Chapter 9: After-Math Show

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I had no idea that going back to Total Drama Action would mean I would have to do this horrible aftermath show.

It's basically Bridgette and mostly Geoff asking us drama filling questions. I'm not too surprised that this became a thing. Just disappointed.

Geoff and Bridgette were about to name the guests that would be on this episode of the aftermath. So I guess It's me, DJ, and Gwen.

They were watching a montage of different the competitors getting injured. Me, Gwen, and DJ were all talking backstage.

"They're gonna skewer me out there guys." Gwen started, walking back and forth across the room."They're going to make me into a Gwen-cabob."

"I would tell you you're gonna be okay, but I'm not gonna lie. My Mama's here and I promised that I would never fib again. So yeah, you're probably dead. Hi Mama!" DJ said waving at the camera.

"That thing's on?" Gwen asked." Hi everyone, I'm Gwen and... I'm a nice person." She said smiling at the camera. That was very cringey.

I didn't say anything yet. Since, there wasn't anything for me to say.

"Before we bring out our first guess, let's take a look at his journey on the show." Bridgette said.

Bridgette and Geoff both began talking about the alliance DJ had, and how he was eliminated.

"Our guest. Doesn't eat dolphin dogs, does a heck of a ribbon dance, and once thought he caught a pepperoni disease, welcome DJ" Geoff said.

DJ left out of the back stage area that me and Gwen were sitting in.

"Do we really have to go out there?" I asked.

"We have a contract. Remember?" Gwen said.

"Yeah. But this is on TV. This is worse than me trying to prepare to present a project." I said.

"Well at least you don't look like a villian. Everyone thinks I'm mean for telling the Grip's to vote Trent off." Gwen said.

"Fair point, fair point." I nodded.

I want to get this over with. Bridgette and Geoff then went over my journey on the show.

"Well Gwen. Looks like I'm up next. Wish you luck." I said.

"Yeah.. thanks." She sighed.

Yeah.... that's probably not gonna turn out well for her.

"Our next guess peed his pants on his first day of high school, watches My Little Pony, and has barely any friends, Derick!" Geoff said.

Okay... why did he have to point out all of the negatives about me? I slowly walked out from back stage.

I then heard a loud wave of claps. Some people even threw me money. Why is everyone excited to see me?

"I think It's time for truth or anvil." Geoff said.

"Geoff. What happened to the hammer? " Bridgette asked.

How is this even legal. They're teens, getting paid to gossip and torture other teens.

"That thing fall on me if I lie?" DJ asked.

"Yep. Now, first question" Geoff said.

"Okay, I am not cool with this." Bridgette said.

"That makes two of us. I already said I'm not lieing." DJ said.

"He's clearly not lieing. If he were, the anvil would've fallen." I said.

"Alright, first question: DJ. Wouldn't you say the way you took advantage of your teammates was completely hayness and utterly unforgivable?" Geoff asked.

"I never meant to hurt anybody. Chef just intimidated the heck out of me." DJ said.

The rope on the anvil slightly slipped.

"This is ridiculous! Can't we run some footage or something instead?" Bridgette suggested.

"Sure. No problem. How about some of DJ's fast moves behind the scenes." Geoff said pointing at the giant TV.

"While everyone smelled like a dog park in August, you were wearing spring fresh duds." Geoff said.

Okay... I like DJ... but that is Seriously unfair.

"Chef gave you performance enhancing vitamins, and helpful dairy products, while everyone else was force to eat the cruelest, slop." Geoff stated.

Did Chef give him that much of an edge?

"You received therapeutic messages, packages from home, and beef jerky and never once felt bad about." Geoff said.

Wow.... that's a lot.. I didn't receive any of that, and was cheated off the show. Geoff then played one of DJ confessionals.

"Do I like winning? Heck yeah! I'm gonna do what ever it takes to keep racking up the wins. Do I feel bad? Do I look like I feel bad?" DJ said smirking.

Me and the whole crowd gasped. DJ's mother shook her head in disappointment.

"Whoa! That's not fair." DJ started.

"Your right, it isn't. You never told me about Chef giving you that much of a winning edge." I said.

"Don't you guys have another angle on that? Can't you show-"DJ started, but was cut off by Geoff.

"We run the show here man. That's how TV works. So, no can do." Geoff said.

DJ's mom then threw cabbage directly at his head causing me to laugh.

"My hair!" Geoff yelled.

Geoff's hair was sticking up out of place. I laughed even harder at the sight.

"Fine! Run the clip!" Geoff said.

DJ's mom threw a tomato at Geoff causing me to laugh harder. They began running the clip.

It looked like Chef was making DJ memorize the lines he just said in the other confessional.

I then was listening to DJ and Geoff's conversation.

"Come on. It would be funny. And our producers will love it. Just once?" Geoff asked.

"I'm sorry? You want me to get an anvil to the head, to make your producers happy?" DJ asked.

Geoff nodded sheepishly.

"How about we not do that." I stated.

"Derick! I forgot you were there. We haven't asked you anything yet." Geoff said.

Damn it. I should've kept my mouth shut.

"So, Derick. Who did you hate most on the show?" Geoff asked.

"Um... why are you trying to make me talk crap about other competitors?" I asked.

"Just answer the question." Geoff demanded.

"Well. I'm pretty sure everyone already knows this. But I didn't like Duncan. He was practically the anti-me on the show." I said.

"Okay. At least someone can answer a question." Geoff said.

"Okay... is that it?" I asked.

"No. Now, I have a few more questions. For the both of you." Geoff said.

It can only get worse from here.

"Now, I'm not gonna lie. You two are actually pretty popular." Geoff said.

"I am? People like me?" I asked Geoff.

"Of course. You have fans here tonight." Geoff said as a lot of the crowd was cheering for us.

I smiled and nervously waved at the crowd.

"Anyways. Lots of people speculated that you and DJ were a couple." Geoff said.

Okay... I probably should've seen this coming.

"I'm sorry... say that over?" I asked.

"People speculated that you and DJ are in love. Care to answer for us?" Bridgette asked.

I could feel my face getting red.

"Me, and DJ are not a thing." I said.

"Neither one of you have feelings for each other? Not even a little?" Bridgette asked.

"Nah. Me and Derick have a platonic relationship. Nothing more, nothing less." DJ said.

"Oh really?" Geoff asked." Then explain this."

He started showing photos of us hanging out. One was me catching DJ from a tree bridle style during the pirate challenge last season.

Then there was a photo of me comforting DJ during the monster movie.

Then there was one when DJ falling asleep on my shoulder.

"When did that even happen?" DJ asked.

"Right... about fell asleep when we were watching Fairytail." I said awkwardly.

"Yeah, we're pretty sure you two are a thing." Geoff said.

"We even blogs, and ship wars talking about you guys." Bridgette said showing a giant debate.

Apparently one side thought we were a couple, and the other side was arguing that we weren't a thing.

"Derick. I notice you treat DJ differently from the rest of the competitors." Geoff said.

"Because he's one of my friends." I said.

"Harold was your friend." Geoff argued.

"Well yeah, but-" I started but then got cut off.

"But, you were always looking out for DJ. And Gwen was your friend. You didn't treat her the way you treated DJ." Geoff said.

"Well. We have a certain respect for each other. We're great friends." I said.

"Yeah, but you two were soooooo touchy, and huggy. You'd be so cute together." Bridgette added.

I'm trying my best to control my blush.

"Ha! His face is even turning red!" Geoff yelled.

"That's out of embarrassment, not what you think it is." I said.

I looked to see the anvil about to fall behind us.

"DJ. Do you anything to say about this?" Geoff asked.

"Um...." He said scratching the back of his head.

"Ooh. We have an email from a fan" Bridgette said.

Oh God. What now?

"Okay. This is from 'Nightskullfire" Bridgette started." When do you two think you're going to hook up?" Bridgette reads.

Me and DJ both looked at each other. Then at Bridgette.

"We're not a couple." I said.

"Oooh! We got a caller!" Geoff said.

They put the person that was calling on the giant Screen.

The caller was a girl.

"Hi. My name is Elena." She said.

"What can we help you with?" I asked.

"Okay, so I'm a huge yaoi fan! And I just wanna say you two are so cute together. I'm writing a fanfic where you both go to the same school. And you both slowly start to develop feelings. I just wanna know one thing." She said.

"And What's that?" I asked.

"Will you two kiss for the camera?" She pleaded." Please! I'll pay you both! I wanna use it as my Wattpad book cover. I already have 700,000 people willing to read it. And It's only been the first day. Your fans are waiting Derick!"

I'm sure my face was a blushy shade of red.

"Well. What do you say boys?" Bridgette asked.

"And, we're back to square one." I said." Could we get on a different subject please?" I asked.

"Fine." Geoff said.

"WAIT! BUT I HAVEN'T!-" the caller was yelling before getting hung up on.

"So Derick, how did you feel being cheated out of a million bucks?" Geoff asked.

"Well. I'm kinda sad. I came so far last season. But I was kicked off. Not sure why Chris choose to get rid of me. Maybe I was too good at the game?" I said.

"Yeah, but Owen's still in. And he beat both you and Gwen." Bridgette said.

"Speaking of Gwen, we haven't called her out yet. Come out Gwen!" Geoff yelled.

Lots of people were booing her. Even Courtney. Gwen got pushed out and sat down with us.

Basically, Geoff kept asking Gwen questions. Courtney accused Gwen of having feelings for Duncan.

Trent then eventually told them that he threw the game, not Gwen. Then we started talking about Trent's fanmail.

Bridgette then submitted a question to answer, but then lied saying that it wasn't her. Since she lied, the anvil fell.

Me, DJ, and Gwen all jumped off the couch to dodge the anvil. And just like that, the show was over.

I followed DJ to where he was going.

"Hey DJ." I said.

"Hey Derick."

"So, got any plans?" I asked.

"Not really. I'm probably gonna go hang out with my Mama."

"Can I come along?" I asked.

"Yeah. Sure. I don't see why not." He said.

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