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Chapter 5 - Striking a Bargain

A horrified Ron at least waited until they were leaving the great hall before asking the question that was burning away at him. "Would you two really leave Gryffindor? Harry surely you wouldn't play quidditch for another house?"

Hermione beat her betrothed to the answer. "Ron, there's a far greater chance that we'll be leaving Hogwarts, than leaving Gryffindor to go to a house where the Head gives a shit for their students."

Hearing Hermione use language like that alerted Ron to just how angry she was, he had to push for more though. "But quidditch, Hermione, and Harry's the best seeker in the school. Anyway, Dumbledore says Harry can't leave..."

He was cut off by Hermione. "Dumbledore also says the sun shines out of Snape's arse, do you believe that?"

Luna going into a fit of giggles had everyone else smiling too, and killed any tension amongst the group. Harry then laid it out for his friend.

"Ron, I didn't go up there looking for a fight - I just wanted to make my offer to Flitwick. Apparently that's now enough for Snape to hit me with a detention, a detention Dumbledore backed and McGonagall didn't even question. Did you ever wonder why Snape doesn't pick on Hufflepuffs? The reason is simple - Sprout would have him rendered into fertiliser if he tried to pull the same shit he does to us on her students. I can't see me replacing Diggory as seeker, he actually beat me to the snitch this year."

Hermione was trying to make amends for snapping at Ron a moment ago, and move the conversation away from quidditch. She mentally sent 'boys' to Harry, before he reminded her some of the biggest quidditch fans in Hogwarts were girls. "We're not going looking for confrontations, Ron, they keep coming to us." As if to prove Hermione's point, a voice they all recognised called out to them.

"You think you're special, don't you Potter?"

While Harry and Hermione both rolled their eyes in annoyance, Ron broke into a wide grin. His voice was barely above a whisper. "Hey, we all knew this was coming. With your new attitudes to bullying, I've been looking forward to it."

Not receiving the attention Draco was certain he deserved, the Malfoy heir issued further taunts in Harry's direction. "A squib and a loony witch added to your already pitiful group, there's no hope for you, Potter. Best friends with a weasel and having a mudblood for a girlfriend, your parents would be so proud of you." The sarcasm was dripping off every syllable Draco uttered but Harry simply smiled and turned to face the git.

"Why thank you, Draco. I think they would be proud of me too. Then again, Ron, Neville and Luna all have blood that's classed as purer than yours. Hermione here is certainly far smarter than you, but she's also more powerful too. How's your jaw by the way? Ron and I have a bet going. He claims you would be too embarrassed to admit Hermione beat you up while I'm sure you're far too much of a crybaby not to visit Madam Pomfrey for some healing. Hermione does pack a fair wallop though. I have to say, watching her smack you one was the clincher for me. I asked her to be my girlfriend the same night."

Trying to hold his laugh in, Ron stirred the cauldron even more. "Ferret bashing for your first date - and they say us boys aren't romantic."

Draco was livid. His two bookends had witnessed the incident but Pansy hadn't, and was now confidently looking toward him to refute these claims. Unfortunately for Draco, Neville got in first.

"Hermione really smacked him one?" Ron couldn't resist describing the entire scene for Neville, and everyone else, much to Draco's embarrassment.

Considering Draco and his sidekicks had bullied him for three years, there was real longing in Neville's voice as he answered. "Oh wow, I wish I could have seen that."

Harry then got right in Draco's now bright red face. "Unless your here for a repeat performance, one I'm sure we could sell hundreds of tickets for, I fail to see why you're stopping us in the corridor."

Draco was now wishing he was anywhere else but standing in this corridor, appearances had to be maintained though. With as much bluster as he could manage, Draco settled for uttering some general rhetoric that would hopefully end this without him losing any more face.

"You're nothing, Potter - not to the people who really matter." Draco thought, under the circumstances, that wasn't too bad. He wasn't prepared for Potter to verbally rip him to shreds.

"You are so wrong, Draco. You see, without daddy's money, it's you who's nothing." Harry then began to lay out exactly what he meant with devastating accuracy.

"Without daddy's money, Crabb and Goyle wouldn't be following you around. Without daddy's money, Pansy wouldn't be on your arm. Without daddy's money, you wouldn't even be on the quidditch team. Here's the thing though, when that's the only tool in your bullying arsenal, it falls apart when you are faced with people who don't give a fuck about your daddy's money. He's just as weak a wizard as you - I watched a house elf dump him on his arse. Without daddy's money, your father would be in Azkaban - where he belongs. Do you see it now, Draco? Take away the money and the Malfoys are nothing. Now go and annoy someone who cares what you think or say."

As Harry turned and stepped away, Draco's wand slipped into his hand. He'd had it ready, up his sleeve, hoping for just such an opportunity. With Potter's back only six feet away, he couldn't miss. "Densaugeo!"

The curse hit Harry in the back, causing his two front teeth to instantly begin to lengthen. Hermione got in front of Ron and Neville, both of whom were drawing their wands. "Stop, that's exactly the reaction Malfoy's trying to get out of you. Then it's their word against ours who started this."

Draco was standing with a look resembling orgasmic bliss on his face. He'd actually managed to hit Potter with a spell - this was a good day. His good day didn't last for long. Harry spun around and snatched Draco's wand right from his fingers. Draco opened his mouth to demand it be returned at once but no sound was emitted, Harry's right foot had just connected with Draco's family jewels - at great speed and with considerable force.

The Slytherin seemed to silently melt onto the floor, taking enough time that there were now five wands pointed at the three Slytherins still standing. Harry's teeth were making it difficult to talk so Hermione took over.

"Throw your wands on the floor, beside Malfoy. We don't want them, we just want to stop you using them on us when we turn our backs." As their wands landed beside a Draco Malfoy who just wanted the pain to go away, Hermione cast a charm on Harry's teeth to stop them growing any longer.

"Let's get you to Madam Pomfrey. She'll fix this in a jiffy. It will certainly be less painful than what Malfoy is feeling at the moment." As Hermione and Luna led Harry to the infirmary, Ron and Neville followed - but kept their wands trained on the Slytherins until they rounded the first corner.


Harry could feel the longing coming from Hermione as she watched while Madam Pomfrey shrank his front teeth back to normal size. 'Aren't your parents dentists? Won't they fix your teeth if they're making you unhappy?'

'My mum and dad say there's nothing wrong with them, and that I'll grow into them eventually.'

As Poppy declared herself happy with her ministrations, Harry acted. "Thank you again, Madam Pomfrey. I think a bit of the curse hit Hermione too. Could you do the same for her?"

All three of them knew that was utter nonsense but the look of longing coming from Hermione soon had the school healer carrying out another procedure. Watching the girl's face light up in delight as she looked at her new smile in the hand mirror had Poppy smiling too. Those smiles didn't last for long though as Dumbledore and McGonagall entered the infirmary.

Harry decided to get his say in first, though he didn't think it would make any difference. "Professor McGonagall, I was on my way to see you. Madam Pomfrey has just finished treating me for the curse Draco Malfoy hit me in the back with. I have his wand here as evidence, with Hermione, Ron, Neville and Luna all witnessing the attack."

Dumbledore basically just ignored all of that, proving Harry right. "Harry, why did you attack Mr Malfoy in that vicious manner? You could have done irreparable harm to the boy for what was nothing more than a harmless prank spell."

Expecting nothing else but that reaction, Harry still pleaded his case. "He cursed me in the back, and still had his wand trained on me - until I took it from him. Am I supposed to wait until Malfoy fires the cruciatus curse on me before you'll even consider taking action against him?"

A sigh of disappointment from Dumbledore was the only clue he'd actually heard Harry at all. Shaking his head in frustration, Harry barely held his temper as he told Albus bloody Dumbledore some home truths.

"I am what you made me, Headmaster. It all began the night my parents were murdered - and you deliberately denied my godfather and godmother custody of me. At the Dursleys, the slightest misdemeanour, intentional or not, resulted in a beating. That's where you left me, on the doorstep like a pint of milk, and still continue to send me back there. We are all products of our environment. Malfoy thinks his rich Death Eater father allows him to behave however he wants, you think you know what's best for everyone and I now refuse to bow down to bullies - whether they be professors or students."

"Harry, you need to come with me to my office. I fear for you with this new attitude..."

"Sir, there's not a chance in hell of me going to your office, you can expel me from Hogwarts first."

McGonagall exploded at hearing Harry say that. "Mr Potter, you will apologise at once to the Headmaster, that was totally uncalled for."

Turning to face the angry Scot, Harry didn't back down an inch. "Should I follow the Headmaster to his office, the chances of me leaving it proclaiming Snape to a wonderful professor, Malfoy as my best friend and Hermione no longer my girlfriend would be very high."

She was shocked at what he was saying but Harry didn't care, he went straight for McGonagall's jugular. "Guess what, I don't trust you to protect me from it happening either. The headmaster would tell you it was for my own good, and you would meekly go along with it. You're the Deputy Headmaster at Hogwarts but sit quiet as a mouse and allow his pet Death Eater to run roughshod over your house of the brave - even at quidditch."

Hearing that left McGonagall lost for words, something Dumbledore never suffered from. "Mr Potter, this dramatic change in your attitude - your whole personality - needs to be investigated. I'm sorry but I must insist you come with me to my office so we can examine what has happened - and try to fix this."

Harry was about to explode, and tell Dumbledore where he could shove his office, when he felt a calming hand on his shoulder. Poppy was once more coming to the rescue.

"Excuse me, Headmaster, but that's my job. I would never dispute you are a very learned wizard but, amongst those many qualifications and titles you hold, it falls to me to point out none of them are for healing. I shall be keeping Mr Potter, and Miss Granger, in the infirmary until I can say without a shadow of a doubt that they are whole and hale."

"I can't allow that, Poppy."

"You can't stop me, Albus. In regards to the health of these children, my position overrules yours. Since it was you yourself who stated Mr Potter's health needed to be investigated, I fail to see how you can change that."

Albus was livid. This was the second time in a matter of hours his decisions were being questioned by a member of staff. Harry's insolence was bad enough, and to hear him spouting what could possibly happen if he was dragged along to Albus' office - in front of his friends and Poppy - meant he needed to be careful how he handled that side of things. To have Poppy thinking she could ever overrule him inside Hogwarts was something he had to immediately slap down.

"While I said the changes in young Harry needed investigating, no where did I even hint those changes required medical intervention. I merely wished a chat with the boy, to see if we could get to the bottom of this."

"That's fair enough, Headmaster, but I now suspect there is another reason behind the lad's change, and I intend to discover what it is. That sir, is my job. Should I be able to give him clean bill of health, you of course could have your chat with him then. Mr Potter, I want you on that bed over there. Miss Granger, you may take the one next to him."

"Poppy, not only do I find this action totally unnecessary, I get the feeling this is a deliberate attempt to deny me access to Mr Potter. That is way beyond your remit, and something I can't permit to happen."

The healer stood her ground. "If you think that, then dismiss me. I would like to point out that you cannot have Hogwarts open without a healer, and I would intend to very publicly claim for unfair dismissal by Albus Dumbledore. A wizard of your stature should not be throwing his toys out of his pram when things don't go your way, in front of students too. It demeans not only you personally, but the esteemed position of Hogwarts Headmaster."

While hating being cornered like this, Albus was well aware the esteem Poppy Pomfrey was held in by the witches and wizards of Britain. Her many years caring for the students of Hogwarts meant she was probably the best known healer in the country. When Poppy Pomfrey spoke, people would listen - and Albus couldn't afford for that to happen. There were certain events that had taken place inside the castle in the last few years that Albus didn't want anyone looking too closely at. He made a snap decision.

"Very well, you may keep Mr Potter and Miss Granger here. However, until we can ascertain exactly what the problem is, I fear we must deny them any visitors..."

Ron quickly objected. "What about me? I went through the same things, shouldn't I be in a bed here too?"

A quick surface scan of the boy's thoughts let Albus see he had no idea what had brought about this change in his best friends, only that they had changed. Not wanting to deal with Molly's concerns over her youngest son being confined to the infirmary, Albus vetoed Ron's suggestion.

"While that may be so, Mr Weasley, you are not displaying the severe attitude adjustment that your two friends are. I'm sorry but my decision on this is final, and I would now ask you all to leave."

Hermione pulled Luna into a comforting hug, but she also wanted to whisper some instructions in the girl's ear. "Dobby will pass messages between us, and also take anything you want to your father. Call for Dobby when you need him."

Knowing exactly what Hermione was doing, Harry asked Ron and Neville to keep an eye on Luna for them. Their three friends then left the infirmary, and Poppy got right down to work.

"Right you two, I have to warn you the next few days are not going to be pleasant. To get to the bottom of this, we're going to have to rule out all possibilities. We'll start with purging potions, just in case someone managed to slip you something that has both of you acting in this manner."

Albus and Minerva left the infirmary with satisfied grins on their faces. Purging potions were indeed very unpleasant - and both thought these two students deserved a little softening of their attitudes to authority figures - namely themselves.

Neither would have felt as smug had they known the potions Poppy was now administering their students tasted of strawberries, and was nothing more than a placebo Poppy had developed to 'help' homesick first years. When Poppy Pomfrey told you 'this will make you feel better' she was believed.

The Headmaster and his deputy had barely left the infirmary when Harry offered his apologies to the Hogwarts Healer.

"Madam Pomfrey, I'm really sorry for dragging you into this..."

"Nonsense, after what happened the other night, I was always going to be leaving Hogwarts. You were just about to announce your lordship, and tell Dumbledore to stick his school where the sun doesn't shine. While I certainly believe that will happen in the near future, I don't think either of you are quite ready for that step yet."

Knowing they had a trusted ally here, Hermione let the healer into some of their tentative plans. "We are currently looking into getting a base, outside Britain, where we and some of our friends could be taught by tutors. Luna made a throwaway comment though that has both of us thinking, she said 'why not open your own school'. While we're nowhere near ready for that step yet, we're thinking in terms of months - not years. Whatever route we go down, new school or tutoring a group of friends, there would always be a place for you there."

Hearing that had Poppy grinning. "From the moment I first met you, Miss Granger, I could see the ambition leaking out of every pore. I thought it was only your circumstances of birth that stopped the hat placing you in Slytherin. Opening your own school though, in direct competition with Hogwarts and Dumbledore, only a couple of Gryffindors could come up with something as bold as that. I'll hold back and see what develops but, like you both, leaving Hogwarts is certainly in my future. Now hold still Mr Potter, this is quite tricky to cast."

"What did you do to him?"

Hearing the concern in the young witch's voice, and remembering that these two took down Albus Dumbledore, Poppy was now thinking she should probably have explained what she was going to do before casting.

"Hermione, I feel fine. What's the matter?"

"You don't look fine..."

"Miss Granger, the potion I supposedly just gave you would leave you looking like that. If you two are sitting here the picture of health, the Headmaster will soon see through us. Hold still now."

Harry got to see first hand what had alarmed Hermione. Her skin colour had paled dramatically, and even had an underlying tint of green in there too. Her face also appeared drawn, with her hair that so typified Hermione now hanging like a wet dishrag. Harry was seriously impressed.

"Madam Pomfrey, this is genius. The three of us saw how low Dumbledore will stoop to get what he wants, and we just seem to be attracting trouble at the moment. We'll quite happily stay here until the Express takes us home."


With Harry and Hermione being held in what amounted to quarantine within the infirmary, things inside Hogwarts settled down once more. Minerva was just thinking they may actually make the holidays without any more incidents when she felt the buzz start to go around the hall. Looking up from her breakfast, she spotted small groups of students gathered around and obviously reading something. Since her own Prophet had yet to be delivered, Minerva didn't know what was causing the latest stir. She was soon to find out however as a blonde second year Ravenclaw witch approached the staff table.

"Professor, I know you don't subscribe but Harry paid for four copies of our latest issue, a paper for three Heads of House and the Headmaster. Could you hand them out please? I don't want to get into the same trouble Harry did the other morning."

Luna handed over four copies of The Quibbler, and then got out of there as quickly as possible. Harry had also paid to ensure there were a couple of issues on all four of the house tables, but she wasn't for mentioning that. She certainly wasn't going to mention that there were copies currently winging their way to members of the Hogwarts school board, or a number of people at the ministry either. Luna wasn't in Ravenclaw because she was stupid.

Understanding Harry Potter would never buy Severus anything, even a newspaper as crazy as The Quibbler, she handed copies to Filius, Pomona and Albus before unrolling her own issue and almost choking at what she saw there.

A picture of Mr Potter and his friends standing beside the body of an enormous rotting basilisk took up half of the front page. The headline though was the real clincher, it cut straight to the heart of the matter almost as effectively as the famous sword Harry had used to slay the beast he was pictured with.

Potter Slays Slytherin's Beast with Gryffindor's Sword

Saves Hogwarts while its Headmaster Sat Clueless in his Office.

While The Quibbler usually had no more than a passing acquaintance with the truth, having Harry Potter's picture displayed like that authenticated beyond doubt their top headline - at the very least. Minerva also understood that same proof would lend itself to making any reader believe the rest of the headline was authentic too.

As if the picture and headline weren't bad enough, the article then went on to savage the staff at Hogwarts - singling out its headmaster for special criticism. Minerva was struggling to figure out which part of this was worse for Albus. Where the paper asked how a second year muggleborn could figure out it was a basilisk stalking the castle, and he couldn't - or whether it was Dumbledore being taken to task over trying to keep everything quiet from the parents and authorities - accused of going as far as confining Harry Potter to the school infirmary without visitors.

She watched as Albus slipped the newspaper into his robes and left the Great Hall, his breakfast practically untouched. While he attempted to portray an air of calm indifference to the whispering that was going on around him, Minerva knew the Headmaster well enough to recognise the rage that was barely held below the surface.

After Albus left, she found herself being approached by Filius. "I would suspect our esteemed Headmaster will be heading to the infirmary. Don't you think your two students there might need support from their Head of House?"

"Mr Potter and Miss Granger have made it perfectly clear they don't want my help."

Minerva then found herself being interrupted by Pomona, who was sitting having breakfast on her other side. "Forgive me if I'm pointing out the obvious here, but Mr Potter and Miss Granger have expressed views that they did not expect you to support them, not that they didn't want you too. Are you just going to sit there and leave Poppy to deal with an angry Albus taking his temper out on two of your young Gryffindors?"

As Minerva just sat there and continued eating her breakfast, both her fellow Heads of House took that as a yes. Shaking their heads in disgust, Pomona and Filius headed toward the infirmary - where they wouldn't find Dumbledore.


Albus at least retained enough sense to know now was not the time to head to the infirmary and confront Harry. He would need to have far more control of his anger before it was time for that to happen. Instead, he paced up and down in his office and wondered just how this was all slipping away from him. He called for Pappy, the head elf at Hogwarts. There were some questions he wanted answered.

"Pappy, are the Hogwarts elves aiding Mr Potter in any way?"

"No, headmaster sir. Hogwarts elves be doing nothing more than cooking and cleaning for Lord Potter and his Lady."

Albus was so close to discovering Harry had his own elf inside Hogwarts but his brain froze at how Pappy addressed the lad. This was now his sole focus. "Pappy, how long has Harry been Lord Potter?"

"Since the night Mister Minister was in the castle. Is Headmaster wanting the Hogwarts elves to be doing more for the new Lord Potter?"

"Merlin, no. That bastard Black must have told Harry about claiming his lordship, this is a nightmare. Thank you for your help, Pappy."

The elf had hardly popped out his office before Albus was flooing to the Leaky Cauldron. He needed to get to Gringotts and see just how much shit Black had stirred up, and how much work it was going to take for him to sort this mess out.


Filius and Pomona arrived at a surprisingly quiet infirmary, Poppy asking them what the problem was saw Filius hand over his copy of today's Quibbler. A smiling healer shook her head in refusal.

"You keep that, Filius, I have my own copy. I was actually expecting Albus and Minerva, not you two."

"Albus certainly stormed out the great hall, while Minerva refused to offer any aid or protection to your two patients. We thought you might need a hand, hence why Filius and I are here. Albus obviously has other plans on how to deal with this. How are your patients?"

"Oh, they are doing well, though getting rather bored. Would you like to visit? I assume Albus meant it was only their friends that were bared from seeing them, not two Heads of House."

Both Filius and Pomona suspected Poppy was protecting the two third years from Albus, hence why they were here to offer her support. Poppy took them behind the screens where they found both students deep in study, there were books open all over the table they were working at.

"Nice to see you looking a bit better, Mr Potter." Filius really didn't try to hide that he found this situation rather funny.

Harry returned the humour. "Great to see you too, Sir. I thought we were going to have to use other methods to contact you. Madam Sprout, while this offer will most certainly be open to you too, I would ask that if you are not interested you will at least not mention this to a certain meddling old Headmaster we all know."

That Pomona was smiling as she nodded her agreement gave the couple some hope that perhaps they could poach Sprout away from Hogwarts too. That would certainly make Neville happy.

"We're trying to set up some tutoring for this summer, but that really is only phase one. We're seriously looking into setting up our own school, and would value your opinions on our building - and anything else you could help us with."

As both Heads of House looked like they needed to sit down after hearing that, Hermione dropped another bombshell. "Should either or both of you consider leaving Hogwarts, there would of course be jobs waiting on you."

This time they did need a seat, which Poppy duly provided. Pomona then wanted to know if they actually were serious, or if this was nothing more than a pipe dream.

"I promise you my silence on this matter but I want to know how far you've gotten with these plans, and if you have any idea of the costs involved. I also can't see Dumbledore or the Ministry of Magic letting you away with this.'

This was the kind of opening Hermione thrived on, and Harry nodded for her to talk about their plans. "First, we agree totally about Dumbledore and the Ministry. That's why the school won't be in Britain. Gold will not be a problem, funds will be available for setting it up and keeping it running. Originally Harry and I were only intending tutoring for us and a few friends, but that doesn't help the hundreds of people who's only choice is Hogwarts."

Harry seamlessly took over what was effectively a sales pitch, one that would hopefully see them gain two professors out of this. "We have experienced people on the ground already looking at this, though your thoughts or ideas would certainly be valued. I'm sure part of this new attitude the Headmaster is having so much trouble with is that I'm now determined to make my parents proud of the son they gave their lives saving. Arranging tutoring for a few people would no longer cut it for me."

It was then Hermione's turn to run with the baton. "We intend for the school to carry the Potter name, so only the best will do. Our research is leading us to think it would be madness to try and open a brand new school, teaching all seven years from the first day. We're considering our year group being the oldest, giving staff and students time to grow into the school. It would be two years before we had to sit OWL's, and a further two before NEWT's. By that time everything should be in place to make us competitive with any school in Europe."

Hermione had shocked them into silence so Harry gave them an insight to just why they were doing this. "In a school baring the Potter name, there will be no bigotry, no one will be lording it over anyone else - including us. This will only work if we are treated as ordinary students too. There will be no trolls, no basilisks, no dementors, no famous defence teachers who can only perform one spell - obliviate. Hogwarts has been a nightmare for both of us from the instant we walked in the door. I'd never flown a broom before starting here yet McGonagall put me on the quiddich team - because she wanted to win the cup. I wasn't even asked if I wanted to play, I didn't even know what quidditch was. The same first year we went to McGonagall and told her the stone was in danger, she refused to believe us. Dumbledore said it was safe, end of story - except it wasn't. Ron, Hermione and I got past those traps, and I was left to face Voldemort and kill Quirrell - I was ELEVEN!"

Taking Harry's hand in her own, Hermione summed it up for them. "Harry and I both went through six years of muggle school before coming here. If any muggle school was run as badly as Hogwarts is, the government would soon step in and close that school. With the Ministry being as badly run as Hogwarts, and no alternative school within Britain, we're stuck with Hogwarts and Dumbledore - unless we do this. Both Harry and I have had enough of us being annually landed in deadly danger. How long will it be before our luck runs out?"

Having calmed down enough to continue, Harry laid it all out for them. "My mum and dad gave their lives so I could live, not so a demented headmaster with his own agenda could keep putting me into situations where I could lose that life. The gold in my vaults is no good to me if I'm dead. I'm the last of the Potters, I don't even know who that gold goes too if anything happens to me. I want the name Potter to live on long after I'm gone, opening a school - and making it a great school - will see that happen. This is not something we're doing on a whim, we're deadly serious. Funds to put all this in place will be available right after we get to Gringotts, that will be the same day we get out of here."

Hermione was enthusiastically nodding in agreement. "We can get to you over the holidays, and it will also be like a holiday for you too. We don't want to say too much on where the building's location actually is, but it has its own private beach on the Mediterranean Sea. Even if you just come and offer your ideas, we would still love to see you there."

It was then Poppy offered her own opinion on the matter. "I've obviously spent more time with these two lately, I can assure you they're serious about this. So serious, I've already agreed to go and have a look for myself over the summer."

Pomona was suddenly all business, letting everyone know she was at least interested in the idea. "When do you foresee this proposed school opening?"

Harry answered as honestly as he could. "Ideally, the first of September. I feel it might be later than that, though I hope to miss spending another Halloween here. We would rather open later and have things ready but do see the problems of not opening for a new school term starting in September - we could lose a lot of potential students that way. It will all depend on the building, and of course the staff. If we get the people we want, then that decision would be up to the Headmistress."

None missed Harry's deliberate use of Headmistress, or the fact both he and Hermione were staring at Pomona as he used it. She had her next question ready, and neither teen even attempted to hide their smiles. "How soon could we get these Portkeys?"


Dumbledore could tell he was being stonewalled. The smirking goblin wasn't even trying to hide the fact the little bastard was enjoying deliberately not telling Albus what he needed to know. "Surely you must see Harry needs guidance on matters the boy is not yet equipped to deal with by himself. As his magical guardian, this lordship farce should never have been allowed to proceed without me being consulted first."

"Your laws were followed to the letter, Chief Warlock. Are you saying your own laws are inadequate?"

"All I'm saying is that, with any law, there are always exceptions to the rule. Harry is clearly an exception to any rule, therefore this lordship should not now stand." The little bastard's grin just got wider, letting Albus know he wasn't going to like this answer any better than those he'd already heard from this particularly obstinate goblin.

"Magic itself decreed Lord Potter as being worthy to hold the position of Head of his House. Neither Gringotts nor the Ministry have the right or ability to interfere with that judgement."

Albus was still promoting the same argument he'd been pushing since entering Gringotts - namely that Harry should be back under his control - when he noticed the goblin wasn't actually looking at him anymore, rather staring at someone who had just entered the bank.

Remus was having a good day, right up until he spotted Albus Dumbledore inside Gringotts. If that wasn't bad enough, Dumbledore was currently arguing with the specific goblin Remus was here to see - Barchoke. Dumbledore would only be arguing with Barchoke if he'd discovered Harry was now Lord Potter - and out from under Albus' control. Only that could explain his clearly agitated state, Albus was agitated to the point of drawing unwanted attention to the pair.

Since getting to know the goblin in charge of the Potter accounts, Remus could now discern the tell-tale mannerisms that indicated the little guy was enjoying the opportunity to put Dumbledore in his place. As news of his new position was bound to leak sooner or later, Remus intended to try and use this news to keep Dumbledore off balance - and see what they could squeeze out of him.

"Good morning, Senior Account Manager. I'm sorry Albus, but I actually have an appointment with Barchoke here. You're going to have to take your business elsewhere."

Playing along, Barchoke enjoyed twisting the 'lack of knowledge' knife into Dumbledore's guts. "Good morning, Steward Lupin. I have some very good news about the bit of business House Potter wanted done." Both hid their smiles well as Dumbledore almost dislocated his neck with the speed his head spun around to face Remus.

There was hope in his eyes as Albus reached out to Remus like a drowning man spotting a potential rescuer. He was still Albus Dumbledore though, so immediately attempted to take charge of the rescue boat. "Remus, Harry appointed you Steward? Thank goodness for that. We have much to discuss..."

Wasting no time, Remus let him know just who was in command here. "Albus, Harry didn't appoint me - he offered me a position. I took an oath of Stewardship - to House Potter, not Harry. That oath is telling me it would not be in my house's best interest to discuss any business with you. Knowing how the oath works, I'm sure you understand. This is powerful old family magic, that could cost me my magic if I work against House Potter."

"Surely you don't think I would wish House Potter any harm? We must be able to work something out? Harry needs my guidance."

Having not taken any oath, Harry simply wouldn't allow him to, Remus now played on Albus' knowledge of what a Steward would be allowed to do if he was oath-bound. "You currently have Harry held in isolation, and are trying to force unjust punishments onto him. My oath sees this as you working against House Potter's interests, there's nothing I can do about that. This is magic at its most basic, Albus, it can't be fooled by mere words or meaningless gestures."

Trying not to show how desperate he was, and failing miserably, Albus was practically pleading with the professor he'd sacked scarcely a few days ago. "Remus, what can I do to help with this matter? I am well aware magic at this level can't be fooled, and would never dream of putting you in any danger."

Neither Remus nor Barchoke believed that last bit for a second. Both knew Albus Dumbledore would sacrifice anyone to get what he wanted. They were trying to use this trait against him.

"Back-off from trying to control every aspect of Harry's life. He will be spending the summer with me, putting together his tutoring package for next term. Do this, and I will guarantee you he will be on the Hogwarts Express come September. That's the best I can offer you, Albus, and it will be a struggle for me to get you that much. Harry is a very headstrong young man, your current behaviour is pushing him more and more into a corner. I guarantee you he'll come out fighting - with leaving Hogwarts and Britain being well within the bounds of possibilities should that happen."

"Remus, I can't tell you how much of a disaster that would be. We can't allow that to happen, we just can't."

Nodding in agreement, Remus pushed ahead. "You say you want to work with me, then back-off - before it's too late. When Harry makes his mind up about something, there's probably only Hermione who has any chance of getting him to change it. Since you currently have her in isolation too, she's far more likely to be cheering Harry on. If you'll excuse us, Albus, I really do have pressing House Potter business to discuss with Barchoke."

It was a thoughtful Albus who nodded and slowly walked out of Gringotts.

They had hardly sat down in Barchoke's office when the goblin could contain his curiosity any longer. "Everything you've told me about Lord Potter leads me to believe you just made a terrible deal with Dumbledore. I know I must have missed something but I'm struggling to see what it is."

It was a smiling Remus who answered, it wasn't every day you got to put one over on Dumbledore. "If Dumbledore goes for this, and I'm sure he will, it buys us a summer where neither he nor the ministry will interfere with what we're doing here. That could be the difference between our school opening in September or not."

Barchoke agreed with every word of that, but it still didn't answer his original question. "What is the point in opening this school if Lord Potter is attending Hogwarts?"

"Ah, but I never said he would be attending Hogwarts, only that he would be aboard the express. Even if he did go back there, first sign of trouble Harry would be out of the castle. On past records, he wouldn't last a week in Hogwarts."

Loud laughter rang around the tunnels of Gringotts, before the two got down to serious business. Details of Remus' meeting with Albus and Barchoke would be making it's way to Harry later, courtesy of Dobby.

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