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➺ for me, myself and i

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

so you wanna talk about power? 


peitho ariyah erryn


peitho ➺ to persuade, to convince, to trust in

ariyah ➺ lion

erryn ➺ exalted, strong


twenty seven




pansexual, somewhere on the greyromantic scale. in general, she doesn't put too much weight on physical intimacy, pleasure is pleasure at the end of the day. as far as emotional things, she has good walls built up and overall, not much to any of an inclination for romance and this is not going to change so easily.

let me show you power


face like an angel




natalie dormer



i eat boys like you for breakfast


is confidence the key to everything in life? peitho ariyah erryn certainly wields it as one, having an almost shameless sense of one at times, it is rather impossible to intimidate her, or at least get her to show it. not that she will make foolish choices now, there is no use for impulsive bravery. if she senses a danger in defying someone, she'll be meek and humble as needed on surface. self preservation is a good skill to cultivate at court no? but just because she can be persuaded to back down, by no means let this be taken as though her confidence is something that can be diminished. peitho has learned to realize that while the opinions of others are certainly something that must be considered, when it comes to planning and such things, it really does not matter personally, nor does it do well to take the scathing words and scorching looks of others to heart.

peitho's mother, was a woman long the center of court gossip and speculation during her seasons spent there, eventually retreating when the pressure got too much. now a lot of this gossip has been around the subject of eileen's marriage and child, questioning the woman's origin and so naturally, peitho's name has been dragged through those gossip rings even before she stepped foot at court. while her mother has had enough of that place, she did succeed at one thing, teaching her daughter to have skin touch as nails and not be so easily succumbed to the daggers of court gossip. this means, peitho has a wonderfully thick skin and is able to brush off most things, at least externally. not that the young woman does not have a great sense of pride and self worth, oh of course she does. she does hold herself in quite the high esteem now.

with peitho galanis, she sort of has two patience meters. her external patience which is legendary, can take the brutal blunt comments of others with nothing more than a lazy tilt of the head and casual glance. and internally, a part of her that gets irritated easily but she knows far better than to do anything about it prematurely. instead, there is sort of a running tally of her interactions with various people, the things they've said, and the ensuing silence silence that said all the more words. to sum this up, peitho does a wonderful job at not letting words get to her, and not reacting too strongly to much of anything. it's rather hard to surprise her at this point. in a way, she is very good at turning off the pesky, impetuous little things called personal emotions, in just about everything she does well trained at acting on logic. what is best for her goals, her plans, her aspirations? more on those later.

on the topic of self worth and pride, peitho is certainly not humble, but rather a little arrogant. there is not really any excuse for why she is this way, she just is. peitho is independent in the way that she'd rather do everything herself, not trusting others to do things she wants them to be done. the way things need to be done. she definitely has an abundance of hubris now. every now and this, this haughty air does cross over into her actions, but it's incredibly rare and can be written off as the air of self assurance and elegance a young woman such as peitho erryn can afford to have. in general, peitho does wonderfully at this. putting on a show, a façade. on the outside, she can be bright and bold, the center of attention when she wants to be. or, she'll be silent and watchful, not worth picking out from the background. whatever the occasion needs, she'll strive to be that person.

peitho, is a wonderful listener, or at least comes across that way. the young woman can ask all the right questions and tell you what you want to hear, what you need to hear. this doesn't mean she really cares either way personally and chances are, she doesn't. but she's good at appearing that way. appearances are everything at this court after all. peitho is careful to regulate her own, and give off the impression of nothing more than the young noble lady, a little inexperienced, a little lusty perhaps, brain full of bubbles. in no way a threat at all. she's cunning, with a lot of opinions and thoughts to say. but, she usually stifles this part of her, if not completely than definitely a significant part of it.

at this point, peitho honestly has changed a lot of herself to fit the environment of court and what she wants and wishes to get out of this atmosphere. meaning? she might have lost a bit of touch with whoever the 'real' her is. you know how it is, keep putting on a show of one trait and eventually you'll accumulate it in everything you do. she relies on her 'personas' rather a lot and honestly, if you asked her to be her authentic self with you? that'd be quite difficult, peitho doesn't know that person or how to be her. of course, she has no reason to honor that request. is this worth it now? of course it is. back onto those goals i alluded to earlier. peitho is very much the ends do justify the means type of person. she has a lot of grand ideas and things she wants to come to pass, and she is willing to work and do whatever it takes to achieve these goals. meticulous, and detail oriented in her pursuit of them, she can be a bit ruthless and won't have a care for doing so.

that being said, she does have somewhat of a moral compass. at least, when it comes to greater things. she cares about her country, she cares about the lives of those within it. she wouldn't now say, sacrifice a ton of lives for her own agenda. peitho, likes to think she wants power for a good purpose and would not abuse it or let it taint her. now, when it comes to court opponents though and obstacles in her way here? no promises, no guarantees. by agreeing to come here, everyone's signed their souls away let's be honest. mercy cannot be expected nor given, that is the risk all take to partake in this peculiar game. finally, peitho is someone good to have on your side and in your corner. skilled at reading people, situations and problems, she is full of startling insight that her dazzling smile seldom lets on to. 


peitho is blessed with the ability to turn invisible and you just know she is going to abuse this power to spy on other people. 

one by one hung on my necklace


peitho strongly supports the idea of an alliance, believing that the traecian people have seen enough of war. she also thinks widening their trade partners could only benefit the kingdom, as they don't have an excess of natural resources. many credit her as being responsible for the king agreeing to a treaty in the first place, she is the instigator. 



"intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings."

𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒈 

breakfast ➺ dove cameron



 ➺ peitho's mother is not from one of the traecian high house families or even from court, so there is a lot of speculation and gossip around her origin. 

 ➺ peitho's favorite hobbies are horseback riding and archery, the latter of which she practices in secret as proper young traecian women do not go around shooting bows and arrows. 

 ➺ she prefers playing card games to games such as chess and checkers, though she's decent at the latter and wickedly talent with the former. possessing an excellent poker face, ability to read the expressions of others, and an equal one to control and regulate her own facials, she is pretty good at gambling and winning money from card games and such. a general rule, it is not wise to bet against her.  

➺ she has trained herself to be still for long hours on end when needed, when possible the young woman prefers to be in motion and doing something as opposed to staying in one spot all idle. 

and they'll always be mine

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