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➺ for the all mighty yeonskosmos

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

some things are meant to be secret, and not to be heard...


zephyr lorenzo argyros


zephyr ➺ west wind

lorenzo ➺ laurel

argyros ➺ silver


his siblings all get away with calling him zephy! lucius also gets away with calling him zeph and also lorie, a reference to his nickname. his brother revel, ever since he has found out about the meaning of zephyr, has taken to calling him windy which is an honorific he cannot seem to shake off. there was a century or two in his immortal life where all his siblings refused to call him anything but goldilocks, though hopefully that is strictly a thing of the past. once he gets to know the selected, they will all be permitted to call him zephyr but no nickname privileges, try and give him any shortened form of nickname and it probably won't end well.


two thousand nine hundred and ninety eight. physically, he is no older than around twenty one, and on the younger side at that.






luke hemmings

𝒅𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎

zephyr's demon form, is of a dark crimson, not a primary red but a bit of a deeper shade much akin to dried blood, from skin to hair, horns to wings, will all take on this color palette. his eyes in this form are very unnatural, golden and fiery and not at all like their usual shade of sea green. even his skin is reddened and his wings and horns are intricately covered in a series of black veins almost blending into the merlot shade. his canines are sharp as the best of vampires, fangs elongated and for the longest time, this was as source of great annoyance as he was accidentally cutting the inside of his mouth. when changing to human form, these veins and his eyes will flash a brighter ruby red, whereas when going from human form to demon, it is simply his eyes that will flash red before fading to golden. zephyr, is not the fondest of his demon form although he does appreciate having the wings and being able to fly. with enough concentration, he can partially transform, having access to his wings, which are dragon like in quality, while maintaining a mostly humanoid appearance. this half shifted form is his favorite and probably the most common one you will see him in.  


surprise surprise, but zephyr's 'flashiest' power by far would be that of fire, pyrokinesis, posessing the ability not only to manipulate this element but also summon it out of seemingly thin air, his powers going beyond the ability to just control it, in which he is able to create it. his gift is certainly a formidable one and it is an extremely fortunate thing he's spent centuries upon centuries learning to control it, to hone his flame to his will, it obeys him, not the other way around. powers like that though they may be powerful, are also an extremely volatile one naturally, instinctively tied to his emotions so as one can imagine, whenever his mood gets a little more... testy most will just avoid him and give him space, which is probably best for everyone's personal safety. zephyr likes his powers yet at the same time he also despises them a little, yet another sign of truly how great of a sin he is in whole, the devastation and destruction zephyr can bring upon others should he decline to think with his head and think only with that burning passion of his, although he may be a demon, and it is supposedly his nature to be this way, zephyr simply doesn't accept it. he doesn't want to be the reason for causing chaos and reigning havoc.

 rumors go around that it is thanks to prince zephyr, the fifth son of hatred that hell's fires still burn. that's ridiculous. he is not singlehandedly responsible for ensuring that hell stays well... hellish, overbearingly scorching. but, the fire he wields tends to be that exactly alike to the hellfire growing natural in his home, although he can of course influence the more common mortal versions of fire. zephyr is fireproof of course, he cannot burn and with enough effort and concentration, he can ensure that his clothes are fireproof as well. as aforementioned, his control is excellent, due to a long time spent training and practicing. every now and then... well. sort of his main trait, is that potentially uncontrollable wrath, in its purest form. this, has direct effects on his powers so hopefully, his focus isn't disrupted that much or things will get awkward. this is for sure the power zephyr spends most time on, because, of its unpredictable nature and potential for calamity.

 zephyr's second gift is a lot more subtle of one, but he is a natural empath. able to sort of read emotions and moods out of the air, think of this as the supreme vibe check. he can to some extent also alter the emotions of a room. this isn't really a direct manipulation sort of effect, but rather, zephyr will pick up on the general atmosphere of feelings, and his own will occasionally be 'broadcasted' to affect the tone in subtle ways. in general this works better with large groups than individually. with enough practice, surely he could learn to precisely sense another person's emotions exactly and change them with ease. but well, he's not lust. he's not azriel. he has no interest in manipulating another's feelings. is that a call out? you tell me. 

his third and final power is one he doesn't use often but related to the second one. zephyr can sense the relations between two people and the flavor of it, whether it's love, lust, platonic, whatever. he can detect the strength of it. and occasionally, had he the mind to do so, he can manipulate with it a little effort. he cannot change the nature of it, but he can add tension to it, picture something similar to the greek goddess eris and her powers of sowing discord. with a large group, should he want to, he can 'excite' the energy of people in a room and make one's tempers and passions on a higher wave, making it more likely for a fight to break out. zephyr, isn't fond of this power and so rarely uses it. as a result, he's not super trained in this one. 

so if i tell you just keep it, and don't say a word...


surprisingly enough, for being the prince overseeing the fifth circle of hell, anger, zephyr is not one to really get worked up over all the little things. oh sure, he will tend to get annoyed at varying things, some of the reasons more justifiable than others. but zephyr knows better than to let himself get worked up over all the little things, as there is simply, no point to it. being the demon of wrath, means he knows the true power, depth and complexity of genuine wrath, finding it wasteful and unbecoming to waste energy being angry and annoyed at every little thing externally. he is many things and also not, but zephyr is by no means a complainer. mainly due to his nature of course, prince of wrath and all that jazz, it's basically a given he can be sort of easily annoyed. however, he has learned to temper his reactions and for the most part, one would not even tell when they have annoyed him, which is a good thing as he does get annoyed often, all bright grins and beaming smiles on surface, one would never know. in general, zephyr comes across as surprisingly mild when you first meet him. he doesn't scream and shout about everything. he isn't inches away from growling in another's face all primitive. 

he is perfectly civil and not so feral like his other brothers tend to be, a fact that catches many off guard, the fact that this demon prince acts so... normal. ah. to be normal. sometimes, zephyr wonders. a bunch of his personality is built around denying the sin that is his birthright, treating his wrath as what is is, a sin, not something to be proud of or parade around, something to push down and suppress at all times. i mean, besides the relations to his father and brothers, his wrath has ruined just about every close relationship he's had in some way or another, a few of these cases far more dramatic. zephyr tries so very hard not to be too angry, to calm down should he feel this fury rising inside, and to find ways to make it dissipate for the time being, channel the energy into something more productive than well, raging. trying his adamant best to think before he acts, or well reacts, this works pretty well for the majority of the time, unless of course, he's already pushed into that more primitive state of ancient outrage. to this day, he has not fully tested the extent of this pit of wrath lurking in the darkest corners of his minds and the deepest parts to his gut, something more primal, a genetic part of him yet he tries oh so very hard to pretend, simply doesn't. is this healthy coping? probably not. does he care? no, not at all, not one bit. 

when zephyr is angered though, he's a hell of a lot more aggressive than he would be otherwise, seconds away from snarling a challenge to you, to some traditional trial by combat sort of thing. spoiler alert, he's doesn't lose easily. the blonde will curse like the best of drunken sailors in this phase, some of the words and insults falling from his mouth when he's provoked so foul, so scathing they can make or break a relationship right there. zephyr's talented that way, able to piss people off in his own moments of pissed offness to the point that it literally destroys whatever relationship has been built up. besides from his little... moments though, the guy really doesn't curse that often. he's knows to save his burns for when they're most needed. thoughtful, the fifth born argyros possesses a sort of unique wisdom to most things that can be unexpected. his memory is fine tuned, never to forget a thing or detail. he's the one who's best with birthday presents, never forgetting a date, let alone the present, which is probably something with a genuine sentiment and meaning attached compared to just something excessively expensive. 

he likes daydreaming a little, not in the sense that he's always falling asleep, ah no that of course is lucius's domain. but rather, he's the one with his head in the clouds, lost in thoughts and a world of his own imagination. zephyr tries his best to be not an asshole and a decent being, at the back of his mind, some part of him feeling, surely, if for the majority of the time he can be a good comfort and perfect gentleman, it will make up for the terrible, terrible part of him that he just cannot expel, because, well, it's in his nature. the prince's empathy gift definitely makes it helpful in various situations to help him find the perfect words, to bring just the right comfort, the exact words needed to bring calm and reassurance. which, honestly, he doesn't mind doing at all. there's a sort of satisfaction taken in making another light up in happiness or helping them tame back the more reckless sides to them. 

yes... an uncharacteristically good thing for a demon, there's a reason after all he's not the favorite son. zephyr, of course is no azriel, demon of lust and charming your socks off, but he is charismatic in a softer, subtler way. possessing a sort boyish charm to him, zephyr prides himself on for the most part managing to know just what to say. beyond that easy going facade though? well, besides the whole extreme anger to the nth degree itself, is a soul who is so used to quashing each and every deep passion and emotion from shining through, nothing but the most surface levels of happiness and content. a being, who is deceiving the entire world, but most importantly, himself to who he is. 


compassionate ➺ zephyr, has a sort of concern for the well being of others in his character that not many fellows in hell will actually tend to possess. he finds it disgraceful, to revel in the sight of pain if there is no purpose to it, finding those of sadistic headsets without meaning, nothing more than overinflated bullies. in some ways, he sees his job as overseeing the fifth circle of hell as a necessary one, bringing justice to the souls of the damned.

thinker ➺ the fifth son of hatred tries his avid best to think before he acts and reacts, having a bit of a habit by now to get lost in thought. his mind is perhaps, the most attractive feature to him. there is a sort of wisdom and class to the way he approaches every thing in life. zephyr, though he is physically a pretty powerful foe, much prefers to think his way through problems. 

patient ➺ although he cannot help but be easily annoyed in life, zephyr has an equally impressive tolerance built up. it's a lucky thing he's not easy to anger, because he isn't the demon of wrath for nothing. this is mainly because, as mentioned above, zephyr has learnt to respect the power and danger true wrath has, seeing no point in wasting his temper on mundane things.

empathetic ➺ this goes along with his gift of empathy, but even without it, it's highly likely the blonde would still be quite the understanding lad in general. this isn't the most expected thing naturally and it definitely won't make him hatred's favorite son ever, though perhaps it's due to the fact that the sin he presides over, wrath is an extreme form of an emotion at it's core, related to those of love, hatred and passion. 

memory ➺ zephyr never forgets a thing, no matter how minute or insignificant it may seem. this just goes to play into his thoughtful nature, it is an incredibly helpful thing in his attempts to be a decent person. he won't forget whatever preferences and dislikes his siblings may have, knowing what to avoid around them. similarly, he'll never forget a birthday and this memory will help him always come up with the superior birthday gifts. sort of like, though he may be the fifth son and easily forgotten, zephyr feels the need to be the best sibling ever in order to amount to anything of note in his family.


anger ➺ sort of a given no? but when zephyr blows up, he doesn't do it half assed. actually, he is not one to half ass anything in life, but his anger is definitely not an exception to this. when pushed to the point, his wrath will sort of become him, making it hard for him to listen to reason, restrain himself and think clearly. he cannot help it. given the fact that zephyr's anger has ended every relationship in his long immortal life, i mean there have been only two due to this fear, it is quite the character flaw. zephyr, still hasn't yet dived into the deepest pit of his wrath, there's always more. 

ruthless ➺ not what's expected, but zephyr is not one for mercy nor forgiveness. if someone messes up spectacularly, they deserve what punishment comes their way. second chances aren't his forte, you get one chance and if you mess up with no good reason or excuse, you deserve whatever comes your way. he has absolutely zero qualms about the various forms of creative torture his family deals out to those poor unfortunate souls, because if you've ended up in hell, you've messed up big time.

coarse ➺ honest to the point of being a little brutal, he is not one to sugarcoat things at all. especially when he gets worked up. zephyr has always been one for language, he can be blunt and sharp in his words, able to out curse the best of folks. even if he's not actually at the point of true wrath mode, zephyr is scarily good at reducing another's mood to pieces, shredded steel ribbons, his insults never fail to land, creatively selected and close to home. do not engage him in a burn battle.

irritable ➺ though he may be patient, zephyr is easily annoyed. he simply just doesn't show this, like ever. but that doesn't change the facts. there are about a thousand small things that annoy him in day to day life, he just never expends the energy on pointing them out. he will smile and flatter you to your face, even while internally boiling with annoyance and whatever thing you did.

dishonest ➺ highly used to always wearing some facade or suppressing some element of his true thoughts, in one form or another zephyr is constantly lying to others, to himself even. he might seem genuine on surface, when you meet him, but chances are, he is in some ways not being completely honest. this goes along with the previous weakness, he will not hesitate to straight up lie to your face, while internally not helping the scoffing at whatever thing you've done that he finds offensive.  an empath, lying comes easily to zephyr. 

unpredictable ➺ at times, zephyr can be prone to mood swings, but even without he is not so easy to predict. liable to change his mind within the matter of minutes, depending on whatever little 'quirk' stands out as particularly irritating in the moment, he can be annoying in this way, unable to stick to a single decision for long, constantly back tracking on himself. 

guarded ➺ the quickest way to incite his annoyance, or worse anger, is to attempt to probe into anything deeper than the most shallow, surface levels of small talk. opening up is a big bad thing in his mind, and he especially hates talking about the past and dwelling on it for too long. no doubt, throughout the course of this selection many people will try and get to know who the prince truly is. good luck with that. you might as well just be flying face first into a stone wall.

yeah when the doors are all closing, it's bound to get loud...


warm colors ➺ this one is a bit of a no brainer, but he finds warm shades quite becoming to him, matching the fire of his abilities. reds, oranges, yellows, golds even pinks, he adores all of those colors immensely and could seriously not be in a relationship with someone who hated these colors, especially red.

silk shirts ➺ what can he say? zephyr's a prince. he likes his luxuries and there's something comforting about the feeling of silk. most notably, his favorite silk shirts are in shades of red, black, gray, ivory and blue. this is an essential item to his wardrobe.

makeup ➺ zephyr is fond of experimenting with eyeliner, eyeshadow and nail polish, comfortable enough in his 'masculinity' to incorporate them into his style. then again, he's a demon. not some man. these social constructs of 'masculinity' cannot contain him. i dare you to tease him about it though. 

sunsets and sunrises ➺ his favorite time of a day, mainly because the skies are streaked with his favorite colors, like fires erupted their gorgeous hues across the heavens for all to see. it is the best time for him to focus and concentrate. zephyr especially enjoys going for walks or flies at these times.

poetry ➺ zephyr is a songwriter at heart and so naturally has great appreciation for any form of poetry. there is a special section in his library dedicate simply to books of poetry and he has several notebooks filled with his favorite quotes and lines from various poets. 


librarians ➺ come to think of it, he's not a particularly fan of libraries as a place. now this one is contradictory to his love for books, and goes back to... personal reasons. aka, it reminds him of his ex and ever since them, he's harbored a special loathing. zephyr, has made it his personal goal to collect all the best books and harbor them in his own private chambers, away from the library itself. periodically of course he'll stop by the regular libraries to get more books. otherwise, he avoids them like the plague. 

short tempered people ➺ now, this is also a contradictory like one would imagine being the demon of wrath, but zephyr cannot stand people who get angry over every little thing. as the demon of wrath, he appreciates and has a firsthand knowledge of just what exactly, true anger looks like. people who explode over petty things all the time are just wasting their energy and anger, very distasteful. now he gets getting easily annoyed, which he is. they, should just have enough class to hide it and suppress it. 

complainers ➺ this goes along with the other one, but if you're trying to win his heart, please do not complain about any and every thing. it's simply not an attractive trait by any means, and ironically enough, he finds himself very irked by people constantly expressing their state of being irked. go figure. anyways, try not to complain too much around him or you may incite some of his well placed insults. there's a reason they're called burns after all.

disorganization ➺ zephyr is meticulous in just about everything he does, finding it generally helps him and his mood to keep things clean and uncluttered, so any signs of disorganization, whether in how a person presents themselves or in a place itself, will repel him and he'll find himself once again, annoyed. a do it yourself type a guy, he doesn't allow others to clean or touch his room, because only zephyr can make it exactly the way he wants it.

nosiness ➺ a private person in general, whether this nosiness manifests in asking too many questions, or barging in on his personal 'spaces' zephyr cannot stand being disturbed, especially when deliberately retreating for the sake of solitude. asking too many questions, especially depending on what they're about will make him uncomfortable. 


music ➺ he shares this hobby with two of his brothers, the demons of sloth and lust, but zephyr himself is very attracted to music in general. skilled at piano and guitar, after all when one is blessed with immortal life and the rank of a prince, you get a lot of free time to work and pursue your hobbies. he finds music quite calming and there's nothing like dramatically playing chords at forte to let out your anger, it's a quite productive way to release his feelings and moods. like azriel, zephyr also sings, a lot actually, he has every bit as good of a voice as his brother, if not better. 

reading ➺ again, he shares this fondness with several of his brothers, go figure. they are most definitely related to say the least. zephyr spends a ridiculous amount of time with his books though, having a big beautiful bookshelf in his room that he continually makes sure to stock up and refill the shelves with new reads on a routine basis. 

anything athletic ➺ zephyr has a lot of excess energy to expend, and keeping active helps him maintain a more calm outlook on life. whether that's through practicing swordplay or honing up some other form of weaponry, to simple runs, and flying in general, a balance of exercise for the mind and exercise for the body is the best way to go. 

games ➺ they captivate his mind greatly, from card games to gambling to chess, zephyr is down do play just about any game one can think of. he can get a tad competitive when playing, though not so obvious on surface, make no mistake, when it comes to his games, he plays to win. one can expect no mercy from him. he... is not above cheating with his empathy gift, using the skill to detect emotions on the air to know when another is exhibiting particularly damning signs such as guilt or nerves, and then accordingly, utilizing this to help him place his bets. 

cooking ➺ this prince has many creative ways when it comes to the actual process of cooking food, of course, when one has the ability to control fire and heat, one tends to have a plethora of ways when it comes to deciding how to cook food. zephyr's favorite part of cooking, is obviously, the cooking of the meal itself, though he also enjoys the prep work involved, finding it satisfying to measure things out perfectly, make the finest chops with the knife and of course, the eating involved at the end. while he's not gluttony, and doesn't worship food, he appreciates a well cooked meal and takes advantage of his brother's nature to test out new recipes. 


being forgotten ➺ well, make that anymore than he is already. zephyr already tends to be plenty overlooked and while part of him is used to this, he cannot help but harbor the fear that one day he will completely be forgotten.

isolation ➺ zephyr may be a little introverted at times, getting most of his energy from being alone, he still needs the company of others. he has an extreme fear that, one day, he'll be all alone, with no one having the will to talk to him apart for the most mundane things, and of course his siblings and family because they're obligated to put up with him.

his own temper ➺ the prince has no idea just how deep his wrath runs truly but he is a little fearful of it at times, that at some point, he'll delve so deep into it that there is no making it retreat again. combined with his explosive gift of fire powers and the fact that in the past, his anger has made it near impossible for him to think straight, yeah zephyr has great reason to fear the capabilities of his own rage.


messing with his hair ➺ zephyr's hair is quite curly and chaotic in general, always managing to fall in his face, yet he adores the look of it too much to cut it. whether he's in deep thought, annoyed, confused or simply, because he can, zephyr will run a hand through his hair.  this is his most frequent habit by far.

drumming his fingers ➺ whether to some rhythm in his head or just because, zephyr also finds himself drumming his fingers across whatever surface he can when, whether the arm of velveteen arm chair or across the hard polished surface of dining room table, or even when leaning comfortably against a door.

fidgeting with his shirt buttons ➺ due to usually wearing a button up silk shirt, or just any form of shirt with buttons, a lazy habit of his is to absentmindedly pick at the buttons of his shirt, such an odd habit that manages to capture his focus for a surprisingly long amount of time, not because he's annoyed with the buttons. but rather the opposite, he just... likes them and similarly, he enjoys the feeling of running his fingers across and around them. 

𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒍𝒕𝒚 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆

songwriting! zephyr writes so many songs, most of them he hasn't bothered putting a tune to, having dozens upon dozens of leather bound notebooks containing various lyrics. his songs are all very personal to him, and he won't share most of them with anyone. one direct way to incur his wrath like no other is to dare read through these notebooks. that would for sure end catastrophically.  

cause all these bodies are hoping, to get addicted to sound... 


no one knew what exactly to expect from the fifth prince of hell, when he first came into the world centuries ago. one would expect someone as unpredictable as the sin itself encompasses. a wild heart, pulsating with pure unbridled rage. what they got was... zephyrus. fifth one. forgotten son. just about in the exact center of the seven sons of hatred, along side the fourth, although the fourth born son was lust, so naturally pretty damned impossible to forget. so yeah. fifth one. forgotten son. one would assume, that he was a problem child. temper tantrums galore, throwing fits this way and that, throwing actual things at time to emphasis these fits, shouting and stomping at anyone who dared look at him foul. being the one to preside over the realm of anger itself, one certainly wouldn't blame him for getting a little 'heated' every now and then. the reality though... perhaps a little boring, a little self defeating for externally at least, there was no a soul more unfiery than that of zephyrus himself. 

in fact, one may even go as far to describe him as 'chill,' for the seeming lack of flames and sparks to him in general, this may have been the first time the word 'chill' was ever used to describe someone as an adjective. he took the time to think before he spoke. he didn't immediately challenge everyone to fights and duels when growing up. he didn't intentionally attempt to aggravate his brother's, and boy oh boy, it was certainly easy to do so. simply flash something flashy ha! anything shiny around greed. land a cruel tongued, sharp barbed insult on something of great importance to pride's pride. flaunt just about anything in the face of envy. oh it definitely would be easy to rile up his siblings, and these are just the first three i've mentioned. but shockingly, zephyr did none of these things. scandalous. outrageous really. he was painstakingly unproblematic as far as anyone could tell, it only seemed natural that he'd be a little overlooked at times. 

fifth son. forgotten one. well actually, it's fifth one, forgotten son but really either works. at this point, the two are interchangeable. it might be this... mildness that made him oh so mundane to his father and the rest of them. to this day, the number of times zephyr has ever 'blown up' at anyone, given into the true extent of his passions so to say, every bit as strong as the appetite of lust when it came to conquest after conquest, though these were a distinctly different taste of passion, fury so to say, each bit as hot, spicy in a whole different way, there was usually something most aggravating of grievances. anyways, the amount of time he's 'blown up' as i was saying earlier, can be counted on one hand. three truly meaningful ones worth note. a few other close calls not warranting a mention. and even then, there was some sense, somehow zephyr knew, each of these times, he was no where near the bottom of whatever rage was locked up inside him. there was something held back. always tied back, even in those moments of 'release,' there was more to the blonde, more reactions restraint careful and controlled, there was always the potential for more.  

suffice to say, a nice general rule of thumb when dealing with the demon prince zephyr, there is definitely more than meets the eye... coincidentally, two out of three of these instances were connected to the matters of the... heart. gasp. was it love? perhaps not. maybe... extreme infatuation was a good word for it. tendered fondness. it definitely didn't work out to say the least. i'll not dive into them as this is already getting rather long, all you really need to know, is that, he has had a few genuinely close relations in the past and that neither of them ended up well. the one other time he got angry, it was for his brother lucius's behalf after another one of his brothers, acacius went full psychotic and tried to attack lucius. in typical demon of wrath fashion, he settled this with a fight, proceeding to stomp the demon of greed in a duel. 

within the family, zephyr is undeniably closest to lucius, finding his nature to be calming, soothing, and his way of managing not too care to deeply about anything admirable, the way he never seems to second guess or overthink every little thing. he also gets along pretty marvelously with revel, the two of them having similar powers, the demon of gluttony is one of the only people who is even remotely successful at calming zephyr down, beyond that they tend to just goof off and hangout together a lot. though he loves all his brothers, at the end of the day he's always felt a little distant from azriel, the angel of lust, due to... certain past events. similarly, due to the whole lucius incident, acacius is probably his most least liked brother in the family though he adores all of them. acacius is just so... childish at times, seems to be trying to deliberately annoy him constantly and has not even realized the wrong in trying to harm his own brother, so yes we reserve the right to be salty. of course, he adores all his brothers though beef or not, and would do just about anything they require of him. 


this crown quest thing was absolutely outrageous. ridiculous really. so it is either, don't fall in love, prove your unlovable and all that jazz, set yourself up for eons of eternity alone, to have a shot at ruling the whole kingdom? while it was very appealing of course to rule the kingdom, zephyr is no fool. he has at least pride and envy to compete for the crown should he decide he want it, and neither of them seemed super likely to turn into lovey dovey mister romantic. but. to fall in love would be to forfeit one's place in the line of succession. he already was the fifth born. the forgotten, not the second youngest or precious youngest. nothing worthy of noting... his slim chance of landing the throne one day was practically the only reason important figures deemed it worthwhile to talk to zephyr. he doesn't mind the idea of ruling one day and zephyr likes to think he wouldn't be half bad at it! but he knows even if he doesn't fall in love, he will probably still have competition for the throne at the end of it. realistically speaking, there's extremely few universes where he zephyr, the sin of wrath would end up ruling the whole circus.

zephyr is fully aware, that there is a high chance that he'd end up alone no matter what, because no doubt all these 'angels' would be drawn to his more... flashy and exciting brothers. lovely. simply lovely. he totally wasn't panicking at all. it totally wasn't like he was running down his rather dismal record of love in the past, aka, exactly two, both of them linking to his biggest wrathy explosions. fantastic. absolutely fantastic. ugh. this couldn't be happening, he refused it! this was not going to end well, he could already tell. oh sure, zephyr will try his best not to give in, not to lose it and go batshit beserker crazy at any point, but really there were no guarantees, no promises he could make. again, every time he's mingled with that feeling known as 'love' he's ended up heartbroken, hurt and then of course, angry which turned him into a sort of terrible person. but what choice did he have? father was king. his choice was final, his rule absolute. zephyr has no place attempting to go against him, so it seems rather pointless to try. to sum it up, the blonde has no high hopes for the love part of this selection. he will probably end up heartbroken and alone by the end of it. his biggest problem is perhaps insecurity, the fifth son of hatred simply doesn't see how any of these selected would be drawn to him first, above all of his six fascinating brothers.

on the subject of angels themselves, he cannot find himself a little envious of them, them and their shining reputations and perfect lives of virtue, how effortlessly being good comes to them. yet he wonders, just how good are they really? everyone has their demons, is it really possible for an entire race not to have any sort of flaws? he wonders if there's one out there, pure enough not to be driven away by the rage lingering in zephyr's soul. probably not. he cannot help but wonder though. demon or not, zephyr doesn't see them as his 'mortal enemy' due to having conflicting natures and all that jazz. the blonde is curious, are they all as virtuous as they appear? or is it just a group of highly elevated hypocrites? they may claim to be oh so pure and holy and what not but it's highly likely they will do nothing but judge the moment they enter, something he is not so looking forward too. 


made by yeonskosmos

made by remjoys

made by ancrath-

made by -dayas

made by -toxiccatalyst-


"any old fool can know what it is to be angry. it takes a certain grace to know wrath."

𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒈

if walls could talk ➺ 5sos



➺ dogs are his favorite animal by far! zephyr has one dog, a loyal labradoodle that he decided to name dragon. don't ask. there was a time he was really obsessed with dragons in his life, and that happened to coincide with when he got her. because of adminal plot convenience, this dog is every bit as long lived as her master. dragon is basically zephy's spirit animal at this point, a proper familiar.

➺ probably looks better than you in eyeshadow, this is no idle comment by any means. can apply makeup like the best of them, but he generally enjoys the flamboyance of a nice gleaming glittery gold shade.

➺ once in the past, was angered to the point of one challenging the demon of lust, azriel to a duel and two, scratching his lips off with a dagger, the effects and scars lasting an entire week. this was... due to fury over an ex after he caught her in his brother's embrace. i mean, now the bros are chill, and of course, zephyr can't blame his brother for his nature to seduce and flirt and tease.  

➺ a second time in the past, he was enraged enough this time to challenge acacius, the demon of greed for a duel. this was after casey decided to be totally fucking extra and attempt to flay their youngest brother, lucius who zephyr has always felt rather protective over. even more, casey didn't see any need whatsoever to apologize which made zephyr, salty enough to challenge him to a fight. casey still has not apologized to this day, a source of great disappointment and annoyance. needless to say, zephyr won the fight against casey.

oh, not everything is so primitive, oh, but i'm giving in....

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