Day Nine: There's Anger, Then There's Rage

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The door creaked but Damien didn't turn. He wanted nothing more than to be alone after today. They had finally buried Gwyneth and he had no desire to see anyone till at least to tomorrow. He lighted another candle and sighed, he would have to bury his mother too soon.

Finally, after hearing the door shut. Damien turned around, he saw Latherna standing, her eyes darkened and grim. An expression of numb pain on her face. Immediately the desire not to speak to anyone disappeared.

He tried to be casual, maybe she wouldn't want to talk about what happened."You been coming to visit more often." He noted happily,"How are you, dear?"

Lat didn't answer immediately, she simply sat on a chair in front of him and kept her gaze on the floor. She looked hesitant to say anything, almost afraid, like saying it would make it real.

Damien felt the smile melt away from his lips. The instinct, he called The Father sense, kicked in. Something was wrong, awfully so. He sat down beside her."Latte?" He repeated, seriousness centered around his tone. He had the oddest feeling he should be killing someone right then.

"I don't where to begin." She muttered softly. Her eyes held tears waiting to fall, yet she seemed hesitant to speak. "How did you feel when you found out what Dan did to me?" She asked him.

Damien took a calming breath. He would definitely be killing someone soon."I felt like the world needed one less soulless being." He stated and reached into his robe to pull a tissue for her to use.

She sighed, a sound that echoed through the empty church."Well, you wouldn't mind ridding the world of three more souls, right?" She asked, nearly choking on her emotion. She looked about to breakdown and Damien felt just the same just knowing she felt that way.

Damien didn't know what else he could do to ease her pain. He pulled into a one sided hug and held her tight."Of course not, why don't you tell me what happened?" He wasn't even sure he wanted to know because it had to be beyond awful for her to be actually asking him, but he knew that he needed to know.

She stared down at the floor. "Remember my uncle? Gerald? And his wife Theresa?"she asked softly."Mum's younger brother." She added on in explanation.

Damien's hold on her tighten. He tried to ease it up by reminding himself that she wasn't there with them now."Yes, I recall them well." Magic had apparently made them heartless and prideful, everything Latherna and her father was not. He was glad his existence had served the one good purpose of them never getting custody of her.

"He sent me this a while ago," she said to him, handing him the letter that Gerald had sent her.

Damien read it slowly, the words sinking into his brain and marking it with hate. His frown deepened with every word till his knuckles turned white as he gripped the sheet too tightly."I see." He said in a monotone voice. Trying to kill his rage before he went to kill Gerald."Are they here now? Is that why you are so upset?" It was stupid question, anyone would be upset if they found out their uncle was marrying them off without a say. Maybe he didn't like Dresden as a suitor for Latte, but he was surely better than Timothy.

"They're in my house, with Timothy Silvan." She answered, then her face darkened, unsuccessfully she tried not to let her tears fall and pain show." And," she took a deep breath,"And last night, they drugged me." She said the words strongly, not a stutter in her voice.

The world stilled, the only sound he could hear was his own rushing heartbeat and Latherna's voice as she form the word drug and never saw his world crack a bit."They..what?" The numbness he had tried so hard to keep, broke, slowly bone melting fury slipped in."Latte, what in the unholy spirit of Lucifer's fire did they do?" He found his voice had raised, strange. He couldn't remember yelling much less saying the words.

She actually shivered at the memory, she obviously had no desire to recount the event to him. She shook her head, tears at long last falling as she remembered her pain and said it aloud. "They drugged me, and before I knew it---Timothy---h-he." She stopped, her already breaking voice, silenced. The tears overwhelmed her and she was simply too speechless to even dare form a word.

She didn't need to say, the words were written in bold on her face as they had once been on Gwyneth's when she first arrived. Abruptly, he began to choke too, he was drowning in the unspoken, he pushed passed his own pain and weakness, this wasn't about him."Speak no more, child."Letting the rage take him, he whispered,"He will not survive this night."

She looked at him, "He's my uncle, I don't know why he did this." Damien couldn't read the emotion on her face as she said this. But whatever it was, it cut through her deep and left her bleeding out words she should have never had to speak.

The blades under his robe purred his name, whispering their murderous intentions. Telling him it would take a second, a moment for Timothy to die. But what a moment it would be. The rage gave away to need, need for revenge, for justice, and for a sick kind of pleasure that followed him since youth."Because, he is quite frankly a fucking moronic old fool." He didn't realize he was swearing till the last word."That's why."

"Okay," she flinched and Damien felt regretful of his speaking."I don't think I can sleep in my house with this," she said softly. She wrung her fingers in a nervous habit."You won't mind, right?" She looked thoughtful then,"You didn't bulldoze my room, did you?" She added.

Damien took another breath, calm was the key, calm could set you free. Right now rage could wait, murder could still and grief could be numbed. His daughter needed for him to be strong not foolish."Of course not, your room is exactly the same way you left it. No one had the heart to change a thing." He let a tiny smile. It okay to being that, normal to feel some other than the buzzing in his ears that pleaded for blood.

Unknown to them Joseph stood in a corner, listening with narrowed eyes. A pack of Doritos forgotten in his hands.

"And I thought you sold all my stuff, "
she added, obviously trying to ease the tension she felt from him, yet failing spectacularly. "Thanks, Damien."

Damien blinked, once, twice. That felt okay to do too. But his mind was still busy, torturing him with images of what he could be doing to Timothy. "Its no trouble at all, dear." He tried for another smile to reassure her.

She tried to smile back, "Thanks," she said, standing up. She turned around when she saw Joseph standing there. She simply gave him a sad look. "I'll go and find Bertha." She spoke."It's not like Gwyneth is here anymore"

At that the room felt hollow. A silence sadness had claimed it. Joseph sighed, even not he having a witty come back. Brother Matthew walked in, spotted Lat and walked out.

"Hi Matt," she waved yet he was gone before she knew it"What an idiot," she muttered underneath her breath before disappearing up the stairs. A familiar flash of her doing that exact same act since she was eight danced in Damien's head.

Oh how they would be pay. He vowed.

Joseph blinked after Matthew and turned to Damien,"What's his problem?"

Damien sighed," He found out what she did to Mrs. Hall after she spend the gossip about her."


"He was the one who actually told me about Dresden and Latte getting married."

. . .

Somewhere in Carsden, a sad husband sneezed.

OMAKE Deleted Scene: DENTAL CAREGIVER, Looking Like Liam Neeson has its draw backs.

Damien waited on the cold hard chair for what felt like hours. He was gently holding his jaw and trying desperately to make back his score on Candy Crush.

An old woman sat next him, a phone also in her hands."You playing Anger Birds on that?" She whispered asked him.

Damien blinked,"No, what's that?"

The next half hour would change Damien's life forever. The world felt like it finally opened up to him, everything made sense.

By the time this had happened however, the old woman has left and now a teenager sat next to him."Hey, you ever played flappy bird?"

The next half an hour would change Damien's life again. For he had never known frustration till he had played that game. The world felt like it finally got swallowed into the depths of hell and flames. Everything didn't make sense anymore, what was meaning of life?

Finally, his battery life died and he was called in for his appointment. The room he entered was a bright white but he noticed immediately how the blinds were closed, the Dentist closed the door behind and Damien heard the lock click shut.

"Mr Damien?" Inquired the Dentist, his mouth and nose covered with a mask.

"Yes." Damien answered and the Dentist gestured for him to sit on the table.

After everything was in place. Damien noticed how the Dentist seem to bind him to the table, and how couldn't move his legs or hands, or even speak because of the device in his mouth that now held it open in a almost painful way.

"You, you know Bridget?" The Dentist paused, holding a rather sharp object in his hand.

Damien couldn't answer but he nodded in confusion.

"She's my wife, I'm Emanuel Hall."

Damien felt he was choking, no no no-

Suddenly another man walked, he was holding a bat. Damien stared in confusion.

"You know Sister Bertha?" The man asked,"I'm her therapist, and I have spent the last four years of my life listening to her because of you!"

The door opened again, another figure entered."You know Pastor Johnathan Joseph ?" It asked.

Damien was panicking now. But still he was utterly lost why someone was asking about Joseph right now. He nodded slowly, feeling dread.

The figure stepped into the light,"Just what the hell is going on between you and him!" Susan, in Yuan-Ti form revealed herself."JUST WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING WITH MY BOYFRIEND!?"

One last person entered the room, a hood covered their face."You know Big Daddy?" It asked and Damien immediately shook his head no.

"Don't lie to me!" The figure threw back it's hood, revealing, Maggie's Rose's Father."HOW DARE YOU AND YOUR DAUGHTER TAKE AWAY THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!"

Damien stared at all the anger people in the room and immediately began staining against his bounds.

"Its time we teach you what happens to people who mess up other people's relationships with their deep sexy voices!" Susan shrieked.

He screamed.

Damien's eyes snapped awake. It had all been a dream, he sighed in relief.

"Yo, Damien get up, you don't want to be late for your Dentist appointment, do you?" Joseph's voice called through the door.

Damien never did really get a chance to fix his teeth properly, eventually he just asked Joseph to use a spell to help him. But in the end he learned an important lesson.

Don't mess with shippers. Not even in your dreams.

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