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The Math teacher arrived later,so you joined the library to attend your course.

Mr.Kang: So,have you finished your homework,Ms.Min?

You: mmhh...yes! I have finished,but I am not really sure about it!

Mr.Kang: Not sure?why that?I gave you everything you need,the rules the methods and so on,how can you tell me you are not sure? That was the first chapter of the whole school year... The easiest, and you are not sure?

He said in a very serious tone.. You just looked down,not having what to answer. You know you do not like Math and this is a waste of time but no one understands.

Mr.Kang: You wanna succeed in the final exam or not? It is in a while already!

No hesitation, you said,

You: I do.

He sighed,and took the marker to reexplain everything to you.... This time you tried to really understand but a second thought was going through your mind anyway....


After few hours, Mr.Kang finally gave you some homework to do before leaving.
You accompanied him to the door and bowed to tell him goodbye.
Then you closed the door and you let out a very big sigh of relieve... Smiled a little bit, without noticing your mom at the top of the stairs looking at you.
Her steps towards you made you feel nervous...

Mom: Is it that hard,baby? , she said stroking your hair.

You: Mmhh... Do not wanna talk about it!

Then you took some ingredients from the fridge and made burgers.
You never liked to eat burgers at any other places than home and you made them yourself,your dad brought you some sometimes but you refused to eat, you never  knew why!  So you have no idea of what do other burgers taste,the same with pizza and some other snacks...

You went back to your room again to watch some video on Youtube, that is all you can do when you have free time. You like it!
Still munching your tasty burger, you typed "Jeju island" on the searching thingy...
You always dreamt of going to Jeju Island, your mom tells a lot about it, she said her and your father had their honeymoon in that place...
You watched 2 videos which let you know more about its beauty,then you closed your laptop, laid in your bed eyes to the ceiling...
"JEJU... I really wanna visit Jeju... But Dad won't let me!!! If I go, he will hire hundreds of people to look after me again,and it will not be fun. I wonder why dad and mom are so mean to me, my cousin can go anywhere she wants,but me???These four walls are all I can see everyday... I know it is risky for me but they should understand! Anyways,maybe it is just better like that!😏I do not want to have communication affairs like greeting people everywhere,being talkative with friends,asking the way,asking for help when you have issues.. I am not used to that!I only know my parents!they are the only ones whom I trust. I do not know how to talk to other people... I really don't... Mum's family must think that I am very difficult because I stay quiet when they visit us,my cousins trynna drag me out for fun ... But I just want to stay home!I am afraid,very afraid,afraid stiff to think of what may happen to me outside that gate of ours..."

Then,everything went black....

{Few hours later} [around 8pm]
You tried to open your small eyes...
You looked around but you did not recognize the place where you were at.
There was no one around, just white walls, there is something in your arm and it is so heavy for you to lift to see what's going on...
You looked up, and finally you realized you are in the hospital. As reflex, you push the red button to call for someone and few seconds later, a nurse came.

Nurse: Are you fully awake??? Ms.Min???

You: Mom!!! Dad???

Nurse: Do you remember your name? What is your name???

You: y/n!!!

Nurse: good! Is there any part of your body which hurts you?

You: My arm... Just... J- just.. My arm.

Nurse: ok! I see... You have been rushed in the hospital because you passed out in your room Ms.Min!!! It is your heart condition again! But you are better now,do you want to meet your mom?

You: yes please!!

Nurse: Not too much efforts please, just stay still... She will come!


You: Mom!!! Mom, why-

Mom: shhhh... No need to say anything sweety...  We are here! Your dad is talking to the doctor right now, just stay strong and do not think too much!

She flashed a smile! You let out a little smile too..
Then Dad came in and hugged you tight.

Dad: no worries.. We arrived at the right time! The doctor said you need to follow therapy for that heart condition, I will look for the best person to help us in it! Okey? For the moment, just do not think of anything! We are here!

Oh... I just remember that the last thing I thought about was the me staying home 24/7, but ouff... Finally outside of that room of me, and in the hospital! Nice, very nice!
The doctor came back again..

The doctor: Mr.Min, sorry to disturb your meeting with your daughter but I have something really important to tell you..

Dad: Go ahead, doctor! 😊

Doctor: well... I think a holiday would help if you agree.. I mean your daughter may like the sunshine, the waves of the blue ocean... New and fresh air!

At the corner of your eyes, you noticed mom looked down and dad was hesitating before answering "we will think of it! "

Why do we always need to think? Why are they never excited to expose me outside rooms,cars and airplanes? Am I very ugly?or am I not like others? Heart condition,yes!but I think there must be billions of people being in the same situation as me out there but they enjoy life!😑 maybe dad and Mom are too afraid for me,they are worrying a lot. I do understand!! But,I wish they could read my mind and recognize what I really want...


The next day, you were discharged from hospital and went back home.

Once you laid on your bed, your mom covered you with a warm blanket!

You: mom.. I am ok!😊

Mom: I know baby...😊 now,have rest!your cousin,aunt and uncle are on their way to visit you!

You: really?😨 oh..ok!

Later they all arrived and came in your room... After few minutes in there,the elder persons left for the living room maybe to talk about something else. But your cousin stayed.

She is 19years old, she is kind and she loves you. But the thing is,you can not love her as much as she does... It is just that you can not love anyone than your parents.
Both of you did not say a word... And you took that time to think of yourself like "maybe it is not that I do not love you or something... I love you you are like a sister to me!but I just do not know how to let you know... It is difficult for  me. Please,forgive me, Sana Unni!"

Sana: Y/n? Are you better now? I think you should come to my house so you can breathe new air, you can not stay here all the time!

You: We will see,unni!I will ask mom!

Sana: I will ask her myself! OK/?

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