𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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Chapter 4

The atmosphere around the breakfast table that morning was strained. Dan had asked Harry for a quiet word in his study after the lad had finished eating, totally ruining his and Hermione's appetites. Tonks thought she couldn't make the situation any worse so asked the question that had troubled her since the bank yesterday.

"Harry, you asked the goblins if your godfather could sign a betrothal agreement, who's your godfather?"

Tonks wasn't sure if it was the chance to postpone the inevitable talk with Hermione's father but Harry seemed rather eager to answer her question.

"This is really gonna push your confidentiality oath to its limits Tonks, you sure you want to know?"

This comment also really piqued her interest so the female auror quickly agreed she did indeed want to know.

"My godfather is Sirius Black."

Everyone at the breakfast table was familiar with the expression that the colour drained out of someone, none of them had ever seen such a graphic example though as Tonks hearing that news. Her bubblegum pink spiky hair actually got longer and lanker, while morphing to mousey brown. Her face changed shape too with even her eyes now taking on a different hue.

"Eh Tonks, are you ok?"

"Harry, you need to tell me where he is..."

"NO!" Tonks was taken aback at the ferocity in Harry's voice, he got hold of himself quickly though and then started to explain his outburst. "Sirius is innocent but the stupid minister wouldn't believe us. He was going to get the kiss that night even though Hermione and I both saw and spoke to Peter Pettigrew. Sirius never even got a trial, they just flung him in Azkaban."

The colour draining effect kicked into reverse and started returning Tonks' complexion and hair back to normal, normal for her that is. This also raised a few eyebrows around the table and earning a question from Hermione. "Tonks, how are you able to do that?"

"Tell you later. Harry, will you tell me the full story?" She decided Harry needed to know the reason behind the request. "My mother's maiden name is Andromeda Black, she's Sirius' cousin. My mum was cast from the Black family because she married my dad, a muggleborn. From what I've been told, Sirius was chucked out when he went to live with your grandparents and dad. My mother always swore he would have died before betraying the Potters, they were his family."

Harry and Hermione then proceeded to tell the three adults exactly what happened that night, Tonks' hair was now shifting colours like some kind of living rainbow.

This story was almost all news to the Granger parents so Dan decided to go for more. "Some of the things you shouted at Dumbledore yesterday seemed rather serious, would you like to fill us in on exactly what goes on at that school of yours?"

The three adults once more noticed the two teens appeared to be holding a conversation without words. Hermione raised one eyebrow toward Harry and his semi-shrug in reply was apparently all they needed.

"Well, I suppose it really all started on Halloween of our first year. Ron said something that upset me and I was in the toilets crying..."


The Granger family had to end up eating Sunday lunch in the local pub, there was no time left to prepare it at home. That Tonks could drive was an added bonus. After the revelations heard earlier, both parents felt they needed a drink with their roast beef and Yorkshires. Tonks had eventually explained her abilities, abilities which saw the metamorphmagus sitting at the table with her appearance falling somewhere between a mix of Hermione and her mother. Her cover identity was Dora Granger, a visiting cousin. They could hardly say she was Hermione's boyfriend's bodyguard, those things just didn't happen in Crawley.

Once Hermione had started telling her parents what really happened to them inside Hogwarts, the floodgates had opened. Both parents found it interesting that when their daughter was speaking, she always emphasised how well Harry had done with some problem. Harry though couldn't stop the smile as he would tell how wonderful Hermione was, and that he would probably be dead without her.

After listening to their tales, both parents were beginning to agree with Harry's assessment. That was the reason they needed a drink with their Sunday lunch. When Dan asked why this was the first they were hearing all this, Hermione replied with a question of her own.

"Would you have let me return to Hogwarts if you'd known half of that?"

There really was no need for either parent to answer, what their response would be was pretty obvious.

Dan also noticed a shift in his daughter. He wasn't sure whether the change was due to getting all that off her chest, or being here with her boyfriend but Hermione was practically glowing with happiness. It was really hard to miss the other patrons of the pub's reaction to this change. A bright and bubbly beautiful young woman would always attract attention in any pub, Hermione was getting a lot of second looks. It was almost as if people were trying to confirm this girl was actually their daughter.

Harry was also enjoying himself. This was a totally new experience for him and, as an additional bonus, he had managed to avoid his scheduled 'talk' with Hermione's father. Tonks had also agreed to take both him and Hermione shopping tomorrow, another new experience to look forward too.

With their daughter in such a good mood, Emma decided she could stand a bit of teasing. She also wanted to know the answer to the question she was about to ask. "So Hermione, tell us about this Victor boy, and why you decided not to go to the ball?"

Dan though misjudged the situation and waded right in. "Yes, especially since it cost me the best part of five hundred quid for your outfit."

Hermione was mortified but Harry defended her at once. "Since it was my fault that Hermione missed the ball, I would gladly refund the cost of her dress sir. I hope you will let me pay for lunch too?"

Emma was drawing daggers at her husband. "You will do no such thing Harry, I'm sure Hermione would much rather be here with you than going to some ball with this Victor person?"

Hermione's voice was hardly above a whisper as she answered. "Victor is about eighteen, a famous sportsman who has girls following him around everywhere. I didn't even know him at the time he asked me. I'd much rather be here with Harry but we could do without being sniped at, we get enough of that in school."

Dan realised he was in trouble and attempted to explain his motives. "I'm sorry petal, I tried to make a joke and it came out wrong. I would much rather you were here with Harry too, rather than in that castle as the date of some eighteen year old sport's star."

This drew a smile from his two guests before Dan put his foot in it once more. "I was hoping to rope Harry into inviting you to the Annual Dentistry Convention's New Year Ball..."

"There will be no ropes needed, I would gladly go anywhere with Hermione. I get manipulated enough at school sir, please just ask if you want me to do something."

Harry turned straight to Hermione. "Told you I would ask this right away. Would you like to go to the ball with me?"

Hermione smiled and kissed his cheek in way of an answer. "I left my dress robes for Ron but they wouldn't have worked here anyway, we'll need to add that to our shopping tomorrow. Will your Hogwarts outfit be ok or is that something else we'll have to do?"

Emma could tell Harry's question was completely innocent and contained no malice but the effect it had on her husband was devastating. It suddenly hit home to Daniel Granger that Hermione had a new man in her life. A young man they'd earlier spent hours simply listening to his unbelievable life and adventures. Lunch was proving to be every bit as informative and uncomfortable as breakfast was for the Granger parents.

Tonks had been deep in thought for most of lunchtime and now broached the reason for it. "Harry, I would like your permission to tell my boss some of what you told us this morning?"

Harry and Hermione shared a quick conversation, this one out loud. "Obviously nothing about how we rescued Sirius."

"Or what you plan to do next. We don't know where Sirius is but that you can contact him is also something that shouldn't be mentioned."

Harry then answered the auror. "Apart from that, I don't think there is anything we said that needs to be kept quiet."

Hermione agreed. "We already told the minister what happened that night, he just didn't believe us. Do you think telling your boss will make a difference?"

"Amelia Bones is nothing like Fudge, otherwise I wouldn't be working there. You all saw how quick she was to help at the platform? She's definitely one of the good guys. If anyone at the ministry can help, it will be her."

Emma summed it up for everyone. "If it will help these two then it gets my vote."

Tonks decided she would need to take her time and get this right.


She'd only had this duty for a few days yet Tonks found herself breaking one of the cardinal rules for an auror on protection detail, don't get emotionally involved with your subject. Their shopping trip put an end to that. How could you not love a young man who insisted on buying you a dress for the ball since you were going there to protect him? It was their quiet chat when Hermione was busy trying on some clothes that really sealed it for the young auror.

Here was the vulnerable teen that she would bet very few people got to see, Tonks felt really privileged.

"Can I ask you for some advice?"

"Sure Harry, all part of the service."

"Well, I've never had a girlfriend before and don't know what to do about Christmas. I would usually get Hermione a book I knew she wanted but that doesn't seem appropriate now. There's also Dan and Emma, what do I do about them? The Dursleys didn't really prepare me for anything like this."

Tonks heart went out to the young boy, remembering from being a teenager how important it was to get these things right. That Harry had no one else he could ask really touched her as well. "She's still Hermione, your best friend, so a book is still a good idea. Now that she's also your girlfriend, perhaps a piece of jewelry too? As to the Grangers, my advice would be to ask Hermione what to do. Neither you nor I know them well enough to choose what would be considered as appropriate for a gift, Hermione will be able to stop you making any serious errors."

Harry didn't look convinced so Tonks added a final touch. "Your girlfriend really wants you and her parents to get on, asking her advice would certainly help with that."

When they stopped shopping for a spot of lunch, Harry took Tonks' advice.

He could see Hermione was giving it some serious thought and smiled toward his protector, it appeared she was right.

Hermione was now basically thinking out loud and Harry was certainly glad he'd asked, he didn't realise there were so many pitfalls. "I think it's way too soon to give them a gift from both of us. What we have to do next is try to achieve the balance between something nice without showing off and spending too much. A magical gift might work best."

After getting all their clothes shopping done, Tonks then took both teens to Diagon Alley. Hermione helped pick gifts for her parents before they split up to do some shopping for each other. Tonks accompanied Harry to Flourish and Blotts and then a jewelers, she couldn't help but smile at his choices and was sure Hermione would love them.

It was a set of weary but happy shoppers who made it back to Crawley. Emma couldn't believe they had no bags with them. "What happened, didn't you get anything?"

Tonks just smiled before removing tiny packages from her shoulder bag and placed them in the centre of the floor. One wave of her wand and the living room contained at least triple the bags Emma expected.

"Hermione, I can't wait until you're old enough to do that when we go shopping. How did you find shopping Harry?"

"Oh it was easy Emma, I just bought whatever Hermione and Tonks told me to?"

Dan couldn't help but laugh out loud at that. He'd still to have the talk he wanted with Harry but found that postponing it was working in his favour. The more he got to know the lad, the better the talk would be. He was being given the chance to see their budding relationship in action. That their live-in bodyguard was also a very effective chaperon was certainly helping the father deal with using the boyfriend word.

Tonks had certain items still in her bag and would slip them to both teens later, Hermione's gifts were also in her bag so Harry wouldn't notice them. She was really becoming attached to this young couple and intended to do everything in her power to help them. She was sure she knew the answer to the next question but asked it anyway.

"Now that you've got the clothes Harry, perhaps later we could work on your dancing?"

Harry actually appeared embarrassed before Hermione's arm snaked around him as they had collapsed together on the sofa. "You're a slave driver Tonks, my feet are killing me. Starting tomorrow, Harry and me will put a couple of hours aside to practice our moves. I haven't danced in years, I'm betting Harry will be the same."

"Try never."

Hermione kissed his cheek. "Good, then you won't have any bad habits to unlearn." She winked at Tonks, realising the auror had highlighted the situation before it could become a problem, and also just handed them a perfect excuse to be in each other's arms for a few hours every day.

Emma started telling them what type of dances there would be at the ball while Harry sat there, Hermione's arm around him and a smile on his face. This must be what it was like to have people looking out for you?

When Tonks sneaked into his room later that night to deliver his gifts Harry tried to thank her but she would have none of it. "Harry, without all the boy-who-lived rubbish, I think you're a pretty special young man. A young man who's already had to deal with a truck load of shit in his life. Even if it wasn't my job, I would still want to help you, and Hermione, anyway I could. Did you send Hedwig off to Sirius?"

"Yeah, he doesn't like me using Hedwig because she's pretty noticeable but I couldn't trust another owl with what she's carrying. I just hope he signs the betrothal contract. I wanted to do it face to face but it's too dangerous for him to come here, and Dumbledore is certain to revoke my Hogsmead privileges when we go back to Hogwarts."

"The old man really likes you under his thumb, doesn't he?"

"Oh everything is hunky-dory, providing I'm doing exactly what he wants me to do. You've now heard where that's got me, and where I think it's leading me."

"I assume you didn't tell Sirius what you're planning to do?"

"No, I didn't lie though. I told him Hermione was my girlfriend, and we would both benefit from having a betrothal contract. If he doesn't sign it, I don't know what I'll do. The thought of losing my best friend was bad enough, now Hermione's also my girlfriend makes it so much harder."

"Don't worry Harry, we'll get through this somehow." That Tonks said 'we' put a smile on Harry's face while the auror knew it was time to contact her boss.


Dan watched the couple literally waltz into breakfast and Harry then hold Hermione's chair for her to sit down. It had started a few days ago as a joke, Hermione had grabbed him as they were both heading for the kitchen and they had danced their way to dinner. They were laughing as Hermione proclaimed they needed as much practice as they could get. Both parents had seen the reassurance that Hermione and Harry drew from being constantly in each other's arms.

Their dance practices had gone better than they could have hoped for. Hermione had once told them Harry was a natural on a broom, that gracefulness had carried over to dancing. Once he had the steps mapped out in his head, the two would soon be gliding around the dining room floor. Having Tonks available to shrink all the furniture was a definite bonus. They certainly wouldn't embarrass themselves at the New Year Ball.

Dan couldn't believe how quickly the time had gone, nor the change in the Granger household. Both parents had always thought their home was a happy one, the addition of Harry and Tonks brought a lot of laughter and smiles into their lives. Neither parent had ever seen their daughter appear this happy and contented. Thankfully, it was Christmas Eve and the dentists were now on holiday until after the ball, Dan might actually find time to have that much postponed talk with Harry.

It was into this happy scene that a white owl made its presence known by tapping on the window. Harry's mood immediately changed. He was delighted to see Hedwig but feared for the news his familiar might be bringing. With trembling hands he removed the package and read the note Sirius had pinned to it.

His entire face transformed to an expression of utter joy and everyone at the table knew his godfather had said yes.

Dan had to re-evaluate his opinion of Hermione, he thought he'd seen her happy before, this was an entire new level. Their daughter was clearly ecstatic with that news, she could hardly sit still.

This was the one Hermione had been worried about. They had only met Sirius once, and that wasn't under the best of circumstances. Her parents she was sure would come around (how could anyone not love Harry?) but Sirius was always a coin toss in her mind. That the coin had come down in their favour just made her Christmas, she couldn't contain herself anymore and had to kiss her soon to be betrothed.

Her dad dramatically clearing his throat broke the kiss. "Ahem, while you two apparently don't require words to communicate, could you read what the letter says for us lesser mortals?"

That both of them were still wearing grins that covered their faces told Dan he'd got this one right, either that or nothing was going to upset them today.

Harry began reading the note.

"I was surprised to see Hedwig since our last talk but, after reading what she was carrying, understood you wouldn't trust this information with any other owl. Surprise turned to shock when I read what you were asking permission for. There was no surprise at your choice of young lady Harry, Hermione impressed the hell out of me when we met and Remus swears you two are fated to be together."

Hermione had her head on his shoulder at this point, her smile illuminating the room.

"I want to thank you both again for saving my life, craziest and bravest thing I've ever seen. I understand that I'm not been given the full story here and look forward to hearing it when next we meet. You are my godson and one of the few people on this planet that I would give my very life for, how could I possibly deny you something that clearly means the world to you..."

Harry broke off embarrassed. " Em, Sirius then goes on to say that I better treat Hermione right and he'll also be having a talk with me next time he sees me."

He then spoke to his girlfriend. "Sirius hopes we can accept this as our Christmas gift, since he hasn't been able to do much shopping."

Hermione clearly didn't have a problem with that. "Best present I ever got."

"I like this godfather of yours..."

Dan was interrupted by Tonks springing to her feet, wand raised and ready for battle. "Someone just apparated into the back garden."

She moved cautiously over to the French doors before visibly relaxing. "It's Madam Bones." As Tonks went to greet her boss, Emma snatched the documents out of Harry's hands and quickly hid them in one of the kitchen drawers.

Amelia had been amazed at the report from Auror Tonks. What brought her here though was not what the report contained, but more the conclusions her auror reached. This led Amelia to assume there was a lot more going on that, due to the confidentiality clause, Tonks simply couldn't reveal. The Head of the DMLE would butt heads with anyone to support and protect her aurors. If she was going up against Dumbledore, and possibly Fudge, she wanted a bit of conformation first. This brought her to Crawley on Christmas Eve.

She was soon sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in her hands, this wasn't a social call though so Amelia got down to business.

"Harry, I've been reading about your adventures and have honestly been amazed. For someone in my line of work though, you can understand if I'm slightly skeptical and would like some sort of proof."

The boy in question nodded, he'd been there and still had trouble believing some of it. "How can I help?"

"I thought that confirming one part was correct would help corroborate the rest of your stories. I have no wish to enter the chamber of secrets to see a thousand year old basilisk, actually that's a lie. I absolutely do but that's not an option available to us here today, let's mark that one down for later. I thought if you could cast your patronus, that for me would be all the proof I need for the moment."

Hermione had a very important question to ask first. "Won't Harry get into trouble for using magic?"

"Miss Granger, the first thing your auror guard was required to do would be to erect wards around this home, wards that probably just warned her someone had apparated onto the property. The ministry obviously recognises those wards and will assign any normal magic use to your guard. Any spell outside what would be considered normal will see a squad of aurors on your doorstep within two minutes. I already cleared use of the patronus charm for this morning."

Emma, like her daughter, also had a question. "What's so special about this spell that will have you believing the rest of Harry's story?"

"Mrs Granger, the patronus charm is one of the hardest spells to master. That degree of difficulty increases by at least a factor of ten when trying to cast it in the presence of a Dementor. When you take into account there was almost a hundred of those creatures there that night, well you could easily count on the fingers of one hand the number of witches or wizards in this country who could hope to cope with that situation. To do so while only thirteen at the time leaves you with only one name, Harry James Potter. While I have no intention of bringing Dementors anywhere near your home, seeing Harry cast the charm will corroborate his story enough for me."

They all traipsed out to the back garden where Hermione once more kissed Harry, for luck of course. Tonks was standing next to Dan and Emma, explaining what was happening. "The patronus charm is a manifestation of positive energy which requires a strong, happy thought to cast. Hermione was just making sure Harry was in the right frame of mind to perform..."

Tonks words died in her throat as a magnificent silver stag was suddenly walking around the garden, searching for enemies. With a whispered 'Merlin', she took a hand from both parents in hers and allowed them to see 'Prongs'.

Dan and Emma could suddenly sense the positive energy surging through them, just from being in the proximity of the spell. It felt like being wrapped in a warm and gentle love. When Tonks took them by the hand and the skin contact allowed them to see, both parents had tears of wonder in their eyes. As the shimmering creature made its way toward Hermione, nuzzling her with its muzzle, they literally saw her light up with joy.

"Madam Bones, Harry has been teaching me the spell. Could I try it please?"

Amelia could only nod, having never seen a patronus that was so corporeal before. She half expected Harry to take out a carrot and the creature to munch on it. When the girl proceeded to produce a corporeal from too, any doubts Amelia had over Tonks' proposal vanished.

Hermione was sure she was going to get it this time. It was Christmas Eve, she was spending it with Harry, a Harry who she was now sure would be her betrothed. Add to that her mother and father were about to see her perform magic for the very first time and her confidence was understandable. Hermione also had Prongs nuzzling her, almost as if he was calling to her patronus. The sheer amount of joy and love currently running through her body meant Hermione was certain she would be able to cast the charm that had eluded her up until now. When a silver doe joined Prongs, the positive feelings generated in the garden increased exponentially.

The monocle had dropped from Amelia's eye while Tonks had tears of joy running down her cheeks. Emma was first to find her voice. "I'm assuming this is unusual?"

It was Tonks who whispered her reply, there was what could only be considered reverence in her voice. "Emma, this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. The charm is so difficult to perform that a couple who can both cast it is rare. As you can probably imagine, matching forms is even rarer. What you are seeing here is a physical manifestation of what these two mean to each other. I swear they will have to come through me first before I will allow anyone to harm these two."

Both silver creatures were nuzzling each other in a clear display of affection before slowly disappearing, Hermione soon found herself swept up in Harry's arms as he raised her feet off the ground and swirled her about. "Love, that was magnificent. You are the best."

The kiss that followed their celebration was so tender that all the adults felt as if they were intruding on a special moment, they quietly made their way back into the kitchen.

"Well Tonks, are you up for this assignment? You realize of course that certain parties will make it as difficult as possible for you?"

"Yes I'm ready, I just hope Harry doesn't think I've gone behind his back because I never mentioned this to him."

Amelia thought for a moment before answering that. 'I'm on my way to spoil someone's Christmas, I'll come back and let you know how I got on. We can tell him then."

Amelia got ready to leave and noticed that the two teens were now waltzing around the back garden to music only they could hear. The morning frost on the grass was just being ignored. She smiled as she apparated up to Scotland, at least she would get to see Susan.

Dan and Emma both wanted to know what Tonks was up to, they were delighted with her answer and promised not to tell Harry or Hermione for the moment.


When Minerva led Amelia Bones into his office, Albus knew this wasn't good news. "What brings you to Hogwarts Amelia?"

Minerva was about to leave when she was asked to stay. "This concerns you too Minerva, both as deputy headmaster and head of Gryffindor. My auror has been staying with Harry and Hermione and some of the stories she was hearing about Hogwarts worried her greatly. She was so concerned, she asked Harry if I could be contacted with some of the details. He said yes and that's why I'm here, I want some answers."

This was bad, Albus just didn't know how bad it was going to get. Amelia soon gave him a clue when she pulled a scroll from her robes, a scroll that was full of questions.

"Now, how far have you gotten with the investigation on who actually entered Harry into this competition?"

Both Minerva and Albus glanced at each other, waiting to see which of them wanted to field the first question. They needn't have worried, Amelia had more than enough to go around.

Amelia was relentless, cutting straight through Dumbledore's bluster and noting answers beside her questions. Questions that just kept getting more awkward for the Hogwarts pair.

"So no one but Hermione Granger could figure a basilisk was attacking the children, and you did nothing?"

Amelia was enjoying watching them squirm, and cranked the pressure up another notch. "My counterpart in the department of mysteries is very interested in this diary that could possess a young girl, he's desperate to get his hands on it."

Dumbledore certainly didn't want that to happen. "Harry asked me if he could have it, I didn't see the harm. He'd destroyed any magic that the book had contained."

Amelia noted that on her list as she got ready to reveal the real reason she was here. "I expect to be seeing him soon so will ask him then. Now I have quite a few more questions here about employing a professor who had You-know-who growing out the back of his head, while using this school to lay a trap for him. Since I don't expect these questions to receive any clearer answers than my previous ones, I really don't see any other alternative." Amelia paused for effect, deliberately making them wait for this.

"It is abundantly clear to me, even from this preliminary investigation, that Hogwarts is not a safe environment for Harry Potter."

As she expected, Dumbledore and McGonagall were up in arms about this. "Hogwarts is the safest place in the entire country."

"Professors, when you teach students something, you don't expect them just to take your word for it? You back that word up with facts, figures and practical demonstrations. The facts and figures clearly paint a different picture here, while the practical demonstrations could see you both charged with child endangerment. James and Lily Potter did not die so their son could join them before he makes it out of his teens. He will either be leaving Hogwarts or have one of my aurors accompanying him in this castle."

Dumbledore wasn't about to stand for that. "You haven't the authority to do that Amelia, Hogwarts internal matters don't come under your jurisdiction."

"They most certainly do if there is a complaint made against the school. I know a couple whose daughter has been attacked by a troll, given detention in the Forbidden forest at night, taught by a possessed professor who had a dark lord growing out the back of his head, petrified by a basilisk, need I go on? I can assure you the Grangers would swear a complaint against you at the drop of a hat. If you don't want to see Harry Potter going to a competitor, or being home schooled, he will have an auror guard with him until at least the summer holidays."

Dumbledore objected on several grounds but Amelia kept coming back to what had happened in the last three and a half years, making a complete nonsense out of every one of his "Harry is safe at Hogwarts' arguments. "I understand Harry needs to be at Hogwarts for the tournament, that could easily be arranged if he was being home schooled or attending another magical school. Let me be as blunt as I possibly can here, the status quo is not an option I'm prepared to allow."

Amelia held her hand up to stop any more protests. "We're all agreed that someone entered Harry's name in this tournament to cause him harm. It's also undisputable that the only time Harry has received help from the Hogwarts faculty was when the dementors attacked during a quidditch match, not a track record that inspires me with any confidence in the staff of Hogwarts. Time and time again, you have failed to protect the boy. There will be changes made today, before it's too late."

She had no idea but Amelia had them over a barrel, both Albus and Minerva understood Harry would jump at the slightest chance of leaving Hogwarts. At least this way they could be assured he would be coming back after the holidays. The concessions Amelia had wrung out of the school though would certainly severely restrict their ability to influence Mr Potter's actions.

The head auror had effectively dealt with the Hogwarts side of things, and had plans in place to stop the minister interfering too. Explaining to Fudge that the ministry offering Harry Potter protection was a good thing, therefore a popular move with the voting public, shouldn't be difficult. There was always the prospect of a picture beside Harry and a thousand year old basilisk to sweeten the deal if she needed it. Cornelius would sell his mother for publicity like that.

Harry could insist that Skeeter wasn't allowed anywhere near the chamber, thus laying down a warning to anyone else who thought they could write what they liked about him and Miss Granger. The Prophet would just have to send someone else to report on the event, there was no way the paper would want to miss out on a story like this. It was blatantly obvious to Amelia that Harry Potter had no idea of the sway he held in the British Magical community. Even without the boy-who-lived tab, he was still the sole heir to the Potter estates and fortune. She intended to rectify that lack of knowledge as soon as possible.

Amelia left Hogwarts with all her missions accomplished. She got to see Susan, help protect Harry and had certainly ruined Dumbledore's Christmas. She headed back to Crawley, ready to break the news to Tonks and Harry.

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