-The Awakening Of Death's Heir by caramxl-sex [Rev. Lals]

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Book Title: The Awakening of Death’s Heir

Author: caramxl-sex

Reviewer: Lals

Cover: 04.75/05
It was good! It looks appealing and well made. I don’t have much to say on it; except that to some point, I felt like there was too much going on in the cover- but it could just be my opinion. I liked it either way.

Title: 05/05
I don’t have much to say (?) the title goes with the book and is quite interesting to people who’re interested in such genres. Good job!

Synopsis: 08/10
The synopsis is well written; just a couple of punctuational errors- namely, commas. For instance, in the sentence ‘My people cheered higher and higher as I shouted with a deadly smirk on my face "Your true queen is back my people"’, there should’ve been a comma, both after ‘face’ and after ‘back’. There also should’ve been a full stop at the end of the sentence. Such errors are present all over the blurb. Erect them. Other than that, I think it was beautiful. Not too much information, neither was it too less. Just enough.

Execution: 8.5/10
The execution was great! Great chapter lengths. Great character profiles. Great carrying out of the plot. Great build up. The only issue was the grammar errors here and there. Other than that, you did amazing.

Plot: 19/20
I must appreciate the fact that you took your dream and converted that into a book. And maybe, that’s why the book’s plot is quite unique and new to read. Sure, I have read books with similar concepts; but yours was almost perfectly executed. Be it the build, structure or characters- beautiful.

Writing Style: 18/20
The writing style is beautiful. However, when you convey ideas regarding a change in scenario, include in your writing rather than mentioning it separately. For instance, towards the end of the prologue you mention the said change like this: ‘somewhere in another realm:’ Instead of this, include that as a part of the paragraph. Other than that, it’s splendid, love. Captivating, simple, unique, all in one package.

Grammar & Vocabulary: 16/20
Like I’ve already mentioned above, there were errors in punctuations (mainly the commas). I also noticed that sometimes, you do not break sentences when needed. For instance, let’s take this sentence from the first chapter: ‘Such a twisted lie this world made us believe and we followed’.
Here, you should’ve broken the sentence into two at ‘lie’. Then, the sentence would be something like this: ‘Such a twisted lie. The world made us believe in it and we followed.’ Don’t you think this sounds more appealing?
Like I mentioned under ‘synopsis’, there’re many places where you failed to use full stops. Pay attention to such things. I mean, I know it may seem silly of me to reduce scores for such ‘small’ errors, but in the end, all these add up in the big picture, hm?
Moving on to the vocabulary, it was amazing. Nevertheless, I noticed a couple of mistakes regarding the plural and singular forms of words. For instance, in the first line of the first chapter, you mention that she takes in her ‘surrounding’ of her room. It’s supposed to be ‘surroundings’. Plural.

Characters & Development: 9.75/10
The characters were unique; and honestly, I loved all of them. The way you’ve given each one of them a different spotlight is appreciable. Development is quite obvious too. So good job!

Total: 89/100

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