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"Hey everyone!" the excited voice could be heard from the red-haired girl, accompanied by a frantic wave, "It's so nice to finally be face to face with you guys, well, I'm face to face with a camera but you guys should get the effect. But hey, with the way the world's going right now, I wouldn't be surprised if you guys turned into cameras eventually, AI will end us all, I fear."

She looked at her hands for a second, seemingly distraught before glancing back up to the camera, the bright glint back in her eyes, "Anyways, I should make the most of the world right now where humans aren't a minority. I should talk about myself, yeah that should work," she muttered to herself, not caring to repress her stream of thoughts, "Well, my names Cassie, short for Cassandra Rietveld. Sounds fancy, right? My last name comes from my great great great times fifty, or something, grandpa who was Dutch! I'm mainly Korean, surprise! However, I am like one-sixteenth Dutch and I was born in the Netherlands. That's one thing me and Chรฉrie have in common, that we were both born in Europe."

"Speaking of Chรฉrie, my solo's called 'Cherry'! Before the rumors start, no, I'm not some secret undercover agent who has a mission to make Chรฉrie fall in love with me and the first step was to win her over through the power of music. Now we've got that clarified, I wrote the song before I even came to Korea so boohoo haters," Cassie points at the camera, a stern but obviously exaggerated expression on her face, "The song itself is technically a love song but I'm going to turn it around to self-love! I think my solo is basically me personified into a song so make sure to listen carefully!"

"Now, where was I before that, oh right, it's Cassie trivia time! So you know my name, where I was born, and that should make it obvious that I speak Dutch but I also speak Korea, well duh. I'm still not a thousand percent fluent but I learned it through my family and it's easier to catch on whilst in a setting where everyone speaks it. Something else about me is that I was born on February twenty-ninth in the year two-thousand. Fun fact, the whole Maknae line was born in February," she does mini jazz hands as she explains, "I'd say one of the contributing factors as to why I was able to join KQ, since I was the last of the members to join, is the fact I was also born in February. Companies love that sort of dynamic. So, thank my mother that I was born a day later, or not, I probably shouldn't discuss my family on here because, eh, hashtag estranged!"

"Also, I was born on a leap year so technically I've missed a few official birthdays so my official age, if we're following birthday laws, is seven. Which, I can work with. More about me, I'm a Pisces which is obviously, by far, the superior zodiac sign. I feel like I don't even have to explain why, it's self-explanatory. Now, I'm nearly running out of trivia points so let me think for a second," Cassie closes her eyes, appearing to be in deep consideration before opening her eyes in a horror movie-like manner.

"The members often say I'm the sunshine of the group but I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or insult since, you know, the sun is hot? Like very hot, right? So burning people doesn't exactly align with my values but honestly, I'll just go along with it since being known as the moon of the group sounds too angsty, I'll leave that to Hyunjoo."

"I kind of fell off the face of the world last year, like, I went from competing nationally with the Netheralnds's team to being completely MIA so I'm sure you guys will be glad to have me back! Wait, maybe the reason I'm known as sunshine is because I fell off the face of the earth and into the sun? Ok, let me clarify, I'm not a flat earther, but I wouldn't be opposed to believing it for my argument," Cassie huffed proudly to herself, her smile prominent as she continued, "I feel like I should have been a philosopher, I'm already coming up with answers to all these questions."

"Oh, oh! Back to my ice skating thing, did I even say ice skating was the sport I did before? Well, my dad was involved a lot in sports before I was born so growing up athleticism was all I really knew, except for Barbie dolls and all that stuff. The story seems typical, I did genuinely love the sport and put countless hours of my life into working on it but people change. It was far more complicated than this but let's just say I woke up one day and decided I wanted to be a musician. The process wasn't that easy, but I basically got my older sister to drive me to vocal lessons which I paid for using competition money and I would often write songs in my diary. They were mostly just lone lyrics, all unfinished, but I plan to get back to them one day. As for the ones that were finished, my solo is one of them and, there's none I wrote completely alone on the album other than that, but we've planned to release a few during future releases so stay tuned!"

"I want to give spoilers now! Ok, one thing that stuck out to me is, oh by the way, we've decided which number each track will be on the album so I can give more targeted spoilers. I'll just start here since I've been dying to talk about it, I think Gyulmi mentioned this as her favorite song on the album, but basically, track eights makes me feel like I'm a cowgirl walking into one of those cowboy bars but then I trip and fall into heaven, does that make sense? Well, it all will when you hear it so don't worry!"

"Now guys, I am genuinely smart because, unlike the members who had no idea what to say, I came prepared with questions! So, let's begin! Firstly," she picked up her phone and began to read off it, "' If you could collaborate with any artist who would it be?' why, what a good question, Cassie from the past. I'm a huge swiftie so would it even be possible for me to go through this whole thing without mentioning her once? The answer is no, by the way! The answer is Taylor Swift, guys. I wouldn't even mind if it was just like an Ice Spice situation where I'm in the clouds and say 'facts'. I'd do anything for just one interaction. When I say anything I mean anything."

"Now a more controversial question, things are getting heated in here guys, which is funny considering I'm talking about something cold," she giggles to herself as she begins talking again, "'Thoughts on mint ice cream', I. Love. It. From the bottom of my heart, I believe mint chocolate haters are some sort of social experiment because how do you not like it? Or even just the fact they're so passionate about it like if you really hated it that much surely you wouldn't waste half of your life ranting about it. Caught you guys. Nothing passes Detective Cassie. Also, I generally don't understand the whole 'Ew it tastes like toothpaste, how do you like it' argument because that's literally the whole selling point? Did you guys not always want to taste your toothpaste when you were younger? It's like biting into a forbidden fruit."

"Oh and speaking of forbidenness I'm, going to correlate that to my next topic which is my representative sin! I represent Envy so I feel like it's needless to say I drew the short end of the stick," she makes a thumbs down gesture to the camera, "But I wouldn't be Cassandra Rietveld if I didn't turn this around to something positive! I'll say I'm Envy since I'm a loving person and so I see people I love and I want things they have because I appreciate them as humans and value their opinions and therefore their taste? OK, does that make me sound like a nice person or just a professional liar? The first option sounds better."

"Look at the time," she looks at her wrist, a watch-less wrist to be precise, "It would appear that my time's up so I'll have to say goodbye, but the good thing about being one of the youngest is that since my episode will be posted later, I'll see you soon since our debut is close! Goodbye!" she sings, drawing out the letters, being cut off by the screen flickering off.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Bแบกn ฤ‘ang ฤ‘แปc truyแป‡n trรชn: Truyen2U.Pro