2:38 am

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  " what was the point of giving me this if you couldnt keep your promise to me in the first place"

" im sorry" she tried grabbing my hand , but i pulled away before  she could. 

" dont touch me " i said to her 

" dont be like this " she said

" dont be like what?"

" youre not innocent..."


"  we're going out tonight"  said selena busting into my room.

" um..."  

"uh huh , okay be ready in an hour"

"wait , " i said stopping her, " what do you mean we're going out tonight?"

she looked it at me as if i were to be slow , and i gave her the same look back.

"  the only time you go out is when its school or work related. its a beautiful saturday evening. we should go out and enjoy it. i know everytime you try to go out things end up terrible , but maybe tonight could be different yah kno ?"

" ill see you in an hour" and with that is shut my door, took off my clothes and hopped in the shower.

xxx 2 hour later xxx

" oh my gosh , can you cheer up! "

" what are you talking about ? im like the happiest person on earth" i said while putting a fake.

" youre fooling no one with that smile. we're at your favorite restaurant , youre eating your favorite food. is this not enough for you?" 

i giggled.

"whats so funny?" she asked.

i shook my head.

"tell me , i wanna continue to make you smile"

" selena stop being gay" 

"..im sorry arnt you..."

" yes , very much so. and your straight as a ruler."

"cant help it"

"  you wanna get some ice cream ?" 

this bitch really must hate me.

we got a to go box . and began walking to the  cold stone near by. 


" we can fix this " 

" i dont think we can"  she said wiping her tears in the sleeve of "her" hoodie.

" yes , we can. i dont want to see things end like this" i said looking at her but she wouldnt make eye contact with me.

" you lied to me. you cheated on me. you hurt me , and i stayed. i cant take this anymore its unhealthy. " more tears came running down her face. 

" i never cheated on you."

" if i wasnt there , im sure you would have"

" i didnt cheat. but im guilty of lying and hurting you and for that im sorry."

" you didnt cheat? but you were a centimeter away from kissing the guy i told you to stay away from"

" everything isnt always as it seems hazel... look i have to go. i need you to know that i love you more than anything. "


i kissed her on her cheek and i left.


" serenity , you good ?"

" yeah , why?"

"youre crying..."

" huh? oh uhm my eyes are watery"

these flashbacks are killing me.

we'd finally gotten to coldstone and we we're in line . waiting. but there was something off about the person in front of us. i felt like i knew her , yet i didnt. 

selena nudged me a bit. " creep much? dont stare"

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