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peaches and cherries

"Dean's coming over?" Molly questioned, her sister nodding as she stared at herself in the mirror. "Cool. Tell mom I'm going to Izzy's." Molly turned to walk out of her sisters room, not caring to spend a night with Dean over.

"Can't you at least try to like him?" Rory pleaded, stopping her sister from leaving.

Molly looked back at her, "hmm, let me think.." her head tilted giving her sister hope, "nope, bye."

She walked out the room with a corrupted smile, stopping the second the brunette called out to her. "You're so selfish!" Molly''s mouth gaped open with a breathy, disturbed laugh, spinning hot on her heals to face her sister.

"I'm selfish? For what? Not wanting to spend the night listening to your boyfriend, whom might I add is a jerk, talk over some movie while mom questions him and he plays pretend?" Molly spat out at her sister, fists bawled at her sides, fuming at the accusation.

"I do everything you want me to! I lie to mom-"

"Bull shit! I never ask you to lie to her."

"I pretended to like Tristan because-"

"You hated him from the start! And I probably should've listened to you, but I didn't and see where that got me!" Molly yelled, taking a sharp step in front of her sister. Rory backed away, Molly sighing out, "look, I'm not asking you to dump the guy. I'm just asking you to not try and force me to like him when we both know it won't happen." The red head lowered her voice, not giving her sister another chance to respond before storming out of the house.

She grabbed her skateboard, tossing it down onto the gravel and kicking off. Her walkman stuck from her pocket, headphones covering her ears as she pressed play Cherry Bomb blasting in her ears. She nearly laughed at the irony of the song being the first to play off the mix, but her frustrations kept her from doing so.

She skated until she hit town, walking into the diner as Luke wiped down the tables. With her board tucked between her arm, converse beating against the tile, she faced the man.

"He's not here." Luke told her blandly, spraying down a table, preparing to close up. "I can get you coffee or-"

"Where is he?" She asked, he shrugged and she pulled out her cellphone, flipping it open.

"When you find him tell him to come clean his damn room." Luke said as she exited the diner, her phone to her ear, skateboard set against the steps.

It rang twice, the clicking of him answering hitting her ear, "yo."

"Yo?" She responded, hearing his voice clear from the other end.

"Oh, shit, hey Cher. What's up?"

"Are you.. busy?" She asked, sitting on the concrete steps, her head resting on her palm.

"I'm at Beau's, you can come hang if you want. We're playing Mario Kart."

"No, its okay, I wouldn't want to.."

"Gilmore, get over here, I need some real competition." She heard Beau say, letting out a short laugh.

"Are you sure?"

"I've got pot." Beau sang out, the girl laughing once more and picking up her board.

"Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes." She hung up, sticking her phone back in her pocket and pressing play on her music before kicking off towards Beau's house.

Skating down the street lamp lit street, she passed by the shops that had begun to close. Patty sat outside her studio, smoking a cigarette and waving at the teen.

"Nice night, isn't it sweetheart?" Patty called out, her cigarette waving in the air.

Molly tugged off her headphones, kicking the board up onto the curb. She took a deep breath, "great night, I do miss the snow though." Molly said, pointing out early spring air that had melted to mountains of snow.

"Oh, I do not. Spring is my favorite season." Patty exclaimed, leaning against the railing as she looked down at the teen. "Where are you going this late?"

Molly glanced at her watch, "it's only nine o'clock." She mumbled, having been out much later on several occasions. "I'm going to a friends." Molly moved back and forth on her board, realizing she'd made a mistake on talking the woman. Miss Patty could talk for hours.

"Oh, which friends? Cause Izzy lives by your house and the diner is right there." The woman pointed the obvious, as if Molly had only had the two.

"Beau Russell, he's a—"

"A little old for you, dont you think?"

"He's a senior, yeah. It's not like that though, WD's actually there right now, we were just gonna play some games or something, I'm not—"

"Your mother know you're hanging out with two boys this evening?" Patty asked, a suggestive brow raised at the girl. Molly knew what the woman had been implying and she didn't like it.

"Miss Patty, they're my friends and I can assure you that my mother does not mind." The second half may have been stretched, as Lorelai hadn't actually known who Beau was.

"Didn't you have a boyfriend, a fine young fella with mon—"

"Real nice talking to you, but I've got to go." Molly blurted before the woman could say anything else, sending her a fake smile and kicked against the sidewalk. She skated away from the studio, keeping on her path to Beau's house.

Though she'd only been there once, it wasn't hard to spot the large blue house at the end of the street. The porch light was lit, revealing the two figures sat on the steps. Her irritation slowly lifted as she got up to the house, the two boys sat sharing a joint between them.

"Mind if I bum a hit?" She asked, lifting her board from beneath her feet and walking up to them.

"Is that Foo Fighters?" Beau asked, her music still playing from the headphones around her neck. Wyatt reached his arm out, offering the joint and she took it.

"Oh, yeah, it's actually his mix." Molly answered, nodding towards Wyatt as she stuck the joint between her lips. She paused the music, taking a deep inhale and taking in the smoke.

"Shit, that the new one I made? You like it?" Wyatt asked her, a toothy smile forming on his face.

"You know I always like your mixes." Molly took another hit, passing it back to Beau with a pained cough. "God, what—" the burn hit her throat, choking out another cough, "is that?"

"A bit of what was in my grinder and in his." Beau told her with a mischievous grin, Wyatt raising a hand to clap against the olders. "We call it, green surprise." She stared at him with low eyes, coughing into the sleeve of her jacket.

"How much have you two smoked, exactly?" They stared at her blankly, Wyatt beginning to use his fingers to count the unknown number. "Idiots!" She laughed, flicking the bill of Wyatt's hat as she sat beside him.

"It's his fault, he wanted to out smoke me." Beau claimed, selling out Wyatt who only shrugged.

"I'm not taking care of you when you green out this time." Molly told the blond, he stuck out his bottom lip, laying his head against her shoulder.

"But don't love me?"

Beau leaned over Wyatt's shoulder, his chin resting on the blond, "yeah, Gilmore, don't you love him?"

She rolled her eyes, pushing Wyatt's head from her and onto Beau, both laughing hysterically at themselves. She took the joint for herself, neither noticing in their state.

"I want taco bell." Wyatt mumbled as he stopped laughing, turning to Molly, his face lighting up.

"And chicken nuggets, with the little—"

"The closet fast food is in Hartford." Molly stated before they'd gotten any bright ideas.

"So we drive to Hartford." Beau said, taking his car keys from his pocket and dangling them in the air for the two to see.

"You drive? Not happening." Molly shook her head, Beau didn't argue, tossing the keys into her lap. "You want me to drive your car?" She asked, shocked that he'd trusted her do so.

"You've got your license, right?" Beau asked, she nodded, "then I don't see why not."

"I'll take this." Wyatt pinched the joint between his fingers before she could hit it again.

"You two really want to go to Hartford right now for food? We can get burgers from the diner, Luke's still-"

"Diner is not and option." Wyatt said, staring at her with blood shot, squinted eyes.

"Right, that was a dumb idea. Come on." She muttered, getting up from the step and sighing out. "Remind me why I decided hanging out with you two was a good idea?" She questioned, watching as they lazily forced themselves up, foolish grins stained on their faces.

"Cause Izzy is likely sleeping or watching Days of our lives and.. well, I'm not sure why you didn't stay home." Wyatt answered, following her as she walked towards the garage.

"Gilmore, meet Jeanette." Beau spoke dramatic as he pulled open the garage door, revealing the parked Impala inside.

"She's a beaut." Wyatt breathed out, the girl staring at the two as they gawked over the car.

"It's a—" she stopped herself before she finished, realizing they would give her shit for talking poorly on the car.

"1969 Chevy Impala with..." Beau started to say, his attention drifting to the car. "If you hurt her, I swear I will—"

"Do you want Taco Bell or not?" Molly asked, her answer being the two climbing into the car.

Wyatt got into the backseat, taking the space to lay across the leather interior. Beau got in the front, watching Molly's every move as she started the car.

"Music?" Wyatt asked, leaning over the seats.

"We can play that mix?" Beau suggested, Molly taking her walkman from her pocket and hand it over. She let them get the music on, pulling out of the driveway and making a turn towards the highway.

"Cher, I may be finding myself attracted to you right now." Wyatt stated from the backseat, watching her hands against the wheel.

"You really are high." She joked, Beau shoving the tape into the player.

"This car, you driving it, definitely hot." Wyatt said matter o' fact, tilting his head on Beau's seat as he watched her drive.

"Beau?" Molly questioned, keeping her attention on the road, ignoring the blond between them.


"What'd you give him?"

"Uh.. nothing?" Beau's brows furrowed, glancing back to Wyatt who couldn't keep his eyes from the girl.

"Can I not think you look good, especially when driving such a sexy car?" Wyatt asked dazedly, laying back into the seat. Molly glanced back at him through the mirror, taking notice of his soft eyes on her.

"It's just weird.. I guess." Molly mumbled, her fingers tapping along to the guitar of brain stew.

"Him complimenting you is weird?" Beau asked, his head leaned back against the rest, eyes closed with relaxation.

"He never really does. I mean an occasional one when I'm dressed up but other that that.." she shrugged, she wasn't upset with the compliment in any way. In fact, it made her feel good, even if he was high off his mind.

"Clearly you don't hear how he talks about you." Beau said, Wyatt too focused on the music and sleep to realize what he had said.

"Hows that?"

"Like you're the most perfect thing in the world. It's adorable, really." Beau smiled as he told her, Molly fighting her own flustered smile as she stared at the road. "I mean you're attractive, Gilmore.." her eyes widened, her brows furrowing at him, "don't worry, I'm not gonna hit on you. I don't do the whole.. dating thing."

"You don't?" She asked, a short giggle leaving her mouth as she noticed the blonde now knocked out in the backseat.

"Nah, it doesn't really interest me."

"You hook up with girls though, right?" He shook his head, "really?"

"Not my thing, I guess." Beau mumbled with a slight shrug.

"That's cool though, like you shouldn't force it."

"What about you?" He asked, lowering the volume of the music to hear her better.

"Waiting for the right person? I don't know, I want to, definitely." She answered honestly, unable to stop herself from peaking back at Wyatt once again.

"With him?" Beau looked back at Wyatt, raising a brow at his odd sleeping position. Molly didn't answer, unsure of what to say to that question.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He apologized, taking notice of her lack of response.

"No, no. I just.. with him, that's not.. it's weird to picture." But it wasn't.

"Mmh." Beau nodded, humming softly as his head laid back against the rest. "He's greened out." He said, motioning back to Wyatt as soft snores left his mouth.

"Should we just go to McDonald's?" She asked, pointing to the sign off the highway to the fast food.

"Oh! We could get like fifty nuggets and call it a night."

"Sounds good to me." She exited the highway, following the signs to the restaurant.

The rest of the drive was quiet, the only noise coming from the radio and Wyatt's snores. It wasn't long before she was pulling into the drive thru, ordered fifty chicken nuggets and receiving an odd look from the lady behind the window. They didn't bother to wake Wyatt, waiting until they got back to the house to endure the hassle he would be.

Parking in the garage, Beau grabbed the bag, running inside and leaving Molly to wake the blond. She'd done it a million times at that point, waking him had become a second nature to her.

Opening the door he'd used as a head rest, he still hadn't budged. It wasn't until she pulled the hat off his head that he had reached his hands out to take it back.

"Get up, we're back." She told him, placing the hat on her own head to try and drag him from the car. Her hands wrapped around his wrist, the blond turning around to face her as she tried to pull him up. "Wyatt, come on, we gor food." Molly said, his eyes opening big and he smiled.

"What is it?"

"Chicken nuggets." She answered, letting go of his wrists only for him to take hold of hers. "How do you go from asleep to this in ten seconds?" She asked as he moved her towards him, his legs hanging from the car as he stay put in the seat. He brought her to stand between him, a foolish grin plastered on his intoxicated face.

"Is it really that weird for you?" He asked her, her brows furrowed.

"Is what?" Mollys thighs squeezed between his knees as he sat up, his head against the outside of the car.

"If something.." he tugged his bottom lip between his teeth, "were to happen between us?"

She stared at him, her heart beating rapidly. Was he really asking that? Molly was unsure if she was really awake. If she was really hearing that question leave his mouth.

"I'm sorry, I'm fucking wasted that was—" she leaned forward quickly, her lips meeting his.

In the split second their lips had met, their hearts raced together. A whirlwind of emotions rushing through them as neither knew exactly what to do. It was something she, nor he, had planned to do. Not then, at least.

But it had happened. She'd kissed him.

As quickly as their lips met, they were broken apart, neither having a moment to react to what she had just done.

Wyatt's hands fell from her wrist, the shock on his face coming off as something that scared Molly. She wanted to say it was to prove how weird it would be. Though, in that moment, it was anything but weird.

Terrifying, exciting, awkward.

There wasn't a word to explain what she was feeling.

"What.. what was that?" Wyatt could barely get his own words out. Frozen in his own racing mind after she'd done something he had wanted to do for years.

She beat him to it.

Molly tried to come up with an explanation, but there was nothing, "a.. kiss?"

"Did you.." they were both speechless, "why?"

"To see if it was weird?"

"And, um, was it?" Do it again, he'd thought.

"In a way." They couldn't stop staring at each other, trying to read how the other felt.

"Bad? Or.."

"I don't—I don't know." Her voice cracked, he nodded slowly, reaching up for her hands as he finally forced himself out of the car. He now stood over her, their eyes still locked in a worrisome way.

"Can we try again?" Wyatt asked, fearing her response.

"Try again?" She questioned weakly, he nodded another time. Her eyes wandered the dark yard, no one else around to see.

Hesitantly, she nodded, taking in a deep breath as on of his hands fell from hers. Wyatt's calloused palms gently placed on her cheek, taking a step forward, terrified that she'd pull away. As he leaned down, her eyes closed, feeling his breath against her lips. She could feel his every anticipated move. From his lips parting, to his hand shaking in hers.

When their lips met again, she allowed them time to take it in. The faint taste of the peach flavored papers he'd smoked barely an hour ago lingered on his lips, accompanied by her very own cherry chapstick. It was something he'd wanted a taste of for himself, not from the tube, but from this.

A sweet, meaningful, kiss that had been long overdue in their years of adoration for one another.

It wasn't a long kiss, but it had been more than a simple peck as she'd done before. It gave them time to settle how they felt feeling each other in a new way. Somehow though, it was still confusing.

Wyatt broke away first, his mouth hovering over hers as she debated on continuing. She took a step back, eyes still closed as she'd let out a shaky breath.

"I should—I should get home." She blurted, taking a few more steps away until his hand was breaking from hers.


"Wyatt, I need to—I need to think."

Molly ran to get her board, not daring to look back, feeling she'd run back to him. In her mind, that kiss had ruined their friendship. It had broken everything they were hours before.

In his mind though, the only girl he'd truly wanted had felt something more than just friendship towards him. He didn't mind that she'd ran. It was an intense moment, something he'd likely have done if he had the chance.

They were both a bit confused.

Molly stopped skating, kicking her board towards the side of the house as she ran towards the tree. She took the lowest branch, lifting herself until she was outside the window. She tapped three times, waiting a second and tapped once more.

The window opened soon after, Izzy yawning as she stood comfortably in her pajamas.

"It's nearly one in the morning." Izzy grumbled, walking back towards her bed as Molly climbed through the window.

The red head stood there, staring at the other, shock still running through her.

"What did you and Wyatt do now?" Izzy asked, cuddling beneath her duvet, her tv in fact playing, Days of Our Lives.

"Kissed." Izzy laughed, "I kissed him.. and then he kissed me and then I ran and—"

"Wait, you're not joking?" Izzy sat up in an instant, eyes wide as Molly nodded. "You and Wyatt actually kissed? Like on the mouth? No dare? No—"

"We kissed, Izzy!"

"Okay, okay. I'm just.. woah." Izzy breathed out, eyes wide with her own shock.

"Yeah." Molly fell onto the bed, "I don't know what to do."

"You kissed him first, right?"

"Yeah.. but I'm not ready for anything else. He's my best friend, its just.. confusing. And I'm not over Tristan, it's still so fresh. I'm just fucking things up and—"

"No, you're not." Izzy stated surely, her head shaking as she leaned over the other. "This.. This is good Molly, I know it. You don't have to rush it, or force it though. Its-"

"What if I just ruined everything? What if he doesn't want to be my best friend anymore or-"

"Molly Claire, if there's two people I know better than myself, it's you and Wyatt. I know you two have had some unspoken tension for a long time now and yeah, it may be scary.. but he will understand. Communicate. Tell him how you feel right now and see where things go. Don't hide though, not from this. Not from him." The words were honest, something Izzy knew she would have to say eventually. Something she hoped to have to say. She'd seen their relationship from the start, able to watch the spark between them grow.

It was a matter of time before they'd finally acted on it.

"I don't even.. I didn't think I felt this way for him. Not anymore." Molly could feel the tears pricking her eyes, her head moving to rest on Izzy's knee.

"Want my honest input?" Izzy asked, though she'd likely give it no matter the response. Molly nodded, "I think that those feelings never went away. You just buried them."

"I don't want anything to change. I like us now." Molly let the tears fall, Izzy bringing her into her arms as they laid back.

"Nothing has to change-"

"Kissing changes things."

"Okay.. maybe that does change a few things. But who's to say it's not a good change? You can still be best friends, just best friends who kiss." Izzy smiled assuringly, she knew it would take a while for Molly to understand what it all meant. She was one who was scared of change and new feelings. But Izzy was positive that this was a good thing.


"You're going in." Izzy tugged at Molly's hand as they stood outside of the diner. Molly held her ground, staring at the morning rush with wide eyes. "If I go in there I'm not coming back out with coffee." The brunette threatened, taking the door handle as she dragged Molly up the steps.

"Izzy, I-"

"Just the two I needed." Luke opened the door the rest of the way, Molly now forced to walk inside. "Wyatt isn't answering my calls and I don't know where he is. Have either of you seen him?" Luke asked, rushing around to fill coffee's at each table.

"Not.. Um.." Molly stood there, unable to form proper words to the father of the boy she'd kissed less than twelve hours ago.

"He's probably still sleeping at Beau's." Izzy answered, nudging Molly over to the counter.

"Can you call him? I could use his help." Luke motioned to the busy tables which he was struggling to wait on his own. Molly kept her head down, Izzy taking out her phone to dial the blond's number.

"Stay here." Izzy said before getting up to walk outside as she called Wyatt.

"What's your deal?" Luke asked, getting the teen a mug and filling it with coffee. Molly stared at him blankly, frozen in thought, "you sick?" He asked her, she shook her head slowly.

"I.." She wanted to lie to him, but for some reason, she couldn't with this. "Ki-"

"He's on his way." Izzy stated as she walked inside, stopping Molly before she could tell Luke what she'd done.

"Good. Tell him I'm gonna kick his ass?" Luke half joked, taking his notepad and pen to take orders.

"I'm sure he knows." Izzy responded, turning to Molly with her brow raised, "it's okay, Molls." The younger assured her, Molly's forehead falling to the counter with an exaggerated sigh.

Molly stayed with her head pressed to the counter top, flinching each time the bell above the door rang. Any one of them could be Wyatt walking inside. She had stayed up half the night thinking of words to say to him. Nothing felt right though.

Then she heard the bell rang, followed by Luke speaking, "go shower and change." Luke told him, she knew who he was talking too.

"You got it, boss." Wyatt retorted, seemingly annoyed as he walked upstairs, not taking notice of the girl sat at the counter.

"Go talk to him." Izzy whispered.

Molly sat up, staring at the doorway leading up to the loft, "now?"

"Waiting is just gonna make it harder." Izzy stated, Molly nodded, taking a long drink from her coffee and slowly making her way upstairs.

She could hear Wyatt kicking things around in his room, cursing at the mess behind the closed door.

"Wyatt?" She spoke quietly, knocking once as she hesitantly opened the door. He stood behind it, stopping like a deer in headlights. "Hi." She uttered out, walking inside as a smile formed on his face.


They stood there, smiling bashfully, hearts racing.

"How are-"

"Can we-"

They both spoke at once, laughing at their nervousness.

"You first." Wyatt nodded to her, his heartwarming smile calming her without trying.

"I just.. I thought we could, um, talk? About.." she could barely say it, feeling too odd coming from her mouth.

"Our kiss?" Wyatt wasn't ashamed to say it. Ecstatic, actually.

"Yeah.. that." Her head was low, trying to find the words to say. "I just, I don't want it to change anything between us, you know?"

"Anything?" He wanted the change that came with it, the good change.

"I love you, Wyatt. You're my best friend and right now.. I'm not ready for a, um, well.."

"Wait, Cherry. Just because we kissed, that doesn't mean we have to be anything but us. Okay? I know you're still fucked up from- I mean, heartbroken from him. Nothing has to be rushed from this, we're still Molly and Wyatt, the hottest, coolest, people in Stars Hollow." She let out a relieving laugh at his words, "I love you, Molly. And whatever you want to do, I'm on board. You jump, I jump."

Molly's arms wrapped around him, hugging him as close as she could. He held her back, chin resting against her head, neither wanting to pull away.

"Nothing changes, until you want it too."

And as much as Wyatt would have loved for her to jump now, he would wait until she was ready. He'd do anything for her, because he was truly, excruciatingly in love with her.

authors note.


tbh I'm surprised I made it this long..

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