[13] πŒπˆπ’π’πˆππ†

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I WAS WITH STEPHAN watching a movie and cuddling with each other.

Stephan and I have been together since the winter formal and that was like 3 weeks ago and not gonna lie never thought I would be in a relationship with a guy I bumped into in the hall.

I like his company and he's very caring for me and that's what I like about him, we are taking it slow and he agreed to it and I'm very happy even though sometimes it gets weird. Every time I'm with him everything feels like it's with Stiles and I don't like it,

I-i mean I still have feelings for him but I need to get over it because I'm with Stephan and he makes me happy.Β  Stiles is with Juliet who I haven't talk, but I guess they are happy and I should too.

Stephan at the beginning of our relationship wanted us to go more intense but I wasn't ready for that at all. Anyways, it's been quite no bad werewolf running around and trying to turn teenagers into werewolves no Peter Hale.

And no Derek, I haven't seen or talked to him since he lied to Scott about a cure and he hasn't come to check up on me or my brother but I guess being an alpha changed him.

My aunt Jenna asks me for him and how he's doing but I lie to her and say 'he's fine, but truly he's probably running around and turning kids. I don't know why he changed like that, he wasn't like that he was sweet and caring and just from one night that changed into killing his own family Peter and now being the alpha and turning kids.

"What are you think about?" Stephan asked me making me look up at him and placing my hand on top of his chest.

"Just thinking about how one of my closest friends is doing right now," I said letting out a sigh not giving him an actual name.

"Why what's wrong?" He asked me in concern making me smile.

"I like when you get concerned about me," I said to him making him smile.

"Well, I'll be doing that often," he said to me making me let out another sigh.

"I haven't seen him for the past couple of weeks and it seems he doesn't want to talk, I grew up with him but I don't know if that changed and I'm scared he'll leave like everyone has," I said playing with Stephan shirt making him place his hands on my wrist holding it softly,

"Hey, he probably needs a little break on the shit he's probably going through and he won't leave you no one is not me. I'll be here for you whenever you want I'm not going anywhere." Stephan said making my face soften and I had like the biggest smile on my face before I leaned in and kissed Stephan passionately, placing both my heads on both sides of his cheeks and deepening the kiss.

He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him as he rolled us over and now I was laying on the bed and him on top of me. He pulled away with a smile before placing his hand on my neck and the other hand still placed on my waist before he went down and kissed me making us move in sync.

He began to kiss down my cheekbone onto my neck making me grip his hair and move so he could have more access to my neck. We've had make-out sessions but we never go overboard like having sex no. I'm not ready yet and I won't be until I find the perfect guy and that probably won't be anytime soon even though- I didn't say anything but every time we do this he wants to continue but I don't.

Is it bad?

Will something bad happen if I don't let him? Will he leave me?

I'm over think many things but I think I overthink it more with Stephan- I mean he's caring but it could be just because they want to sleep with me and pretend is all fake making me hurt and never want to be in a relationship.

They just come and go like the waves in the ocean.

I pulled away from him when he lift my shirt making him stop.

"I'm sorry but I'm not ready yet, please understand that," I told him softly making him sigh and lay beside me.

"Yeah, whatever." He told me making me look away.

"Don't be like that. I told you wanted to take things so, please don't be mad." I said to him as he looked at me before smiling at me and pecking my lips.

"I could never be mad at you, even if I wanted to." He told me making me smile before kissing me on the lips and making me sit on his lap.

"Good because I don't want to get mad at you, this is my first ever relationship and I want this to work, I like you and I don't want us fighting like every couple that is out there. Stephan, you are the first guy I'm actually in a serious relationship with, yes I had crushes but I never dated them.

Either they didn't like me or I wasn't ready for them because some just want girls to hook up and shit but I'm not the type of girl I want to take it slow and make sure we do work out. And I'm trusting you because I don't trust you so easily. After all, either they betray me or they walk out of my life like it's easy not to be in pain and going through something alone. I don't want that," I told him in full honesty.

"I know and I won't hurt you, I will make you the happiest of all. I like you and I don't wanna hurt you." He told me making me kiss his lips again before laying down and continuing to watch the movie.


"SHE ATE THE LIVER?" Scott asked Stiles while we were walking to class. They caught me up with everything that's been happening.

"No, I didn't say she ate it. I just said it was missing." Stiles said.

"And you know what? Even if she did, so what? It's the most nutritious part of the body." Stiles told us making me look at him with disgust.

"I never ate anyone's liver."

"Yeah, right, 'cause when ur comes to werewolves, you're a real model of self-control," Stiles said before stopping and walking in front of Scott.

"Wait. Hold on. You're the test case for this, so we should be going over what happened to you."

"What do you mean?"

"What?" Scott and I said at the same time.

"I mean, like what was going through your mind when you were turning, you know?" Stiles told Scott making me look beside him.

"What were you drawn to?" Stiles asked him.

"Allison," Scott told Stiles making him groan.

"Okay, nothing else? Seriously?" Stiles said making Scott smile before shaking his head.

"Nothing else mattered."

"You guys are so cute." I said with a smile before looking at Stiles who gave me a 'Are you serious' face making me smile.

"But, no, that's good though, right? Cause the night that Lydia was big, she was with you." Scott said turning to face me and making me shake my head.

"Technically, but she just came so I could help her look for Jackson," I told them that's when Stiles turned and saw Jackson pulling up.

"Well, then I better get going Stephan is waiting for me," I said to them.

"You guys are together right?" Scott asked me making me smile.

"Yes, we've been dating for a couple of weeks now," I told him before he smiled at me and hugged me, leaving me with Stiles. I and Stiles walked into the corridors together,


"Stiles?" I said back making him stop in his tracks.

"Are you happy?" He asked me making me frown.

"Why you ask?" I said to him as he let out a sigh.

"I-mean with Stephan are you happy?" He asked me. Why is he so concerned if I'm happy with Stephan?

"I'm your friend and I just want you to be happy that's all." He said to me even though I don't think it's what he meant but I'll go along with it.

"Y-yeah, I am," I told him with a smile.

I am happy with Stephan, I think. Why am I having second thoughts?

"Aurora!" I hear someone say making me turn around and I saw Stephan,

"Hey," I said as he pecked my lip in front of Stiles making me look at him as he had an expression I didn't recognize.

"Um, Stephan this is Stiles one of my friends. Stiles this is Stephan my-my boyfriend." I said to Stiles as I scratched the back of my head making this whole thing awkward,

"hi," Stiles said to him making Stephan wave back at him.

"Well, we should get going to class," I told Stephan making him,

"yeah, let's go. Nice to meet you, Stiles." Stephan said making me smile.

"Yeah, you too," Stiles said before I spoke up,

"I'll see you later. Text me if something happens." I told him whispering the last part before walking away with Stephan as he had his arm wrapped around my waist.

"So- he's one of the kids you hang out with, huh?" Stephan asked me making me look at him as his face read jealous.

"Your jealous?" I asked him with a smile before he got all stuttering.

"W-what n-no." He said making me raise my eyebrows.

"Maybe a little." He told me making me peck his lip before smiling.

"You don't have to worry he's just a friend," I said to him even though deep down I know that it was a lie. I shouldn't feel this way for him not anymore I'm with Stephan and I'm happy.


"CAN WE TALK ABOUTΒ  something less disgusting?" I said gagging out before I watched Allison laugh. I let out a sigh before my face soften a little.

"How are you holding up?" I asked her making her sigh.

"I'm okay." She told me.

"Alli, if you're not j-just know that I'll be here for you no matter what," I told her as she opened up with a smile.

"I know." She said to me before she took her black dress out of her locker.

"Ooh, nice dress," I said to her as she took out a small note that was in her locker. From where I am it said 'because I love you' and it made me smirk.

"Is that from lover boy," I said making her blush.

"Ah, it is," I said to her.

"Now I know what makes Allison Argent blush," I told her making her roll her eye at me as she closed her locker.

"Nice dress." Someone said making us jump at the sound of his voice we turned around and saw this kid name Matt.

"Nice camera," Allison said to him with a friendly smile making me smile at her.

"Not her sister, her aunt. The one who murdered all those people." Harley said from the other side of the corridor as she was speaking to one of her friends.

"Alli, ignore them," I told her.

"You mean the crazy bitch who killed all those people." Her friend said making me let out a scoff before turning to them.

"Can you guys shut the fuck up, I've had enough of people gossiping like get your own life," I told them as they just watched me before Harley's friend spoke up.

"I see why your friends, your aurora your parents abandoned you well died and her aunt is murdered What a perfect friendship," She said making me snap at her dropping all my books and running up to her before my fist landed on her cheek.

"You fucking bitch," she said before attacking me but I pulled her by the hair dragging her.

"Never talk about me or my family and never gossip about any of my friends or else you'll remember my name, Aurora Collins. I'll be your worst nightmare and trust me you're on my list now." I said before Mr. Harris pulled me away from her.

"Miss Collins!" He said making me roll my eyes.

"She started it," I said making her nod her head.

"She just came at me." She said making me scoff.

"Grow the fuck up you bitch,"

"Miss Collins that's enough, Detention see you there." Mr. Harris said making me scoff and pull away.

"What! Me? She's the one gossiping about my friend and me she's the one-,"

"detention now!" He said one more time making me scoff. "Will can I at least say goodbye to my friend," I told him and he nod making me walk away to Allison.

"You didn't have to do that." She told me.

"Trust me I had to she was coming at you and not mentioning me too. I had to stop her." I told her.

"Thank you." She said.

"What are friends for," I told her before she hugged me.

"Okay, enough now. You should get going because I have detention." I told her making.

"I'm sorry,"

"Alli, it's fine I'll be alright. Be at the funeral with your family and if you need anything call me." I told her maki g she nod before I watched her walk away as I looked at Mr. Harris who was waiting for me patiently.

"Let's go." He said making me roll my eyes at him and walking off with him to detention.

As I walked into the detention room I saw a familiar face making me shake my head repeatedly.

"What did you do?" I asked him as he lift his head to see me walk up to him.

"Was talking while we had a quiz," Stiles said to me making me laugh.

"Well, Stiles never gets bored," I commented making him chuckle.

"What did you do?" He asked me now making me sit down beside him.

"Attack a file for talking shit about me and Allison," I said to him making him flinch.

"Ouch, you in detention because you beat the shit out of her?" He asked me making me nod.

"Yep, I don't know why me. She attacked Allison and me."

"Who was the girl?" Stiles asked me making me shrug my shoulder.

"I don't know she's friends with Harley," I said to him making him laugh.

"Brianna? Oof, she loves talking shit about others." He said to me making me scoff.

"Yeah, well. I guess she never got beat up by anyone besides me." I said to him making him laugh.

"Yep." He said to me making me smile.

"How's things with you and Juliet?" I asked him making him hesitate to speak and making me frown. He didn't see my face because he looked down.

"Honestly, I don't know. Let's say we've been distant-I guess." He told me making me soften my eyes.

"Well, it's probably nothing. Maybe she's having some issues. What I know-knew about Juliet is that she is never distant unless something is wrong with her or someone. So just give her time that's what she probably needs." I told Stiles knowing how Juliet was before she betrayed me and we stopped being friends.

I knew Juliet is always distant when something is bothering her or when she's gotten herself into trouble.

Is she in some kind of trouble? Is she okay?

"I guess." He said making me look at him as his face was full of sadness, I'm going to regret this so much.

"Um-if you want I-I can talk to her?" I asked him making his eyes shoot up with a smile on my face making me feel sad. I still have feelings for him but I need to get over them.

"You'll do that for me?" He asked me making me hesitate before nodding.

"Y-Yeah, I will," I said to him swallowing thickly before putting up a fake smile.

"What are friends for," I said to him as he nodded.

"Thank you." He said to me feeling the urge to cry but I didn't I wanted to look like I didn't care and push my feelings away.

"No need to thank me, Stiles," I said to him.

"Have you guys found Lydia yet?" I asked him. I may not be friends with her and hate her as much as I do but it doesn't mean I want her dead. I'm not that type of person unless it comes to someone I care about who got hurt by someone.

"Nope, not yet." He said softly, I placed my arm on his shoulder rubbing it softly,

"Don't worry she'll be okay, even though she's never okay. But not the point." I said to him,

"H-have you heard anything from Derek?" I asked Stiles, I've been worried for Derek he may become an alpha but I still care for him if he isn't the same person I knew.

"Uh, no actually. He's been MIA and Scott hasn't spoken to him." Stiles informed me making me nod.

It's been like an hour and I'm extremely bored and tired and I just want to get the hell out of here like I need to be somewhere- oh shit I forgot I had to meet up with Stephan and 3 and I'm at detention, he's going to be super pissed.

"Um- Mr. Harris May I please leave I need to be somewhere right about now," I said to him while pointing towards my watch as Stiles got up.

"Yeah, it's time to leave it ends at 3," Stile said to him but what he did is laugh making me and Stiles look at each other. "My detention is an hour and a half." He said.

"What? You can't do that." Stiles and I said at the same time in disbelief.

"Uh, yes I can. And I just did." Mr. Harris said to us before leaning into his desk.

"You see, Stiles," Mr. Harris said pretending like I wasn't there.

"Since your father was so judicious in his dealing with me, I've decided to make you my project for the rest of the semester. You are going to benefit from all of the best strict discipline has to offer. Now, sit down before I decide to keep you here all night." Mr. Harris said to Stiles making me glare at the man knowing that he can't use a child for his project.

"You can't use a kid as a personal project if you have beef with their parents. Just man the fuck up and talk to the parent instead of using a kid who has nothing to do with it." I said to Mr. Harris angrily as he lift his eyebrows at me.

"Stiles, grab your stuff we are leaving," I said to him as I gather my stuff and he did too before I began to walk in front of the room to Mr. Harris.

"Never use a kid as a personal project," I told him before leaving the room with Stiles behind me.

"Oh my God, that was awesome," Stiles said to me full of excitement making me laugh.

"Thanks," I said blushing a little bit before it stopped when I saw Stephan. With a face, I couldn't describe making me feel nervous.

"I should go. Stephan is waiting for me," I said to Stiles as he watched me look in that direction.

"Hey, are you okay?" Stiles said to me making me feel his arm rest on my shoulder.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked chuckling nervously.

"Because you seem off." He said to me making me shake my head.

"I'm fine. I should go, see you tomorrow, yeah." I said to him before I hug him quickly and sprinted towards him.

"Hey babe," I said with a smile before pecking his lips but he didn't react to making me frown.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.
"We were supposed to be out together but then I see you with him at school." He said to me angrily. "Stephan, I had a detention I wasn't with him he was with me at detention he got in trouble-," I didn't finish my sentence because Stephan snapped at me.

"Stop lying, for once in your life stop lying." He told me as he gripped my arm tightly making me fear him. I've never seen him like this, but he's changed since we began to date and now I think this was a bad idea to get into a relationship with someone like him.

"Stephan you're hurting me," I said to him letting out a wince of pain.

"From now on stay away from him." He said making me look at him with disbelief.

"What- Stephan he's my friend," I said but he didn't care.

"I don't give two flying fucks, stay away from him or else he'll end up hurt," Stephan said to me making me nod.

"Y-yeah, I-I will. Just p-please let me go, y-your hurting m-me." I said to him my voice in fear.

'Why does everything go wrong with me.'



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