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Chapter 5

Cornelius had sent Dumbledore away with a flea in his ear, and it felt really good. Amelia had briefed him on what she was proposing, the reason she gave for her actions simply terrified the Minister of Magic. Harry Potter was being forced to compete in a ministry sponsored tournament that could see the lad terribly injured or, Merlin forbid, something a tad more permanent. He was also forcibly reminded by Amelia why the tournament was originally stopped, and why it was now deemed strictly for adults only. The head of the DMLE had then posed the question, should any harm befall the boy-who-lived, who would the public blame for such a catastrophe?

The minister had visions of the lad's broken body being savaged by that dragon, and the wizarding public serving up one Cornelius Fudge as its next meal. An auror guard to watch the lad's back and help train him for the remaining two tasks suddenly sounded a wonderful idea to the minister. That Harry Potter didn't feel safe inside Hogwarts and the ministry was coming to his aid is certainly a policy Cornelius wanted his name associated with.

He'd been against this stupid tournament from the start but Dumbledore had spouted on about the spirit of international co-operation and, as usual, gotten his own way. Well the great Albus Dumbledore didn't get his way today, the Minister of Magic had put him in his place. If the headmaster couldn't keep Harry Potter safe, the ministry would. Dumbledore would just have to suck on one of those infernal lemon drops he was so found of, since he would find no comfort at the ministry over this matter.


Harry sat there, not knowing what to think. Hermione appeared to be in the same state of mind as him so he glanced around the room for some inspiration. Tonks was clearly worried, she'd gone out on a limb for him and was awaiting his reaction. Dan and Emma seemed quite happy at the news, he would have to think that one over later. His initial reaction was to start ranting and raving about people attempting to arrange his life for him, that approach would do no good here though. There was also the fact that he'd never been happier than he was at the moment, that would certainly be reflected in his answer.

Madam Bones though was waiting to hear that answer, he didn't want to keep her waiting any longer.

"Let me see if I've got this right. Tonks is going to come to Hogwarts with me on security detail? She'll attend our classes and sit with me at meals, we'll also have our own accommodation?"

"Yes, she can't protect you in the Gryffindor dorm without sleeping at the bottom of the stairs, not something I'm prepared to ask her to do. You will still be able to frequent the common room, and invite any of your friends back to your new accommodation."

Harry now looked toward Hermione to give her his thoughts. "I won't have to listen to Ron and Neville snore, I also can't wait to see Snape's face our first potions class. Want to take a guess how many points he takes off me?"

Hermione smiled at the truth behind that last remark, she also gave her boyfriend her thoughts on the matter. "We'll still get to see each other just as often only now we have an auror to help us with training. You'll get flack off certain sections of the school but then again, you usually get that anyway."

Harry had another thought. "I can't even be accused of using Tonks to cheat in class, I don't have any exams to sit this year."

Tonks visibly relaxed as Harry warmed to the idea. She would apologise in private later for not telling him before now. She wasn't sure if her boss would go for the initial idea, or if it was even possible.

Amelia was also pleased at how things were working out. "I would like to collect you the day before you're due to return and we can travel to Hogwarts by Portkey. That will give you a chance to settle in to your new arrangements, and also allows us to visit the chamber of secrets. That reminds me, do you still have that diary?"

"I gave it to Dobby, we used it to free the little guy from Lucius Malfoy since I hid a sock inside it. Would you like me to call him?"

Dobby couldn't stand still, he was so happy to be in Harry's presence again. His mood changed though when he was asked the question. "Dobby, do you still have that diary?"

His ears folded down the side of his head as the little elf gave the appearance of a naughty puppy. "No Harry Potter, the headmaster asked Dobby for that diary when Dobby began working at Hogwarts."

The word 'Dumbledore' was uttered by Amelia, though it sounded more like a growl. She then explained to the company the reason for her reaction. "I asked him if he had the diary, the old fox said that he gave it to Harry. He didn't lie, just didn't tell me that it was once more in his possession. The man is infuriating to deal with, I must have asked twenty questions today yet left there no wiser than when I entered his office."

"Dobby, could you get it back?"

The little elf hated disappointing anyone, but especially the wizard who set him free. "Dobby is sorry Harry Potter sir. As Dobby works for Hogwarts, Dobby is not allowed to do anything the headmaster doesn't want done."

Harry was beginning to understand that with Dobby, it was sometimes what he wasn't saying that you needed to pay attention to. "Could you get the diary if you worked for someone else, and that someone else asked you to? Would you like to work for someone else?"

"Dobby would love to work for someone else, is Harry Potter wishing for an elf?"

"Well, it would get us the diary and..."

Harry never got to say any more as Dobby pounced on him, hugging his legs. All saw the spark of magic that passed between them before a beaming Dobby disappeared.

Hermione asked the question that she feared the answer to. "What just happened there?"

Tonks was trying to contain her laughter. "It would seem your little elf friend learned his lesson well. You helped Dobby trick himself free from Lucius Malfoy, he just tricked Harry into being his new family."

Before any more could be said, Dobby returned with the diary. Harry took it and passed the ruined book over to Madam Bones. "Does Dumbledore know you took the diary back?"

Dobby had a little twinkle in his large eyes. "Was Dobby supposed to let the headmaster know Dobby took his property back?"

This time Tonks couldn't hold her laughter. "Oh Dobby, you're sure going to liven things up around here."

Wearing a large smile, Dobby disappeared to begin working for his new family.

Emma had waited long enough. "Will someone please tell me what just happened, preferably in words I can understand?"

"Well Emma, I think you're going to enjoy your holiday even more now. Dobby is a house elf who enjoys looking after his family. As Harry is staying here, the little guy will be looking after everyone. Cooking, cleaning, ironing, you name it, Dobby will take care of it."

Emma's jaw was almost on the floor at these remarks from Tonks. "You mean Dobby is a magical servant, like a cook or a butler, and he now works for Harry?"

Tonks thought she would let Emma's analogy stand so just nodded her agreement.

They were drawn out of their discussion by Amelia calling Dumbledore every name she could think of. Her wand was in her hand and her scan of the diary was obviously responsible for her outburst. "Excuse me folks, that old man has a lot to answer for. This diary reeks of a dark magical residue. It should have been thoroughly investigated, not kept hidden from the ministry. I need to get this to the department of mysteries. I think it would be far better if Dumbledore didn't know we had this until we can investigate the diary fully."

Neither of the teens disagreed with that opinion as Amelia excused herself, leaving to pass the diary on. She already knew who T.M. Riddle was, thanks to Harry, and had no intention of delaying. That Dumbledore had this for eighteen months and done nothing was the main reason for her earlier outburst.

Before leaving, Amelia apologised for not being able to do more for Sirius. "The evidence against him may be all circumstantial, but it's pretty damming. Linked with the fact that he escaped from Azkaban, something that's never been done before, I just couldn't convince Fudge there may have been a miscarriage of justice. Without Pettigrew, his position won't shift."

Both Harry and Hermione had seen Fudge that night Sirius was supposed to be kissed, they expected no other answer.

The minute Amelia left, Tonks then attempted to apologise to Harry. "I'm really sorry Harry, I didn't know if Madam Bones would go for it but I should have spoken to you first."

Harry recognised what Tonks was doing and stopped her. "People normally pull these things so I'll do what they want me to do. You are trying to help, and are prepared to give up months of your time to do so. That means a lot to me Tonks, thanks."

There was something Emma wanted to ask, and now seemed like the best time. "Does this mean you won't be deliberately losing your magic Harry?"

Harry could see the hope in her eyes, the same shade of brown eyes that he had fallen in love with. He hated to disappoint her but had to be honest. "Nothing has really changed, other than I will have Tonks and Hermione watching my back now. We got one over on Dumbledore this time but that would mainly be due to surprise, it won't happen again. Madam Bones might be able to swing ministry protection for me now, that ministerial support would vanish if I attempted to leave Hogwarts."

Hermione snuggled into Harry, she knew he was right. "He was almost killed in the last task, and no one expects the remaining two to be any easier. Dumbledore will still be controlling everything, Snape will still be sniping away while McGonagall continues to do her best ostrich impression and buries her head in the sand. Having Tonks with us should make what Harry plans to do easier."

Harry had a thought though. "Will you get into any trouble when I don't compete in the next task? Maybe this isn't such a good idea after all, it could ruin your career?"

"The confidentiality clause should protect me, and I'll have Amelia Bones in my corner. I should be ok."

At that Dobby popped back in "Harry Potter sir, Dobby has prepared lunch for you and your Grangers in the dining room."

This was met by stunned silence, until Emma shot off the sofa and headed for the dining room. Seeing everything laid out, and the room shining like a new pin, took her breath away. "Dobby, this is fantastic. Do you want to cook our Christmas Dinner too?"

This was exactly the right thing to say, the elf was bouncing up and down with excitement. One mouthful of food and Dan was almost joining him. His wife was many things, a wonderful cook was not one of them though. The meal was so good, he even decided not to tease Harry about the 'your Grangers' comment. Dobby could call him whatever the hell he liked as long as he kept cooking food like this.

Emma was, if anything, happier than her husband. Not only did she not have to cook, the dishes disappeared as soon as the plates were empty. This was shaping up to be a very merry Christmas.

Hermione wanted to sound off at Harry about the Dobby situation but bit her tongue. Harry was clearly blameless, the elf in question was ecstatic and both her parents appeared delighted with what had happened. Harry now had a bodyguard and an elf to take care of him. With only her parents' signatures needed for her to become betrothed to Harry, she had no intention of saying the slightest thing that might hamper their decision.


Minerva McGonagall wasn't having a very merry Christmas, nor was she burying her head in the sand. No, the head of Gryffindor was no ostrich, the big problem being she knew exactly what was going on. That was why she was currently trying to climb inside a bottle of single malt Scotch whisky.

The witch had taken Amelia's verbal lashing personally today, Minerva knew she deserved it. She could also trace her current troubles back to a single event. A certain cat had spent the day on Privet Drive, even one day was enough to see that this would be totally the wrong environment to leave the recently orphaned Potter baby.

Albus Dumbledore didn't listen to her, Albus never listened to her, so a baby was left on a doorstep. She didn't want Harry anywhere near this competition either but was again overruled. There was no way of dressing the facts up, she had failed Harry Potter at every turn since that night. Hard as that was to swallow, that was not the reason she was hitting the bottle.

No, what was really eating the proud witch alive was that she was going to continue failing the lad. Albus obviously had plans for the boy, plans that she wasn't privy too. She had placed her trust in Albus many, many years ago and she couldn't change now. To do so would be to admit that for all those years she had been wrong. She had to hope that Albus had it all figured out and it would make sense in the end, that didn't make the now any easier though.


Harry was fairly racking up the new experiences, and tonight was certainly one of them. He'd just entered his room after accompanying the Grangers to the midnight Christmas Eve service at their local church. The service was beautiful, and he discovered Hermione had a lovely singing voice. Dobby had mugs of cocoa, with tiny mallows floating on top, waiting on them as they came home.

He was just about to get ready for bed when there was a quiet knock on his door. Harry expected Tonks, or even Hermione, not Dan and Emma.

"We'll only keep you a moment Harry, Dan had something to say and it just couldn't wait."

Harry didn't think Hermione's father would wait until now to have their chat, he was right.

"Harry, I don't think I've ever seen Hermione happier. As a parent, that's exactly what you want for your child. What we're here for now is to make her happier still. I think we all know what Hermione really wants for Christmas, the deal is though that we need to be there when you give it to her?"

Harry wasn't sure what Dan meant, and was too embarrassed to say so, until Emma took a familiar document from behind her back. Last time he'd seen it was when Emma hid it in her kitchen so Madam Bones wouldn't discover the letter from Sirius.

"Dan and I had a discussion earlier, we both signed this..."

Emma was cut off from saying any more as Harry grabbed her in a hug, realising he was wrapped around the wrong Granger girl, Harry jumped back to find Dan waiting with his hand outstretched. It was quickly grasped and all Harry could say was 'thank you'. He said it so many times that Dan and Emma left his room laughing.

Harry immediately turned to his familiar. "Hey girl, fancy a flight to Gringotts? I want this registered as soon as possible, just in case someone decides to try and stop it."

Harry eventually went to bed though he didn't expect to get much sleep, he was far too excited for that. This was easily going to be his best Christmas ever before Hermione's parents paid him a late night visit. Now, it was going to be the best day of his life.


Ron Weasley woke on Christmas morning to the dorm being busier than at any other Christmas he had spent at Hogwarts. He soon realised something was missing, or rather someone. He glanced up at the smart dress robes that we're hanging from his four poster and knew what was missing. He'd spent the last three Christmases with Harry, but now the bed next to him was empty.

He resolved to try and fix his friendship with his two best friends, he might even write to them tomorrow and tell them how he got on at the ball. That was for later though, now there were presents that needed opening.


Harry must have eventually fallen asleep, he surmised this since he was woken by a large pair of eyes staring into his from a distance of about two inches away.

"Merry Christmas Harry Potter sir, Dobby is wanting to give Harry Potter his present now?"

Harry found a garishly wrapped present pushed into his chest, he reached for his glasses before beginning to open his first present of the day.

Dobby couldn't contain his excitement, this was also the first present the little elf had ever given. "Dobby bought the wool from his wages at Hogwarts, Dobby knitted them himself."

Harry found a pair of socks inside the wrapping paper. Pair though only referred to there being two of them, since one was green and the other blue. Both though had Golden Snitches embroidered all over them. They were so Dobby that Harry loved them, his wide smile made the little guy's day.

He also knew the perfect present to give him back. Tonks and Hermione had originally gotten him to buy these for a laugh, he would be wearing his 'Dobby' socks today though and knew the elf would love these.

"Sorry Dobby but I haven't had time to wrap them yet."

Dobby stared at the gift in awe. The socks were bright green but covered in white geometric shapes to represent snowflakes. The reindeer face on each sock brought tears of joy to Dobby. When Harry pressed the figure, there was a tiny red light that illuminated the reindeer's nose and music played too. Dobby thought they were the finest pair of socks he'd ever laid eyes on. That Harry Potter was giving them to Dobby as a gift overwhelmed the little guy's emotions.

Once Harry managed to talk Dobby down, the little guy left to get things ready for his family on this special day. The excitement was also running riot through Harry's veins and he knew it would be pointless to return to bed. Deciding to get an early start, he headed for the shower.

Excitement was running high in the entire Granger household too so when Harry left the bathroom, Hermione was standing waiting on him. A Christmas kiss later, Hermione slipped in to have her own shower while Harry headed downstairs. Dan and Emma were already up, wishing Harry a Merry Christmas.

"We usually have breakfast before exchanging gifts, is this ok with you?"

Harry could only nod in answer to Dan's question, before attending Hogwarts he never got any presents.

Emma seemed to be about as hyper as Dobby. "We just entered the kitchen this morning and our tea appeared on the table, just as we like it too! How much does it cost to hire an elf?"

"I have no idea, Dooby and I never actually got around to working out any details."

The real reason for all the excitement was soon revealed. "I just can't wait to see Hermione's reaction when you give her the present she wants?"

This had the two males smiling as they awaited Hermione's arrival so breakfast could begin. She actually descended the stairs with Tonks in tow, the auror was originally going to hang back and let the family have their time together. Hermione was having none of that. They were going to be spending a lot of time together so Tonks had better get used to being treated as one of the family. Harry had also slipped Hermione money to get Tonks a Christmas present while she shopped in Diagon Alley.

Dobby's breakfast just wasn't done justice as everyone had their mind on other things. It was soon time to open presents and Hermione did the honours by handing them out. Tonks was surprised to receive a gift, she was amazed after unwrapping it.

"Harry, Hermione, this is too much!"

"Being my bodyguard, you'll probably need it at some point. In fact I think both Hermione and I should get one too!"

Emma thought that the clearly animal hide jacket was beautiful, if a bit strange. There was obviously something else going on though by the way Tonks was holding it. "That's gorgeous, what type of jacket is it?"

The auror was running her hand across what was once a Chinese Fireball, also worth a good few months wages to her. "This is dragon hide Emma. Not only is it beautiful, it's the equivalent of a bullet proof vest. Madam Bones has been trying to make dragon skin vests standard auror issue but the minister keeps blocking it because of the expense."

Emma just had to touch the hide, that it came from a real dragon was fascinating to the dentist. This was like touching another world.

Dan though was agreeing with Harry. "After listening to some of your stories, I think you and Hermione both wearing something that could protect you is a brilliant idea."

Hermione handed her parents a gift from Harry and they were suddenly wary of opening it. From Tonks' reaction, her gift, while practical, was also obviously expensive. They were worried that Harry had gone over the top. Emma was relieved and delighted to open an exquisite snow globe, she was thanking Harry until Hermione asked her to sit it on the table. When her daughter touched the snow globe with her wand, it increased in size until it was about the diameter of a basketball. Both parents also noticed that the scene inside was still snowing without it being shaken, it was clearly a magical item.

"Mum, dad, that's Hogwarts castle."

Hermione began pointing out specific parts of the castle like Gryffindor tower to her shocked parents, when evening fell inside the globe and the castle lights began to come on, Emma had to hug the boy who bought them this wonderful gift.

"Hermione has described Hogwarts to us many times but this makes all those descriptions come alive. Thank you Harry, it's beautiful!"

The three who'd conspired to find the right balance of gift were now feeling pretty smug with themselves.

When Harry opened his present from Hermione, it was his chin's turn to hit the floor. The last time he'd been this close to Hungarian Horntail, it was trying to kill him.

"If Tonks needs one of these, then you certainly do too! I also think you'll look great in it."

Hermione expected grief from her parents later for emptying out her savings account to buy Harry's gift, she thought the peace of mind it would give her was well worth it. She didn't know what they had planned and there would be no grief coming from them today.

She was delighted with the two books Harry bought her but loved his surprise of a necklace, the two entwined gold H's we're beautiful. Harry put it on her neck before providing a gentle kiss on her lips. It was time.

"I have one more surprise for you Hermione, it was a surprise for me too." Harry removed a very recognisable ring box from his pocket.

Hermione's eyes were like saucers as she stared at Harry, his slight nod had her jumping on him before untangling herself and launching at her parents. She was doing her best Dobby impression by bouncing up and down with excitement while squealing 'thank you' between breaths. Tonks was hugging Harry in congratulations and there were beaming smiles everywhere.

Hermione returned to Harry and took a deep, calming breath. "I'm ready Harry." He took the ring out the box and slipped it on her finger as she spoke the required words. "While I wear this ring, I will consider no other."

She was smiling while removing Harry's matching ring from the box. When he repeated the same phrase as the ring was placed on his finger, there was a spark of magic that jumped between both bands and their betrothal was sealed. The rings resized to fit snugly but neither Harry nor Hermione noticed, they were too wrapped up in each other. When Emma and Dan then joined in the hug, Tonks was left standing until Harry reached a hand out to her.

"Since Sirius can't be here, you can stand in for him." There was hardly a dry eye in the house but it was at this moment that Harry had a thought. "Dobby?"


Sirius had made his way to Hogsmead, he wanted to be closer to Harry since he had a bad feeling about this bloody tournament. Padfoot was currently curled up in a cave, trying to keep warm against the harsh Scottish winter and ignore the hunger pangs. Bad as things were, this was still his best Christmas for over a decade. Sirius was sure he was going to have to find a better food source than rats though, they were beginning to seriously affect his mind.

His eyes were telling him that the strangest house elf they'd ever seen had just popped into the cave, his ears were informing him that the little guys socks were playing 'Rudolf the red nosed reindeer'. It was his nose though that had his mouth watering, it was screaming that there was roast turkey in the basket that the elf had in his hands.

"Mr Black sir, I is being Dobby. Your godson said Dobby had to wish you a Merry Christmas."

A shaggy black dog transformed into a shaggy Sirius Black. "You know Harry?"

The elf seemed to stand taller at that question, though the effect was ruined for Sirius by the musical socks that had tiny red flashing lights on them. "Dobby is Harry Potter's elf, come to give a present to his godfather."

"How did you find me Dobby?"

"A good elf can always find his master's family. You is Harry Potter's family. This is for you."

The basket enlarged and Sirius noticed it also contained other items as well as the delicious smelling food. There were changes of clothing, including what looked like a warm jacket. Even a sleeping bag had been included, this was sheer luxury to the former prisoner of Azkaban and it now looked like he was set for a merry Christmas after all.

"Once Harry Potter's Grangers knew Dobby could find you, they added many things to the basket. Mr Granger is not much bigger than you."

Sirius couldn't contain himself any longer and was chomping on a leg of turkey while trying to digest what Dobby was saying. "Does that mean that Harry is staying with Hermione's folks?"

Dobby nodded vigorously, causing his ears to flap in time to the music. "Harry Potter is spending the holidays with his betrothed's family and auror Tonks."

Sirius wasn't sure whether it was the word auror or the name Tonks that had the turkey sticking in his throat. He was quickly searching in the basket for something to wash the turkey down with when he couldn't believe his luck, someone had very generously slipped a few beers into the basket too.

As the blockage was soon clear, there was something Sirius just had to ask the strange little elf, the music was already driving him nuts. "Dobby, what's the deal with the socks?"

Dobby's large eyes went a little misty as he answered. "Harry Potter gave them to Dobby as a Christmas present, Dobby thinks they are wonderful."

Sirius couldn't really argue with the devotion the elf obviously had to his godson, he then started asking all about what was happening in Harry's life while forcing himself to take his time and at least chew his food. Discovering that the auror Dobby had mentioned actually was a member of his family pleased him greatly. His mother would be turning in her grave at the thought of another member of her family working as an auror.

Dobby was delighted to sit and chat about his favorite subject, Harry Potter. He was quite happy to sit and talk for hours about the boy who had saved him, he would know instantly if someone back home needed Dobby. The elf was also having a great Christmas.


Ronald Weasley had a shitty Christmas. With no one really to talk to, he'd hung out with the twins. Fred and George were looking forward to the ball but were certain any attempts to spike the punch would be thwarted. They came to the brilliantly simple decision of drinking their illicit booze before they went. Ron then made his first monumental mistake of the day, he joined his brothers and Lee in drinking the afternoon away.

Ron arrived at the ball looking good in Harry's robes and, with his date on his arm, feeling wonderful. It all went rapidly downhill from there. The alcohol began to really affect him during the meal, causing Ron to throw up over his now sobbing date. A raging McGonagall led him away and hours later he woke on his bed with a splitting headache. With no idea of the time, Ron staggered down to the common room hopping he could gauge just how much trouble he was in. When he found Neville kissing his sister, all hell broke loose.

He was now lying in bed on Boxing Day morning with a black eye, courtesy of Neville, and that was before Ginny got her wand out from wherever she had stashed it. McGonagall had to once more intercede in a Weasley family fight and Ron thought he might have managed to accrue enough detentions to see him through until Easter.

For the first time he could ever remember Ron didn't want to go down to breakfast, and it wasn't just the after effects of the alcohol. The entire house had rallied behind Neville and Ginny meaning no one would be talking to Ron, though Malfoy would be sure to have something to say on the matter. He also didn't need his classes in divination to know with utter certainty that he would be receiving a howler from his mother in the very near future.

Ron was getting a glimpse of what his life would be without Harry and Hermione in it, he didn't like it one bit. There would need to be some ground made up if Ron wanted them both to be his friends again but he swore to try his hardest to accomplish that. He just hoped that they would want him back, and that they were having a better Christmas than he was.


Hermione was also lying in bed on Boxing Day morning, her mood though was the polar opposite of Ron's. Every time she looked at the ring Harry had placed on her finger, her entire face broke into a wide grin. She could quite happily spend the entire day glancing at it, just to confirm their betrothal was real. Hermione was drawn out of her day dreaming by the sound of Tonks loudly swearing up a storm, she was out her bed with her wand in her hand in a second.

Harry was ahead of her though and she also heard her parents' door opening just as he got to the auror's room. A clearly raging Tonks was sitting on the bed with today's issue of the Prophet open in her hands. She looked at Harry before filling him in.

"Rita strikes again. What I wouldn't give to get something on that bitch."

She handed the offending newspaper to the other four who were now in her room, the headlines said it all really.


The article went on to vilify Harry for ignoring a prestigious ministry event, and wizarding traditions, to spend the holidays with his muggle-born girlfriend in the muggle world. Rita didn't come right out and say it but any reader would be left with the impression that Hermione was a bad influence on their savior, and that a pureblood princess needed to be quickly found for the famous young wizard.

Dan was raging at another attack on his daughter. "I can't believe that Harry not going to a ball is front page news. I also can't believe that this bitch would pull this shit again after Amelia had gone to the paper over their last article."

Harry had his arms around his betrothed and a wicked smile on his face. "You just gave me an idea Dan, I think it's time to start using my fame to help us. Hermione is the only girl for me, and I'm not about to stand about with my hands in my pockets while the Prophet attacks her."

Sirius and Remus would have recognised the look on Harry's face, James Potter used the very same expression before pulling a big prank. "The book Madam Bones sent me on wizarding customs, traditions and laws is brilliant. I'm going to blast Skeeter right out the water and use her own printed words to do it. Hermione love, would you help me write a letter to the editor?"

She glanced once more at the ring her betrothed had placed on her finger before answering. "After breakfast Harry, Skeeter's not worth missing a meal over."

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