[14] π—œπ—¦π—”π—”π—– π—Ÿπ—”π—›π—˜π—¬

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"I'M SERIOUS." Scott said to Stiles heading into the boys lockers rooms.

"It's not like the last full moon. I don't feel the same."

"Oh, does that include the urge to maim and kill people like me?" Stiles questioned Scott.

"I swear I don't have the urge to maim and kill you." Scott informed his best friend.

"You know, you say that now. But then the full moon goes up, and out come the fangs and the claws and there's a lot of howling and screaming and running everywhere, okay? It's very stressful on me, and so, yes, I'm still locking you up." Stiles said making Scott roll his eyes.

"Okay, fine. But I do think I'm in more control now. Especially since things are good with Allison." Scott said making Stiles roll his eyes annoyed.

"Okay, I'm aware of how good things are with Allison." Stiles said not wanting to continue thisΒ  subject.

"They're really good. I..."

"thank you, I know."

"I mean, like, really good." Scott said making Stiles get annoyed into the conversation.

"All right, I get it! Just, please, shut the hell up before I have the urge to maim and kill myself." Stiles said rolling his eyes at Scott.

"All right, did you get something better than handcuffs this time?" Scott asked his best friend.

"Yeah, much better." Stiles said as he opened the locker and when he did a whole huge chains began to fall to the floors. Scott look at his best friend with a surprise look and coach look at stiles before looking at stiles.

"A part of me wants to ask. The other part says knowing will be more disturbing than anything I could ever imagine." Coach said making Stiles look away full of embarrassment in his face not wanting to look at Coach.

"So..." Coach sputters shaking his hands.

"I-I'm gonna walk away." Coach said to them making Stiles point at his coach in agreement.

"That's good. That's a wise choice, Coach." Stiles said before Stiles signal Scott to help him pick up the chains.

"Hey, I saw Aurora with Stephan yesterday after detention." Stiles said making Scott frown.

"You were stalking her?" Scott asked making Stiles glare at him.

"No, she got Detention for hitting a girl. Anyways not the point. We were walking out of school when Aurora said she was leaving because Stephan was there. When she left to go with him I saw them arguing and from far away Aurora looked scared." Stiles said making Scott look up at his best friend in concern.

"You think she's in danger with Stephan?" Scott questioned him but Stiles let out a sigh.

"I-uh I don't know. But she looked pale and I think she's not happy," Stiles said making Scott look at him.

"You like her?" Scott said to him making Stiles look surprise.

"What-when-no. I-don't -like her -not at all." Stiles said as his heart began to beat fast and his cheeks turned into a pink color.

"Stiles?" Scott said making him sigh.

"I'm with Juliet. I'm just concern-as a friend nothing else." Stiles said even though he doesn't know what he feels-deep down he needs to figure out about his feelings between those two girls.

Scott lifted his head and his eyes began to glow as he looked around making Stiles look at his best friend in concern.

"You okay?" Stiles asked but Scott wasn't looking.

"Scott." Stiles said making Scott look at him.

"There's another. In here, right now." Scott said making Stiles confused.

"Another What?" Stiles asked.

"Another werewolf." Scott said, as both began to look around for the other werewolf.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  "It was kind of like a scent, but I couldn't tell who it was." Scott said to Stiles.

"What if you can get him one-on-one? Would that help?" Stiles asked his best friend.

"Yeah." Scott said to Stiles as he rolled up his sleeve.

"Okay. I think I got an idea." Stiles said before he ran off running away leaving Scott alone.

"Let me guess, your buddy left you alone." Aurora said making Scott jump.

"I'm sorry." Aurora said let out a laugh.

"So where did he ran off too?" Aurora asked the werewolf,

"I don't know?" Scott said.

"Hey, I got a question." Scott asked the brunette.

"Ask away." She said with a smile on her face.

"Is everything okay, with you and Stephan?" Scott asked her making her smile fade away and her body stiffs,

"y-yeah, everything is fine. Why do you ask?" Aurora asked trying sound calm.

"Oh, nothing." Scott told her before he stood up and grabbed her shoulders.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" He said to his best friend making her smile.

"I know, and thank you for that." She said to him before she pulled away.

"I should go, I'm going to be late for a study group im having at the library," Aurora said in her soft voice making Scott nod.

"I'll see you around." Scott said making her nod before she walked off.

AURORA walked in the corridor as she was heading to the study group she had at the library when she saw her boyfriend with a smile in his face like everything was okay.

"Please don't come here." Aurora whispered to herself as Stephan made his way to her making her shift uncomfortable.

"Hey baby." He said with a kiss but aurora moved quickly and pulled away as he kissed her cheek.

"What's wrong?" Stephan asked making aurora scoff.

"W-what's wrong? Really? You yelled at me and gripped my arm and told me not to hang around my best friends." Aurora told him making his smile drop.

"Have you talked to them?" He asked her making her swallow thickly before answering.

"N-no." She stuttered making Aurora has a sense of fear over her.

"You did, didn't you?" He said to her making her back up and her back suddenly hit the locker.

"I told you not to talk to them you dumb fuck. What don't you understand when I say don't talk to them?" He said suddenly gripping her arm tightly as he pulled her into the janitors closet making Aurora pull away but he was to strong.

"No-wait. Stephan please let go." Aurora pleaded making Stephan close the door hard.

"I told you not to talk to them."

"What's wrong with you? You were never like this." Aurora said trying to confront him.

"Now I am, so better get use to it. You're mine and no one else you got it?" He said to her making Aurora look at him like she couldn't recognize him who he was or the guy she knew.

Now, it's someone abusive and she regrets it being with him now. She regrets everything.

"Please, S-Stephan let go of me." Aurora said in tears making him let go and his had reached up to her cheek making her flinch.

"Ssh, it's okay." He said to her making her fear of him more then ever.

"If you don't listen it will go worst probably go after your friends." He said as Aurora looked at him through her teary eyes.

"Let's go, better not be late," He said kissing her cheeks and leaving her alone as she fell to the ground crying in tears.

"Why me? Why?" Aurora said to herself.

As someone opened the door and it was Lydia who saw her ex-best friend on the ground crying. Aurora didn't notice she was there but Lydia was going to leave but deep down Lydia cares for her even if she doesn't show it and she regretted everything she did that day.

"Rory?" Lydia said making the brunette girl look up and Lydia saw her teary eyes.

"What happened?" She said but all Aurora did was cry and Lydia didn't hesitate but she kneeled down and she wrapped her arms around Aurora holding her as she cried in her arms.

"Hey, everything is going to be okay, ssh. I've got you." Lydia said rubbing Aurora's back. Lydia found Aurora because she saw Stephan walked out of the janitors room and if she didn't see him she wouldn't of enter the room.

"Did Stephan did something to you?" Lydia asked her ex-best friend making Aurora lift her head up and looked into her eyes before nodding her head.

"Oh my God." Lydia said to her as Lydia looked and check on Aurora and saw two bruises in her arm making her gasp before hugging her again.

"Shit, Rory you have to do something. You can't be in this relationship." Lydia told her.

"I-I can't. I'm scared. He threatened me saying he would do something to Stiles or Scott." Aurora said.

"Rory you can't be in this abusive relationship you have to break it off you have to or else it will get worst." She told the crying brunette making her nod.

"I-I know." She said to her ex-best friend. Aurora is scared she isn't ready to do this and she just lie, she's too afraid.

"I will do it, just give me some time." She said wiping her tears away.

"J-just don't tell anyone please," aurora said.

"If you were really my best friend you won't say anything," Aurora said as she was about to head out but she stopped.

"Thank you." Aurora said before she walked out a left Lydia by herself.


After that chaotic morning, Aurora was trying so hard to avoid everyone and that includes stiles, and Scott but especially Allison because she knows that she will ask her a lot of questions and Aurora wasn't in the mood to talk about what is going on with her.

She wanted everything back to normal, but she couldn't have that not again, Aurora never knew she would be in this situation right now, she thought if her parents would've been alive none of this would have happened but she can't change the pass.

Unless a Time Machine existed she would be that's all in the movies. But a part of her doesn't regret being friends with two dorks that make her day or the day she met Allison who had become like a sister to her which she never had.

And she's happy she has them in her life she isn't alone.

"Hey!" Aurora heard her aunt say as she was too busy looking out the window,

"Mhm, what?" Aurora said turning her head to face her aunt.

"Hey, you all right?" Her aunt Jenna asked her concerned.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine." Aurora said faking a smile to her aunt.

"Aurora you know you could tell me anything, literally." Her aunt said making aurora smile.

"Yeah, I know. And right now I'm telling I'm fine, Jenna."

"All right, I believe you some how. But tell me how's it going with the handsome Stephan?" Her aunt asked her making her try to hold her smile up as her aunt mentioned him.

"It's going great, actually. We've been great." Aurora said to her with a smile making her smile at Aurora.

"That's great I'm happy. Even though I thought you would've end up with Stiles." She said to Aurora making her smile.

"Yeah, well. What can I say he's dating my best - ex best friend everything happens for a reason." Aurora said shrugging her shoulders at her aunt.

"Yeah, but you moved on so not everything happens for a reason. You found an amazing guy who only had eyes for you!" Aurora's aunt said as she parked the car and grabbed the keys and got out the car leaving Aurora alone.

"Yeah, he's very amazing." She said to herself before letting out a sigh and heading out the car. As she was walking to her door she heard her name being called.

"Rory!" Stiles said to her as she turned around and saw him making her face lit up as she watched the buzz cut boy run up to her.

"Stiles, hey! What are you doing here?" She asked him.

"Um, I came here because I wanted to make sure you were okay since your aunt came to pick you up early from school." Stiles said to Aurora making her smile.

"Um, yeah. I was feeling a little under the weather so I called her to pick me up." Aurora said to him as she covered the real truth to why she actually left.

"Oh, okay then." He said shoving his hands into his front pocket.

"Um, anyways I should really get going I have to go check my dad." He said to Aurora making her nod softly.

"Oh yeah. Go, don't let me stop you." Aurora said with a laughter before Stiles followed along with a laugh making Aurora stomach spin.

"Yeah, I'll see you later all right." Stiles told her making her smile.

"Yeah, see ya." She said giving him a wave as she watched him walk away to his Jeep.

She couldn't get over the feelings she has for him and she knows it's not a good idea but she can't control who she likes.


"Okay, now the keys to every cell are in a password protected lockbox in my father's office. The problem is getting past the front desk." Stiles said as he and Derek were parked in front of the sheriff's station to get Isaac out of jail.

"I'll distract her." Derek said to the buzz cut boy making Stiles eyes widen before grabbing Derek by his leather jacket.

"Woah, whoa, whoa- you? You're not going in there." Stiles said as Derek kept his eyes on stiles's hand that are still on his shoulder making Stiles look at his hand.

"I'm taking my hand off." Stiles said immediately taking his hand off from Derek.

"I was exonerated."

"Yours still a person of interest." Stiles told him.

"An innocent person."

"And-you?" Stiles said letting out a slight laugh.

"Yeah, right!" He said to Derek.

"Okay, fine. What's your plan?" Stiles asked Derek.

"To distract her." Derek said to Stiles rolling his eyes at him.

"Uh, huh. How? By punching her in the face?" Stiles said making an aggressive face and making a noise in between it, making Derek let out a fake laugh.

"Heh, by talking to her." Derek said.

"Okay, all right. Give me a sample." Stiles told Derek.

"What are you gonna open with?" Stiles asked Derek who was out of it with Stiles questioning him.

So Derek decided not to speak and just look at Stiles making stiles sigh.

"Dead silence. That should work beautifully. Any other ideas?" Stiles asked Derek who had enough of it.

"I'm thinking about punching you in the face." Derek said leaving stiles silence with his mouth open making Derek slightly smirk before getting out of the jeep.

Stiles was in the eep for a couple of seconds before he snapped back to reality before he got out of the car and running behind Derek. They entered the sheriff station as Derek went in first and began to do his move.

One of the deputies came out of a room with a file not paying attention who came in.

"Good evening, how can I help..." she said before she looked at a leaning on the desk Derek with a flirty smile.

"You?" She said.

"Hi." Derek said with a smile still on his face.

"Hi." The deputy breath out. From behind the doors Stiles was watching rolling his eyes at the scene he's watching.

"Um, I had a question." Derek said before he slowly stuttered making stiles move and head to his father's office as the deputy was to caught up with Derek.

"Um, sorry I'm a little... a little thrown. I wasn't really expecting someone." Derek said as the deputy let out a soft chuckle.

"Like... me?" She asked him making Derek laugh.

"Oh, I was gonna say, 'so incredibly beautiful.' But, yeah, I guess that'd be the same thing." Derek said with a smile before stiles went straight to the lockbox and entered the password and when he did he opened to reveal an empty lockbox.

The key wasn't there anymore. Which meant Someone came before him. Stiles heard a key jingle making him sigh before leaving the lockbox and went after it.

"No, no," stiles said as he ran after the sound and saw blood splatter and as he followed it he made a turn that lead to another turn before stile stopped when he saw an injured guy stop in front of him.

"Whoa, uh, just looking... um..." stiles said as the guy stared at Stiles. Stiles swallows thickly before looking down at the guys leg.

"Oh... sh," stile said as he was going to run but the guy grabbed stiles by his arm and covered his mouth so Stiles wouldn't scream and dragged Stiles with him.

Stiles was struggling to get out of the guys grip when he had the brilliant idea to pull the lever of the fire alarm before the guy tossed Stiles to the ground and stopped when they saw the cell door broken down.

They heard a loud growl coming from the side and Isaac attacked the guy and slammed him against the wall before slamming the guys head on the wall and he fell unconscious.

Isaac turned to face Stiles and Derek stood in front before he let out a huge roar making Isaac fall to the ground covering himself as Derek turned to look at Stiles who was being the desk scared for his life.

"How did you do that?" Stiles asked with a pant.

"I'm the alpha."


Im back!! Sorry to leave you guys hanging but I'm back and I ready to write this book!! Enjoy. Happy new year πŸŽ†


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