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Chapter 4 - Smells Like Teen Spirit

Sirius' stomach may have been loudly growling at him with hunger pangs but it was news about his godson he was really starved of. That was why the letter on top of the basket Dobby brought him got opened first, rather than the delicious smelling wrapped food it sat upon. As Sirius read the letter from Moony, he began to wonder if his hunger was worse than he'd thought - and starvation was actually affecting his mind. Surely this couldn't be true?

Reading how his godson, and his betrothed, had pranked Snivilus though immediately had a warm feeling welling up inside of Sirius. He didn't think he could have been prouder of those two. Turning back time to rescue him was pretty bloody special, but publicly taking down Snape - in front of the entire school and staff - wasn't too shabby either. While laughing his arse off at the prank, Sirius was also a little angry at himself for not considering casting something in Snape's direction when he had the chance.

Sitting down and eventually eating some of the wonderful food Dobby brought him, Sirius was still chewing over the letter's contents. Moony had mentioned that the only memory Harry had of his mother before that night was dementor induced, and had Lily begging Voldemort to kill her instead. That just seemed to emphasise how badly Sirius had failed his godson, and he couldn't even manage to kill the dirty rat that caused all of this.

Reading of the unbelievable task thrust upon his godson's young shoulders left Sirius ready to weep for the amount of shit fate seemed determined to bury Harry under. Lost both parents as a toddler, both godparents 'indisposed' so forced to live with magic-hating relatives and now prophesied to take on a Dark Lord the entire country thinks is already dead - yet are still terrified to even mention him by name. Remus though wrote at great length about how Harry and Hermione were desperate for them to help with the task that seemed to have been predetermined by prophecy to be Harry's, which is exactly what Sirius intended to do.

It would also seem his godson had a monster of a prank planned on Voldemort's richest supporters, something Sirius wholeheartedly agreed with. Hitting them where it really hurt, grasping them tightly by their vaults and tugging, would certainly start their payback. Hearing what happened in the infirmary also reinforced Lily's dire warning to Harry that Dumbledore was not their friend, though it seems things might be even worse than she thought they were.

Sirius had asked Dobby for some parchment, ink and quills - only to be told there was a supply at the bottom of the basket, along with some clean clothes. He would be making a list of what he thought they needed to do, getting his thoughts jotted down before writing back to Remus. He loved Harry's idea of making Remus Steward to his family, and intended to do the same for his own. His mother would be turning in her grave at the thought of a werewolf as Steward to the House of Black.


Even with Hermione deliberately closing their bond down as much as she could manage, Harry still sensed there was something really bothering her. Moving a rather large rock from the tunnel's caved-in ceiling, Harry sat down on one edge of it for a minute.

"Take a break, Hermione. Sit here and tell me what's bothering you?"

Trying to move her dirty hair from her eyes, Hermione sat beside her betrothed. "You mean apart from being filthy, cold and knackered?"

Putting his arm around her, Harry pulled Hermione close and gently kissed her lips. "Now, could we have the real reason please?"

With a slump of her shoulders and a sigh, she let out part of what was bothering her. "Harry, are we moving too fast here?"

"Not two minutes ago you were complaining that this was taking ages." Seeing her smile, Harry promised that things between them would proceed at whatever pace they were both happy with. He then pushed for the real reason she was worried and Hermione duly obliged.

"It's my mum and dad, I feel as if I'm going to be abandoning them. The minute Dumbledore discovers you're not at Privet Drive, he'll come looking for me and Ron. Me not being there opens my parents up to being told any sort of lies - and that's assuming he doesn't take his wand out. If he does then things could get really ugly - and Dumbledore's the good guy. I really want to be with you but feel I need to protect them too. I don't know what to do..."

Tightening his hold on Hermione, Harry began basically thinking out loud on any ideas to try and fix this problem. "The Dursley house has protective wards on it, we could get some of those placed on your house. We could also see about emergency portkeys for your mum and dad too. I'm sure Dobby wouldn't mind keeping an eye on the house, getting us to them if we're needed..."

Harry never got to say anymore as Hermione was using his lips for a whole different purpose. It took a minute or so before Hermione could actually say what she wanted but Harry wasn't complaining. "Thank you, Harry. I know you're angry at my parents for the way they treat me, I guess I was worried you were just going to leave them to fend for themselves. I think I needed to hear you say the words."

"I know it's been a hectic few days but, after this job tonight, we've got nothing else planned until it's time to leave for home. We'll have plenty of time to sit and sort things like this out. Now, these rocks aren't going to move themselves..."

At that, Dobby appeared and snapped his fingers. Both teens had to shoot to their feet as the large rock they'd been sitting on flew over to join its neighbours as the little elf magically repaired the tunnel.

"Dobby, that's wonderful..." Two steaming mugs of cocoa were gratefully accepted by the young couple who were only now beginning to grasp just how powerful their little friend was.

"Dobby has folder from Steward Remus. Do you want Dobby to clear this up while you read it?"

Hermione couldn't prevent the shiver that travelled down her spine at Dobby's question. A swift shake of her head and she soon let both of them know how she felt. "Dobby, I don't want to spend one minute longer down here than I absolutely have to. We do what we came to and then get out of here - and take a long hot shower. Does Remus need an answer on any of this stuff?"

"There are properties here that Steward Lupin wanted you to have a look at, Dobby does not know how quickly he needs an answer, Dobby should have asked..."

Before Dobby could go blaming himself, Harry cut in. "If you could find us somewhere in the castle that we could look at these, Hermione and I could go there as soon as we get this done - and after we have a shower."

The little elf certainly perked up at being given another opportunity to help these two. "Dobby thinks the 'come and go' room would be perfect. It can be whatever you ask it for, even if you want a shower - or a big bath."

Harry certainly liked that idea, and a blushing Hermione seemed to as well. He had a question for his little friend first. "Is this room on the seventh floor, across from a tapestry of dancing trolls?"

"Yes, does Master Harry know about this room?"

"I have some information on it - though obviously not as much as you. I heard it was just a massive storeroom."

"Oh room can do much more than that, castle elves use it all the time..."

Swallowing a large mouthful of her cocoa, Hermione then grabbed Harry's sleeve and pulled - though this time he wasn't resisting. "Finish this job, have a hot soak and see where we want to spend summer - now that sounds like a plan to me. Let's get a move on, slowcoach."

Drinking his own cocoa as they walked toward the door that awaited them, Harry felt a wonderful warmth seep into his very bones. Sitting their mugs down, Harry once more used parseltounge to command the door to open. The smell of decay that greeted them had both reconsidering whether it was such a good idea to drink that chocolatey goodness. One thing was for sure, it wouldn't taste nearly as good on the way back up - and the vile stench in this dark and dank chamber was making the chances of that happening a distinct possibility.

The torches around the wall lit, giving Hermione her first real look at the beast. She was glad witnessing Harry's memories had at least prepared her for this, otherwise Hermione was sure she would be a blubbering wreck.

Both immediately got down to work, the less time spent in this place the better. They transfigured their potions knives into small hand axes before donning dragon hide gloves and hacking away at the base of the beast's many fangs. After freeing four each, they were carefully wrapped before being placed in Hermione's bag. They practically ran from the chamber as soon as their task was done, not relaxing until the great door once more swung shut and locked. Hermione didn't even mind climbing onto the back of Harry's Firebolt, she was so keen to leave this place behind.


Sitting in a hot bath, with Harry's arm comfortingly around her, Hermione was still shivering. Using Tom's knowledge stored inside Harry's head, they had easily discovered the diadem he'd turned into a horcrux. Harry didn't have any problem stabbing it with one of the basilisk fangs either. It was the gut-wrenching scream that signalled the end of this particular soul anchor that affected Hermione so badly.

Yes this was Voldemort, and they had just destroyed a piece of his soul - and that's where Hermione was having the problem. It felt like cold blooded murder, and had shaken her to the core. Harry had her wrapped protectively in his arms and was also in her head to try and offer support.

"Hermione, that's what makes us different from them. You have a good heart and a conscience that will guide us both. I could never turn to the darkness with you in my life, you simply wouldn't let me."

"Harry, you could never be dark either. I've seen your heart and it's every bit as good as you claim mine is. It was just the shock of hearing that thing scream, and seeing the consequences of deliberately setting out to kill something. Intellectually I more than understand we need to destroy these things, it was the practicality of witnessing it that chilled me to the bone. Ten minutes in a roasting shower and now sitting here with you and I still can't shake it off."

"Maybe you need something to take your mind off it, like looking at where we want to spend at least the summer. Might take my mind of you in that swimsuit, at least before I get slapped for some of the thoughts running through my head."

"Harry, you're more likely to get snogged than slapped. Still, looking at where we want to hide from the world sounds like a great idea..."

Dobby appeared with the folder before they could even call for him, and had already charmed the documents waterproof. The room had provided them with a sunken tub that was about eight feet square, and four feet deep in the centre. The young couple were sitting snuggled into one corner, both wearing the swimwear that had been provided too.

Remus had four choices for them but Hermione could feel Harry's excitement the moment he opened the second one. It was easily the largest of the four, but having its own private beach on Italy's Amalfi Coast mean this one instantly got Harry's vote. Going over the other three, he was delighted when she confirmed that one was her choice too.

"Imagine getting up in the morning and being able to look out the window at the ocean, that would be fantastic."

"Harry, this is going to be your home. I'm sure we can find a bedroom that has a sea view for you." Hermione loved how the simplest of things could thrill Harry. With their choice made though, neither was in any hurry to leave this wonderful bath. Harry soon had his arms wrapped around Hermione again. She could feel the contentment practically radiating off him so Hermione just had to say something.

"As well as its own beach, that house - Ok, we can't call something with over forty bedrooms a house. It's a bloody mansion, with its own swimming pool too. What I was trying to say is that we could do this a lot more often."

"Hermione, anytime - you will never have to ask me twice. It's moments like this, just sitting here holding you, that make me feel I can cope with anything."

"It's exactly the same for me, Harry. This is so new for both of us but the bond our rings give us will keep it honest. I know you find me attractive, that's not something I expected..."

"Hermione, I think you're beautiful. I'm amazed and so thankful you're prepared to take a chance on us being a couple. I just keep thinking back to my mum saying we could be so much more, I already know that's what I want. I'll try my very best to make that something you want too."

"Boys can be so silly sometimes, why do you think I kissed you? I want that too, Harry."

The trials and troubles they'd faced tonight, and even those they knew had still to come, were being forgotten about as the young couple lived in the moment for now. Without having to discuss it, both understood they weren't ready for anything more serious than some snogging. Carrying out that action while both of them wore very little, and were soaking wet, would easily provide memories powerful enough to generate their patronuses. Since this room couldn't be found, and Hermione had a device that would allow them to go back in time to where no one would miss them, neither was in a hurry to stop this very pleasurable activity.


Luna was so happy, she was actually skipping along the corridor while heading down to have breakfast with her friends. Just the thought of having friends waiting on her was enough to have the little blonde second year smiling. Waking up and having all her clothes to chose from was a brilliant start to the day too. She didn't know what Dobby had done but not one single item of her belongings had gone missing since he returned them. Her bed had also been untampered with, providing the rare opportunity to have a good night's sleep into the bargain. Things were certainly looking up for Luna Lovegood, until she looked up and spotted the trio of girls who were clearly waiting on her.

"Look, the retard can't even walk along the corridor like a normal person."

"Of course she can't, because she's not normal."

"You shouldn't be in Hogwarts, Loony, far less Ravenclaw."

As they were hurling their insults, the trio of witches had moved to physically prevent Luna getting past them. Marietta Edgecombe seemed to be particularly incensed with the blonde Ravenclaw standing in front of them.

"I don't know what you did to keep us out your trunk but there are other ways to show you're not wanted here, and stop you spreading your lies about Ravenclaw."

All three witches were shocked to hear a voice coming from behind them.

"From where I'm standing, Luna's claims that her housemates are bullying her look like the truth to me."

Turning around to find themselves faced by four third year Gryffindors was a bit of a shock, especially since all four already had their wands in their hands.

They weren't too bothered though. After all, they were fourth year Ravenclaws. Cho Chang tried to dismiss them out of hand. "This is a Ravenclaw matter, nothing at all to do with you ruffians..." She soon had a face-full of a growling Harry Potter, his angry green eyes were boring right into her like lasers.

"Luna is family to me and Neville, family means everything to us. Raise your wand against her and I guarantee you will find yourselves in more trouble than you know how to deal with."

This was too much for Marietta. "Oh, big bad Potter - we're so scared. This isn't gullible Gryffindors' you're talking to, we don't buy your tough guy act."

The other fourth year witch started screaming, while pointing at Marietta's face. Cho's shocked expression saw Marietta reaching for her makeup mirror, and letting a scream out herself.

"Potter, what did you do? I demand you fix this - at once."

Harry just smiled at the girl who now had 'BULLY' spelled out by pulsating red spots on her forehead. "Hey, this is a Gryffindor you're talking to, I don't give a shit what any Ravenclaw with a rash wants."

She tried to draw her wand but Hermione's disarming spell saw Marietta shooting fifteen feet along the corridor while landing on her bum, with her wand flying into Hermione's hand.

"As I just said, more trouble than you know how to deal with. Anyone else care to try? No? Well anything happening to Luna and we'll know just where to start - with you three. If there's anyone else involved in this, call them off..."

"What's going on here?" The three Ravenclaws perked up at the appearance of their Head of House. Cho couldn't wait to get their version of events in first, probably because Hermione was too busy using her ring again to cancel her spell on Marietta's forehead.

"Professor, these Gryffindors attacked us in the corridor."

An unrepentant Harry simply told the truth, as he saw it. "We're doing your job for you, Professor. You've had two years to stop the bullying of Luna by her own house, we've put an end to it in two minutes."

Filius was shocked more by the attitude Harry was displaying here, rather than what he was saying. "I can't fix something if I don't know what's happening. You should have approached a member of staff."

"Professor, with respect, the worst bully in the castle is a Head of House. We have a headmaster who thinks Snape can do no wrong, and a Deputy who goes along with whatever Dumbledore says. We have no trust in the staff at Hogwarts."

"Albus Dumbledore is a very wise wizard..."

Harry cut right across the professor, displaying a knowledge of events that surprised the Head of Ravenclaw. "Do you think it was wise of him to set a trap for Voldemort, using the Philosopher's Stone, inside a castle full of children? Where was this wisdom when we had a basilisk the size of a bus roaming the corridors and petrifying students? Hermione figured out what it was, and how it was getting around the school, yet the wise headmaster couldn't. What about the school being surrounded by dementors..."

Cho had clearly heard enough, even Flitwick's presence couldn't dampen her tone. "Potter, you're full of shit. Do you honestly expect us to believe a basilisk was roaming the school? I suppose you personally dealt with it?"

The smile Harry wore was predatory. "Professor, I would like to offer you, and these three students of yours, a once in a lifetime opportunity to go down to the Chamber of Secrets and see the evidence for yourself. We can go right now, trust me that you don't want to eat breakfast before going down there. I'm fed up with people who don't know what they're talking about calling me a liar, perhaps this will shut them up."

Hermione was in Harry's head, trying to help him control his temper. She was only partially successful.

"Dementors make you relive your worst memories. For me, I hear my mother begging Voldemort to kill her, and spare me. Voldemort is such a piece of shit he killed her anyway, before turning his wand onto me. My parents died so I would have a chance to live, I intend to live my life in a way that I hope they would be proud of me. That means I won't stand back and watch my godsister being bullied, or stand for those same bullies calling me a liar. We'll all go down there and then see who's full of shit."

As Professor Flitwick asked his three fourth year students if they wanted to go - they were Ravenclaws and never going to refuse a chance to learn something new - Hermione took on the task of organising their impromptu expedition.

"Ron and Neville, we need brooms to get back out of there. I'll see if Colin is at breakfast, he can bring his camera with him. Luna, do you want to come too?"

Harry's arm was now around Luna's shoulder. "I promise you it's safe, Luna, though can't do much about the smell."

Seeing how far these people were prepared to go to protect her, Luna thought it was time she helped them. "Harry, my father publishes a newspaper - The Quibbler. If you take pictures, we can send them with an article I could write."

"That would be great, Luna, but only if you want to."

This struck a worrying chord with Flitwick. As the three Gryffindors left to carry out their assigned tasks, and they were walking toward a meeting place the other Gryffindors clearly knew, he made a suggestion to Harry. "Perhaps we should inform the Headmaster about what we're doing?"

Harry was walking alongside Luna and shook his head. "The Headmaster would come up with some excuse to stop us going - and the truth getting out. Better to ask for forgiveness than permission. Dumbledore's really big on forgiveness, so we shouldn't be in any trouble at all."

This actually had Luna giggling and, since the other four Ravenclaws kept walking along with them, Harry just assumed they accepted his reasoning. They had barely made the bathroom before Hermione arrived. "Colin's fetching extra film for his camera, he'll be along in a moment."

A hyper excited Colin then arrived along with Ron and Neville, who were carrying four brooms each. Harry using parseltongue to open the sink in the bathroom halted all other talking, allowing Harry to explain how he and Ron had figured out where the entrance was.

"Dumbledore taught at Hogwarts the last time the chamber was opened, by a student named Tom Marvolo Riddle. For the Ravenclaws here, that's an anagram of 'I am Lord Voldemort'. Again, if we could figure this out, why couldn't our 'wise' headmaster?"

Before anyone could answer that, Harry jumped into the massive opening in the floor. Hermione meanwhile was raising the hood of Luna's robes, and tucking her blond hair in as much as possible.

"It's dark and messy, but Harry will be waiting on you at the bottom - and I'll be right behind you."

As Luna followed Harry down the hole, Hermione was raising her own hood and fighting with her hair. Ron had a question though.

"Hermione, how do you know that? You were lying petrified in the infirmary when Harry and me went down here."

"Oh, Harry took me down. We wanted to see if the basilisk was worth selling, help raise money for tutors. It's decayed too much to be worth anything now. We fixed the cave-in where that idiot Lockhart tried to obviate the both of you - and leave you down there. Just another reason why we have no faith in the staff of Hogwarts." With that, Hermione jumped too.

Following Hermione's advice, given before he raced off to fetch extra film, Colin had his camera equipment wrapped in an old robe. He held onto it tightly as he too jumped into the dark abyss.

Turning to Neville, Ron shrugged his shoulders. "I haven't seen it - the cave-in broke my leg - and I owe that snake a kick for all the trouble it caused."

Cradling the brooms he was carrying close to him, Ron jumped right in without any hesitation. Copying Ron's actions with the brooms he was tasked with carrying too, Neville couldn't resist taunting the three Ravenclaw witches who were standing there with their chins hitting the floor. "Still think Harry's full of shit? Follow us down and find out."

As Neville followed his friends down, Filius turned to his students and wondered how he had been manipulated into this situation. Cho was the first to shake herself into action. "Just think how jealous the Slytherins will be if we get to set foot in the Chamber of Secrets. I'll settle for that, whether there's a dead basilisk down there or not."

Raising her own hood, Cho jumped right in. She gave a little squeal as the darkness almost instantly swallowed her. Neither of her friends wanted to be left behind so jumped in too. Filius was still wondering what to do when his mind was made up for him. The sinks started to close and the Head of Ravenclaw quickly jumped into the diminishing gap. With eight students down there, four of them Ravenclaws, he really had no other choice.

He arrived in a wide tunnel where all of the students had their wands lit. Considering the ground underneath their feet was littered with animal bones, Filius thought that was a perfectly understandable reaction. As they made their way along the tunnel, it was easy to see where the repairs had been made. Always the teacher, Filius awarded both students twenty points each for their outstanding work.

As they stood at a massive round metal door, Harry issued a warning. "Before I open this, be prepared to experience the worst thing you've ever smelled..." He stopped speaking as Professor Flitwick started casting bubble-head charms on all of them. Hermione was quick to praise his actions.

"Thank you so much, Professor. I really wasn't looking forward to experiencing that smell again."

Colin had his camera out and the flash as the snakes on the door became animated saw squeals come from the three older Ravenclaws. Harry couldn't hide his grin. "Save it for when we're inside. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets."

Harry and Hermione, with Luna protectively tucked between them, led the group into the chamber. A hiss from Harry saw the torches lit and everyone, apart from those three, stop in their tracks.

Filius Flitwick had travelled extensively in his younger days, seen many wonders their world held, but had never seen anything comparable to this. In his prime, Filius had been one of the top duellers in all of Europe and Asia. Standing looking at this extraordinary creature, he doubted whether he could have defeated this beast - even at the top of his game.

The only noise in the chamber was Harry explaining to Luna what had happened down here, everyone else was too shocked to speak. Filius was delighted to hear there was no boasting coming from this extraordinary young wizard, just a calm retelling of the facts. Luna's squeal as he mentioned being bitten by the basilisk seemed to wake everyone up. As Harry rolled his sleeve up to display the distinctive puncture wound in his arm, Colin took his first photograph from inside the chamber.

After marvelling at the creature, Filius began to look around the chamber and found himself being approached by Miss Granger.

"Professor, the bubble-head charms are affecting Colin's photographs. He says it's practically impossible to tell who's actually under the charm. We didn't come all the way down here to leave any room for doubts. Could you remove them for a minute, just so we can take a couple of pictures?"

Instantly agreeing, he followed the witch back to where she rejoined her friends posing in front of the basilisk for a picture. A nod from Mr Cheevy saw the charms cancelled and a picture quickly taken. The group of five must have been holding their breath as the young photographer was able to take another few pictures before the smell made posing impossible. The bubble-head charm was quickly applied to each of them before his three Ravenclaw asked for the same accommodation.

With Colin agreeing, they soon got their picture taken - but not one they would be showing anyone. As the charm was lifted, Marietta immediately reacted to the stench by barffing over the other two girls. Filius instantly recast two bubble-head charms, and vanished the vomit, but had to wait until Miss Edgecome was finished before reapplying hers. Vomiting while wearing a bubble-head charm was not a good combination.

They only left the chamber after Colin had used all his film. Filius was pleased to see the Gryffindors, and Miss Lovegood, all resisted the opportunity to taunt the older Ravenclaws over their earlier behaviour. It was only as they were about to mount the brooms and fly up the chute that Cho broached the elephant in the room head-on.

"Mr Potter, I would like to unreservedly apologise for doubting your word earlier. I would also like to say it was a stroke of genius to take a photographer into the chamber, I saw that creature in person and still struggle to believe it. What you did was above incredible, and should have been recognised beyond Hogwarts - and some stupid house points."

Now that Cho had started apologising, it was clear she wanted to get it all off her chest. "Miss Lovegood, I would again offer my unreserved apology over my shameful behaviour toward you. It would seem I again suffered from judging a book by its cover, forming opinions and taking actions before getting to know those involved. I promise to do my best at improving my behaviour, and will strive stop bullying wherever I see it."

Both the other girls offered apologies, but they weren't as heartfelt as Miss Chang's. Filius was sure he'd just found next year's female prefect. Miss Edgecome may be disappointed but then so was Filius, in the behaviour of these girls and himself. The discovery of bullying in Ravenclaw was bad enough, but at least he could deal with that. The clear lack of trust by the students in the staff of Hogwarts was a far greater problem, and one Filius had no idea how to approach - let alone solve.

Approaching Albus wold see the old wizard talk for twenty minutes, nothing of consequence would be said - and certainly nothing done to solve the problem. Approaching Minerva would see him dragged along to Albus for that same twenty minute talk, with the same zero results.

Hearing a fellow Head of House called the biggest bully in Hogwarts was shameful, there was no way Filius would approach Snape about this anyway. It appeared a chat with Pomona would be his only option. Perhaps between them they could figure out some way to reverse this trend of untrusting students. He also suspected it would take the sacking of Snape for those bonds of trust to begin reforming. Knowing Albus, Filius didn't hold out much hope of that happening.


Rumours had swept around the school about students supposedly visiting the Chamber of Secrets, it was dinner time though before these rumours were substantiated. Photographs were circulating around the hall, a raging Severus slapping one of those pictures in front of Albus left no room for any doubt.

"Look at the size of that thing. You're looking at a lost fortune in potions ingredients, all because the beast has been left to rot. I told you we should have gotten the brat to take us back down there."

"There wasn't an opportunity..."

"He managed to find an opportunity to take Flitwick down there, why not us?"

This had Albus looking toward his charms professor for an explanation. When that explanation came, neither Albus nor Severus were happy with it.

"I was sure the law dictated that the person who killed the beast was allowed to claim it. I'm pleased to see you both so concerned about that young man's finances."

Snap's anger spilled over. "It was killed on Hogwarts ground, it should belong to Hogwarts. I'm Head of Slytherin, I should have been taken down there too..."

Filius also let his anger out to play. "I think it's perfectly understandable that Mr Potter wouldn't want to be down there with a Death Eater, no matter how much the headmaster trusts you."

Severus was desperate to go for his wand but could clearly see Flitwick was waiting on that very thing, he also knew just how good a dueller the little charms professor was.

Albus had never had professors fighting at the dinner table before so tried to put a stop to this. "Filius, why didn't you inform me what was happening. As the headmaster, I think this should have been run past me first."

His anger hadn't abated one iota so Filius now directed it at Dumbledore. "You sat safely in your office while that young man was left to fight that enormous beast alone. Now your only concern seems to be hushing up that three second years solved a riddle you couldn't, and appeasing the biggest bully in Hogwarts. We all heard you preach how forgiveness should be given, or is it only former Death Eaters that rule applies to?"

"Professor Flitwick, if you are unhappy with the way I run Hogwarts then you are welcome to leave." It was only in the silence this caused that they realised all the students were listening to every word.

Filius was about to storm away and head out the hall when the staff table was approached by Harry. Hermione was asking over their bond what he was up to. 'Gaining allies' was his cryptic answer.

Snape couldn't resist shouting at him. "Potter, this matter has nothing to do with you. Return to your table at once or you will face a detention."

Ignoring the man, Harry spoke directly to his charms professor. "Professor Flitwick, I am currently looking for tutors and would be delighted to offer you a position - if you should suddenly find yourself available."

"Potter, detention with me for the rest of the week. You deliberately ignored a direct order from a professor." Snape had spittle flying from his lips as he screamed at Harry.

The boy in question cooly turned his attention to his Head of House. "Professor McGonagall, Snape is no longer a professor of mine. If he can still issue me with detentions, for simply speaking with another professor, then I don't see the point in hiring tutors at Hogwarts. I will simply leave and seek my education elsewhere. I would appreciate hearing your ruling on this..."

Dumbledore answered before Minerva could say anything. "Mr Potter, you can't leave Hogwarts without the permission of your magical guardian. Since that is me, we will have no more talk of this. Professor Snape is still a professor here, and you will abide by school rules - the same as all other students."

"A Headmaster forcing the 'Boy-who-Lived' to take detentions with a Death Eater, I'm sure the School Board will have something to say about that. Professor McGonagall, I am appealing the Headmaster's decision, and know Hogwarts bylaws allow me to take my case to the School Board. As my Head of House, it's your duty to arrange this for me."

"Mr Potter, I don't need you to tell me my duty..."

Harry cut her off. "Yet you sat there and let these two try and railroad me into an unfair detention? Just in case anyone else needs reminded of the bylaws, appealing my detention to the board suspends that detention until the hearing. Professor Flitwick, my offer still stands. Professor Sprout, if there was a way to transfer Hogwarts house, quite a few students would be knocking on your door. I know Hermione and me certainly would."

With that last barb, Harry returned to his seat beside Hermione - leaving the staff table in total disarray - with Dumbledore having to physically place himself between Snape and Flitwick. It wasn't quite total disarray though, someone had at least the presence of mind to raise a silencing charm so the students couldn't hear what was being said.

Luna leaned around Hermione and asked Harry if she should add this into the article she was writing. His emphatic "Hell yes." had all the Gryffindors worried. Not only was Harry the 'Boy who Lived', he was - in their opinion - the best seeker in Hogwarts too. Most would rather see Harry leave Hogwarts, rather than line up to play quidditch against Gryffindor for another house.

|Thank You For Reading|

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