Day Five: A Cross To Bear

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She was dressed beautifully. Though Damien barely noticed anything another than her bright amber eyes. There was a pretty hair ornament that kept her hair out of her face. It was the one he had bought her for her thirteen birthday. Her last birthday, the last smile she shared with him.

She wasn't how he remembered.

They stood in a dark place with high shadows and low whispery voices. Damien was aware this couldn't be real. Last thing he remembered was Toby whispering Mother over and over in their - No- his head.

Damien took a breath, this wasn't real. It wasn't-

"Damie, is that you?" Her voice was soft, a quiet sound in this soulless world. She turned to him, her face looking barely believing,"It is you! Damie, it is!"She ran at him and embraced him tightly.

"Maryse,"He whispered,"You, you look different." He held her firmly, knowing he would have to let go.

"I grew up, Damie, things changed." She replied with a smile.

"You left and that changed me." He whispered. She seemed to be normal, she acted, smiled, looked and even talked like his Maryse. How could this be?

It was all a dream.

He sure of it now.

"Damie," a sense of urgency entered her voice,"I need to tell you something." She looked up into his eyes, Damien felt a chill." About Dresden..."She started but Damien groaned.

"You're not marrying him too, are you?" Damien said, and Maryse gave him a disgusted look.

"What happened to you? Dresden is your nephew for heaven's sake!"She cried, "Didn't you even care for Dionysus? How ashamed would he be if he knew how you treated his son?" She gave him a withering glare and Damien was strangely reminded of Latherna in that moment.

"Somehow Dear, I doubt he'd mind." Damien said with bitterness that seem to form whenever, Arsenold Veins, as he nicknamed him, was mentioned. " He changed too Maryse. So much did since you vanished." He found himself touching her cheek.

"I will never reappear, you have to move on." She whispered," Make things right with Dresden. He can't fight this war alone." She gently moved away from him."But watch out, His darkness is strong and intelligent. His power even greater, the full control over anyone's mind and memories, Damie, I will be your shield. He won't break through me." She slowly she was beginning to fade.

"What is this Maryse? What are you?" He asked, this couldn't be possible. Yet he felt it, her soul inside him.

"The spirit of which you were."


A gasping breath.

He was awake.

The forest floor was uncomfortable as you'd think a forest floor would be. At first when he sat up, he realized there was a stone lodged in his back. He winced as he pulled it away along with several other pieces of weeds and thorns. But there something else that made him feel as though he should run. A part of him was still deciding whether it should too or from this place.

The unlived forset.

Ah, it made sense now why he would dream of Maryse here. This where she ran to, where she too refuse away from
Dionysus and him, where she lost her soul and gained a less than loveable mother.

But that was all she ever wanted, wasn't it? The girl of her thirteenth year on this earth had lost everything, her family gone and her only friends two boys each with a massive adoration for her. She was orphan of this world, never knowing her place, where to go and what to do. She often said she was soulless in the way that wind blew.

Then she had discovered Mother, the myth of her at any rate. She became obsessed, she wanted to know more and more, she knew the lore by heart but would fail her maths test in a minute. Dionysus could tell something wasn't right, but Damien was still hanging on to the beautiful girl whom which he met on a snowy Christmas night. So he would study the lore with her, go on exploring in this very same forset to find the object of Maryse's desire. A family, a loving mother, someone to kiss her tears away and keep her safe from the darkness at night.

She was lonely in a full room.

Damien knew how illogic it was to do this. But he found he didn't care, he was spending time with the person he had begun to cherish the most. He was fool, a damned fool. He believed than in God and his Will and thought, he and Maryse would always be protected. He didn't see her slowly fading till the day she finally vanished.

Heartbreak was quick but Dionysus's fury lasted a lifetime. He became a monster in everything but appearance. For he too heaved affection for her and it broke him in different ways.

Damien couldn't stand it, he was breaking, he couldn't believe in God when it was by his word and fate that his heart laid in an empty coffin six feet under hate. Slowly he began destroying his holy ways, his family was wrong there was no God, and if there was, he didn't want to worship such a fool. He barely spoke to Dionysus in those years, he had nothing to say to the friend whom he had done daily trouble making in his youth. He knew that Dionysus was going through his own pain and turning into something else.

He couldn't bring himself to care.

Perhaps if he had, Dionysus wouldn't have ended up the way he did. That was another question Damien's head would play on repeat. What if he and Dionysus had battled their demons together? Would they have won? Could they had ended up saving each other?

It mattered not.

Damien stood to his feet. He knew the way home from here. Many memories of him, Dionysus and Maryse playing and exploring here flashed before his eyes. He found himself lost in them as he walked. Only when he was at the end of the forest did he notice the blood that covered him.

He paused.

Then continued walking. Whoever he had killed wasn't his first and definitely wouldn't be his last. Toby had good taste in kills, and in that context, Damien somewhat trusted him.

He was fool, and it seemed he always would be.

He made his way into town, no one paid him any mind. The blood on his robes dried almost perfectly to match the black. Then he spotted someone he had been wanting to see for awhile now.

"Darwin," he waved at the boy who seemed less than pleased to be spotted by him.

"Father Damiennnn," Darwin greeted back with a mixture of dread and cheerless as he pulled his bike to a stop beside him.

Damien smiled, for the first time in hours he felt like smiling, and stopped walking. "How have you been? Is Silas well?" He asked, he worried that if Silas got his monster then Darwin would be its first victim.

"We are all, amazing, as always! Also I don't much to do today, maybe I could stop by your church?" He asked, hesitantly. Even he seemed surprised by his words.

Damien heart nearly stopped. Was Darwin so lost already? Has his monster taken control? Because Damien knew that for Darwin to ask this something was very wrong with the universe."You-you want to come by the church?" He questioned, he was already checking to see if was anything different about Darwin appearance. After making sure Darwin hadn't turned yet, he was left unsure why the boy was acting this way.

Did he feel it? The change coming?

"Yes, Father Damien! I might lea--" Darwin stops himself. "I might regret never coming there, you know! I've been to almost everywhere in Carsden, the Church is a place I haven't visited yet. I'll tell Silas, don't worry!"

Damien immediately noticed the slip and the dread that had been building over the last week finally gave away to an answer as to why it was there.

He faked a smile, trying very hard not to show his heartbreak at the mere thought. He couldn't be sure yet of Darwin's choice."Darwin, that's wonderful." He said in his best pretend voice.

Darwin grinned back at him, seemingly buying it."Well, I gotta to get back on my bike."He said cheerfully."See you soon Father Damien!"

Damien knew it was time. Still he felt conflicted. He didn't know what his father had placed in the box, or of is power but he knew it held a protective effect. If there was anyone Damien wanted to protect right then, it was Darwin. He reached his robe where the box had been sitting in a hidden pocket and pulled it out. It was small and wooden with golden writings.

"Wait, before you go." Damien called to Darwin. The boy stopped and turned back, confused apparent on his face.

Damien kneed down and handed Darwin the box."I want you have this. It was my father' has certain, protects." He said, hoping that Darwin would accept it.

Darwin frowned. He opened the box slowly, and gasps at the pretty silver cross with a single emerald that changed different shades of green when he moved it.
"Father Damien! I have to give this back, when do I give this back? This is too precious!"

Damien shook his head and stepped back,"No, it's yours now. It chose you, otherwise you could have never opened the box." He had to leave, before Darwin noticed the blood. He began walking away before turning back."Darwin, keep safe will you?" He said, the worry in his voice finally showing.

Darwin held the cross to his chest, seemingly feeling an eerie sense of calm and safety. He sighed peacefully, looking like he felt divine. "Thank you, Father Damien. I will guard this with my life, and I will keep safe. Will you be alright?" Darwin was worried about him. He nearly laughed.

Damien half smiled the same smile he always smiles," it'll guide you and keep you safe, try to wear it at all times. I need to know you'll be okay only then will I be alright." Some people who knew Damien and was eavesdropping turned to stare at him in shock and one guy dropped his phone.

"I will be okay, father. Thank you for being like a real father to me as well. Ever since..." He choked on his words, letting his emotions run over for a split second. "Thank you!" he says brightly, covering up his tracks.

Damien felt an odd emotion then. One he only ever felt in Maryse and Latherna presence. He swallowed hard noticing the slip,"Darwin, thank you. For being my son in more ones than one."Damien walked away from Darwin's bike."Goodbye Darwin." He said over his shoulder, hoping Darwin wouldn't notice how much his words had effected him and meant to him.

"Goodbye, Father Damien."

Damien fought against the urge to turn and watch him ride off. He would be okay, if he wasn't, there would be hell to pay.


"Father Damien, what happened?" Sister Gwyneth whispered in the empty halls as she cleaned his cuts."Who's blood is this?"

Damien pressed his hand to his face, Trying desperately to fight off a headache,"I don't know,"He said back, somewhat broken."I do that it's getting worse Gwyneth, so much worse."

Sister Gwyneth cleaned the last cut and stumbled into a seat beside him."I know Damien, I've seen it. There's blood covering Carsden streets, their monsters are choosing their sides now." She looked greatly saddened by this," I didn't become a nun to help people, you know with my lifestyle back then no church would even opened their the doors to me. The drugs and alcohol, I was a mess. I came to Carsden not expecting much, But," Her voice cracked and Damien could feel her shaking shoulders."but- damnit Damien, I found a home and I'm going to fight for it." She said, her conviction couldn't have been clearer."The question I ask you now, the one which will determine whether I stay in this church or leave later today is,"Sister Gwyneth took hold of his hand and he slowly turned to face her with blank, tear shining eyes."Are you going to fight or give in? Answer me Damien, because I can fight alone, but I need to know if I'm fighting against you too."

There was a moment.

She began to fear his answer, much for her talk, she didn't want to do this alone. She couldn't fight another struggle on her own. She had done it too often.

Then it came.

"Sister Gwyneth, I would never let you fight alone."

And that was that.

They slowly began to smile.

"Yo, I'm interrupting something here?"

They jumped, literally jumped in shock. There was Pastor Joseph, who appeared to have been sitting a few roles away with a bag of chips in his hand.

Damien put a hand on his chest."Joseph, I say this with all seriousness, what in the heavens is wrong with you!?" Sister Gwyneth giggled and stood to put away the first aid kit.

"Hey, you were the ones sitting out here, this is public space, Damien." Joseph grabbed another handful and stuffed it in his mouth."Besides, I think you two look rather cute together, I couldn't miss that." He winked and Damien shuddered, only Satan himself knew the ways of torturing with words like Joseph. This wouldn't be the last he heard of his moment with Gwyneth.

"Joseph, I wonder about you sometimes." Damien shook his head.

"Keep wondering, Damien." Joseph winked again,"I'm one of a kind, you will never figure me out."


The bridge was a great place to contemplate your existence, it was also in Damien's opinion, a wonderful place to jump off and die.

The rain had eased its assault on Carsden that afternoon. Leaving behind a wet but somewhat breathtaking town. The water glistened off the leaves and trees, the river shined with renewed depth and flowers that had closed before blossomed again in the weak afternoon sunlight.

So Damien stood, perhaps an hour, perhaps a day, till he heard the tell tale signs of a bike.


"Darwin, my boy, how are you?" Damien said as soon as Darwin was near enough. Then he noticed the dark circles under Darwin's eyes.

The dread took ahold of him then.

"Hello, Father Damien!" Darwin was looked to tired to put up his usual cheer but he was trying hard.

Damien was rather worried. He placed his hand on Darwin's shoulder and leveled his gaze with his. "Darwin, I've seen for awhile now. You are struggling aren't you?" Damien never liked to beat around the brush. Truth was, they were all struggling in this town. Not a single soul truly happy.

Darwin's lips quivered and he was shaking, his eyes seemed unfocused and dull. But he still stood strong, and Damien admitted that's what he admired about the child the most.

"I am amazing, Father! I'm just tired." he smiled brightly again, Damien tried to believe it. He tried to, but even the fool couldn't fool himself then.

Damien shook his head in frustration. "Darwin! You don't always have to be happy, it's okay, it's okay to feel sad." Unsure if he was still talking to Darwin at this point."I see, I see how how hard you try. For us, for Carsden you have to be the light but they can't be light without darkness."

"Father Damien, it's me who should be asking if you are alright!" Darwin pieced him with his gaze then. A thoughtful look crossed his face.

Was it so apparent then? He couldn't even pretend anymore. Even children saw through his mask now. He nearly laughed bitterly.

A weary sigh left his lips."Why do you say that?"Damien looked around to see if anyone was around."You have no reason to worry about me, child." Suddenly Damien felt far older than he actually was. But there was reason to worry, the whole town should be worried.

"Ofcourse I do, Father Damien. You are a part of my town, the town that I am so in love with! I can't let anyone feel bad!" Darwin looked determined now, all weariness leaving him and that familiar light returning to his eyes.

Damien almost smiled.

Damien sigh again. He could tell Darwin was heading down the path of masks and faked smiles. It was the same path he still lived on. He had to do something, anything."Sometimes, the only feeling you have is bad. I should have told you before, I've known darkness and it has become my friend, I welcome it, but you don't, you are the brightest beaming ray in this town." He goes back to looking out over the bridge. "When I was your age, there a girl. She was alot like Maggie. Her name Maryse. She...disappeared too." He was surprised to hear himself saying this, he never talked about Maryse.

Her smile, her face, her light still burned him.

Darwin frowned, he was thinking Damien could tell, finally he nodded, giving Damien his full attention.

"She was beautiful, Lord only knows how. She was the life of this town, everyone knew her, everyone loved her." Damien glanced back at Darwin."Abit like you in that manner, I suppose. " Suddenly Damien's voice dropped, his face growing more and more gradually grave."Then she disappeared."He clicked his fingers and made a snap."And they forgot, they forgot her." A twisted look pain and a flash of grey eyes." But you see, I didn't forget. I couldn't forget, and now." He tapped his head and then his heart."She lives in here, with me. Always." Damien turned back to Darwin."So tell me, Darwin, why do I feel like you heading down my path?"

Darwin sighed."Father Damien, there are a lot you don't know about me. And lot you never might, because only two people are there who I trust with the dark secrets of my life, and only two are like brethren to me. I might be holding something inside of me that could destroy me, but, you know me, Father Damien."
Darwin stood up straight, looking at Damien in the eyes, determined.
"I, Darwin Haquell, well never, ever give in. I am Carsden's ray of sunshine, I am the hope and light, and here I will remain, will that position in my hands." Darwin offers a bright grin, that warmed the very surroundings. "And if I ever fall, I have you, and everyone else, to lift me up."

Damien blinked. The slowly a smile began making it's way on his lips. He could feel the warmth from the sheer brightness of Darwin personality."Darwin."He mumbled with a note of sadness in his voice."You are right. Whatever happens, whenever you fall. We, I speak for everyone when I say this, will always be there to pick to you up." Damien ran a hand over Darwin hair messing it up."You are certainly a ray of sunshine. And I'll never let the night take you."

It only after Darwin left and Damien was making his way back to the church that he noticed.

Toby had been silent all day.

He kept his promise.


The church was in darkness when he stepped inside. He felt it, a change in the air. It was like he just stepped into a horror movie.

"Hello, Father Damien."

Large wings, all black, she flew in the corner of the room. Her face painted white with pitched yellow eyes and her right hand was a long sharp sword that glimmered in the moonlight from the window she loomed infront.

An avenging angel.

"Sister Gwyneth." Damien whispered, he stood stilled.

"It's time to pay for your sins, Damein!" She screamed before diving at him with her sword pointed at his heart.

He didn't see the point in dodging.

Thank you for reading.

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