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Your POV
My parents surely discussed with Sana last night. I just hope they will accept... I am so miserable here! 😑

Mom: good morning, sunshine! 😊

You: good morning! Mom! You ok?

Mom: yes... How about you?

You: so-so!

You gave her a weak smile.
Your mom then sat at the edge of your bed, she took your hand and looked at you with a smile, then she started to talk to you..

Mom: sweety! We need to talk!

You: okey... It has been so long that I wanted you to tell me something! I noticed you had something to tell me but you kept it... Now I wanna hear it! But before you start where is appa?

Mom: oh..he left earlier! He will be home earlier this evening!😊

You: okk... Now go ahead!😊

Mom: you may be wondering all the times like,why do my parents do this to me? I am like a prisoner! How many times did you ask that yourself?

You: well... So many times! Last time was yesterday!😑

Mom: after what happened, I planned to tell you today! You know, parents always worry about their children..always!! That is the case for yours! Me and your dad never stop thinking of you since the day I gave you birth. You are our one and only daughter and child. You will always stay the one after all! We love you so much! 😊 when you were born, you were already so cute and beautiful! We loved you from that first day! We were always afraid of losing you, but our fear got worse when you turned 6. You played around, me and your father was preparing the dinner. You were so happy playing with your new, first puppy, she was cute like you,you named her Tiffany, you remember right? *you nodded* Then suddenly,you placed your right hand on your left chest as if it hurt you so bad,your breathe became faster and you seemed to suffocate!then, you passed out!we rushed you to the hospital. The doctor did not say much, you did not stay unconscious for so long though so they sent you home afterwards! They just told us to be careful.

You: awww,wait! Breathe mom! You will be tired if you do not stop talking!... So I was that cute!!!😍

You chuckled and stood up to take something to drink. You came back with two glasses of orange juice.

Mom: Thank you! You are still cute darling!😊

Then you took your photo album from your tiny library. And looked at each one of the pictures! There you found a picture of you with the puppy! Tiffany!

Mom: We bought it together at your dad's friend's house! You were so happy to bring her home for the first time...

You: She is so cute! 😊 can you continue mom???? 😊

Mom: Yeah, yeah! Everything were alright! You loved Tiffany so much sometimes you take her for a walk in the evening! You were both so happy for each other.. Until one morning,when you woke up, Tiffany was weak beside the door of your room. She complained a lot,you shouted for help. Me and your dad came to see what happened,you knelt and took weak Tiffany in your arms.. We did not know what to do since she was really really really weak and suffering. Just when you took her, she no longer moved. She died!😑 then you cried a whole ocean, and you carefully placed Tiffany on the floor.. You covered your face with your two hands and shouted out "Tiffany...Tiffany..." . Your father knelt at your level and patted your back to comfort you... Then you removed your hands from your face! You placed your hand on your left chest again... I knew it is coming back.. You fainted in your father's arms. Obviously,we went to the doctor and this time, they took you to a room and we couldn't visit you for hours. When the doctor came out from the room where you were, he invited us to join his office.

Doctor: well..this time it is dangerous. Her heart was near to stop beating.

Your mom cried as she held your father's hand.

Doctor: I decided to make a whole diagnosis... But I won't have the results unless tonight so we have to wait. For the moment, she is sleeping. She already woke up few minutes ago but we helped her to fall asleep again so that she may have rest.

[The evening]

Your parents were already with you ... When the doctor called them again.. So you were just with the nurse.

Doctor: I knew it.. But now I am sure enough. Your daughter is having heart condition! I am so sorry to tell you that,.. If you noticed, she always got in this state whenever she was emotional. Very happy or very sad! That is heart condition! Worst of all is that it may lead to cardiac arrest,which will lead to her death. So now, Mr. and Mrs.Min, I want to ask you to be more and more careful about your daughter. Truth is,she is a very sensible human being! She can gets emotional with anything that catches her eyes,... So be careful,with the environment she's living in.. I mean, never argue or fight in front of her! Have a good choice with the movies she watches, the songs she listens to, her friends and surroundings... And especially when she will grow up, I mean when somedays she will be 15 or 16, where she will be a young girl and will start with those love affairs...  You really really need to watch over her all the times.  She will not handle to be hurt, she does not have the right to have the least of heart wounds on the earth! This girl, she just needs to be happy..  You have, you must take care of her if you do not want to lose her .

Your dad stood up and shook hand with the doctor while your mom just bowed.

~End of flashback~

Your mom ended up crying... But wiped all her tears away because she realized you may not stand seeing her like that.

Mom: I am sorry!😊

You: it's ok! Thank you mom for doing your best to protect me!😊

Mom: You don't need to thank us, that is all we can do!we love you so much!😊 If you feel like you are a prisoner being homeschooled your whole life, not being able to go anywhere you want on your own, having us around all the time, I do understand you! I am sorry!

You: shhh... It is ok mommy!it has always been ok!I am used to it, and I do not want you and dad to worry about me so I can stay like this any longer you think it is better! Come here! Let me hug you! *hugging* Awwww mommy!! I am the luckiest girl to have a caring mom like you!❤


You spend the rest of the day working on your Marketing research.
Your dad brought you and your mom to a restaurant for dinner. Then you went back home and slept. As usual!!!😊😊😊

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