𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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|Sasha's Third P.O.V.|
|August 16th, Wednesday, 6:45 am|

Waking up and getting dressed for school was the hardest thing for Sasha to do. Her brothers got up before her, never failing to make it known with their hectic tactics of yelling, rushing, or burning breakfast they're cooking for themselves. She'd jog downstairs, swinging her pink-creamed Burberry crop jacket around herself, or whatever crop jacket she's chosen for the day, always having to dodge her brother's to avoid an early-morning headache.

"Move, idiot!"

She'd find herself irritability saying, fixing her hair in the hallway's mirror, ignoring the pleads of her little brother to get out the way. They all had places to be in the morning; Sasha liked going to those places in her best outfits, even if it was only for school.

Besides, it was rare when she attended in-real-life school. Their working parents left her disabled brother in her hands, putting her in online school so she could stay home to take care of him. She was the second youngest in the house, she had no job and her extroverted life wasn't seen as important to working adults and bill-paying older siblings. As much as she found it unfair and demeaning, she had no voice in the decision.

Sasha is allowed to attend school on Monday's, Wednesday's, and sometimes Friday's. Other days she'll be home.... taking care of him.

She drives her ruby red 2009 Mercedes-Benz E-Class to school, the windows tinted to her liking and the inside covered in personalized jewelry she's had made over the years. Sasha recalled the memory of her parents gifting it to her every time she got inside, remembering the displeasure on her face seeing she wouldn't get her older brother's old car - it went to her second brother.

'I take on a lot more responsibilities than you think...'

Her thoughts screamed as her fake smile took over.

"Took you long enough. Almost walked to class," Summer snapped Cameron's hand mirror that she borrowed shut, rubbing the newly placed lip gloss on her lips together as she fell in synch with Sasha's confident walking. Their bodies straightened, heads held high, one hand wrapped around their purses strap while the other gently swings with their walking movement.

Sasha rolled her eyes, "Yeah, mama, you say that threat everyday. Get a new one," She replied, dropping her purse in the security's basket so it could be checked for weapons.

"Speaking of threats... uhhh, why do we have these now?" questioned Summer as she hesitantly followed behind Sasha.

"Safety, protection, drills, yadada," Sasha shooed it off. It was bound to happen again. Back in 10th grade they had a short period of time with metal dictators then it was metal scanners and now it's personalized bag checking.

Summer naively thought over the possibilities before shaking her head, "Fire drill? I don't see anyone bringing fire starters...." She said as Sasha rolled her eyes.

Her red-hair flipped over her shoulder, leaving a view of her skin in the crop top she was wearing. Luckily, she wasn't taking Ms. Lita today - she wasn't in the mood to defend herself. It's only clothing. Why did that lady make a big deal out of everything?

She was snatched from her thoughts by an overhyped Summer. The blonde was excitedly slapping her hand on Sasha's arm, her eyes glimmering in the opposite direction.

"What? Stop, you maniac!" Sasha annoyingly pushed Summer away.

Summer grabbed Sasha by the shoulders before turning her body in the direction she was looking in. In the direction of... him.

Allen Jones.

God, look at him. Her number one favourite Bullet Club member. She cocked her head, giving a little smirk as her eyes stayed fixated on his standing posture. That was until reality kicked her in the head again.

"He's wack today; left me on read," she told Summer as she handed the taller girl her purse without another word and strode over to his entourage.

Sasha fell in line with his standing, her straightened back with a plump butt remaining as so, "The outfit... came straight outta a barn?" She pinched the corner of his grey flannel shirt. Noticing his hair was tied in a man bun, she nonchalantly bit her bottom. She wasn't crushing on him or anything... she just wouldn't mind them leaving school and going... to the skating rink together.

Allen ignored the snickering boys behind him, "'Sup, Mercedes-Benz. Want some?" He greeted her back, holding out his bag of Rice Chips from Lundberg Family Farms.

The boys giggled more seeing him share the same bag that he would kill others over if they tried taking some.

"I don't accept food from charity cases," She shooed him off, "Busy night?" the question picked a part her tone. The confidence was there but faltered behind the hurt; the hurt she'd only let him have control of. It wasn't a pain to her heart... more like a pain to her ego. What could he be doing that he left her on read? It was supposed to be the other way around; that's how it's always been! Since when did he find this okay?

Make it a big deal now so it won't be tolerated later.

A.J.'s eyes shined a brief of sadness for a quick second only to be shaken off, "Candice doesn't feel well," He answered and the group immediately became quiet.

Frowning, she observed the sudden shift in the atmosphere, "Why is that?" she pushed more.

Allen cleared his throat, "Due to personal reasons. She'll be back. I know she will," his sad gaze went away. It was replaced with him concentrating on the chips in his bag.

Awe, I like Candice.... kind of.... I hope she's okay.

"Oh.... we'll talk later..." she whispered for him to hear. Allen lifted his eyes to examine her outfit, "You know we will. You look pretty today," he tried mumbling the last part but this made his friends snicker even more.

Sami and Finn were nearly on the floor reacting to how soft Allen turned all of a sudden.

"What? This lame ol' outfit I threw together? Stop it!" She grinned, smoothing it out over her curves. She rubbed the lucky chain her cousin Snoop gave her:

A.J. ignored his friends, muttering a curse word about them.

His finger slid over the necklace she was wearing, "Lame?... pretty cool to me," he chuckled. Sasha's eyes glistened behind her defensive aura.

Okay, today won't be so bad.

|AJ's Third P.O.V.|

AJ picked at the end of her hoodie. She was hidden in the cafeteria's corner, watching the entry way hoping Candice or Emma would walk through the double doors. Despite A.J. making it clear that his sister wasn't able to make it today, AJ still had hope inside of her.

She needed somebody to hide behind from all the judgemental stares from her peers. She hated when Candice missed school.

"I hate the morning," AJ grumbled, picking at the strawberry yogurt with her fork.

Paige gleefully sighed, "I looove the morning!" She giggled. Nearly jumping, AJ let out a gasp.

Paige sat on the table, crossing her legs and resting her chin in her hand palm. She flickered AJ a soft smile, "Adapting?" She asked, referencing the passing days of AJ's return. Although it's been days, the whispers haven't died, nor the judgement.

AJ shook her head as an answer, continuing to pick at her yogurt. Paige sighed as she scratched her head, titling forward to be closer to the girl, "Friendly advice - people's fucking mouths will forever talk. Don't be pissy over it," her tone hinted towards fake love, but the bridge that built their friendship told AJ it was her normal love.

"I'm not pissy. Do I look like Naomi?" AJ snapped.

Paige held her hands up, "Calling it how I see it..... You look like a school shooter," She hopped off the table and began walking away before AJ could respond.

"The herpes on your lip is a good look!" AJ called out.

Immediately, Paige's slow-paced walking turned into jogging and she was rushing to the cafeteria girl's bathroom. AJ proudly gleamed as the silence hit her ears again.

Allowing what Paige said to settle in, AJ huffed to herself. She wanted to be alone, there's nothing with that. Sit with fake people? People who'll open their seats for her out of pity and whisper when she turns her around? Sit with people who helped put the idea of her being crazy in her mother's head? People who saw her as this vessel of obsession and not a human with emotions? Yeah, she was good.

She'll rather sit alone and look like a school shooter, Ms Herpes.

|Alexa's Third P.O.V.|

"Corey's missing, he didn't pick me up, and he isn't answering the phone. I fucking hate him," Carmella came to the table complaining and plopped down beside Tiffany.

Carmella reached out and grabbed Milena's apple she wasn't eating it, "Also, Liv - yeah, her - she's being a pain in the ass. I pray she stays in NXT High. I don't want her here," Carmella continued, unaware of Milena currently getting held back by both Alexa and Tiffany.

'Who comes and grabs somebody's food?' Alexa shook her head.

"I like Liv. She's better company than you, Leah!" Tiffany prepped up.

The cheerfulness in her tone made Alexa giggle. Imagine being told you're not liked by someone with Barbie's voice.

"What do you know about company, Tiff? Jeff has on you lockdown," Carmella gave her a fake smile as Milena rolled her eyes.

"Jey and Jimmy got in trouble... again... those clowns..." Mandy Rose commented as she sat down next to Tiffany, brushing her hair as she did so.

"I find them funny," Tiffany gleamed. Alexa chuckled. Tiffany's the sweetest person in school to Alexa. Ask anyone around and they'll tell you Alexa loves the girl. It's not her smile which makes you believe the world is colorful, nor her aura that radiates Dolly Parton's baby girl - it was her heart. Alexa wished she'd leave Jeff alone. She's not religious, but Alexa could see Tiffany with that ideal church boy her parents want her with.

Hearing Alexa laugh for the fourth time in a row, Tiffany flashed her a smile, "Lexi, aren't you ticklish today? Little hyperactive doll today," She playfully elbowed the shorter girl.

"I don't like the word little, Tiff, I've told you this," Alexa murmured while typing away on her laptop.

Tiffany looked around the cafeteria with hopeful eyes, "Sorry. So... what are you up to?" She asked, still gleaming at her.

Alexa hummed. She should be asking Tiffany the same. Murphy mentioned not liking how she got in Jeff's car yesterday to her last night. The tall punkhead better not be driving their girl down the wrong road.

"What have you been up to, Taryn?" The question almost stunned Tiffany. Milena and Carmella now looked interested, staring her down with Alexa.

An offensive expression shot across Tiffany's face as she remained silent. Her finger tips smooth out her diamond embezzled Taylor Swift cardigan, "We're holding cheerleading practice soon. Family dinner is in my schedule..." she skittishly avoided eye contact.

Milena met Alexa's eyes, "Don't look at me. I have no life," and with that she checked her decorative notes for World History.

Alexa guessed she'd be answering her own question then, "I've been busy with school and work. My waking up schedule is kicking my ass," she told them.

Milena suddenly got interested again, "You're telling me. Eddie stayed yelling at me for getting up late. And when I got up early? ¡Auge! still yelled. I thought he had mood swings...." she stopped towards end, realizing who she was talking about.

The table became silent. The death of Milena's family member, Eddie, took a toll on her they've never seen before. She didn't mourn it; she spent hours and days doing activities to distract her mind. Alexa believes this contributed to Milena's refusal of letting him go.

Tiffany reached over to lay a hand on top of hers.

"Hey, if it makes you feel better he's waking you up everyday... spiritually. The inner comfort can do more than the outer," Tiffany gave her a hopeful smile and Melina shyly returned it.

Alexa sighed,

"Well, this is gonna be a long day!"

|Thank You For Reading|

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