because of my past experiences.

Then again, I technically did go on a date with Aaron before. I mean, at the time it technically wasn't a date, but it basically was one.

And that did go really well.... I shouldn't be too worried. I'm sure I'll have a good time. And Aaron is a pretty amazing boyfriend.

A tad protective, but still. Amazing. I pulled out my phone and checked to see if I got a response from Aaron.

"Ugh. Still no response... where is he?" I said to myself, strolling through my phone.

I turned it off and studied the ground.

"Courtney!" I heard.

I looked up and saw Aaron coming with a fancy bag. I happily got up from the bench I was sitting on, picked up my gift bag, and approached him.

Wow. He looks... great.

"There you are. I was wondering when you would show up." I said, placing a hand on my hip.

Aaron seemed a bit taken back by my beauty.

"Wow. You look... amazing." He grinned.

"Oh. Um. Thanks. I try hard." I blushed.

We stared at each other in silence for a good moment. I heard the wind blow by.

"So.... what's in the bag?" Aaron pointed.

"Oh! Well, you know. Just a tiny gift."

Me and Aaron sat down on the bench.

Aaron's POV

Courtney handed me the gift bag she got me. I looked inside of the bag. There was a box of chocolate and a tiny pink teddy bear inside.

"I know it's not the best, but you know. Just wanted to at least give you something." Courtney said.

"Courtney. This is perfect. It's adorable. It's the thought that counts anyways." I grinned, putting the stuff back in the bag." Oh! Open mine! You'll really like what's inside. And It would explain why I took so long to get here."

She opened her bag and saw the violin case. She gasped.

"No way! Does that mean-"

"Mmhm. Yep."

"I-I remember how much you love to play violin. I personally enjoyed seeing you play. So, I decided to get you one."

"Wow! Um. Thanks Aaron. I didn't expect this!"

"Well. You know me. Just doing my best. I was so glad I got the violin, I completely forgot about flowers."

"That's okay! There's always next year! Besides, this looks great." She grinned." I wonder if I still no how to play. Haven't played it in years."

"Well. Once you learn again, I'd love to see you play." I grinned.


Me and Courtney dropped off the gifts we bought each other at our houses. Then, we met back up and went to a restaurant.

We were just enjoying each other's company. After enjoying our meal, we left out and just walked around for a bit.

I took a sip of my lemonade I was carrying, and exclaimed the area....

It's weird... this place kinda looks familiar... have I been here before?

"Hey. Aaron, is it just me or does this place-" Courtney started.

"Look oddly familiar? Yes. Yes it does." I said.

"Okay. I thought it was only me. But when was I even here?" Courtney pondered.

A certain sign drew my attention.

"I think that might ring a few bells." I pointed.

Courtney drew her attention to the sign I was pointing at. It was that,"Cute couples get in for free and four tickets for any of the activities you're interested in.", sign.

Me and Courtney both exchanged enthusiastic and ecstatic looks!

"The carnival!" We both said.

"Wow. Nothing in this place changed." I grinned." Or, the outside looks the same."

Courtney took a glance at the entrance and the pointed to where she was looking.

"And get this. The same woman that worked here when we went still works here." She grinned.

"And we did bring money this time." I grinned.

"You thinking what I'm thinking." Courtney said, as we grinned.


We both happily walked together, ready to buy our tickets. We happily approached the lady.

"Eight tickets please!" I grinned.

The lady gasped.

"Hey, I remember you too!" She exclaimed.

"You do?" Courtney raised an eyebrow.

What employee memorizes their customers? Better yet, customers she hasn't seen in years.

"Yeah. I shipped you two ever since I first saw you two together."

"Well. Yeah, I mean we were dating we came last time."

"No you weren't."

"Wait, how would you kno-" I started.

"I watched the show." The employee explained.

"Wait... if you knew we weren't an actual couple, why did you let us in?" Courtney asked.

"Pfft. Well I saw how happy you two looked together. I even threw in two extra tickets for you two."

Wow... so, this person basically just shipped us.

"Wow. That's just. Wow. I totally thought the ticket thing was an accident." I scratched the back of my head.

"Well, don't let me hold you two love birds up. You said eight tickets, correct?" The employee asked.

"Y-yeah." I answered, pulling out my wallet ready to pay.

I bought us our tickets and headed in. Wow, it feels great being here again. This place is just a good memory in my book. Looks the same as it did a few years ago.

Me and Courtney walked around.

"Hey, last time we were here, there was something in particular that you wanted to do, correct?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Hm... yeah. I wanted us to ride the ferris wheel together!" Courtney grinned.

"Well. What are we waiting for?! Let's go!" I grinned, dashing off.

"Hey! Wait up for me!" Courtney followed after me.


After giving up two of our tickets, we took our seats on the ferris wheel. It started to move. This is pretty nice.

"I love how high up this thing goes." Courtney grinned.

"I know. Makes you feel as if you're on top of the world." I happily sighed and continued to enjoy the ride.


After enjoying that amazing ride on the ferris wheel, we got off and continued to walked around.

It was getting a bit late. It was actually dark out. We continued to looks at the list of things we could do.

"The fireworks are scheduled to go off at 7:25." Courtney stated.

I checked my watch. 7:22.

"I remember how much you enjoy watching them."

"Yeah. They are nice." I grinned." So many colors. It's a beautiful sight."

We headed to go see the fireworks. They're are so many happy couples here. Me and Courtney exchanged a smile and enjoyed the fire works.


After enjoying the fire works, me and her were heading to her house. You know, me walking her home.

We talked and enjoyed each others company on the way there. We got to the door.

"So... is this goodbye?" I asked.

"I mean. I guess until next time." Courtney grinned.

"Yeah. Next time." I grinned back.

We gave each other a nice short kiss and I watched her head inside. I smiled to myself and started heading home.

Courtney's POV

After getting dressed into my pajamas, I happily flopped down on my bed, my heart flying in the clouds.

AN: I am so sorry these updates are taking so long.

I wish I could update more, but I want to make sure these come out right instead of soon and trashy.

Also, one last thing I have this book where I do special effect edits on Total Drama characters. ( I even take request.) So if you like Total Drama and special colors you'll probably like that too!

Well, thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote!(I-if you want)

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