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Chapter 6

It would be fair to say that Harry's letter to the Prophet caused more than one person in the magical community to choke on their cornflakes that morning, this was especially noticeable inside Hogwarts. The headmaster may have appeared angry but that was only until your eyes caught sight of the head of Slytherin. Snape reminded the Gryffindors of Neville's cauldron during potions, right before it exploded and sprayed everyone with his latest disaster.

Ron was oblivious to most of this as the sausage, bacon and eggs currently on his plate demanded his full attention. It was only when Ginny slapped a copy of the Prophet in front of him that he got the message.

"This may give you some idea of how big a prat you've been when you need to read about your two best friends in the Prophet." She returned to sit beside Neville, allowing Ron time to read the revelations that had so shocked everyone else.

Open Letter to the Prophet, from Harry J. Potter

I am taking this unusual step because I am sick of the sniping, innuendo and outright lies printed about me and my life, I wanted to take this opportunity to set the record straight. In my entire life I have only spoken to one reporter, and then only the once. Since Miss Skeeter ignored everything I said and just wrote whatever she wanted to, anything you have ever read about me should be taken with a discerning pinch of salt. In this letter I intend only to comment on the recent events in my life, I have no intention of writing a book.

Did I miss the ball at Hogwarts? Yes. Was this a deliberate snub to the ministry and wizarding traditions? No.

For whatever reason, I was raised as a muggle and didn't know about our world until Hagrid appeared with my Hogwarts letter on my eleventh birthday. I am only now beginning to get my head around our society, and the part the Potter family should play in it. If my lack of knowledge saw me unintentionally snub anyone then I unreservedly apologise.

I did not enter the Tri-Wizard tournament but am being forced to compete because of a magically binding contract, this contract did not cover the ball that was sprung on us at the last minute. It is one thing to keep secrets in order to surprise people, it's quite another not to take into account that those same people might have made other plans. Instead of attending the ball, I spent Christmas Day partaking in a far older, and definitely more relevant wizarding custom.

Miss Granger and I would like to take this opportunity to formally announce our betrothal. I hope you will understand that to me, meeting her family and gaining their blessing was far more important than any ball.

As to my supposed snubbing of the ministry, nothing could be further from the truth. On our return to Hogwarts, I shall be leading the Minister of Magic and the head of the DMLE down into the Chamber of Secrets. That incident has never been properly investigated by the ministry and both appear quite keen to see the basilisk I slew there.

I was hesitant to write this letter because, after a different article appeared in this paper, my betrothed received threats, howlers and booby-trapped mail that saw her needing to be treated by Madam Pomfrey. Should that situation ever be repeated, the full force of the Noble and Ancient House of Potter will be brought to bear on those stupid enough to do such a vile and cowardly thing.

It is my hope that this letter will answer some of the questions people have about me, and allow both Hermione and I to get on with our lives in peace.

The paper then went to great lengths wishing the newly betrothed couple every happiness, urging their readers to do the same. Even the thickest reader couldn't fail to spot the link between those sugar-sweet sentiments and the Prophet proclaiming loudly on the same page that they also would be reporting from Salzar Slytherin's fabled Chamber of Secrets. What the Prophet would certainly not be making public knowledge were the conditions Harry had attached to their admission to the chamber. Printing his letter, unedited by the Prophet, and under no circumstances was Rita Skeeter to be part of any team they sent to cover the story.

Even Ron Weasley was able to reach the obvious conclusion that things would never be quite the same again, he just had no idea how true those thoughts would be.


Back at the Grangers, Hermione was steeling herself for the influx of owls the story was sure to generate. An arm gently slipped around her shoulders to offer a measure of comfort. "Tonks erected an owl redirect ward around the house. Apart from the ministry, Gringotts and Hedwig, all other owls will take any post to a room at the ministry where they will be checked. Anyone trying to pull the same shit as last time will soon find aurors knocking on their door."

Harry felt her relax as soon as he started speaking, Hermione tensed up again though until they both noticed where the owl originated from. Gringotts wouldn't be sending anything that could harm you by owl, the goblins liked to look their victims in the eye before causing harm. Tonks scanned the letter anyway before proclaiming it safe to open. Dan and Emma entered the room to find the three of them discussing the note.

"What's that Harry?"

"Gringotts wrote to me, they want to make a bid for the basilisk. Apparently, since I killed it, it belongs to me."

Dan thought this was good news. "That's great, should give you a nice sum to fall back on."

Emma though could see there was something troubling the young man. "What's the problem Harry?"

"I can see this getting really messy. Ron and Ginny were down there with me and you just know Dumbledore is going to stick his big nose in too."

It was Hermione's turn to offer a comforting hug to her betrothed. "What's the real reason Harry? You didn't hesitate to sell the goblins your egg, that's probably why they contacted you."

"It will sound silly." After repeated reassurances that it wouldn't, Harry gave his real reason. "Staying here for the holidays has given me my first taste of what family is. I'm the last surviving member of the Potters. Should anything happen to me, my family will soon be forgotten about. I would like the Potter name to once more gain recognition, and mean something more than the boy-who-lived."

No one there thought he was being silly in the slightest, especially after hearing what he wanted to do about it. Both Emma and Dan were amazed at the projected sums of money involved, even more so though at what Harry intended to do with those sums. The more they got to know the young man, the more the parents were impressed. Dan could hardly wait to show the couple off to their colleagues at the ball while Emma was becoming more convinced by the day that Harry would be her future son-in-law. She had known for a while what her daughter's feelings for Harry were, it was increasingly clear that he felt exactly the same way about Hermione. She was beginning to believe the couple might even be strong enough for their relationship to withstand Harry losing his magic.


In the headmaster's office, Severus was losing it big time. Albus had just finished speaking to a goblin by floo and had confirmed the betrothal was legally and magically binding. "The brat is hardly out the castle a week yet he manages to get betrothed. Not only that, he'll have the ministry on his side now. The article is one massive endorsement for Fudge while we'll be left to clean up any mess."

Minerva was trying to look behind what was happening here. Unlike Severus or Albus, she'd actually met the Grangers and was having trouble believing they would go along with anything like this. She could only see one reason for it. "It would appear we underestimated the pair of them, this is a move worthy of any pureblood Slytherin."

She then explained her comment before Severus took offence. "It's a typical pureblood ploy to protect the family finances and name, I would wager he's also made a will. Should Harry lose his magic, his betrothal will protect the Potter vaults while his new friendship with the minister could shield both of them from the worst of the fall out. We'll be slaughtered by the public for not protecting the boy after allowing his name to be entered."

While everyone in the office could see the truth behind that, Severus had an even more worrying thought. "Albus, do you think he knows that he can claim the carcass, or just how valuable it is?" These fears weren't associated by financial greed, Severus was far more concerned about the possibility of all those incredibly rare potions ingredients being whisked away from right under his nose.

"I'm sure we can persuade the lad to donate it to the school Severus, possibly throw in a finder's fee to keep the press happy." Albus was already thinking of including the youngest Weasleys in the finder's fee, anything that placated Molly Weasley toward the boy was something worth doing. In the long run, he needed the lad friendly with the family of redheads and couldn't let a mere howler ruin all that groundwork.

Minerva was about to voice her opinion that she didn't think there was a hope in hell of Mr Potter donating anything to the school he was planning on leaving, before deciding to hold her tongue on the matter. Albus never listened to her where Harry Potter was concerned and she couldn't see this time being any different. The headmaster was so sure of his ability to turn any situation to his advantage that he was ignoring the obvious. Severus was so desperate to get his hands on those rare potions ingredients, he was ready to believe the moon was made of cheese if he had to. She intended to ensure she had a front row seat to see if she was right, and Albus was mistaken, again.


There were tears in Crawley as they got ready to return to Hogwarts with Madam Bones. Even Tonks had to wipe the corner of her eyes. Then again, the young auror knew what the new couple were going to face over the coming months.

Emma currently had a tight hold of both of them and clearly didn't want to let go, it took her husband's intervention before she relinquished her death grip. "C'mon Emma, I want to say goodbye too. We'll be seeing them again shortly." Dan was well aware of what was wrong with his wife. If things went really badly, they might never again see the young man who'd won his way into both their hearts. Worst case scenario, the entire family might be magically forced to forget all about Harry Potter.

When the portkey took them away, a now sobbing Emma rushed into her husband's waiting arms. "You know they'll look out for each other, they've been doing it for years. Now they've got Tonks and Dobby watching their backs too. The little guy will be popping by every night to let us know how they are. This is more than we've ever had before."

Emma struggled to speak through her crying, it took a few minutes and many attempts before Dan understood what she was trying to say. "We now know just how much danger they are in, sometimes ignorance really is bliss."

"You don't believe that any more than I do. We've just spent the last few weeks watching Hermione be the happiest she's been since our daughter learned to read, none of them will give that up lightly. Anyone trying to interfere is going to have a battle on their hands."


The group of four entered Hogwarts and almost walked right into a battle. There were at least a dozen goblins waiting just inside the entrance hall and no amount of shouting from the potions professor could get them to move. An obviously enraged Snape rounded on Harry the instant he spotted him entering the castle. "Potter, you arrogant brat. Who do you think you are to ..."

Severus was cut off in mid rant by a wand digging into his chest before he could get his hands on Harry.

"I don't know how much things have changed in Hogwarts since I left but let me explain something to you professor. I'm tasked with protecting Mr Potter here, you attempting to attack him will see me use whatever force necessary. This is your one and only warning."

The dulcet tones of Albus Dumbledore attempted to calm the situation. "Amelia, could you please tell your auror behaviour like this cannot be tolerated inside a school."

His clearly patronising stance had the opposite effect on the head of the DMLE. "My auror has behaved exactly as her current remit demands. She will protect her charge from any attacks, be they verbal, physical or magical. That she has to do so against a professor, in front of his headmaster, the minister of magic and half the students of Hogwarts has me thinking the ministry should be looking into more than just the chamber of secrets."

The last thing Fudge wanted was a fight between Amelia and Albus in front of the press, he attempted to play peacemaker. "Perhaps if Mr Potter could explain what is happening here, we all might have a better understanding of the situation?"

"Oh what's happening here is nothing unusual. Prince Potter here thinks he deserves special treatment. The ministry pandering to him by assigning an auror guard will make his head swell even more."

Harry was quick to answer Snape's allegations. "I have to agree that this situation is not unusual minister. Professor Snape has none of the facts and bases all his decisions concerning me on his hatred of my father, a man who's been dead for over thirteen years. And also, as usual, my head of house and the headmaster are just standing there doing nothing about it."

Also as per usual, Albus was trying to gain control of the situation. "Mr Potter, these goblins are under the impression that you sold them the right to remove the basilisk from the chamber?"

"That is because I did. I killed it therefore I get to claim it, that is the law of the land?"

Dumbledore was using his speaking to backward child voice. "Yes but Harry my boy, we must take certain other things into consideration."

Hermione had a tight hold on Harry's arm, helping him keep hold of his temper. His answer though left no one in any doubt what he thought of Dumbledore's latest attempt at manipulation. "I am not your boy, there is no we and the deal is already done."

One of the goblins handed Harry two scrolls, Harry then quickly handed the first of them to Amelia. "Madam Bones, it is my understanding that protective vests are not currently equipment that your aurors receive. Tonks also told me that the only substance that offers better protection than dragon hide is that of a basilisk. This is a gift of all the hide off the creature in the chamber, you should get dozens of vests from it."

Amelia was flabbergasted and could only nod in thanks, Harry had made his way over to Cornelius before she could get her voice to work once more.

"Minister, I understand that the single largest charitable donation St Mungo's has ever received came from Lucius Malfoy. As a Potter, I can't let that stand unchallenged. Apart from the hide, the rest of the Basilisk will be sold by the goblins, with the proceeds going to St Mungo's. The goblins will of course take a fee for this but have roughly estimated the gold generated should be larger than the Malfoy gift by about a factor of ten. I would like to make this donation in the name of my mother, Lily Potter."

Cornelius was a politician first and foremost, he graciously accepted this wonderful gift as the cameras flashed. This simple act ended anyone else's claim on the creature. Anyone attempting to take money away from a hospital or the aurors would be publically vilified.

Minerva had a tear in her eye at what the young man had just done to honour his mother. That he had also cut Albus and Severus off at the knees was not missed either by the head of Gryffindor. In one fell swoop Harry had gained two of the most powerful Allies the ministry had to offer, while exposing Hogwarts for the farce it was rapidly becoming. In a rare moment of clarity, Minerva thought early retirement might soon be upon her. It was starting to feel as if only whether her retirement was voluntary or not still hung in the balance. If Albus didn't get his head out his arse soon, the three of them would be lucky still to be working at Hogwarts come summer.

The large group made their way to Myrtle's bathroom, with most of the students following on behind. They would be left standing in the corridor but there wasn't much else happening in Hogwarts at the moment

Harry removed his robe to reveal the oldest clothes he owned under it. "There is a thousand years worth of crap down here, the place is filthy. I did warn Madam Bones and the minister, I figured the press was used to delving through dirt."

This got a laugh though the press contingent didn't see the funny side, the three professors who were there also looked incapable of laughter at the moment. Snape in particular appeared as if his face had frozen in a permanent scowl. Both Gryffindor students present thought this was a big improvement than his trademark sneer. They also now noticed a figure in nondescript grey robes. As no one else was paying any attention to this figure, they were left to assume he was the unspeakable that Madam Bones wanted to see inside the chamber.

Harry using parseltongue when opening the sink had a few of the reporters jumping back in horror, the Prophet had apparently sent everyone who could hold a quill or point a camera. Harry didn't care, quickly jumping down the chute before anyone said another word. Hermione and Tonks were also dressed in old clothes under their robes and soon right behind him.

Cornelius took one look at the massive hole in the floor and didn't want to jump. With the press there though, there was no other option for the minister. "Now I see the need for the old clothes." He hung his robes and green bowler on a stand Amelia had created before jumping in. Cornelius was quite proud he managed not to scream all the way down. His two auror guards and Amelia followed his actions and were hot on his heels.

The goblin contingent shot down the hole as if born to it, leaving the press and the three Hogwarts professors all looking at each other. "I want to at least see the beast." With that, Severus was off, Albus and Minerva decided to follow.

The photographers were wrapping their equipment in transfigured robes as the press brought up the rear.

Down below Harry had cast a cushioning charm on the floor before Hermione arrived, the two then set about lighting the torches while Tonks cast scourgify on them to remove the worst of the crap.

Dumbledore attempted to save some face by claiming the shed basilisk skin they found down there. Most knew the shed skin was pretty worthless though so it was a fairly hollow victory for the headmaster. Snape was almost in tears at this development. The skin had just given him some idea of the amount of wonderful potions ingredients that were being snatched away.

As the goblins were busy clearing the collapsed roof, Tonks quietly approached Amelia. "Boss, I was scanning around us when the spell tells me there's one more person down here than I can currently count."

Amelia had her own wand out and the spell was telling her the same. A quick signal to the other two aurors and they started to sweep the tunnel. A few stunners later and two reporters were on the floor. "Stay calm everyone, we all see two people lying there but our scans are telling us there are three. We've stunned them until we get to the bottom of this."

They split the two people up until they discovered who was responsible for the reading. It was Hermione who made a suggestion. "Could there be an animagus down here? Peter Pettigrew can change into a rat."

Amelia cast the animagus reversal spell and the stunned reporter was now lying on an equally stunned Rita Skeeter.

Harry and Hermione made no attempt to hide their smiles as a jubilant Tonks re-stunned Rita and cast restraints on her. Amelia was busy questioning the rest of the Prophet crew, all of whom swore they didn't know Skeeter had hitched a ride. While this was going on, the supposed unspeakable had a very quiet word with the two students.

"Very well done Miss Granger. It's your ability to think outside the box, along with your academic scores, that has my department very interested in you. Don't look so surprised, you think we hand time-turners out to just any third year students?"

This saw her blushing and Harry administering a congratulatory hug, the unspeakable wasn't quite finished though. "We are also very interested in you Mr Potter. You have the quite unique ability of not knowing the box exists. Some may call it rule breaking, we tend to refer to that trait as showing inquisitiveness and initiative. You both posses in abundance the particular qualities we look for, your move to nullify Dumbledore earlier was brilliantly planned and flawlessly executed. I would also like to offer my congratulations on your betrothal."

As Amelia looked to be finished chewing out the press, the unspeakable appeared to almost fade into the background. The goblins now had the cave in cleared as the party crunched its way forward, the brittle bones of dead animals breaking underfoot.

When Harry once more used parseltongue to open the large circular door, the smell released wasn't anywhere near as bad as he expected. Harry entered the chamber proper and walked toward the dead basilisk, only to find there was no one walking beside him. The entire company had stopped dead in their tracks at first sight of the giant snake, it was a tearful Hermione who broke the spell. She raced at Harry and slammed into him, holding her betrothed tighter than she ever thought possible.

The flash of a camera capturing the moment saw about a dozen questions fired at Harry in as many seconds. He told the entire story, explaining who Tom Marvolo Riddle actually was. With the basilisk fang lying there, the black stain from the diary etched into the floor and Harry rolling up his sleeve to display the scar, even Snape couldn't refute his story.

Amelia, the unspeakable and the two aurors from the minister's protection detail began to scan the chamber for any other treasures it might contain. This group was quickly joined by Albus who was doing exactly the same. At the moment, all the headmaster had to show for his trip down here was some shed basilisk skin, friction burns and a shed load of bad publicity.

Once the press had everything they were going to get out of Harry concerning the chamber, they switched their questioning to his betrothal and relationship with Hermione. This line of enquire was quickly shut down by the couple and Tonks so the reporters latched on to the others down in the chamber, asking their reaction to what they had witnessed today. This soon had Snape in an even worse mood as his sour expression was proving magnetic to questions on how he felt about Mr Potter's heroic achievements.

A pair of goblins then approached Harry. "Mr Potter, we would like to make a request. It would be a crime to harvest such a magnificent creature without giving as many people as possible the opportunity to see it first."

"We would like to place the basilisk on display inside Gringotts for a week before rendering it into profitable components."

"Well I certainly don't mind, you should really ask the minister and Madam Bones though."

Hermione, as usual, had a question. "How would you get the basilisk out of here?"

"We are used to moving large objects through tunnels Miss, there are enough of us here to get the creature outside the Hogwarts wards, then we can Portkey it to Gringotts."

Cornelius had his photo taken in front of the beast, standing beside the boy-who-lived, he jumped at the chance of more people seeing the basilisk. He had no way of knowing that his pose, shirt open at the neck and sleeves rolled up, would win him far more praise than his pinstripe robe and bowler hat ever did.

Amelia had her own plans and this dovetailed beautifully into them, she also quickly agreed. Albus wasn't even asked which just gave his already battered ego a final kick in the scrotum. When the goblins started the beast moving, everyone there felt a shiver race up their back as they got a small clue to what Harry had faced.

Harry was quite disappointed, Tonks had two brooms shrunk in her bag to get them back out of there. Madam Bones was sure to have made the same provision for her and the minister. He was quietly hopping at least the press would be stuck down below, Snape trapped in the chamber would be a dream come true.

Unfortunately for that dream, the goblins helped everyone out before they began to stuff the basilisk into the chute.


There was quite a crowd hanging about outside the toilet, they surged forward en mass as the door opened. When faced with the sight of a giant basilisk, screams rang out as they scattered in every direction possible.

Once people began noticing that the basilisk was dead, and accompanied by goblins and wizards, there were students coming out the stonework to see this once in a lifetime sight.

The students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons were also gaping at the giant basilisk so very few people noticed Amelia pulling Albus and Minerva to one side, a raging Snape had departed for his dungeons at the first opportunity.

"I find it unbelievable that this creature was roaming the school and you did nothing. How could you not know something of this size was causing havoc in the castle?"

Neither the headmaster nor his deputy had an answer that satisfied Amelia so she informed them of her decision. "I intend to hold a public enquiry into the whole basilisk fiasco. The wizarding community needs to know their children are safe when they send them to Hogwarts. At the moment, your often quoted 'Hogwarts is the safest place in Britain' just doesn't hold water."

She stopped Albus' excuses before he could generate a head of steam. "There will be an enquiry with the panel being headed by me, and consist mainly of people who have the best interest of Hogwarts at heart. This is not your school to do with as you please but a place where the next generation of witches and wizards learn how to take their place in our society. Sometimes I think you both forget that." Amelia walked away, having achieved what she came for and also having ruined Dumbledore's New Year too. Add to that, the Skeeter bitch would be spending time in Azkaban and the head of the DMLE just had a very good day. Amelia intended to spend some time with Susan before heading back to the ministry.

The goblins took the basilisk outside Hogwarts and then gave anyone who wanted the opportunity to have their photograph taken standing beside it, Colin Creevey found himself suddenly becoming very popular for the first time since the boy set foot inside Hogwarts.

Harry and Hermione took advantage of the castle emptying to gawk at the basilisk, they were able to make their way to Harry's new quarters without meeting anyone. Tonks set the password on the portrait of two old wizards playing chess and led them into a large sitting room that had its own fireplace. No sooner had they entered than the fire burst into life and a tray of tea and biscuits appeared on the small table in front of the comfortable looking sofa.

"It looks like Dobby is determined to look after you here too Harry." When Tonks took their trunks out her bag and un-shrunk them, all three disappeared at once. "Yip, Dobby is certainly on his game today."

"I just hope he remembers that I'm not staying here."

"Why Hermione, does that mean you don't want your things put in Harry's room?" Watching as the couple attempted to see who could blush the brightest would never get old for Tonks, she just couldn't help teasing them. A quick look around the suite of rooms met with all their approval, the large work table in the corner was all the encouragement Hermione needed to spend most of her free time here.

Both students knew Hogwarts would be crazy for what was left of the day so were quite happy to be holed up in their snug retreat, after they all took the time to shower that is.


It was just before curfew when Hermione slipped through the portrait hole into the Gryffindor common room, only to find a reception committee waiting on her. The barrage of questions that greeted her arrival was like a physical force and saw Hermione hold her hands out in front of her.

"Wow, glad to see you missed me. One at a time please but I warn you, it's been a long day and I'm ready for my bed."

Another barrage followed and saw Hermione shake her head. "Ok guys, here's the deal. I'll tell you what's going on and then I'm heading up to my dorm. Because of all the dangerous crap Harry's had to put up with at Hogwarts, he now has an auror guard. As Tonks is female, she obviously couldn't sleep in the forth year's boys dorm."

Dean was quick with a quip. "Aw Hermione, why not? We wouldn't mind."

"Well Harry told her how loud Ron and Neville snore, so she said no chance. Anyway, Harry now has his own quarters, with a room for his auror guard. Now I need my sleep before meeting my betrothed for breakfast. Goodnight."

Hermione headed up the stairs, with Parvati and Lavender right behind her. They played twenty questions all the way to their dorm, though didn't like the fact they were getting very few answers. Hermione smiled as she realized Dobby had unpacked her trunk and began to get ready for bed, Lavender's rather obvious change of tactic also put a smile on her face.

"Oh Hermione, it's such a pity you missed the ball, it was wonderful. The band was fantastic and we danced until midnight."

Neither of her roommates had noticed the large picture in the silver frame Dobby had placed by Hermione's bedside, that was until the girl herself gazed toward it and spoke quietly. "At midnight I was in Harry's arms and we welcomed in the New Year with a wonderful kiss. The orchestra then resumed playing while we danced for another two hours, it was magical. I also got to dance with my dad while Harry had my mother twirling around the floor. They both love him and I've just had the best time ever. Sorry Lavender, but I wouldn't have missed it for anything."

Both girls now had their eyes glued to the picture too, Hermione looked amazing in her periwinkle ball gown but an even bigger surprise was Harry. Neither witch had ever seen a tux before but both instantly were in complete agreement, Harry Potter was bloody drool-worthy in one. Hermione Granger was a lucky witch.

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