𝒙𝒊. backstabber

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✧ backstabber✧


Cameron was bored out of her mind. When she finally came home a night later from Arabella's, her dad put his foot down and grounded her for three months—not the usual two weeks. He had said, "I'm done with your rebellion! Mr. Miyagi would disapprove!" and Cameron, more annoyed than contrite, handed over her phone. Luckily, she had a burner phone stashed in her room.

Now, she was sitting in the living room with her brother Anthony and their mom Amanda when they heard arguing outside. "What's going on?" Cameron asked, her curiosity piqued. Anthony sprinted to the window to see what was happening outside. Amanda and Cameron were close behind. Cameron's eyes widened at the sight of Johnny and Daniel in fighting stances.

"Sens—Johnny Lawrence? Woah? What?" Cameron laughed, placing her hands on her hips and trying to act like he wasn't her Sensei. "What is going on?" Amanda asked, her arms crossed.

"Dad's about to fight this guy!" Anthony said excitedly, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. Cameron huffed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Amanda, just please go inside. This is between me and Sensei Lawrence," Daniel said, his voice tinged with disgust as he mentioned Johnny's name. Cameron glared at her dad and rolled her eyes.

"If you guys aren't gonna fight, I'm going inside!" Cameron exclaimed, turning on her heels with a huff and walking back inside. She couldn't believe her dad was about to fight Johnny. What was this, high school all over again?

Back inside, Cameron flopped onto the couch, her mind racing. She wondered what had caused the tension between her dad and Johnny this time. As she fiddled with her burner phone, she could still hear the muffled sounds of their argument outside. Amanda and Anthony soon followed her back into the house, Amanda looking exasperated and Anthony disappointed that there was no fight to witness.

Amanda sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I can't believe those two are still at it. It's like they never grew up," she muttered, more to herself than to her kids.

Cameron shrugged, not really interested in the ongoing feud. She had her own problems to deal with. Grounded for three months? That was going to be torture. She pulled out her burner phone and started texting Arabella, filling her in on the latest drama.

Cameron trudged through the school hallways, already regretting her decision to sign up for the PSATs. The test paper before her seemed like a pointless jumble of questions, and she couldn't get comfortable in her chair. She watched as Miguel and Demetri chitchatted across the room, their casual conversation making her even more frustrated. Her gaze drifted over to Sam, who was intensely focused on her test, and Cameron huffed in exasperation.

Unable to stand it any longer, she stood up, grabbed her backpack, and walked out of the classroom. Pulling out her burner phone, she quickly texted Hawk, asking him to meet her in Mr. Honchalk's classroom, which was empty at this time. Hawk agreed almost immediately.

Cameron made her way to Mr. Honchalk's classroom, a computer lab that was locked during off-hours. When she arrived, Hawk was already there, leaning against the door with a curious look.

"How are we gonna get in? The door's locked," Hawk said, eyeing the door.

Cameron smirked and knelt down, pulling a hair clip from her hair. She began fiddling with the lock, her movements precise and practiced. After a few moments, the door clicked open, and Cameron stood up, triumphantly crossing her arms.

"Never underestimate Cameron LaRusso," she said with a grin as she walked backward into the lab. Hawk followed, closing and locking the door behind him.

The room was filled with idle computers and quiet stillness. Cameron hopped up onto a desk, her legs crossed. "So, what class are you supposed to be in?" she asked casually.

"Biology. Ms. Cruz is napping again, so we're not doing anything," Hawk replied, leaning casually against the door. "And you?"

"Study hall. Technically, I was in PSAT, but I walked out. I don't even need it. College isn't my thing—I want to start my own car business," Cameron explained, her tone passionate.

Hawk raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Like your dad's?"

Cameron shook her head emphatically. "Not like him. I don't want to just sell cars. I want to work on them—actually get under the hood, fix them up, and put them back together," she said dramatically, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

Hawk chuckled and walked closer to her. He leaned in, capturing her lips in a kiss. Cameron's smirk deepened as she jumped into Hawk's arms, their lips moving together. Hawk's hands tangled in her hair as their kiss deepened, the tension of the school day melting away in the privacy of the locked classroom.

The kiss grew more passionate as Hawk's hands roamed along her back, drawing her body firmly against his. Cameron's legs wrapped around him, her arms slipping around his neck. They were lost in their own world, the intensity of their emotions fueling their desire. The heat between them grew as their kisses became more fervent, their breaths mingling in the dimly lit room.

Cameron's fingertips traced down Hawk's neck, exploring as their lips moved together in perfect harmony. Hawk's hands slid down her back, pulling her closer, their bodies pressed tightly together. The outside world faded away, leaving just the two of them entwined in a moment of raw, unfiltered passion.

As they eventually pulled apart, both of them breathless and flushed, Cameron's eyes met Hawk's, a mixture of satisfaction and vulnerability reflected in her gaze. The quiet of the computer lab was filled with the echo of their rapid breathing, the intensity of their kiss leaving them both a little dazed.

It was lunchtime, and the group decided to head to the park nearby. The sun was shining, and the warm breeze rustled the leaves of the tall trees that shaded the playground. Cameron and Arabella led the way, with Luna and Ryan tagging along a little behind. Cameron shot a sideways glance at Arabella, clearly not thrilled about Ryan being there. Arabella rolled her eyes in silent agreement.

Cameron and Arabella made a beeline for the swings, hopping onto them with practiced ease. The metal chains creaked as they pumped their legs, trying to outdo each other in height. Ryan and Luna followed, and without needing to be asked, they took up positions behind the girls, ready to push them. Luna gave Arabella a gentle push, while Ryan, trying to show off, gave Cameron's swing a forceful shove.

"HIGHER, RYAN!" Cameron yelled out playfully, her voice filled with exhilaration as she leaned back, her hair flying out behind her. Ryan grinned and pushed harder, his hands gripping the cold metal chains just below where Cameron held on. The swing soared higher, and Cameron kicked her legs out, feeling the rush of the wind against her face. She couldn't help but giggle as she flew through the air.

Meanwhile, Arabella's swing slowed to a stop. She jumped off gracefully, landing on the soft sand with a slight thud. She walked over to Luna, who had also stopped pushing, and stood beside her with her arms crossed, her eyes narrowing as she watched Cameron and Ryan.

Cameron noticed Arabella's shift in mood and slowed her swing, dragging her feet through the sand to bring herself to a halt. "What?" Cameron asked, still catching her breath as she swung back and forth slightly, holding onto the chains.

"Stop being mean to Ryan, Cammie," Luna said softly, her voice carrying a hint of a plea.

Cameron huffed, rolling her eyes as she hopped off the swing. She dusted the sand off her jeans before crossing her arms, mirroring Arabella's stance. "He's gotta earn his trust back!" she exclaimed, her tone firm.

Ryan, sensing the tension, walked in front of Cameron and caught her swinging feet, stopping her completely. His expression was earnest as he looked her in the eyes. "Look, I'm sorry, I am really, really sorry," he said sincerely, his voice tinged with regret.

Cameron studied him for a moment, her playful demeanor fading. After a beat, she hopped off the swing and moved to stand beside Arabella, her expression hardening. "How are we supposed to trust you after you cheated on Luna?" Arabella chimed in, her voice sharp and direct. She glanced at Luna, who looked away, clearly uncomfortable with the confrontation. Arabella turned back to Ryan, her eyes narrowing. "In order to show you've actually changed, that's gonna take a while," she added, her voice unwavering.

Cameron nodded in agreement, crossing her arms tighter as she stared Ryan down. There was a moment of silence as the weight of Arabella's words hung in the air. Ryan shifted uncomfortably under their scrutiny, his usual bravado gone.

Cameron noticed Miguel sitting on a bench, looking glum between Aisha and Demetri, his usual energetic demeanor replaced by a slouched posture and a furrowed brow. Behind them, Hawk was absorbed in a game of soccer with Bert, their shouts and laughter contrasting sharply with Miguel's mood.

Cameron left the swings and walked over to Miguel, her friends—Luna, Ryan, and Arabella—following behind. "What's wrong, Miggie?" Cameron asked, her voice full of concern as she came to a stop in front of him.

Miguel looked up, his eyes reflecting a mix of confusion and hurt. "I saw Sam laughing with some guy last night at your house. Do you know who that was?" he asked, his voice tense.

Cameron frowned, shaking her head. "Sorry, no. I came home after they ate dinner. My phone was taken, and I'm grounded for three months," she explained, her tone edged with frustration.

Ryan, who had been quietly listening, raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Cambam, that's the whole summer. What are you gonna do?" he asked, almost teasingly.

Cameron shot him a sharp glare. "Don't call me Cambam. You haven't earned your trust back for that yet," she retorted, before adding with a shrug, "But... I'll probably just sneak out."

Demetri, who had been watching the exchange, let out a small sigh. "I still think you're overreacting," he said, his tone calm but dismissive.

Miguel immediately shook his head. "I'm not overreacting, dude. I know what I saw," he insisted, his voice firm.

Luna, sensing the seriousness of the situation, clicked her tongue thoughtfully. "What did he look like?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Miguel leaned forward slightly as he described the guy. "Long short brunette hair, went to his shoulders, wearing jeans, and had a skateboard with him."

Cameron, Luna, Arabella, and Ryan exchanged knowing looks before speaking in unison, "Robby!"

"Robby?" Miguel echoed, confusion deepening in his voice.

Cameron nodded, her expression shifting from confusion to understanding. "My ex. I should've known! My sister and my family don't know I dated him. But he started working at the dealership a few months ago, and my dad's been teaching him karate," she explained, a hint of exasperation in her voice.

Miguel's worry didn't ease; if anything, it seemed to deepen. "Should I be worried?" he asked, searching Cameron's face for reassurance.

Arabella nodded without hesitation. "Her sister steals Cameron's boyfriends all the time. Just watch—she'll try to steal Hawk next," she stated bluntly.

"Huh?" Demetri blurted out, clearly surprised by the revelation.

Ryan nodded in agreement. "In sixth grade, I liked this boy, Alex, and boom! Two weeks later, he's over at my house, and I find them kissing! He was her first kiss," Cameron said dramatically, crossing her arms across her chest as she recalled the incident.

Miguel groaned, throwing his head back in frustration. "So, you saw her eating dinner with some chode?" Hawk chimed in, momentarily distracted from his soccer game, just as he kicked the ball—accidentally hitting Bert in the face.

"Bert! My son!" Cameron shrieked, rushing over to check on Bert. She knelt down beside him, helping him up and inspecting his face for any injuries. "That's our son!" she joked, looking directly at Hawk with a mock-serious expression.

"Our kid?" Hawk asked in disbelief, an amused grin spreading across his face.

Cameron nodded, not missing a beat. "He's 13, Hawk! We're adopting him," she persisted, her tone playful yet firm.

Hawk chuckled, wrapping his arm around Cameron's shoulders as they walked back over to Miguel and the rest of the group. "Alright, alright," he said with a smirk, clearly amused by the banter.

Back with the group, Miguel still seemed lost in thought, his mind racing with the possibility that Robby might be interested in Sam.

"So, how was Robby looking at Sam?" Luna asked, her voice cutting through the chatter and bringing the conversation back to Miguel's worries. Her tone was casual, but her eyes were focused, clearly trying to get to the bottom of what was bothering Miguel.

Miguel, still stewing in his frustration, didn't hesitate. "Like he likes her!" he burst out, the words laced with a mix of jealousy and anxiety.

Cameron groaned, her shoulders slumping in annoyance. "He's probably just trying to get back at me," she said, shaking her head as the pieces began to fall into place. "I found him at the dealership a few weeks ago, getting his ass beat. He tried to get me back, but I told him to fuck off. And then I went to Hawk's house and made it official," Cameron added, the memory making her smirk a little as she glanced at Hawk.

Hawk, catching her gaze, smiled and leaned down to plant a gentle kiss on her forehead. "How cute," Ryan chimed in with a teasing smile, his hands shoved into his jersey pockets as he watched the couple.

Miguel, however, wasn't so easily distracted. "Look, I just don't want what happened to Sensei to happen to me," he said, his voice tinged with genuine concern. The last thing he wanted was a repeat of the kind of heartbreak his mentor had endured.

"All right, so you go over to this kid and beat his ass so he doesn't have the chance," Hawk commented nonchalantly, his tone making it sound like the most logical solution in the world.

Cameron grinned at the idea, her eyes lighting up with mischief. "Oh, please! I'll shave his hair off while you kick ass, Miguel!" she exclaimed, clearly enjoying the thought. "Him growing his hair out makes him so ugly. I miss his 90s haircut. He used to have the same haircut Harvey Kinkle had on Sabrina the Teenage Witch!"

Hawk gave her a look, half-amused and half-questioning. "You're hotter," Cameron stated matter-of-factly, her voice full of confidence as she looked at him.

Hawk smirked, clearly pleased with the compliment. But before he could respond, Demetri cut in, his voice breaking through the playful banter. "Don't listen to Eli and Camden," he told Miguel, his tone serious as he glanced between the two.

Cameron faltered slightly at the mention of their real names, and Hawk's expression darkened as he sent Demetri a glare. "It's Hawk and Cameron," Hawk corrected him sharply, his tone leaving no room for argument.

"Yeah, whatever," Demetri grumbled, clearly unbothered by Hawk's reaction. He looked back at Miguel, his expression softening slightly as he continued. "The fact is, Sam's given you no reason not to trust her."

Miguel hesitated, Demetri's words making him pause and rethink his stance. "Yeah, I guess you're right," he admitted reluctantly, his gaze dropping to the ground as he considered the situation more rationally.

But Arabella wasn't having it. "Yes, she has! Sam is a backstabbing bitch," she exclaimed, her voice filled with righteous anger.

Cameron hummed in agreement, her expression hardening as she nodded along with Arabella's words.

"Oh! That little bitch!" Aisha's sudden outburst caught everyone's attention, causing Cameron and the others to turn their heads in confusion.

"What?" Miguel asked, curiosity piqued as he looked over at Aisha.

Aisha didn't waste any time. "You know that video I posted of me breaking that board?" she asked, her tone a mix of irritation and disbelief. Miguel nodded, remembering the impressive clip she'd uploaded not too long ago. "Look what Yasmine commented," Aisha added, holding up her phone for them to see.

Cameron, Demetri, and Hawk leaned in closer, their expressions shifting as they read the comment aloud: Impressive... can't believe the belt made it around your waist.

The group fell silent for a moment, the weight of Yasmine's cruel words sinking in. Aisha then handed her phone to Arabella, who took a quick look before showing it to Luna and Ryan, both of whom were equally appalled.

"The hell?" Ryan muttered, his tone full of disdain as he read the comment. It was clear that Yasmine had gone too far this time, and the group's protective instincts kicked into high gear.

Arabella, already seething with anger, crossed her arms over her chest. Before she could say anything, Cameron stepped forward, her eyes blazing with determination. "Arabella, do you give me permission to kill her?" Cameron asked, her voice serious despite the dramatic phrasing.

Without missing a beat, Arabella nodded, her expression hard. "Fuck yeah," she replied, her voice laced with venom.

Hawk, who had been quietly stewing beside Cameron, suddenly perked up with a dangerous glint in his eye. "How about we kidnap her and have my boy Rico tattoo 'bitch' on her face?" he suggested, his tone almost too casual for the level of threat behind his words.

Cameron smirked at the idea, clearly enjoying the thought of giving Yasmine a taste of her own medicine. "Yes!" she agreed enthusiastically, her eyes flashing with excitement at the prospect of revenge.

Demetri, however, wasn't on board with the escalating aggression. He sent the two of them a sharp look, his disapproval evident. "Calm down, Hawk," he said, his voice tinged with disgust as he emphasized Hawk's chosen name.

Hawk didn't take kindly to the tone. His eyes narrowed as he shot back, "Alright, I hear how you're saying it, and I don't like it." His voice carried a dangerous edge, daring Demetri to push him further.

Before the tension could rise any higher, Ryan interjected with a new idea, hoping to channel the group's anger in a more productive direction. "Wait, wait, wait! Yasmine's throwing a birthday party at the Canyon tonight. We should crash it," he suggested, holding up his phone to show everyone the details of the event.

Cameron and Hawk exchanged a look, their expressions mirroring each other's eagerness. A slow smirk spread across Cameron's face as she nodded, the decision already made. "We strike first," she declared, her voice firm and filled with resolve.

"Sucks that I can't come though. I'm a grounded." Cameron frowned.

"Oh, don't worry, babes, we got you," Arabella smirked.

When Cameron got home, she immediately noticed Sam huffing as she stormed out of the kitchen. Sensing an opportunity, Cameron couldn't resist poking fun. "What's up with you, princess?" she asked with a smirk, her tone dripping with mockery. Sam shot her an irritated glance, rolling her eyes as she headed towards the stairs.

"Mom grounded me," Sam revealed, her voice laced with frustration.

Cameron's eyes widened, and she audibly gasped, putting on an exaggerated show of shock. "You? Grounded? What has the world turned into? You and I are both grounded? It's usually me!" Cameron rambled, her voice rising with faux disbelief. Sam, clearly not in the mood for her sister's theatrics, rolled her eyes again before stomping up the stairs, leaving Cameron behind.

Curious, Cameron headed into the kitchen, her expression full of confusion. "Sam's grounded?" she blurted out, unable to hide her surprise. Her mom, Amanda, turned from the counter and nodded.

"Yeah. She didn't tell us she was in a hit and run a few months ago," Amanda explained, her tone serious. Then, without missing a beat, she added, "You're ungrounded, by the way. I talked to your dad—I'm not letting you spend your summer cooped up in this house. Here's your phone and keys back."

Cameron's face lit up as Amanda handed her the items. A huge grin spread across her face, and she quickly hugged her mom. "Thanks, Mom!" she exclaimed before sprinting out of the kitchen, her excitement palpable.

As she hurried upstairs, Cameron texted Arabella and Hawk, letting them know the good news: she didn't need to be broken out anymore and would meet them at the canyon.

On her way to her room, Cameron couldn't resist one last jab at Sam. She stopped in front of Sam's door, leaning against the door frame with a smug expression. "Hey, princess," she called out tauntingly.

Sam looked up from her bed, annoyance flashing in her eyes. "What do you want?" she snapped.

Cameron held up her phone and keys, smirking triumphantly. "I'm ungrounded," she announced, rubbing it in with relish.

Sam groaned, clearly fed up, and without another word, she got up and slammed the door in Cameron's face. Cameron chuckled to herself, savoring the small victory as she walked away, already looking forward to her plans for the evening.

Cameron drove to the canyon, the warm summer air rushing through the open windows as she sped toward the spot where the group planned to crash Yasmine's party. When she arrived, she could already hear the distant sound of music and laughter echoing through the trees. She parked her car, grabbed her phone, and headed down the familiar path leading to the canyon.

As she approached, Cameron noticed a familiar figure standing near the edge of the gathering. It was Moon, looking a bit out of place and hesitant. Cameron frowned slightly, wondering what Moon was doing there. After all, she was Yasmine's friend—or at least, she used to be.

Moon saw Cameron and quickly walked over, her expression apologetic. "Hey, Cameron," Moon started, her voice soft but sincere.

Cameron crossed her arms, eyeing her cautiously. "What do you want, Moon?"

Moon sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I wanted to talk to you. I know I haven't exactly been a great friend... especially when I was following Yasmine around while she was bullying people. I should've stood up to her instead of just going along with it. I'm really sorry for everything she did, and for not doing anything to stop it."

Cameron looked at Moon for a moment, processing her words. She could see the genuine regret in her eyes. After a brief pause, Cameron nodded. "I appreciate you saying that, Moon. It took a lot for you to apologize. And... I accept your apology."

Moon smiled, relief washing over her. "Thanks, Cameron. That means a lot. I'm really trying to be better."

Cameron returned the smile, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. "Good. Just... don't let Yasmine drag you down again, okay? You're better than that."

Moon nodded, her smile growing more confident. "I won't. I promise."

Just then, Cameron noticed Hawk standing a little way off, leaning against a tree, his gaze fixed on her. There was a smirk on his face, but his eyes were warm as they watched her. Moon followed her gaze and nudged Cameron playfully. "I think someone's waiting for you."

Cameron chuckled, glancing back at Moon. "Yeah, I think you're right."

"Go on," Moon encouraged with a grin. "I'll see you around."

Cameron took a deep breath and made her way over to Hawk. As she approached, Hawk's smirk widened. "Hey," he greeted her, his voice low and teasing.

"Hey yourself," Cameron replied with a playful smile. She stopped in front of him, feeling the familiar spark between them. Without another word, Hawk reached out and pulled her closer, his hands resting on her hips.

They stood there for a moment, just looking at each other, before Cameron closed the distance between them. Their lips met, the kiss starting slow but quickly intensifying as Hawk deepened it. He guided her toward a nearby log, sitting down and pulling her onto his lap. Cameron's fingers tangled in his hair, tugging slightly as their kiss grew more passionate.

Hawk's hands roamed over her back, holding her close as they lost themselves in the moment. The sounds of the party faded into the background, leaving just the two of them in their own little world.

When they finally pulled back, both of them were breathless, their foreheads resting together. Hawk grinned up at her, his eyes filled with adoration. "I could get used to this."

Cameron laughed softly, brushing a strand of hair out of his face. "Yeah, me too."

They stayed like that for a while, simply enjoying each other's company, before Cameron eventually leaned back, her heart still racing. "You know, tonight's just getting started," she said with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Hawk chuckled, kissing her cheek. "Then let's make it a night to remember."

With that, they stood up, hands intertwined, ready to face whatever the night had in store for them.

Cameron and Hawk sat on the edge of a cliff, the ocean waves crashing rhythmically against the rocks below. The night was calm, the moon casting a soft glow over the water, making it sparkle like a sea of stars. Cameron leaned into Hawk, her head resting on his shoulder as they watched the endless horizon together.

"This view never gets old," Cameron murmured, her fingers laced with Hawk's as they shared the peaceful moment.

"Yeah, it's pretty amazing," Hawk agreed, turning his head to kiss the top of her head. "Almost as amazing as you."

Cameron smiled, rolling her eyes playfully. "Smooth."

Before Hawk could reply, Cameron's phone buzzed in her pocket. She sighed, reluctantly pulling away to check the message. It was from Arabella, asking her to come over to where she, Luna, and Ryan were standing near the bonfire.

"Looks like I'm being summoned," Cameron said, holding up her phone for Hawk to see.

Hawk glanced at the message and then back at Cameron. "You want me to come with you?"

Cameron shook her head, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. "Nah, I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere."

"Wouldn't dream of it," Hawk replied with a smirk, watching her as she got up and walked toward the group.

As Cameron approached, she noticed that Arabella looked more serious than usual, her arms crossed over her chest. Luna and Ryan stood close together, and Ryan seemed a bit on edge, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

"What's going on?" Cameron asked, her gaze shifting between them.

Arabella glanced at Luna and Ryan before turning back to Cameron. "They have something they need to tell us."

Cameron raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Okay... What is it?"

Luna took a deep breath and stepped forward, grabbing Ryan's hand. "Ryan and I... we're back together."

There was a moment of silence as Cameron and Arabella processed the news. Cameron felt a mix of emotions—surprise, concern, and a hint of irritation. Arabella, however, looked visibly annoyed, her lips pressing into a thin line.

"Seriously?" Cameron finally said, crossing her arms as she looked at Luna. "After everything that happened?"

"I know," Luna replied quickly, her tone apologetic. "But he's really changed. He's been trying so hard to make things right, and I believe he deserves another chance."

Arabella scoffed, her eyes narrowing as she stared at Ryan. "That's a pretty big leap, Luna. Especially after what he did."

Ryan, sensing the tension, stepped forward, his voice earnest. "I get it, okay? I messed up, and I know I hurt Luna—hurt all of you, really. But I'm not that guy anymore. I'm doing everything I can to be better, to prove that I'm not going to mess this up again."

Cameron exchanged a glance with Arabella, still unsure. Arabella, however, wasn't ready to let it slide so easily. She took a step closer to Ryan, her tone sharp. "You better not fuck this up, Ryan. If you hurt Luna again, I swear—"

"I won't," Ryan interrupted, his expression serious. "I'm not going to hurt her again. I know I don't deserve your trust yet, but I'm going to earn it back."

Luna squeezed Ryan's hand, looking at Cameron and Arabella with pleading eyes. "Please, just give him a chance. I know this is hard to believe, but I love him, and I really think we can make this work."

Cameron sighed, the tension in her shoulders easing just a bit. She looked at Luna, seeing the sincerity in her best friend's eyes. "Fine," she said, her voice softer now. "But if he screws up even once, he's done. No more chances."

Arabella nodded in agreement, though her expression was still wary. "You got that, Ryan? No more chances."

Ryan nodded fervently. "Got it. I won't let you down."

Luna smiled, relief washing over her. "Thank you, guys. It means a lot."

Cameron nodded, still feeling a bit uneasy but willing to support her friend. "Just... be careful, okay?"

"We will," Luna assured her, pulling Cameron into a quick hug. "Thanks, Cammie."

Arabella sighed, her stance relaxing a bit as she finally uncrossed her arms. "Yeah, yeah. Just don't make us regret this."

Ryan nodded, a small smile on his face. "I won't. I promise."

As the tension eased, Cameron glanced back at Hawk, who was still waiting by the cliff's edge, watching her with a curious expression. She smiled, feeling a bit lighter now that everything was out in the open.

"I'm gonna head back," Cameron said, nodding toward Hawk. "But we'll talk more later, okay?"

"Sure," Luna said, smiling at her. "Go be with your man."

Cameron smirked, giving Luna a playful nudge before heading back to where Hawk was waiting. As she reached him, Hawk raised an eyebrow, his lips curving into a teasing grin.

"Everything okay?" he asked, pulling her back into his arms.

"Yeah, just... drama," Cameron replied with a shrug, leaning into him.

Hawk chuckled, kissing the top of her head. "What else is new?"

Cameron laughed, the sound mixing with the distant crash of the waves below. As they stood there, watching the ocean together, Cameron felt a sense of calm wash over her. Despite the ups and downs, she knew she could handle whatever came her way—as long as she had her friends, and Hawk, by her side.

Hawk kept his arms securely around Cameron's waist as they stood beside Moon, chatting with Aisha. The night was going well, and they were all in high spirits—until Yasmine stormed over, her face twisted with anger.

"Hey!" Yasmine snapped, interrupting their conversation. Cameron huffed in annoyance and shot her a withering look. "Excuse me, Yasmine, it's not nice to interrupt someone's conversation," Cameron shot back, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

Yasmine rolled her eyes, ignoring Cameron, and zeroed in on Aisha. "You think it's funny crashing my party?" she taunted, her voice laced with venom.

Aisha barely glanced at her, rolling her eyes in response. "It's not really your party because we were here first," she retorted coolly, and Cameron couldn't help but smirk at Aisha's confidence.

"Yeah, Ish! You tell her ass!" Cameron cheered, her eyes flashing with amusement. Hawk chuckled softly beside her, clearly entertained by the unfolding drama.

Yasmine's eyes narrowed as she stared Aisha down. "Yeah, well, I know you and your karate gang think you're cool, but we all remember who you really are," she sneered, trying to dig at Aisha's insecurities.

Cameron felt a surge of anger and took a step forward, ready to land a punch on Yasmine's jaw, but Hawk was quicker. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her back before she could get herself into more trouble. "Easy, Cammie," he whispered into her ear, his voice calm yet firm.

Yasmine noticed the exchange and smirked smugly, thinking she had won this round. "You're just a fugly bitch, and your friends are all freaks," she spat, her eyes glaring at Aisha.

Aisha's expression darkened, but before she could respond, Yasmine turned to Moon, expecting her to follow. "Come on, Moon. Let's go," Yasmine ordered, clearly expecting her to fall in line.

But Moon stood her ground, shaking her head. "No, I'm staying. Plus, my girlfriend, Arabella, is around here somewhere and she'll give me a ride home," Moon snapped back, her voice strong and defiant. Cameron's smirk widened as she glanced over at Arabella, who was caught up in a drinking game with Ryan, unaware of the drama unfolding nearby.

"I also apologized to Aisha for what we did, and you should too," Moon added, her tone firm as she stared Yasmine down.

Yasmine's face twisted in disbelief. "Whatever. You deserve them, Moon," she spat before shoving Aisha's shoulder as she tried to walk past.

Cameron's temper flared, and she clenched her jaw, itching to make Yasmine pay for her attitude. "Yo, Ish. If you aren't gonna do anything, I will," Cameron muttered, her hands already balling into fists.

Aisha, however, had her own ideas. She turned on her heels and followed after Yasmine. "Hey, Yasmine!" Aisha called out, her voice cold and steady.

Yasmine stopped, turning around with a haughty expression. "Huh? What?" she replied, tauntingly.

"Let me help you to your car," Aisha said with a saccharine smile before suddenly reaching out and grabbing the waistband of Yasmine's pants, yanking them up in a brutal front wedgie.

Yasmine let out a high-pitched scream, her hands flying to her crotch as she tried to free herself. "No mercy, bitch!" Aisha retorted with a fierce grin.

Cameron and Hawk burst into laughter, unable to contain themselves at the sight of Yasmine's red-faced humiliation. Around them, the other partygoers were laughing and cheering, thoroughly entertained by the unexpected spectacle.

Arabella, hearing the commotion, turned around and saw what was happening. Her eyes landed on Moon, who was watching Yasmine's retreat with a satisfied smile. Arabella walked over, wrapped her arms around Moon, and pulled her into a tight hug. "You okay?" she asked softly.

Moon nodded, leaning into Arabella's embrace. "Yeah, I'm good," she replied, feeling a sense of closure as she watched Yasmine flee the scene, humiliated and defeated.

Cameron, still laughing, pumped her fists in the air. "Go, Aisha!" she shouted, her voice full of pride and excitement.

Hawk chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "You guys are something else," he said, pulling Cameron closer to him.

"Yeah, we are," Cameron agreed with a grin, looking up at him with a gleam in her eye. The night was far from over, but she knew that with her friends by her side, they could handle whatever came their way.

As Cameron and Hawk were leaving the party, they spotted Sam and Robby heading back to Sam's car. Cameron's eyes narrowed in surprise as she recognized Robby, her ex, walking beside Sam. "Sam? You broke out of the house? And Robby, what the hell are you doing here?" Cameron called out, her voice tinged with disbelief and irritation.

Sam turned, her face a mixture of guilt and defiance. "Yeah, I managed to get out. What's it to you?" she snapped, clearly annoyed at the interruption. Robby shot Cameron a dark look, his patience worn thin. "Look, we've already had to deal with Miguel being drunk and thinking Sam was cheating. We don't need any more of your drama. Just go away," he growled.

Cameron's jaw dropped in disbelief. "Seriously? You're gonna act like this? After everything?" she demanded, her voice rising with frustration.

Hawk, sensing the tension, stepped forward and addressed Robby with a calm but firm tone. "Hey, man. She was just saying hi. No need to be rude. You got a stick up your ass or something?" he said, his voice carrying a note of challenge.

Robby's eyes narrowed at Hawk, clearly unamused. "And who are you supposed to be?" he retorted, stepping closer to Hawk. "Somebody who thinks they can just tell me how to act? This is between me and Cameron."

Hawk stood his ground, his posture relaxed but his gaze unwavering. "Yeah, well, you've got no right to treat her like that. If you've got a problem, you can take it up with me," Hawk said, his tone steady.

The two stared each other down, a palpable tension hanging in the air. Cameron, watching the confrontation unfold, felt a mix of anger and anxiety. She glanced between Hawk and Robby, hoping the situation wouldn't escalate further.

Sam, sensing the brewing conflict, stepped in to defuse the situation. "Robby, let's just go," she said, her voice pleading. "It's not worth it."

Robby threw one last glare at Hawk before turning back to Sam. "Fine. Let's go," he said gruffly, starting to walk towards the car. Sam followed quickly, casting a last, regretful glance at Cameron and Hawk before getting into the vehicle.

As they drove off, Cameron let out a long sigh of frustration. Hawk put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You okay?" he asked softly.

Cameron nodded, though her expression remained troubled. "Yeah, just... I didn't expect to see them here. And Robby's still such a jerk."

Hawk gave her a reassuring squeeze. "Don't let him get to you."

"Yeah, I know."


i can not wait to write the next chapter because its the all valley and daniel is gonna find out camerons in cobra kai hehe

i hope you enjoyed this long chapter :))

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