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➺ for the goddesses Artemis--- and xOfFreeSpiritsx

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

with the lights out...


jaime cepheus lupin


jaime ➺ may god protect, a variation of james

cepheus ➺ a constellation, visible in the northern hemisphere all year

lupin ➺  wolf


first off although they are pronounced the same, jaime will sometimes alternate and spell his name as jamie at this point, both of them are really his names. jaime is just the one that is officially on his birth certificate. his parents refer to him as jem affectionately and he will joke that is because he is obviously, the gem of their lives. among 'friends' more like jaime forced into befriending him, he has a variety of silly nicknames that include jam, jimbo, strawberry jam, jam man and a few others that he accepts teasingly. really, as he's pointed out multiple times nicknames are a sign of endearment and adoration are they not? 


seventeen years old, it must be noted that the legal age for wizards is in fact seventeen. anygays, age is just a number it's not gonna stop him from smoking or drinking fire whiskey or going anywhere reserved for twenty one year olds and up. 




homosexual panromantic


september third

it's less dangerous...


the son of one remus lupin and sirius black, with nymphadora tonks as his surrogate mother. he was raised to see all three of them as equal parental figures. remus was da, sirius was pa and tonks was ma. however four years ago, when he was just thirteen years old tonks died as a result of the war.  moving on it should come as no surprise, that sirius was eager to not stick to his family last name, holding no respect or reverence for the pureblooded family he was born into, it was a simple choice for them for jaime to be simply a lupin. growing up, the family's been not exactly poor but also not rolling in money either. with both parents and later on, jaime fighting for the rebellion and sirius's black family trust funds only having so much, they were always quite careful with spending money on only the necessities. remember, even before the war worsened, remus never did make a great salary, often unable to secure a job.  


jaime physically looks a great deal similar to remus. with quite curly, brown hair in certain lighting it looks more red and in others it can appear almost golden but there is no denying that the core colour of it is brown. jaime's hair is quite messy, even if it wasn't curly it would be so, tufts sticking out this way and that, it always is worse after a shift to animagus form and in general, he doesn't really bother with using hair products apart form the dutiful shampoo and conditioner when one showers. he has rather pronounced eyebrows and has mastered maintaining an eerily similar broodingly intense expression to that of sirius, mannerism wise taking after both of them equally. long and lanky, he is on the taller side but nothing abnormal standing at five feet eleven inches tall. 

due to this height and the whole need for not wasting money on material items like new clothes and styles, you can often catch jaime in trousers that are just a touch too tight and short on his legs, leaving a hint of ankle exposed. how scandalous, gasp. he enjoys jumpers and sweaters immensely and that is his normal wardrobe when he is feeling too lazy to do something any more creative. however, jaime also appreciates t-shirts, leather jackets and jeans so he kind of swings between the grunge boy and dark academia aesthetic depending on the day and his mood. he doesn't have the patient for applying eye shadow and his lips are quite chapped from spending so much time outdoors, but every now and then, he will apply a light coat of eyeliner liking the way it makes his eyes pop and stand out. overall, jaime's style is nothing so exceptional though he does have a wonderfully worn leather jacket that you know you just want to wear, it is his loud personality and bold nature that will find the lupin lad so often commanding attention. 




maxence danet-fauvel

i feel stupid and contagious...


full of heart, nerve and sass what more could you want form a person? siriusly... jaime has a heart of gold and means well in all that he does, even if his actions sometimes... detract away from his well meant meaning. he does care for those he's deemed friends and deeply loves his family, the type that, cheesy as it sounds would very well walk to the ends of the earth for the people in his life. this is the type of person who wears his heart on his sleeve, with his parents having a healthy, sturdy, stable loving relationship he was naturally taught the importance of cultivating human to human connections and that it doesn't make you weak to care for others. that being said, growing up apart of the rebellion and on the run, while jaime has made for himself some friends among the other members, it is worth noting he is one of the youngest members and doesn't have too many friends of his own age range causing some insecurities. this will be elaborated on later. 

back to the idea of compassion and caring. jaime cares easily and earnestly for the people in his life, and it's quite easy to see if you're looking for it really. he doesn't have the patience, skill, ingenuity or even braincells for deception. in general, he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed or the most intelligent. he's not ever had formal education but he likely won't be pulling in top notches. he tends to see obvious conclusions too much, rush into things when emotions are involved which happens more often then not, and just isn't willing to sacrifice some things and principles for the sake of success. meaning, he will probably never be good at strategizing and such. did someone say a hero complex? because yes, jaime most definitely has a hero complex. he wants to be able to get all the people he cares for alive and safe on the other side at the end of this, and won't be willing to make the hard choices needed to win wars. he is straightforward and honest in how he does things and all these aspects to him make him a far cry away from cunning. 

that being said, it's highly likely of jaime to underrate his own potential intelligence. he can be rather witty at times and always seems to have some witty worded response on tongue for just about every suggestion. does that mean it's necessary the right response, a good one, a clever one? haha, no. jaime, is impulsive we been know. will say what pops into his mind first and then regret and angst over it later, not the other way around. this means, he can come across as quite arrogant and annoying but really he doesn't do this just to be irritating, it's sort of a facade. he is insecure yeah. not in a crippling, won't let him start anything reach out type of insecurity, thank the gods it's not the paralyzing type. but, he can be a bit insecure internally and doubtful, you know the type to occasionally ponder over and worry whether or not he truly has friends or if he just forced his company on others. 

bold, courageous, chatty and boisterous, he definitely has quite the forceful personality to say the least, coming across as majorly unruffled and unapologetic on surface. and that is deliberate, for a reason. perhaps, part of this comes from the fact that all his friends are at least a year older than him, and he knows in the normal alternate universe where they all attended hogwarts as they ought to have been, he's probably just that bratty younger kid trailing after everyone. he definitely has the desperateness and neediness down, jaime might have some form of attachment issues, that is, developing extreme attachment and affection for others. he isn't unhealthy about it and recognizes they probably are extremely appreciative to have space away from him, and so he'll let others go. he'll angst about it internally. and yeah. really, i don't have a good reason as to why jaime is like this. i mean, he has two loving parents, three once surely that means he has no excuse! 

jaime is at least partially aware of this trait of his and guilty for it. but well, maybe it's the whole war fact, more often then not his parents are off on some mission or another and he finds himself either a alone or b pestering the older rebellion kids. it's been this way for him growing up. and maybe this is where some of it stems from. or maybe, it is just some jaime quirk. jaime, is rather flirty and this is to cover up that insecure part. just because he flirts a lot though, doesn't mean he's necessarily good at flirting, all smooth lines and sharp stares. oh no. while he isn't like incredibly cringily awkward at flirting, he's not like any exceptional mr. charming. what jaime is though? is persistent. really that describes how he does most things in life. jaime cepheus lupin is many things but he will always have passion for all that he does and that will have to be enough right? a for effort? 

effort. he can be quite the jokster and prankster this is true. i mean, marauding is practically in his blood how can he not? more observant when he wants to be when meets the eye, even if this is mainly a minor paranoia for being pranked back, little ingenious ways like that are proof that jaime isn't as hopelessly dumbassed as he finds himself to be. he generally has an air of uncaring carelessness to him, though as stated earlier he does care a lot for things even if he seems too air headed to do so. still, he is devoted and dedicated to the rebellion's cause, and selfless enough when it comes down to it to make his own sacrifices if need be. again, it's the hero complex for me. he will volunteer for whatever missions he's needed on and not let his petty personal problems of insecurity get in the way, in fact it's his greatest fear to have one of his own mistakes ruin something important.

he is really rather fearless, both in the good sense and bad sense of the word. he won't be intimidated easily which can be a problem, because there are some situations where it's good to feel fear and this fear will be what keeps you alive. at the same time though? he isn't about to be crippled by fear, even magical forms of fear he is quite naturally resistant too. this courage can lead to recklessness, as established earlier he already is impulsive with speaking. it doesn't stop there. he likes living on the edge and will not hesitate to make snap decisions with his guts, acting on whatever he sees and feels is right at the time. jaime just loves the feeling of being alive, and there's nothing to give you the same high like a bit of an adrenaline rush. all in all, jaime cepheus lupin is a bit of softie, a bit of a rebel and a whole lot of genuineness. 


muggle music ➺ muggle music slaps and he is not ashamed to admit his preference for it. at the lupin house, cottage really they have an old muggle record player that used to be sirius's and he likes collecting new records in his spare time. which mind you, he doesn't have much spare time so he doesn't have the most extensive collection. jaime enjoys the radio and there's something about muggle music that is just so very soulful. so very free and unworried. then again, he's a musical person playing the guitar.

the outdoors ➺ nature child extraordinaire! jaime absolutely adores the outdoors and spends most of his time outside when possible. his family house, is situated on the edge of a large woods, with a bit of creek, nice and secluded they don't have any close neighbours. this is what happens when you're an underground rebellion member and your father has time of the month issues. anygays, because of this location setting jaime's really been spoiled with outdoor access.

stargazing ➺ jaime loves looking up and the night sky and counting the constellations. much as he dislikes his last name, he admits the constellation is pretty cool, cepheus the king being one able to be viewed all times of year in the northern hemisphere. there is nothing quite like being in the scottish countryside staring at the skies above. sometimes for rebellion things he and his family would find themselves outside camping in just tents, this was always a way to pass the time. yeah, the stars have their stories in mythology but inventing your own stories for them kind of slaps too. 

canines ➺ this is his favourite type of animal for many reasons, he absolutely is not a cat person don't bring those furry creatures near him or expect to get pranked. jaime has mild cat allergies, they make him sneeze and the hair makes his eyes and nose itchy and it's absolutely awful. besides the distaste for cat, imagine disliking canines. they're just so sweet with intelligent eyes, always willing to listen, athletic, able to keep up with you... these types of animals he's always seen as a protector.

pranking ➺ forget fighting a war with classic means it'd be way more amusing to just unleash prank war hell on them. a prankster, mischevious and with a fun spirit jaime does like the idea of pranking and trick magic, though of course to fit with the war he's adapted his 'pranks' to be better suited for battle. he fights with some rather unconventional methods and forms of magic that's for sure, which is a unique thing he brings to the table. 


full moons ➺ oh wow the moon is fully lit up how gorgeous. wrong. jaime dislikes full moons and that is because his father's lycanthropy, he hates seeing the toll it has on his father. the amount of stress remus is always under leading up and how tired he is afterwards. watching the affects of the wolvesbane potion his father turning to claw himself in absence of others. or when younger, being forced to go away when he was smaller on these nights. beyond that emotional connection, full moons are overrated af.

exclusion ➺ he may be one of the younger rebellion members but he is perfectly capable and able to do what is done. please don't tell him he cannot do something. being excluded, whether from entire missions or simple friend groups is something he can absolutely not stand. huh. maybe this is why he sort of ended up starting a harem, then they're forced to include him huh. yeah, he does feel guilty, forcing others to include you is sometimes not a vibe. but his hatred of being excluded is what drives him to be this way. 

prejudice ➺ jaime will cut a betch watch him. his family has never been very... conventional. especially with both fathers in the rebellion, one a werewolf and the other having pissed off the old elite pureblooded families, as one can imagine there are plenty of bigots he's had to deal with. he also super dislikes the blood prejudice thing, his grandmother on remus's side and biological grandfather ted tonks both being muggles, the pureblood superiority thing is honestly so stupid. he appreciates many aspects of muggle culture, same as wizard culture. prejudice of any kind makes him go feral in a bad way no thank you.

humid weather ➺ his hair sticks out in the most awful way and he starts sweating inhumanly much, jaime just despises humid weather. granted, he's only been in humid weather a few times, both times for order missions. but that is enough for him to know, he absolutely does not stan this type of climate. give him a cloudy region, maybe hint of rain on the horizon any day over the terribleness of moisture in the warm air, making you feel like you're inside a troll's nostrils or something.

cruelty ➺ maybe jaime's a simpleton seeing things in black and white. but he doesn't like seeing cruelty, especially if it's needless. whether it's towards how you treat your enemies those on the other side. or how people treat those on the same side as those. cruelty need not be physical any type of it does it for him. hey, jaime's just a kindhearted dude what can he said? he'll never be a fan of cruelty and those who employ it for no good reason whatsoever, not that there are many good reasons for it but he does sort of understand the concept of indoctrination. 

here we are now...


willow and phoenix feather, eleven and ¾ inches, whippy and surprisingly swishy.




jaime is an unregistered animagus and his form is that of a husky dog. he was initially driven to try and become an animagus, so like his father sirius, he could also be around remus on full moon nights. he was thirteen, almost fourteen when he finally managed it though, shortly after the time tonks had been killed yay for angst. as of now, only jaime's parents and his best friend, florence longbottom is aware of his status as an unregistered animagus. before i get into magical capabilities, jaime is skilled at riding both a broomstick and decent enough at riding a motorcycle, yes his dad sirius's motorbike flies. in another lifetime, he would have had quite a good run at quidditch but alas, when busy fighting a genocidal dictator there is no time for sports. magic wise he's decent enough at fighting and good at dueling as long as he doesn't get distracted, sad because he gets distracted easily. he is talented with potions and inventing new ones, and has an affinity for jinxes, elixirs and other forms of what we might consider "pranking magic."



"half the time i'm like, i'm so insecure and ugly ew disgusting. and the other half of the time it's just i'm so flawless like, move peasants, i'm gay? and truly universe i didn't ask for this much confusion in my life but well, what can you do?"

"moon dust in your lungs, stars in your eyes. you are a cosmic child, ruler of the skies."

"be the reason someone smiles today. or be the reason they drink. either works really."

𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔

smells like teen spirit ➺ nirvana

"load up on guns, bring your friends, it's fun to lose and to pretend."


run boy run ➺ woodkid

"tomorrow is another day, and you won't have to hide away..."


have u found what ur looking for ➺ ashton irwin

"i'm hopin' that maybe it will start to make sense..."



➺ he's ridiculously secretive about his middle name, he's too nice to let his dads know this but he thinks it sounds stupid. like it may be a constallation name but jaime also looked up the cepheus in mythology and he was some trash father himbo greek king. not a role model yikes.

➺ seventeen is the wizarding adult age so technically he's legal. anygays, he has a penchant for firewhiskey and for smoking cigarettes. he isn't technically addicted to either but he does do it rather often, for recreational purposes. it's a good thing order missions require him sober and clear minded, and that these missions occupy a good amount of time or who knows what would happen.

➺ jaime's animagus form is a husky and if he's feeling stressed or saddened or any complicated emotion, he'll just find a secure secret place to transform and go for a run. again, there is something incredibly freeing about getting to be an animal. originally, he wanted to become an animgus to help his father and be able to be around him during the full moon. he first transformed shortly after tonks died, his ma so yeah this was a bit of a rough time for him and he'd often disappear to go to this one little hollow among the tree roots. as a husky dog, he is fairly sizable enough to hold is own, and has excellent senses.

➺ jaime is skilled on a broomstick, ie trick riding and casting magic from a broomstick. and decent at riding a motorcycle, both normal and flying. honestly if he's not in a rush he might employ one of those modes of transportation, apparation can be so boring and you just know he has the adrenaline rush bet. 

➺ he's secretive about his middle name, not even his friends know about it only his family. while he likes the allure of constellation names, he doesn't like the mythological counterpart of cepheus, who was the father of the ethiopian princess andromeda, and planned to sacrifice his daughter to a sea monster to save his sorry arse. beyond that meaning, it just sounds too fancy and sophisticated for him, like jaime is not that person, it doesn't fit him in mind.

➺ florence augusta longbottom is basically like an older sister to her and he cares for the other the way he imagines caring for a sibling would be like. he isn't protective of her, because more often then not, it is florence who bails him out of tricky solutions, she's the capable one. but he does care for her and her happiness greatly.

➺ he plays the guitar, having exactly one acoustic guitar and one electric guitar, the latter being something he traded a muggle boy for, name was clay pyramus leelo. long story don't ask you don't need to know. of course, he plays the acoustic guitar more often because it doesn't require chords and he can bring it with him on missions. mm love those moleskin bags that have indefinite space charms on them, he's your bard in shining armor.

entertain us...

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