iv. ๐ซ๐žฬ๐ฏ๐ข๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐žฬ, ๐ž๐ฉ๐ข๐ฌ๐จ๐๐ž ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ

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As the screen flickered on a stiff, but almost certain, expression could be seen upon Jewel's face, "Hey everyone, my name's Jewel, and today I'll be talking a bit about myself so I can get to know you all," they nod towards the camera as they continue, "I'll be honest, this whole thing seems sort of awkward, I mean I'd say I'm not the best at adapting to new situations. For me, I prefer stability rather than just jumping from one thing for another, I'm sure some of you guys get that though?"

"All right, this isn't the right time for me to act edgy and emo, I'm not trying to create some odd persona for myself so it's time to liven myself up. You know, the members all tried to give me pep talks before this, they must know by now that one-sided conversation isn't something I exactly crave, it's usually the other way around. To be honest, they should know better, it sounds alarming but, despite the stuff, I said earlier about not liking to jump straight from one thing to another, I prefer being pushed towards the deep end without a life jacket than prolonging something. Once again, I'm not trying to act morbid and emo, get used to it."

"I need to live up to my representative sin," she stated as she brushed a hand through her hair, the dusty pink strands moving into position, "I represent pride and well, I'll let you guys work out where parts of that come from. For the rest of it, I'm a pretty confident person, sure, I'm an introvert but I see nothing wrong with a little, who am I kidding, a lot more than a little, self-love. What's it that people say, 'If you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love someone else?' or is that just RuPaul? I always end up getting sucked into watching whatever the members play at the dorm which more often than not has left me feeling more traumatized than anything else but I have this thing where if one of them is alone I'll go up to them so they're not alone anymore? It's simple maths, me plus them equals happiness and less sadness. Not trying to call myself some sort of Mother Theresa wannabe but I don't like seeing people being all isolated, even if it's their choice and they're simply relaxing and watching TV. It's just one of those things."

"This might sound offensive but I kind of feel like I'm being interviewed by the FBI right now. I mean it's inevitable that some of you guys would recognise me from the old videos when I was under YG but I feel so shameful for some reason. It's like seeing a childhood video of yourself and you do something so embarrassing that you can't even watch it without screaming. So I feel like that times one hundred," they visibly cringe as they recline their lips into a frown, "Yeah, it's not that pretty to think about."

"Anyways, all bad things lead to good things since I'm here now. Oh, about that, the staff told me something about talking about my past so I can develop this whole dark and tortured backstory so you guys sympathize with me but I'm just going to stick with the happy parts because trauma dumping is a big no. It all started with Boa, I mean what didn't start with Boa? She's not called the queen of K-pop for no reason. So I saw her and was like damn I want to do that too and, for some more background information, I loved using music as an escape when I was younger, I still do but now my headphones aren't permanently glued to my ears like a couple of years ago, but you know, because of my addiction to music it was easy to get absorbed with the whole entertainment industry and one thing lead to another and I ended up auditioning."

Her hands spring up again, the movement of them being used to emphasize parts of their story, "I'm here now and finally debuting so my dream to become an idol eventually worked out. Speaking of being an idol, a guilty pleasure or I guess it would be explained better as some sort of fantasy since I've never done this before is giving spoilers. I'm a quiet person but I'm also honest, which connotates to not liking secrets, well little ones," she gazed meaningfully at the camera, their eyes holding some sort of secret, "So, not to sound all cringe and peppy but it's spoiler time! As far as I know, the album has 16 songs, including our solos. It's a lot for a full album, well at least in K-pop standards. I think something about us as a group is that we look a lot towards artists outside of our particular industry for inspiration and in the western entertainment industry I'd say we have a pretty average album size. It's hard to say who I look towards for vocal inspiration since I'm the main vocalist and my role is basically belting out high notes to fill any silences so I guess I'll allow all of you to assign me someone. Or I'll let Chรฉrie do it, that girl has an obsession with categorizing things."

"OK, now about my solo, it's called 'Entrancing'. I used completely Korean lyrics when I wrote it since it feels more personal, I do speak English but it's always felt more like a chore if that makes sense. It was never my choice to start speaking it and for my solo, I want to portray my true, unfiltered self. The song is quite soft-sounding and gentle, which sounds pretty far away from my usual vibe. The song is your typical love song though and I think it's kind of cool how emotions can shift you momentarily into a new person, for the better. Yeah, that's also a big thing for me, conveying emotions through music, I know I'm not the most talkative person but through music, it's fascinating how just the change in key can convey a whole new feeling."

"Moving on from my solo, I think I'll just speak more about idol life in general. I don't think I'm conveying it right but it still feels surreal. It's the type of thing I used to wish for whenever I saw a shooting star or anything with connotations of luck, I'm not even a superstitious person but desperate times call for desperate measures," a fond smile appears on her face as she continues, "I feel like I should thank you, guys, too, I know some of you have supported me even before I joined KQ and I thank you for that. You guys have had my back so I want to repay you for that, I'll be your person. I know you can only access me through a screen but it would be my pleasure to do whatever I can to try to show my love for you all in any way I can. Speaking of you guys, I feel like I need to make an individual fandom name. We haven't even made Acedia's full fandom name yet, I'd say leave it to a vote but those never end well. Hmm, that's a problem for another day. Moving back to my personal fandom name, this is already getting hard, I feel like I just want to say something like sparkle because of my stage name but I'm far past sounding like a five-year-old. Once again, maybe this is a problem for another day."

"To be honest, I'm running out of things to say, this video format isn't very collaborative since I'm basically just talking to myself, surely this is some sort of build-up towards insanity? Oh well, it's bound to happen eventually. I should embrace it. I'll just talk about some of my interests. I like fashion. That sounds basic in itself but I'm a big fan of pairing things together and trying to create new outfits using the same pieces. We've already selected all of our stage outfits and they've got quite contrasting feelings to them. Some of them look more, how do I say it, innocent? Not in a weird way, I just mean lighter colors and a softer vibe to it. The others are more colorful like they still stick to a certain color palette but it's just different. I feel like I'm just talking circles around the same topic. The members tell me I tend to Jewel-splain things, basically overcomplicating things since according to them I have to sound all knowledgable at all times, whatever that means."

They purse their lips, their eyes focusing on the core of the screen, "I feel like I've had three different personalities in this video. I act very different in a group setting so this is like me before I'm surrounded by six people who spend all of their free time yapping away like hyenas. This is all you'll see of me today though. I'm not good at goodbyes so I'll keep it simple. Bye, Au revoir," with a final wave, the camera returned to black.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

a / n : i'm not even exaggerating when i say i'm running out of things to write about so i'll just be projecting onto every oc

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