×. ❜They Skedaddled [Rev. Anika]

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Book Name: They Skedaddled

Author:  SongYeEun2500

Reviewer: Anika ( FrozenHeartsGalaxy )

Cover: 2.5/05

The colour scheme of characters doesn't match each other nor look relevant to the mood. You should have chosen face claims for both of them that convey the almost same emotion and match the plot as well. Overall, cover is attractive, the fonts and background image below is suitable but those face claims ruined the appealing look, especially how Jungkook is positioned higher and his head is touching the roof of the cover.

Title: 03/05

The title is short and matches the plotline but we cannot say that it is eye-catching. Remove the pronoun because the word 'Skedaddled' alone looks more unique.

Synopsis: 6.5/10

The blurb shows interaction between the characters which gives insights about their personalities. The other two paragraphs focus on chemistry between them and the main plot which seems quite intriguing. The dialogues were kinda confusing, although we could say the author hid it purposely. But the summary of the plot is more attention-grabbing. In my opinion, the author should add the quotes that sound more memorable or remarkable to grab the interest of the readers rather than this exchange between the main protagonists even if they were key dialogues in the middle of the climax.

Execution: 9/10

The exposition makes us more curious and eager to read the book further. The background and purpose of the main plot was slowly revealed in a balanced pace and at great timings. The neatness in the flow of the storyline clearly shows the author's efforts and great strategy skills.

Plot: 17/20

The plot of rich and rival families is quite common but the author spun it in a most creative and entertaining way by making the foes help each other and more. The author also carried out the enemies-to-lovers trope pretty well in the plot without ruining anything. I love how there was no need to go to lengths of explaining or revealing characters' situations in detailed narration because everything got clear through the flow of story, character's behaviours were expressive and other aspects were well-portrayed. The story was going great until that clicking part came, the construction of the scene where Jungkook accidentally posted online wasn't that realistic. I suggest changing that part into something more logical.

Writing style: 12/20

The descriptions are detailed in the right amount of explanation, it was smooth, easy and understandable to read. However, there were some errors, kindly use bold letters instead of asterisk for headings. Also you shouldn't use colons to describe that the characters are in the middle of a call, I believe the author has a great writing style so it wouldn't be hard to narrate it in more details instead of using easy ways. It doesn't look appealing at all, besides it looks only suitable for text messages. When using foreign words such as 'Oppa' or 'Appa' etc make sure to italicise them.

Grammar and Vocabulary: 12/20

You need to edit early chapters because there are many punctuation mistakes, most dialogues lack commas with attributive tags. The word 'ranted' is excessively used. Don't use double quotation marks for anything other than dialogues, adopt single quotation instead. Exp. Chapter 8: Appa "told" us that Mr. Choi agreed to marry his son to me.

Sometimes you added commas at wrong places such as Chapter 4: 'Soo Yoon was as usual sitting in her seat, solving some maths sums but stopped when someone came up to her,' This action occurs before the dialogue, it should be given its own sentence. Meaning, it shouldn't end with a comma because it is not a dialogue tag.

Chapter 2, he stood up and furiously stepped towards her but stopped himself in middle
Correction: He stood up and furiously stepped towards her, but stopped himself in (the) middle.

Chapter 3: I too looked in the direction of this voice
Correction: I, too, looked in the direction of this voice

Chapter 8, "Don't, Yoon," He said and looked at me. "Don't bring it here. It is of no use"
If the action interrupts the dialogue, it should begin with lowercase and end with a comma. The other dialogue should begin with lowercase as well.

Chapter 8, "That's too early for me," No response, he just looked down without saying anything.
Dialogue followed by an action tag doesn't require a comma in the end.

I picked a few of the mistakes and explained it to you with the best I can. I suggest learning the usage of punctuations more.

Character development: 9/10

The design of characters is well-made and illustrated excellently in the story. The chemistry between every different character looks relevant as none of them were dramatic or illogical, rather they all are flawed, reasonable and likable. I was able to empathize with the protagonists' emotions and felt a roller coaster of emotions throughout the story. I love the way the author showed how their families reacted to the social media posts differently, those properties of characters were able to enhance the story and thrill me even more. The author holds the talent of scheming great reactions and dialogues at the right moment. Jungkook's personality is impressive, I'm in love with Sooyoon as well. Both accurately displayed the struggles of being heirs and acted according to the environment they lived in with the traits they developed as a result. Besides, none of the characters has done anything out of their respective given personalities.

Total Marks: 71/100

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