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➺ for the best curiouser_and_ + LYSSCULT!

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

and the only solution was to stand and fight...


jolene raissa bonheur


jolene ➺ god is merciful, beautiful

raissa ➺ thinker

bonheur ➺ lucky, good time


jolene, when among friends and company she is on good terms with, so basically her fellow valkans mainly, aloysius, aurora and that's pretty much it, will insist on others calling her the shortened form of her name jolie. she honestly doesn't have any sort of significant reason for it, aside from she just has grown comfortable with using the name jolie. 


twenty three, almost twenty four



𝒔𝒆𝒙𝒖𝒂𝒍 𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏


𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏



february twenty fifth



and my body was bruised and i was set alight...


jolie's hair is a medium shade of chestnut brown, not too dark nor too light, but right in the middle. kept at a fairly long length, as what was pretty typical for medieval court woman standards. fairly straight, with a slight natural wave to it, sometimes she'll wear it in braids overnight to have it wavier the next day. most often, her hair is worn down with a few small braids or crystals or both beaded in. flowers and ribbons are two common things in her hairpieces, matching a sort of delicately feminine style and general aesthetic she has.


the young woman has hazel eyes, that are a mix between green and brown, with hints of gold flecks the exact shade of them wavering depending on the lighting. fairly wide eyed, this gives her a sort of perpetual look of innocence regardless of if it is a well earned reputation or not. usually, jolie has some subtle dusting of eyeshadow ringing her eyes, and light eyeliner. makeup, is sort of her armor, think of that what you will.


jolie has no piercings aside from pierced ears which her mother had done for her when she was about seven years old. kind of painful, traumatic of an experience at the time, but well, beauty is pain no? anyways, she's been wearing earrings for years and now doesn't really bat an eye at heavier jeweled pieces. of course, she's not worn that showy, heavy jewelry since she's left valka, just doesn't seem necessary or even smart to do in eldur. markings wise, she has a few freckles scattered across her cheeks and nose, and a faded scar on the inside of her leg when she fell out of a tree. when dealing with love bites, she's well experienced at using concealer and so they are not visible. again, this was more of a problem faced while back in valka. 




caitlin stasey

but you came over me like some holy rite...

𝒎𝒚𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒔



type two


jolie is a very soft spoken person and when you first meet her, it can be kind of hard to see how she once caught a king's eye. for the most part, she comes across as fairly unassuming. calm, level, controlled this is a carefully cultivated image, and she is not a fan of drawing attention to herself, especially now. one thing that is her entire motivation basically, is the idea of staying alive. jolene raissa bonheur wants to live, and as long as she can is that really so wrong? that being said, the female is by no means the type to harbor that sort of cold, detached ambition and self preservation. on the topic of ambition, hers don't honestly go much farther than ensuring her own survival and maybe that of those she cares for, the latter being a newer thing for her and the first being something many might find surprising given her whole "archetype." as for the idea of being cold in her pursuit of her own goals, she is in fact, far from it. warm and generally quite friendly, although she is not about to go up to you to initiate conversation, she won't turn away others, in the chance that they, for some reason decide to seek a conversation with her of all people. 

the brunette is a good listener, even if she isn't necessarily the best person to turn to for advice, given her... questionable decisions she's made in the past but well, she's human! she is learning, she is growing and she is simply trying her best! morally, jolie isn't exactly compassionate and doesn't have any exceptional care for those outside her "circle." but, she is empathetic and has shown a capability for great concern over those she cares about, she isn't likely to be callous either about the people in her life. jolie, believe it or not can be quite loyal. it's more of a devotional loyalty, usually fixed at individual people aka, objects of affection, a sort of delusional quality to her it can be, once the young woman's fixated on someone it's hard to dissuade them from her side and she will align her actions and even demeanor externally, to resolve around them. when young, actually until recently, her loyalties were very much tied up with her familial house, and her parents' wishes. and when i say parents, i actually mean her mother, vivienne bonheur being quite the influential figure in her daughter's life prior to recent events. 

now though? again, it's more of that devotional, single person tied loyalty above all things, and she's not too concerned about her family. rather, it seems futile to, she cannot affect them now can she? no not at all. or maybe it's an excuse. jolie, is extremely good at lying to herself and duping herself into believing things. that being said, regardless of this idea going against the actual concept of loyalty, jolie believes she can be loyal to multiple things, serve various causes. funny how that turned out, she said, she thought she could serve two monarchs with very differing agendas and in the end? well technically, they were not responsible for each other's ends, and she had no part in that either. technically? successful. so yeah, for jolie there are multiple layers of loyalty and varying precedence each takes in her mind. levels. jolie, is careful to distinguish between them and tries her best not to let any of these motives conflict too much. ha! as if that will truly be successful! still, she is careful, oh so careful. 

careful. this, is a bit of a paradoxical thing for jolie. she tries so very hard, to be cautious and not antagonize anyone at all and somehow, she ends up in the middle of things, right where she doesn't want to be. case in point, last time she literally tried to keep a low profile in a foreign country, ended up with a very public betrothal, so the opposite of flying under the radar. it's ironic how her last name meaning lucky, at times it seems like she doesn't have the best of luck. all things considered though, she is rather blessed to be where she is now, alive and breathing, with her friends whole in body, if not spirit perhaps, something she recognizes and appreciates.  it's sort of odd, how simplistically aligned she can be, that sounds so pure to be able recognize the incredulous nature of your position, and simply feel grateful for it? 

on the subject of honesty, jolie isn't intentionally deceitful, with intentions of malice fueling her deceptions, but she is secretive in nature. she usually has some form of facade on her face, sort of an outer expression of composure. it's not as if she's wearing a mask, but rather a sharp, cold mirror reflecting what people expect to see of her back at them. jolie tries her best to say the right things, and stay silent at the right times and generally, not do anything truly altering in the grand scheme of things. when it comes to problem solving, she will usually result to begging of some form, whether from mercy from the others, or towards her friends and encouraging them to accept whatever offer has been made. jolie, is no politician with a sharp mind for manipulating deals. nor, is she a warrior, too proud to bend to the will of others without putting up a fight. at the end of the day, she is simply a survivor.


jolene raissa bonheur, was born in the warrioristic nation of valka. although, women were accepted into the military, this being more of a normalized thing compared to the other kingdoms, she comes from a minor noble house and therefore, never had to worry for the grime and grit of the battlefield, probably a good thing as she would not have lasted long out there. the bonheur family, as with almost all of established families in valkan nobility, was not at all an old one nor any more prestigious than the rest. her great uncle was the founding member of her house and served on the court of the king before conqueror king hisoki gushiken rose to power, as a master of trade and coin in the time of the old king. 

here is a girl shaped heavily by her upbringing, parents and the circumstances of her birth. as an only child, pressure was on her from a young young age to be the best, to be beautiful, intelligent, a conversationalist and a million other things a court lady is expected to be, all at once. the pressure was perhaps just a degree higher than another noble lady of similar status, due to the lower status, power wise her family's house was in the rankings. with decent land and enough money to cover day to day things, certainly rich in the eyes of a commoner, but nowhere near as much as some of the others. and not very influential either. her mother being an only child, making it hard for one's family to forge advantageous political alliance through marriage and her mother didn't exactly do dazzling in that area either. her mother hadn't made the most advantageous marriage, marrying her lover upon realizing she was pregnant, her family loathing it but not wishing her to face the scorn of carrying a bastard child into the world. the female's biggest parental influence was undoubtedly her mother's, as her father was distant, drinking, gambling or all three. it was her mother who oversaw her education, and taught her what she needed to know.

 jolene's, or rather her family's best chance for advancing their status was either marriage into either a very wealthy or very influential family, or favour from one of the royals. and well, the second at least had been mostly achieved. jolene was sent to court at the newly turned age of sixteen, young, a bit naive maybe but well trained by her mother, how to appear demure, deferential to those above you, but cool and collected to those below. be graceful, poised. learning to read the threats and unspoken sentiments behind another's words. that sort of stuff and others. when she was eighteen she attracted the eye of the queen, little by little, gradually, steadily, slowly, the female climbed her way up to be a member of the queen's court. always dependable and there, never talking back, nothing but a tight lipped rosy smile and a brutal efficiency for accomplishing tasks, jolene had proved herself reliable in what she does, and secured a spot as the lower of two prominent queen's ladies. 

the female was twenty when she fortunately or unfortunately attracted the valkan king's attentions. now one must remember, jolene wasn't exactly the most stable minded. part of her bound by obedience and loyalty to her family, not wanting to speak out. a naive part of her doing whatever they seemed to want out of her. and there was some ambitious part of her liking the feeling of power, of comfort, of security in her current position. at some point in her twentieth year, she entered a discreet affair with the king. discreet in which some may speculate but none can prove it. jolene knows how to be subtle after all. in jolie's later years residing in the valkan court, her mother's cement over her actions, consciousness and decisions, isn't as strong as it once was. perhaps it was the court itself, something about it all but gradually slowly, the woman took up less and less headspace in her mind. after those first two years it was sort of on and off, hit or miss which frustrated her to no end. 

somewhere down the line, that vulnerable, easily manipulated by false promises and pretty lies part of her has deceived her heart into thinking it was love. a dangerous thing for love makes us do irrational things, deadly things, things that could destroy our mortal contract on this earth. that, was honestly more of infatuation to be frank. so, it should be no surprise, that it was love in fact, another one that turned her away from earlier's. as expected of her, being a lady of the court, jolie went with the delegation of her country to the foreign kingdom of eldur. very unexpected, she lost her heart to a prince. even more unexpected, the original royals she had so faithfully served, even if not to one mutually exclusive as it should have been, lost their heads. after, the valkan royal massacre, jolie was quick to swear loyalty and encourage members of the valkan party to do the same. to remain living, is a victory and there is no monarchy for them to be so loyal to. she has remained in eldur for the course of the past year as an "honored" guest, note the sarcasm.


approachable ➺ although, jolie isn't likely to make the first move and approach you, she is actually quite approachable. a good listener, her introverted demeanor makes her naturally opening to listen to others. in general, she has not a commanding presence at all and this makes her easy to strike a conversation with, not possessing an intimidating aura at all. 

resourceful ➺ this, hasn't been something adequately put to use, given after the events in eldur, there hasn't been much she's been able to do aside from be a reactionary figure to everything going down, but jolie can be resourceful when she chooses to be. meticulous in her problem solving, and when given tasks, that trait was what originally earned her the position as a queen's lady, a high honor among the valkan court. 

creative ➺ this is mainly attributed to the whole being an artist thing, but jolie has an open, creative outlook to most things. regardless what you think of her decision skill, she is capable of viewing the world in terms of more than just cold hard logic. she has an imagination to her, and this especially shows in her art and way of portraying things and feelings. 

detail oriented ➺ her memory isn't photographic by any means but she does have an eye for detail. when jolie focuses, she can usually conjure up an image in her mind in precise fashion, and is drawn to looking at small details and noticing little things when entering a room. again, this is another trait that both helps with art, and comes as a result of practicing art itself.

graceful ➺ now i don't mean physical grace here though she does move with a modicum of lithe grace too. no, what i mean is conversationally. jolie isn't manipulative and again, her role is more of the reactionary one than the action taking one, driving the pace and plot of story with a decision. however, she is quite skilled at finding the smoothest way to operate in reaction to events thrown her way and isn't so thrown at threats and sudden surprises then she might have once been. 


delusional ➺ this is a bit of a big one and though, jolie would like to say that was a youthful weakness of the girl she once was, it's not exactly a trait that's gone away. rather, she's perhaps better at denying this fact. they say, that it is easiest most of all to fool your own heart, your own head and that perhaps is correct. the brunette makes choices that can rightfully be seen as downright delusional.

obsessive ➺ not in a creepy way of anything of course! just internally jolie can be... extremely, extremely devoted to whoever holds her affections, trust and loyalty. she'll reshape her purpose, and person to fit the other, to say it boldly though it's usually more of a subtle unconscious thing. it's hard to dissuade her from said target of devotions once she has made up her mind to say the least. 

cowardly ➺ jolie is far from brave, rather unlike the general psyche of her homeland. known for warriors, aside from what people make of their morals, out to be good or bad, one cannot deny that valkans are brave. jolie? not so much. the young woman just wants to live, and preferably for her friends, and those she cares for to do the same as well. fighting, is not her forte and so she can be rather cowardly, one who'd rather beg then risk the other option. 

flighty ➺ she is loyal to an extent, to certain things, certain people but apart from that, she can be a bit fickle, a bit flighty. jolie's choices, certainly would come across that way from outside perspectives. she makes decisions with her head, with feelings and emotions, not always employing a sense of logic or even morality in making decisions. no doubt, many valkans would see her a traitor, for so readily swearing oath to another country. but well, what was she meant to do?

vain ➺ this, is a habit inherited from her mother most likely. drilled with the mindset that part of her value is in her looks, and that woman of the court must be beautiful, jolie is ever so mindful of her looks. part of her internally, insecure, and a little fearful to not have them. she has a fresh faced, youthful beauty to her, and well all her experience has taught her it is a helpful thing. 


warm baths ➺ her number one favorite way of relieving stress after a long day would be drawing a hot bath. sometimes, she'll just lounge in the warm waters and sketch something from memory, never mind it's wasting water. she is, a noblewoman at the end of the day and can normally afford it. 

luxuries ➺ whether that's fine clothes or fine jewelry, jolie adores creature comforts in life. she enjoys, that feeling of being pampered. does this make her a tad more than a little bit shallow? perhaps. but well she really can't help herself. the young woman, has a well maintained collection of jewelry, or she did back in valka, she's not so conceited to have hauled it all with her to eldur though it is sad she cannot access most of it now. the majority of them were brought back to her, as gifts from her friend, the war minister montel from his various conquests. 

nature and the outdoors ➺ jolie was extremely happy to first get to experience the eldurian gardens. she concentrates the best outside, not to mention nature scenes provide the prettiest canvas possible to pain. definitely, an aesthetics appreciator she likes things that have a sort of natural, unique beauty to them. green places, are happy places. 

compliments ➺ again, this feeds into her vanity and also her insecurities. there's nothing as comforting to her as compliment, whether a shallow one to her looks, or something deeper speaking to her nature. so sue her, for being easily won over by kind words and compliments. her mother, wasn't exactly lavishing her with supportive stanzas that's for sure. 

tea ➺ no i do not mean the gossip sort of tea, though on that note, neutral as she is on the matter, she is quite skillful at collecting the other sort of tea. but no, i mean herbal type teas, drinking tea. jolie is a huge fan of tea and brought a large collection of tea leaves with her from valka. sadly, they ran out a while ago and eldurian tea just doesn't relax her the same way. 


being the center of attention ➺ some people, find this perplexing of a thought given once upon a time, she used to be a king's mistress and that's not exactly a subtle position. but, it well doesn't make it any less true. jolie has no great love for the spotlight, any times she's seemed to sought it out usually at her mother's urging. 

confrontation ➺ this goes along with her dislike for the spotlight, and the part of her that is most assuredly a coward. she isn't a fan of confrontation or conflict. this is not out of any great righteous concern for the people involved, unless of course she knows them and cares for them personally. but rather, that feeling of not knowing what to do in such situations and wishing to avoid said discomfort. 

unorganized spaces ➺ jolie's chambers are always cleanly organized, this being something she does herself and won't want servants to do. again, this isn't out of any exceptional kindness and wishing to spare other people the work. but rather, it's one of those, you have to do it yourself things in order to have it done right. an artist, her room may seem messy at times but it always is quite organized, following some rhyme of reason in her mind. 

physical labour ➺ jolie can be a little lazy and she's not too fond of heavy tasks. a highly, highly fortunate thing she, unlike many others in valka, was not needed nor required to serve in the military. jolie has all the traits that would make her a piss poor soldier or warrior. for others, perhaps that would be a point of shame. it isn't really for jolie. she accepts her faults for what they are, recognizes she's not cut out for that, and respects her friends who are warriors, any warrior actually, all the same.

rejection ➺ jolie can be a little internally insecure, this being mainly favours of her lovely lovely mother's tutelage. so yeah, rejection does sting no matter what shape or shade, flavor or form it comes in. she likes the feeling of being wanted by others, whether that's through being useful or something else. all in all, a major weakness it certainly makes her open to being manipulated. which is honestly, not too good all things considering. in a courtly game, where manipulations run amok, it's not good to be so easily made vulnerable. 


strolling ➺ just simple walks outside, or in gardens. jolie, has taken to roaming the gardens of eldur in her free moments, for a bit of fresh air and peace of mind. this, was something she did in valka too, just leaving the palace for some fresh air and a walk around. at just a leisurely pace, there's no running or heavy exercise. a light walk is enough for her.

painting ➺ a hobby of hers since forever, jolie loves painting and is extremely skilled at it. her specialty, is in lifelike portraits and landscape scenes, her art reflecting realism, she isn't an abstract artist nor super unorthodox in portraying things. she has painted a lot too in this past year, but never faces. paintings are so hard to hide. 

sketching ➺ just like her painting, jolie loves sketching and has several sketchbooks. a secret sketching project of hers, is drawing the faces of her fallen valkan kin. it doesn't matter if she's particularly close to them or not, to her it's a way of remembering the dead and ensuring they won't be truly forgotten as they are in eldur, and cannot obtain the righteous valkan funeral rites. jolie will draw anything really not just people. anything she sees, real world or in dreams. drawing the figures in her dream is her way of coping and she has various sketch books. they are kept locked in a wooden chest underneath her bed when not in use. 

daydreaming ➺ jolie spaces out a lot, whether in memories or in other types of fantasies. either way, it is all a form of daydreaming is it not? she used to daydream in court meetings back in valka, and would only come back to reality at the most momentous of moments, usually blinking like a baby owl and seeming decidedly out of it. thoughts are just more fun than the real world to dwell in that's all.

shopping ➺ she doesn't even have to buy anything! jolie just adores looking around at shops and seeing what's for sale, and what's been created. it is always a fun experience to buy fabric for dresses, or dresses, or jewelry, or hairpieces, anything really. shopping, is fun. art supply shopping? looking for new colours of paints? nothing compares to that. 


looking into reflective spaces ➺ result of her vanities and insecurities a like, jolie will tend to absentmindedly gaze at her reflection at any remotely reflective spae, to check and make sure her appearance is every bit as prim and poised as it should be. it truly is a bad habit and it's quite embarrassing to be caught doing so, as you might imagine. luckily, she is incredibly subtle at this. 

messing with her hair ➺ a more generic habit no doubt, but she can't break it. playing with her hair, whether it's shifting the status of her bangs, unbraiding and then rebraiding her hair, or finger combing it isn't even always a nervous habit for her, it can just be a way of passing the time for her. the one finger twirled lock is always a classic.  

shifting her stance ➺ now this, is definitely a nervous habit. whenever jolie is standing up, and internally stressed or feeling pressure, she'll tend to shift from side to side subtly, constantly changing the side her weight is mainly leaning on. she has gotten better at making this subtle, unnoticeable, and used to be quite good at standing statue still. however, years of not being in her mother's unbearable presence has made her relax her posture and so this habit has returned full force. especially a lot lately, there is a lot of uncertainty. 

and although i was burning, you're the only light...


a lady of valka, residing in eldur




born to vivienne and auguste bonheur, jolie used to be rather close to her mother when younger. they've grown distant in the past few years, even before jolie went to eldur at some point the female sort of reaching a point where she decided, it was no longer essential to look to her mother always for instruction. given the fact, she is indefinitely confined to eldur now, jolie remains distant with her mother and only writes letters home sparingly, ignoring the bulk of those that her mother has sent. as for her father, the young woman has never been close to him and has always been a tad bitter, due to the man that sired her playing no fatherly role in her life. 


jolie, wants to live first and foremost. she has come to the conclusion that, the best path to do so is to accept eldur's rule. at least, that is how she has justified it to her fellow valkans, in persuading them to do the same. she also happens to care deeply for a certain eldurian prince so that could have something to do with it. the way she sees it, their royals all the valkans were once so loyal to, expected to be so loyal to are dead now. they failed. and so, there isn't much left to have the same devotion too right? you can't keep serving a ghost forever? in her eyes, valka was the past and her future lies beyond it now, in eldur. even if she was discontent with how things were, jolie isn't about to do something crazy rebellious or even speak her thoughts against the system out loud she just doesn't work that way. so yeah, at the moment jolie is mostly content. of course, there are always moments of uncertainty or sadness, questioning and wondering. but they never amount to anything now do they? 


jolie has no pets herself but in the last few months has taken to leaving birdseed on her windowsill in hopes of drawing songbirds near. one, because their chirps are soothing, like having a friend around always. two, because she likes sketching them. she has no permanent pets at the moment and won't likely get any any time soon, how very very very tragic that is indeed. she does, adore aloy's dogs even if they're not her own, and they seem to like her well enough. 



"what cruel irony in the way the faithful pledge loyalty to the faithless..."

"you think attraction is love and that's why you suffer so deeply."

"you could say my life's a mess, but i'm still looking pretty in this dress!"

𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔

only if for a night ➺ florence and the machine

"and the grass was so green against my new clothes!"


sweet dreams ➺ eurythmics

"who am i to disagree?"


head & heart ➺ joel corry & mnek

"but i'm frozen in motion and my head tells me to stop."



➺ idk too much what jolie's been doing the past year so i left that fairly open, ambiguous so please contact me if you have connection ideas/requests!

➺ also i just finished the rest of that form which was exhausting and so i am too exhausted to think of more things to put under other and fun trivia.

➺ will return to this in the future likely and add on here, maybe, idk. i just wanted to get this published!

only if for a night...

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