𝒙. grandma lucille

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✧ grandma lucille ✧


Cameron felt like a prisoner in her own home. She had been hoping to sneak out early that morning to go to karate practice, but her plans were dashed when she learned that her grandmother was coming over. Dreading the visit, she now found herself stuck on the couch between her brother Anthony and sister Sam, texting her friends Arabella and Luna in their group chat.

The conversation with her friends was a mix of frustration and tentative reconciliation. Luna had just shared that, despite her initial misgivings about Cobra Kai, she had decided to support them and had even made amends with Ryan, who had apologized to her. However, Arabella and Cameron weren't ready to forgive Ryan just yet.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and Anthony eagerly jumped up, dropping his iPad onto the table. "Grandma!" he exclaimed, rushing to open the door. Cameron stayed put, her mood souring further. Sam nudged her, and Cameron rolled her eyes, preparing for what she knew would be an uncomfortable encounter. Grandma Lucille's arrival was always a test of patience, as she had a knack for saying the most inappropriate things.

Lucille swept into the room, hugging Anthony and Sam warmly. But when she saw Cameron, who sat with her arms crossed, she gave her a scrutinizing look. "Cammie! Love you, sweetheart, but ditch the crop top. Don't want people to think you're a whore," Lucille said with a dismissive wave of her hand, her eyes flicking to Daniel, who had just come downstairs.

Cameron's jaw tightened, and her glare could have melted steel. Sam noticed the burning anger in Cameron's eyes and felt compelled to comment. "You deserve that, you know?" she said, breaking the tense silence.

"What?" Cameron replied, incredulous at her sister's betrayal.

Sam fumbled, trying to explain. "I mean, you don't look like one—I just mean that you deserve that because you should have already known not to wear a crop top since she was probably gonna say something."

Cameron shook her head in disbelief, feeling completely alienated. Without another word, she stood up and walked off, her fingers flying over her phone's keyboard as she updated Arabella and Luna about the latest drama. She vented her frustration, needing the support of her friends more than ever.

"Can you believe what just happened?" she typed furiously. "My grandma just called me a whore for wearing a crop top, and Sam said I deserved it! I can't stand being here right now."

Arabella quickly responded with a string of angry emojis and a supportive message. "That's so messed up, Cam. You don't deserve that at all. Your grandma has no right to say that, and Sam should have your back."

Luna chimed in, trying to offer some comfort. "I'm so sorry, Cam. You know we're here for you. Your family can be so harsh sometimes."

"Sometimes??" Cameron replied, her fingers tapping out her frustration on the screen. "It's everyday, Luna! Sam's the perfect little angel and Anthony's an iPad kid who gets anything he wants. I love my brother, and I tolerate my sister, but they're both brats!"

Arabella sent a virtual hug emoji. "You're the strongest one in that family, Cam. Don't let them get to you. You always have us."

Luna added, "We'll always have your back, no matter what. You deserve better than how they treat you."

Cameron felt a small wave of relief wash over her. Even if her family couldn't understand her, at least she had friends who did. As she continued to text with Arabella and Luna, she made a mental note to find a way to escape to karate practice as soon as she could. Anything to get away from the suffocating atmosphere of her grandmother's visit.

Cameron sat outside with her family for lunch, dreading every moment. Her dad, Daniel, was engrossed in a heated conversation with Lucille about Johnny Lawrence bringing Cobra Kai back. He had no idea that Cameron herself was part of Cobra Kai, and she could feel the tension building.

"You know, it's bad enough that this monster is teaching kids. Now he's somehow convinced the All Valley Board to let Cobra Kai back in the tournament," Daniel ranted, his frustration clear.

Cameron slouched in her chair, her arms crossed tightly over her chest, glaring at her dad.

"Oh, that's horrible. They can't let them back. Oh, they're nothing but a bunch of bullies," Grandma Lucille chimed in, her voice dripping with disdain.

Cameron couldn't hold back any longer. "None of them are bullies. My own best friends go to Cobra Kai, Grandma, and Dad. Johnny's trying to change Cobra Kai," she retorted, carefully avoiding the fact that she was also a Cobra Kai student.

Daniel snapped his head over, his expression hardening. "He's not changing it. He's making it worse. And those best friends of yours are no longer allowed back in this house. No Cobra Kais are allowed here," he snapped at her.

Cameron's scowl deepened. She was about to expose Sam's secret about dating Miguel, a Cobra Kai student, but a harsh kick under the table from Sam silenced her. Sam gave her a pleading look, and Cameron rolled her eyes, frustrated.

Grandma Lucille turned her critical gaze on Cameron. "Trust me, sweetheart. You don't know half of it. Just remind your friends of what happened to your dad," she said, her tone condescending.

Cameron clenched her jaw, feeling the heat of anger rise. "Those Cobra jerks made my little boy's life miserable. Tell them how they pushed you down that hill," Lucille continued, and Daniel looked uncomfortable.

"Well, they've already heard it, Ma," Daniel said, trying to defuse the situation.

"I thought it was a cliff," Anthony chimed in, causing Daniel to send him a stern look.

Cameron couldn't take it anymore. She pulled out her phone and started texting Eli: "SOS. Please save me. My Grandma and dad won't shut up about the 80s." Eli quickly responded, "Sorry, babe. At movies with Miguel and Aisha. Good luck though!" Cameron rolled her eyes at the message, feeling even more trapped.

Her uncle Louie joined the conversation, his tone conspiratorial. "You know that son of a bitch has a lot of nerve entering the tournament. Especially after everything he's done to you. And you fixed his car for free. I don't know, man. I say we get the car back. You know, I could find out where he lives," Louie ranted.

Daniel almost choked on his water, but before he could respond, Sam spoke up. "Dad, what if Cobra Kai has changed? I mean, there are some kids from my school who are in it, and that doesn't automatically make them bad, right?" she asked hesitantly.

"Please, Cobra Kai will never change. Promise me you and Cameron stay away from the kids who are associated with it. All right?" Daniel insisted, his tone brooking no argument.

Sam was speechless, and Cameron didn't say anything either. She leaned over the table to grab some bread, but Anthony gasped when he saw her butterfly tattoo.

"Oh my god! Cameron has a tattoo on her back!" Anthony exclaimed.

Cameron shot him a murderous glare. "Anthony!" she scolded, but the damage was done.

Daniel's eyes widened. "I'm sorry, what?" he said, his voice low with disbelief.

Lucille seized the moment. "Daniel, when are you gonna tell your daughter to stop wearing crop tops and getting tattoos? She looks like a hooker!" Lucille exclaimed, her voice full of judgment.

Cameron's fury reached its boiling point. "Fuck you, Grandma Lucille. You are already favoriting Sam and Anthony! Every time I see you, you are always degrading me! You are just like Dad!" she shouted, her voice shaking with anger.

Lucille rolled her eyes, dismissing Cameron's outburst. Daniel slammed his fist on the table, his face red with anger. "Cameron, that is not how you speak to your grandma!" he yelled.

Cameron shook her head, feeling the tears of frustration well up. "You know what? I'm leaving! I'll be at Arabella's," she gritted out, grabbing her phone and storming back inside the house.

She passed her mom on her way out, who looked concerned. "Where are you going?" her mom asked.

"Arabella's. Dad and Grandma ganged up on me! Grandma was degrading me," Cameron explained, her voice trembling before she stormed out the front door.

The moment she was outside, she dialed Arabella's number, hoping her friend could provide the comfort and understanding she desperately needed.


sorry for short chapter but i didnt really know how to fit cameron in this episode

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