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|Michelle McCool's Third P.O.V.|
|During the middle of the school day|

Coming back to school happened faster than Michelle expected. Every school year she liked creating a summer plan - some fun activities to do with people she'd want to hang with. As quick as the summer flew by, she only got to do 3/18 of those activties this year.

Summer has one more time ending early or she's suing it.

Moving on from her disappointment.

Let's introduce our next character:

She's Michelle, last name is McCool. She entered the WWE enrollment system around 4th or 5th grade; she's been here for a very long time.

WWE High was your stereotypical rich persons school. Thanks to the owner being a billionaire, his daughter having a moral compass only she believes she can posses, and his son creating rules that'd get him on the teens good side, a lot of freedom is granted while attending this prestigious wrestling building. Although, take away the cliques and replace it with categorized wrestlers.

Because they attend a very separated wrestling school.

You see, there's a connected network of wrestling schools - normal in the eye of the public, but holds wrestling events every month, or 2 months, or so. The network includes companies, aka wrestling school businesses, like New Japan Pro Wrestling, CZW, Ring of Honor, et cetera.

You stay in the schools based on the competitions; based on your skills. In some cases, academics can matter. In other cases, they don't. You don't have to attend a wrestling college after you graduate; you can use the opportunity to better your life, career path and goals. They give you a education, you attend like a regular student, but overall you attend here to become a wrestler.

Most of the people here in WWE high school, the school that is held on a pedestal in the network, goes by their wrestling names assigned to them, or created by them.

Michelle goes by her real name. She got in here, well, in elementary, thanks to how well she performed against Christy Hemme. Those who are in the middle/elementary schools are considered trainees. When you make it to the high school, you are now rookies.

But overall, your name can switch at any moment. Many of those here actually hate their names now - it holds on to their past here.

Let's take the AJ Lee as an example. April Jeanette Lee. She's changed her name more times than Michelle can count, but always kept that signature Lee at the end. Now before she went pyscho and left, she wanted everybody to refer to her as April - her real name made her feel more sane than AJ.

None of them did that.

Michelle didn't care enough to satisfy her needs. Truthfully, AJ creeped her out. Whenever she walked in the restroom, she heard AJ in the corner talking to herself, or hitting herself. And God forbid she caught you walking in, all she did was stare.

Bump into her? She stares.

Ask for a pen? She stares.

Mention CM Punk? She stares.

Call her crazy? She attacks.

And since she's being truthful, Michelle had to admit she's partially to blame for AJ's drift in the school. She, accidentally by the way, may have caused a wedge between her and Dolph.

Yes, she introduced her friend from TNA High to Dolph, and encouraged the relationship. And yes, it did hurt Eva in the process, but Michelle found it funny.

Not in a mean girl way - no, she finds that cringey; she's not Eva. It was funny in a way "boys are easy" way. Throw in a woman to inflate his ego and Dolph jumps on her like a rag doll - it was funny.

And she's hated Michelle for that since. Michelle still remembers when they had field day and AJ looked like she wanted to murder her. Her reason for hating Michelle was just her being mad Michelle saved the relationship. Why would you want to continue dating a boy willing to leave you like that? It was a part of Michelle's experiment and the hypothesis was proven correct.

Yes, experiment. Michelle does them all the time. Despite never talking about it, she's interested in the social dynamic of the human world. And, a lot of times, interested in individual personality changes based on situations. It does cause harm in the school, or to the person, but it helps them grow.

9th grade: She made everyone think Justin Gabriel was gay. He, at this time, had just transferred to WWE Middle School in the 8th grade so everyone knew him but he still had his small circle of friends. In May, Eva tried asking him out - this was before Michelle helped her realize men are supposed to ask you out - but he said no. He made Eva cry, and you can say a lot about Michelle, but you can't say she doesn't care for her sister's. So, she devised a plan - an experiment. With the help of Big Bang Theory knowledge, she got into his email and found a photo of him and a good buddy with their arms around each other posing for a picture. Since she was already on bedrest due to being sick, she took her time doing some research, digging through his old emails about this friend and other life stuff. She then spent the day writing a very long and detailed message about him being a homosexual, and how he was coming out the closet, and he was madly in love with said friend from picture. Oh, honey, the rest of school year was for her. It was funny. It made Eva feel better, and it helped her self esteem.

10th grade: She pinned Seth and Dean against each other. Seth's anger issues around this time were off the charts, and Dean was enabling it. After an incident of Michelle 'accidentally' tripping him and him yelling at her in the cafeteria, she called her guys and they jumped him after school. She had previously sprayed one of them with the cologne Dean was known to wear, wanting her plan to work out for the both of them. Over time, Dean began brushing the jumping off - his dad's alcoholism was getting worst and he had to focus on what was important. Seth only saw this as him not wanting to get caught for being the one who helped jumped him. Seth confronted Dean in the cafeteria, like he confronted her, and Dean - already pissed about his home situation - got furious that he would accuse him of that. Roman tried reasoning with them both but Seth got angry at him for always siding with Dean. It ended with a huge brawl. And lessons were learned. Seth was sent to therapy, Dean had time to himself and Roman realized he had to be there more for them both.

11th grade: Oh, yes, the grade where prissy Tiffany surpassed her as the cheerleader captain. No, this one was not out of jealousy - she's not that type of girl. She only cared about her old friend. Being aware of the fact that Tiffany's stubborn dad was having health issues and Tiffany was working harder in cheerleading instead of coping with it, Michelle called in a few favors during one of the games and had her guy tell Tiffany her already sick father was involved in a fatal car crash. Michelle's inside connections keeps her updated on anyone's life, past friend or current friend. She ran out the gym crying and later found out the information was false. To this day nobody can figure out who the caller was. Michelle did nothing wrong - she wanted an old friend to face her problems. Besides, it helped Jeff become a better boyfriend to her. What boyfriend doesn't realize his girlfriend is having family problems? They should be thanking her.

She isn't a bad person. She knows most of the experiments she did helped them. Half of them gained new friends; gained themselves.

If you ask her, she's a therapist helping other's lives.

|Emma's Third P.O.V.|

20-80% of kids in the world dislikes school. Emma is the 10% that actually wakes up knowing she enjoys it, partially thanks to the household situation she deals with. School was an escapism for most students here, despite the consequences that come with it.

The Australian girl was currently seated in Vince McMahon's office, listening to him as he ranted on about being happy April accepted their offer to come back, telling her he planned to help her this year.

April wanted Emma to come as her emotional support in case he slipped up and said something that would set her off. Being with April was like being with a ticking bomb. You never knew when it would explode and you became anxious awaiting the moment.

Emma gave April a quick glance, wondering if the girl believed his words or not. As much as Emma wanted to be there for April and be her support, she already planned to focus on something this year:


Before April left, Emma was her support, her guidance and her true friend - something rare. She failed to realize that Emma was also the same thing for their other friend - Candice. Emma carried both of their problems on her back as she locked hers away in a closed casket.

As tiring as it got, as terrible as it got, Emma kept her weary feelings to herself. She gave them pats on their backs for what they dealt with daily. Nobody deserved the judgement they received for something they couldn't control.

She knew it must have eaten at them. There were days when Emma found herself going to sleep thinking about the memories they'd tell her.

It was terrifying. And they trusted her enough to not tell anybody, so, she never saw it fit to complain. She also carried it inside her mind - dealing with it by herself.

And so at night when she have nightmares, she keeps them to herself and goes to sleep knowing she's trying to protect her closest friends.

|Jeff Hardy's Third P.O.V.|

Jeff ran down stairs along side his friend CM Punk, aka Phil Brooks. Punk's mind was wandering elsewhere so Jeff had to guide him correctly down the stairwell here and there. This was the pain of having a 4 level school.

"AJ wouldn't come back for no reason.... would she? She left man. Left and was supposed to be locked away. How did the chihuahua get out her cage?" Punk commented on the AJ being back situation.

Not a lot of people in the school was happy about it.

Jeff sighed, searching around for his little sister. The last thing he cared about was crazy AJ being back, ready to take down her next victims. He wanted to check on his girlfriend - his main priority every year.

"Punk, you ever think Vince wanted her back? She was the top female competitor in the wrestling tournaments. Like her or not, she's a natural wrestler. Vince would need her," Jeff's words only made Punk glare at him. Punk's perpetually drugged eyes were as hard as any store's front mannequin.

Jeff threw his hands up in defense, shrugging off the threatening look he was receiving. He ran a tattooed-hand through his gelled colored hair, heading towards the vending machine without a second thought.

"I couldn't care less. Matter of fact - I couldn't care less about her. She wants to be back... good for her. She better not cry over me again and have that Aussie chick on my back!" Punk complained, frowning at the crowded hallway and its way of making you get bumped into.

The school hallway stank. The odour of the stale urine curled from under the restroom doors, depressingly mixed with deodorant and body odour in equal measure.

That's from the kids who takes gym first period.

The two friends were joined by Justin Gabriel, aka Phillip Paul, who normally spent the school year being scolded by teachers for his lateness. No matter how hard they tried to push the idea of moving with a purpose, it was harder and a lot more breathier getting to class than teachers realized.

Especially when the school has more stairs than an old haunted mansion.

"You guys heard the news? April's back!" Justin beamed, the top row of his teeth was showing, and there was a faint curve to his lips. Jeff chuckled, knowing Justin was picking at Punk.

Jeff held back Punk's hand that was close to slapping Justin's neck. The North Carolina boy grew a reflex of protecting others necks when it came to them mentioning AJ around Punk. Personally, Jeff found it humorous.

If only they knew how badly Punk wanted to keep her.

Jeff playfully snorted, earning weird disgusted looks from his friends. "Whatever... I have to find Taryn. Follow or don't," he flicked them off, showing off his black painted middle finger.

Justin sighed, already seeing rushing legs trying to make it to the class in his future.

"Don't get mad when you're carrying me for the rest of the day," he grumbled and was popped on the neck by the two.

The young boy grumbled even more but nevertheless fell in line beside Punk.

They were so lucky he didn't work out.

|Thank You For Reading|

favorite POV this chapter ? i'd say mines was Jeff's.

|Love You All|

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