Chapter 10: Celebrity Manhunt

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After being cheated off of the show. I mostly been spending my time with DJ.

Actually, now that I think about it. He's been the only thing on my mind. His mom was super nice.

Though it seemed like she sees right through me. We both had a conversation about DJ. And she says that she's well aware of my feelings.

It was funny, but she caught on so fast. Guess parents would know. Since love is a big part of their life.

I even told DJ I have zero experience with cooking. He's been trying to teach me. He said I was getting better.

They lost their house from some sort of cooking show they had. And were only left with a bus. Kinda sucks.

Me, DJ, and his mom were all going to the Jemmie awards in their bus. All three of us got off the bus. I also dyed my hair back to its original color, black.

"I told you we'd be late DJ." DJ'S Mom said.

Suddenly a tall girl with purple hair greeted us.

"DJ. How does it feel to have it all then lose it?" She asked.

"No beggie." He simply responded.

"Oh. Okay DJ, level with me. Secretly, who can't you stand from Total Drama? Like who do you just hate?" She asked.

DJ's mother hit the crazy girl with her purse.

"What's wrong with you, girl? You think I raised my son to talk smack behind people's backs?" She said squeezing DJ's cheeks walking away from the girl.

I followed them off. Everyone from Total Drama arrived.

"I call dibs on the front row seat." Heather yelled running off.

"Oh no you don't!" Leshawna yelled chasing Heather.

"Did someone say ribs?" Owen asked as we all began running towards the building. Suddenly we all fell to the ground. Thanks to Tyler.

Noah and the Drama brothers arrived. We all began to walk to the entrance of the building. Chef Hatechet then stopped us.

"Famous people only." Chef said.

All of us gasped.

"And as of five seconds ago. That excludes you." He said pointing at us.

"Who died and made you door man?" Gwen asked.

"I did." Chris said coming out the building.

"Oh my gosh. You died?" Lindsay asked confused.

"Noah, coffee." Chris demanded.

Noah came running up with coffee and a bag for Chris.

"Is that my muffin?" Chris asked.

"Your Chris's assistant?" Gwen said about to laugh.

Duncan chuckled.

"Dude. You kiss Chris butt for money?" Cody asked about to laugh.

"Cut me some slack. Everyone has to work their way up in this biz." Noah defended.

Some random people, a bear, and a yeti came and were allowed in.

"Come in my peeps!" Chris said.

"How are they famous?" Gwen asked.

"They're the stars of my new show. Total Drama Dirtbags!" Chris explained.

"Huh?" We all said confused.

"A bunch of nasty jerks live in a huge mansion get all bored and backstabby"

"I'm nasty! That should be me!" Heather argued.

"These babies are up and coming. Not down and going. I.E. You losers." Chris said.

"Excuse me." Said a voice from behind us. The guy that walked by us shoved Cody to the ground.

"Alejandro, buddy. How's my next star?" Chris asked as the guy just ignored him.

Chris took a sip of the coffee. He spit out his coffee in Noah's face. Eww... he then fired Noah.

"Well guys, I would say later. But there isn't gonna be a later. So." He said shutting the door us.

Okay. What just happened?

"Um. How are we going to get in?" I asked.

"Leave it to me." Izzy said.

She went all spy movie like. She somehow got in, opening the door eating popcorn.

But the door shut after she walked out.

"Izzy, can you do that again?" Sierra asked.

"Do what?" Izzy asked, obliviously.

We began watching the Gemmie awards.

"If we win 'Best Reality Ensemble', we'll be famous again. Right?" Courtney asked.

"I think so." I answered.

We watched for about an hour or so. They began announcing the 'Best Reality Ensemble.'

Alejandro began opening the envelope.

"And the winner is........'Golden Oldies in Their Undies'!" Alejandro said.

"Awww. That's so cute." Lindsay said.

"That means we lost." Me and Gwen both said.

"Oh... sooo not cute.."


"I miss that girl." Duncan said as, I rolled my eyes

"'Oldies in Their Undires' was the only reality show me and Tyler weren't nominated for." Leshawna groweled.

"Uh, guys...." Cody said pointing at the TV.  Somehow, it was still working.

The monster, also known as Chris won an award for 'Best Reality Show Host'.

"I couldn't done it without a great bunch of people from 'Total Drama Action'. Chris started."The interns, ther caterers, the camera crew, and the real stars of the show... my stylist."

Of course. That's Chris for you.

"What about your long, suffering assistant? Schmuk." Noah growled kicking the TV.

"Didn't know you had it in you string bean." Leshawna said.

Somehow. This TV was till working.

"Tomorrow. I'll introduce the cast of my new reality series.  'Total Drama Dirtbags.' On the Oprah show."

"Dudes. You heard the guy... we're nobody's again..." Geoff sighed.

"At least I'll be able to survive on the streets." Duncan said.

"Mee too, y'all. Jiggy." Zeke said, but right after he said that. He got his wallet stolen.

"And I'll go back to being just another pretty face." Justin sighed.

"And pecs." Katie added.

"And abs." Sadie added on.

"And butt." Owen said as we all stared."What?"

"I can't go back to my old life." Heather complained If I'm not famous. I'm not  popular. So cold."

We all began walking off. But the super fan stopped us.

"What's the matter with you?" Sierra asked us."No one deserves to be more famous than you guys. You can't just give up! Do you have any idea how many millions of fans there are put there? I've been watching, blogging, PVP-ing you since the first episode. I- I mean. We have fan sites about each and every one of you. We know everything about you and we are rooting for you. We know your eating habits, your Hope's, your fears. YOUR DENTAL RECORDS!" Sierra said.

"Stalker." Heather commented.

"You can't let us down, now. What do you say?"

"What are we supposed to do?" Owen asked.

"I say beat those dirtbags to Oprah studio. Hijack the interview, and voilia. You're all famous again."

"But she's in New York. How are we supposed to get there by tomorrow afternoon?" Harold asked.

"I think I have an idea." Izzy said." But It's not gonna be easy."

"Yeah. This should be intresting." Noah said, sarcastically.

"Okay, Cody. I need you to gather up assorted of legs lumber." Izzy said.

" uh. Right now?" Cody asked.

"Owen. Can you track down a medium sized boat moter?" Izzy asked Owen.

"No prob! I'm on it!" Owen said.

"Noah, I'm counting on you for three gallons of diesel fuel." Izzy said.

"Sure thing. I'll get my unicorn to deliver it." He said.

"Perfect! The real trick is going to be batting access to a car manufacturing plane. Okay. We can do it guys! We can do it!" Izzy cheered.

DJ honked his bus horn.

"Hey guys. So are you gonna get on the bus or not?" DJ asked.

We all cheered.

"Wipe your feet first." DJ's mom said causing evryone to groan.


We all got on the bus. Courtney was driving the bus. I sat with DJ on the bus.

I dozed off a little. I woke up to see chocolate being flung across the bus.

"Hurry it up" Duncan yelled at Courtney.

"Back off! It won't go any faster!" Courtney defended.

"What we need is a man behind the wheel."

"What you need is some tape over your mouth."

"Well, if you just listen to me-"

"Oh, I'll start listening the minute you say something nice and worth while!"

They kept arguing. Then ended up making out. But Courtney stopped steering.

"Courtney look out! Cliff!" Me and DJ both yelled.

They stopped making out and Courtney attempted to steer but it was no use.


Izzy just realized that Noah was Chris's assistant.

We drove off the cliff. We were gonna hit the ground. But the we were then flung back into the air. We had zero gravity. The we flung back down.

They cut Leshawna's bra so we could finally land. Sheesh. Tough break. We all got out of the bus.

"I came back to party, but this Seriously lacks partatiousness!" Geoff said."So, I'm gonna go get help. Then, we're all gonna party. Woo hoo!"

"I'll come with you Geoff." Justin said.

"Me too." Katie and Sadie said together.

"Great. Anybody else. Bridgette, babe?" He asked.

"I'm gonna catch some rays, k sweetie?" Bridgette said to Geoff.

Geoff and the people who decided to follow him went to get help. We all went to sleep.


The next morning I woke up to the smell of food. Or random stuff being boiled. DJ attempted to make food.

But, you can't make food with non-edible ingredients. Owen ended up barfing it into the pot.

Chris then came with a helicopter lifting up the bus.

"It's Chris!" Sierra cheered.

"For once. I'm actually happy to see him." I added.

"They don't call me 'Best Reality TV Host' for nothing!" Chris yelled.

We all got into the bus and we got taken back to the set of where Total Drama Action took place. We got actual food for once.

"I have an announcement. We all know nobody does drama like you guys." Chris said.

"Duh! But what happened to 'Total Drama Dirtbags?'" Heather asked.

"It was a trick. There was never a 'Total Drama Dirtbags'" Alejandro said.

"Is that true?" Heather asked.

"Well, mostly. I did come up with the name. But anywho. I needed to find out if you kids still had it!" Chris explained.

"What about Alejandro?" Heather asked.

"A dupe just like the rest of you. I needed someone on the inside. But to make it up, I told him he can join you guys next time." Chris said.

"What next time?" Noah asked.

"A no hold race around the world in a jet." Chris said.

"After all the crap you put us through? As if." Gwen refused.

"Don't you wanna be famous again?" Chris asked.

"Pass." Duncan declined.

"What about cash? The chance to win one. Million. Dollars." Chris said as we all celebrated.

/DJ and Derick:"Don't you worry Mama. We're gonna win this one and buy you a big old house. And maybe a new bus." DJ said, scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah. We totally got this in the bag. Hopefully." I grinned.\

Well. Guess that wraps up book two. Thanks for sticking around. Be sure to read season 3(Only if you want to. Hehe.)

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