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i'm right here

"There's my sweet girl!" Lorelai exclaimed as Molly walked down the stairs.

Her red hair was in two french braids, Izzy having come over the previous day in attempt to break her from her depression. She had been wearing the same sweatshirt for four days, and had only put on pajama bottoms when she left her room.

The negative thoughts she had about herself had been worse in the last week than they had in a long time. The first week after her breakup with Tristan had felt normal. Her and Izzy spending their afternoons making sure Wyatt hadn't done anything too stupid. Even Ashley had started to talk to Wyatt more.

Then, Friday night had hit. Emily had heard of Tristan getting jumped in his own home by Molly's maniac best friend and suddenly; Molly was nothing to the woman once again. That hit her hard and she had felt more worthless than ever.

She had troubles sleeping on her own, nightmares of her standing in a crowded room where everyone stared at her, mocked her. Lorelai would wake up to her cries, the silent panic attacks from across the hall and climbed into her daughters bed.

Molly didn't know what was wrong with her, she shouldn't have been affected this badly. She'd had depressive episodes before, but nothing of the one she was experiencing now. She couldn't shake the feeling of overwhelming disgust with herself.

Molly hugged her stomach as she laid on the couch, her head falling to her mothers lap. She didn't want to feel the way she had in front of the woman, yet she couldn't help but want to be held. She wanted to find some form of comfort and her mother had been the best she could find.

"You going to Izzy's birthday today?" Lorelai asked, tucking the flyaway curls behind her ear.

"Today?" How had she forgotten her best friend's birthday.

"Yeah, baby. Little Isabella is sixteen." Her mother responded softly.

Molly chewed the already raw insides of her cheek, "I should—I should go to that."

"You don't have to force yourself but I do think a sleepover with your friends may help."

"Mom?" Molly rolled to her back, staring up at her mother with tear shed eyes.

"Yeah, my firecracker?"

"What's wrong with me? Why—why can't I be like Rory? Why am I—"

"There's nothing wrong with you. Nothing at all. You're Molly Gilmore, you are the most caring and selfless person I could've ever raised. You love with every part of you and that.. that is why you're hurting because as much as you care for others, you hold in all of your own shitty feelings until it hits you at once.
But I swear to you, there isn't a single flaw about you and there are so many people who would say the same."

Molly wrapped her arms around her mothers waist, crying into her chest, at loss for words. Though she didn't necessarily believe it herself, she knew the woman meant it, mother or not.

"And I promise you, you'll fall in love again and again but I want you to be sure to love yourself as well. Take care of you and know that I will always be here."

Molly stayed in her mother's arms for a while longer, crying silently into the woman's chest. She knew she should go to Izzy's birthday, though she dreaded the idea of being around anyone. But it was Izzy and what kind of best friend would she be if she didn't go.

She forced herself from her mother's arms, wiping her swollen eyes and dragged her feet up the stairs. She walked into her room, pinching out the candle she'd lit that morning. Taking her towel from behind her door, she lazily went to the bathroom down the hall.

Her shower was hot, long and needed. Her body had relaxed under the steam, the clean feeling bringing her a newfound comfort. After drying off, she went back to her room, taking a t-shirt and a new sweatshirt from her closet. It was one of Wyatts athletic sweatshirts, Danes engraved on the back in large white lettering. His pine scented cologne still lingering as she tugged it over her body.

"Almost ready, Molls?" Rory asked through the door as Molly pulled on a pair of underwear.

She opened the door, Rory staring at her sister in confusion, "I don't want to wear pants."

"You have to wear pants." Rory responded, walking into the room and opening Mollys dresser. "Look, pajama pants. It's a sleepover so im sure you'll change into them not long after we get there." Rory took out a pair of plaid black and white soft pants, handing them to her sister. Molly sighed, taking the pants and pulling them on.

"Come here." Rory took the hair band from her wrist, Molly turning towards her.

"Is Lane coming?" Molly asked, allowing Rory to brush her hair into a ponytail.

"Yeah, but Wyatt has to hide for a bit because Mrs Kim is bringing her over." Rory answered, tying the red curls back.

"Mrs Kim loves Izzy."

"Everybody loves Izzy." Rory stated, Molly smiled at that. It was true. She hadn't met a single person who hadn't liked Isabella. "Pretty." Rory smiled, turning her sister to face her.

"I look like a mess." Molly mumbled, glancing at herself in the mirror and frowning.

"A hot mess." Rory grinned, throwing her arm over the other's shoulders and staring at the mirror.

"That was so corny." Molly laughed lightly, Rory's smile brightening.

"Made you smile though." Rory stated, squeezing her shoulders, "now lets go."

The three Gilmore's walked to the Santos home, Molly carrying the small gift bag of items she'd bought for the girl weeks prior. Lorelai and Rory had bought her presents as well, simple things, as Izzy had told them not to get her anything.

Lorelai went to ring the bell, Molly twisting the handle open without care and walking into the home. She could smell freshly baked goods, reminiscing on the days she'd come to Izzy's house as children and her mother would have cookies out for them. She could hear the faint sound of music playing from the kitchen, guiding the three through the home.

"Oh, you made it!" Tina exclaimed, her potholders sliding off her hands as she rushed to engulf Molly into her arms. "Everyone is in the basement. If Mateo is being a jerk just wack him upside the head." Tina smiled, kissing Molly's cheek and the girl nodded, making her way towards the basement door. Rory followed her, Lorelai staying behind to talk to Tina.

"I don't think I've seen Mateo since we were kids." Rory mumbled, Molly shrugged, her face twisting at the thought of the obnoxious man.

"You're not missing much."

"I don't care if it's your birthday, I want to watch—"

"Cherry!" Wyatt was the first to notice the twins walk down the stairs, running right for the redhead. He didn't allow her to come all the way down before latching his arms around her waist.

"WD, let me down, would you?" Molly groaned, awkwardly holding her body as he lifted her from the steps.

"I haven't seen you in days." Wyatt complained, letting her feet to the floor but keeping his arms around her.

"Blondie, move, would you?" Izzy shoved him away, replacing his arms with her own. "You didn't have to come."

"I wanted to." Molly smiled, keeping her arms around Izzy and planting a kiss on her forehead. Izzy smiled widely, dragging Molly over to the couch where Wyatt and Ashley sat.

"I've been looking for that sweatshirt." Wyatt said, pointing to the hoodie that hung loosely over the redhead.

"Oh, did you need it? I can—"

"No, no, keep it I've got to get a new one anyway." The blond told her, and she nodded unsurely, giving Ashley a half smile.

"How're you doing?" Ashley asked, Wyatt tensing at the question he was avoiding asking her.

"I'm—I'm.. yeah, I've been better." Molly answered with a lighthearted chuckle. She picked at the seams on the sweatshirt sleaves, trying to think of anything but how she was.

"Oh, teen drama. Who's the boy you think broke your heart?" Mateo asked, his shoulder length curls tucked behind a beanie as he sarcastically questioned the girl.

"Dude, shut up." Izzy smacked the back of his head, only to receive a hit back. "Jerk." She mumbled, rubbing her shoulder as she sat beside Ashley.

"Brat." Mateo rolled his eyes, kicking out the wheeled chair and sitting on it, facing the five teens. "Now, clearly its not this dumb fuck, so—"

"Are you seriously gonna be mean to my friends all night?" Izzy questioned, frustrated with her brother's behavior.

"Are you seriously going to sit down here in my space the whole night?"

"I'm gonna—"

"The Kims are here!" Tina yelled down the stairs, Izzy's irritable face falling and she sat up.


"Stay here, I know." The blond gave a thumbs up, Rory, Izzy and Ashley all going to the stairs.

"Molly?" Ashley asked, turning to the girl to see if she was coming.

"Mrs Kim may hate me more than Wyatt." Molly stated, the girl nodding as she followed the two up the stairs.

Mateo glared at the two teens left on the couch, his nose scrunching in disgust, "no making-out."

"With you or her?" Wyatt retorted, a smug grin on his face as Mateo's twisted with disgust.

"Neither, fucking gross." The older got up from the chair, going to the stairs. "Don't touch my shit." He warned, Wyatt rolled his eyes, watching him close the basement door.

"Are we sure he's not adopted?" Wyatt asked, leaning towards Molly.

"Just a natural douche." Molly mumbled, her attention on the rug beneath her feet. She felt Wyatt's chin place against her shoulder, falling into his arms with ease. She didn't say anything, too drained to do so.

"I'm sorry, Cherry." His arms wrapped around her waist comfortably.

"For what?"

"I dont know.. that you feel like this. I wish I could just make it all go away." He spoke softly, tears prickly at her eyes.

"It's not your fault, Wyatt."

"You deserve so much better than this though. You deserve real love."

"Maybe I'm just not made for love. At least, after that, I'm not sure I want to fall in love again if it'll hurt this bad in the end." Her chest rose, holding back tears as she told him how she believed to have felt.

Wyatt couldn't say anything, everything in his mind suddenly jumbling into one big; I'm right here. But he couldn't say that. Not when she had just made it perfectly clear that she didn't want that.

"You think I'm stupid, right? Sixteen and already hating the idea of falling in love again."

He nearly responded with a blunt, 'yes', "maybe a little, but what if the next one is the right one? Or you swear off dating forever and miss out on someone who could've been—"

"The one?" She interrupted, tilting her head to face him.

"Trust me, you don't want that."

"I can be happy without another person, yknow? I can just buy like six cats, move to a cottage and garden.. all the time." She joked, a sliver of a laugh leaving his mouth.

"I'm more of a dog person."

"And that has to do with me, how?"

"Well—" he was interrupted as the door swung open, Molly moving from his arms back to where she'd sat before. Mateo walked down, not paying them a glance as he went to the other end of the room.

"I brought my GameBoy."

The group sat in the livingroom, piled beneath blankets and pillows as they watched the movie Izzy had chosen. She wasn't big on the whole party aspect of birthdays, rather just being able to hang out with her friends. A movie, popcorn and a few card games (which she'd always won) was all she needed to be content on her birthday.

"Okay, kids got a point. What would you change your name to?" Wyatt asked, unable to fully sit through a movie without talking. Unless he was completely stoned, which he hadn't been.

"I don't know but you're Brad." Izzy answered, reaching back to the couch where Rory sat with the popcorn.

"Brad? Hell no. How bout.. Silas, it's mysterious, its kinda hot, the ladies dig it and—"

"Brad." Izzy stated with a sure look, his face falling offended.

"He's totally a Brad. Very douchey name, it fits." Ashley said, a lighthearted smile on her face as she looked back to the blond.

"I am not a douche."

"At heart, you kinda are." Rory added, Wyatt rolling his eyes at the girl.

"Molls?" He looked to the redhead who only shrugged, took focused on the movie to care. They were watching Big Daddy, just after the scene where he'd let the kid choose his own name.

"Lane? C'mon, help a guy out." Wyatt pleaded, Lane giggled, shaking her head.

"Like Rory said, you're a douche at heart."

"Yet, you're all friends with me." Wyatt retorted, a grin forming on his face.

"Eh, you're more like the dog we keep around for entertainment." Molly joked, tucked beneath the blanket with her head on his thighs.

"You know what? I'll take it." Wyatt gave up, the girls laughing as he shook his head with disappointment.

"We love you." Molly said, reaching up to squeeze his face in her hand. He moved her hand, clasping it in his own as he focused back on the TV.

With the movie nearing its end and one in the morning coming around, most of teens had started to fall asleep. Wyatt and Ashley being the only two who hadn't let the quiet of the group make their eyes fall heavy. Ashley didn't mind though, the blond having given her his GameBoy to play as he tried to sleep himself.

His hand lightly combed through Molly's hair, trying to wake her as she laid on his legs, "Cher, I've gotta piss." He whispered as she stirred, her arms wrapping around his waist as she held him close.

"Looks like you're stuck." Ashley joked, a half forced smile on her face as she looked to her ex boyfriend and friend.

"I'm afraid she'll hit me if I wake her." Wyatt mumbled, though he'd given the sleeping girl a smile of admiration. Ashleys weary eyes had gone unnoticed to him, too focused on the red head using him as a pillow.

"You ever gonna tell her?" Ashley asked, sitting up against the couch.


"That you love her." Ashley responded quietly, sure not to wake anyone else.

"I tell her all the time."

Ashley shook her head, turning off the game, "not like that, like.."

"That you're in love with her." Rory muttered out from the couch, the blanket over her head.

"Im not-"

"You are. Now shut up and let us sleep." Izzy hit his side with her elbow, falling right back to sleep as his mouth clamped shut. Ashley shrugged at the blond, his eyes wide and she turned over, trying to sleep as well.

Wyatt stared at Molly for a moment, carefully moving her arms from around him to try and get up. As he stood, she woke, groaning out at his movement, "where are you going?" She mumbled, her eyes barely open.

"Bathroom and then to smoke." He told her, the red head slowly sitting up, wrapping her blanket around her body. "Where are you going?" He asked as she stood, barely conscious with her lazed walk towards him.

"Mh, with you." She mumbled, leaning into his side as he held her up.

"Just go back to sleep, I'll be right back." He assured her, trying to walk her back to where everyone else was.

"I'm awake now." She lied, clearly exhausted and he shook his head, holding back a light laugh at her adorable state.

"Okay, but you're not coming in the bathroom with me." He told her, turning towards the hall and guiding her through the dark house.

"It's nothing I haven't seen before."

He nearly choked on his breath, "what?"

"Ive walked in on you countless times, you really should start locking your door." She giggled, slowly becoming more awake.

"Or maybe you should start knocking." He retorted, getting to the bathroom and flicking on the light switch.

"It's not like you have anything to be ashamed of." She blurted, his once flustered face now turning into a cocky smirk.

"What're you saying, Cherry?" Wyatt leaned against the frame of the door, looking down at her as she stared at him through her lashes. She stepped forward slightly, her breath shaking as the golden light beamed from behind him.

"I'm saying.." her eyes wavered, struggling to focus on his blue iris', "you should just go to the bathroom." She stepped back quickly, her heart racing with anxiety at her idiotic behavior.

Wyatt's smirk fell, nodding to the girl, "right, of course." He stifled a pained laugh, walking into the bathroom and closing the door, leaving her stood in the hall.

Molly dragged her feet through the hall, making her way towards the kitchen as she waited for him to finish. She got herself a glass of water, trying to forget what she had nearly done. She couldn't process her own thoughts, or if she had even been thinking. Just that she was seconds away from making a terrible mistake.

She stood in the kitchen, hearing the flush of the toilet as she drank her water, anxiously waiting for him to come out. He walked in, wiping his hands on his sweatpants, his eyes barely meeting hers.

"So, um, do you still wanna smoke?"


"Whats up with you?" Wyatt asked the brunette Gilmore twin, filling her coffee as Molly sat beside her doodling on a napkin. Rory shrugged, though something had clearly had been on her mind, "Ror, what is it?"

"Okay, but you can't say anything to anyone." Rory caved, Molly's head peaking up with interest, "neither can you." She told her sister who nodded.

"Lips are sealed, now spill." Wyatt grinned, pulling out a chair, spinning it around and sitting with his chest against the backrest.

"Lane likes this guy who is friends with Dean and I asked him to set up a date but he got all weird and acted like he wouldn't like Lane." Rory confessed, Molly restraining from rolling her eyes at the mention of her sisters boyfriend.

"Which friend?" Wyatt asked curiously, having known most of Dean's friends well.


Wyatt laughed out, "Todd? And I thought Lane was smart."

"You know him then?" Rory asked, her brows furrowing at Wyatts humor in Lanes choice of crush.

"Kinda, he's an airhead." Wyatt said, Molly clapped her hand over her mouth, muffling her laugh. "Why's that funny?"

"You, calling someone an airhead." Molly joked, the blond rolled his eyes, looking back to Rory.

"So you're setting them up?"

"Yeah, we're double dating to the movies on Sunday. I'm just a little unsure now.. Oh! You know what would make it better though?" Rory exclaimed, looking between the two excitedly.

"What would that be?" Molly questioned, a brow raising at her sister.

"If you two came!"

"Like as.."

"A triple date?" The two questioned, sending quick glances to each other.

"No, I mean, yeah but it wouldn't have to be like you're dating because obviously you're not but just for moral support."

"A night with Dean and his so called airhead friend, I'll pass." Molly muttered, not liking the idea one bit.

"Oh, c'mon, you've barely done anything since you and-" Rory stopped before she said his name, realizing her sister had been in a decent mood. Molly's face fell, knowing what Rory was going to say, "Molly, I didn't mean to-"

"Its fine Rory." Molly's head dropped, focusing back on the napkin she'd previously been drawing on.

"Hey, Goldie Locks, I don't pay you to flirt all day!" Luke hollered at Wyatt, the blond groaning out loudly, muttering curses under his breath at his father. "And don't you call me an asshole." Wyatts eyes widened, quickly standing up and grabbing the coffee pot he had used to fill their cups before he'd sat.

"Gonna have to pass on that triple date. If she's not going than neither am I." Wyatt said before walking behind the counter.

"Molly, please?"

"No, way."


Sunday night, Molly sat at the bar of the diner, a half eaten slice of pie and a fresh cup of coffee in front of her. Her mother had been dragged on a double date with Sookie and Jackson, Rory on her own double date, while Ashley and Izzy tagged along. Wyatt was sat beside her, attempting to finish his Geography homework which had been due on Friday. Molly attempted to help him at first, only for them to realize she may have been worse at Geography than he was.

"Lucas, can I get a donut?" Molly asked, a small grin on her face as she stared at the man across from her.

"You haven't even finished your pie."

"I'm not really feeling it anymore." She shrugged, Wyatt gladly taking it from her for himself.

"You walked in here yelling, 'I need pie and I need it now' and now you don't want it?" Luke questioned her, opening the container of donuts he'd made that morning and planned to throw out.

"I'm eating my feelings, okay?" She argued, the man rolling his eyes but setting the cinnamon and sugar coated donut in front of her. "Have I told you that you're my favorite diner owner?" Molly flashed a toothy smile to him, Luke nodding as he turned away to hide his own smile.

The bell of the door rang, followed by the voices of Sookie and Lorelai, the three at the count turning back to them curiously.

"Thought they were going to a fancy restaurant?" Wyatt asked in a whisper, leaning to Molly's ear.

"Thought so too." Molly shrugged as her mother walked up to the counter.

Lorelai placed a kiss on her daughters forehead, "Blondie, when did you start doing homework?" The woman joked ruffling his blond locks which had been freed from his red baseball cap that sat on the counter.

"Since passing is required to play sports." Wyatt responded, running his hands through his hair to fix it, only to place the hat back on his head.

"Hey." Luke greeted the woman as she turned to him with a smile.

"Hey." Her smile fell as she started removing her gloves, "four menus, one coffee and an anvil, please."

"Whats the anvil for?" Luke asked, his head tilting at the woman.

"For Rune.

"Whats a Rune?" The two Danes asked.

"Please, not that question again."

"Okay.." Luke mumbled unsurely, turning back to get the coffee and a mug for the woman.

"How's the date going?" Molly asked quietly, leaning towards her mom as they all looked to the three sat at the table.

"What date?" Luke asked curiously, staring questionably at the painfully quiet group.

"Sookie and Jackson are on their first date."

"Seems to be going well." Luke said sarcastically, "who's the other guy?"

"Thats Jackson's cousin, he's my date." She spoke enthusiastically, a forced smile on her face.

"Lucky gal."

"Yes, I think so. He is, believe it or not, even less thrilled with the match up than I am."

"Someone is upset to be on a date with you?" Wyatt asked, wide eyed as he looked at the strange man.

"Yup!" Lorelai answered, Luke laughed, now entertained, "apparently, I'm too tall."

"Get out." Luke snickered, Molly and Wyatt both containing their laughter.

"I'm serious."

"Doesn't he understand how great that is? You can get all the stuff from the top shelf."

"Exactly what I'd bring to a relationship, explain that to him, will you?" Lorelai joked, taking a drink from her now full mug of coffee. "Mm, Luke! That is an exceptionally good batch of coffee."

"Isn't it?" Molly exclaimed, her mother nodding vigorously.

"I added a little nutmeg."

Lorelai smiled, "that's very.. Richard Simmons of you."

"Well, what can I say? Chicks dig a man with a feminine side." Luke shrugged, a slight smirk forming on his face only to fall as Molly laughed out.

"You really are his father, wow." Molly joked, the words sounded something of what the blond teen would say.

"I've taught him well." Wyatt stated, his arms shrugging out.

"Okay, I'm really bored!" Rune blurted out as he stood from the table, drawing the group at the counters attention.

"Sit down! We're about ready to order."

"I don't wanna order, I don't want to eat here! I wanna go!"



"Think there'll be a fight?" Wyatt questioned, the three glaring at him, "what? I love a good fight, my moneys on Jackson."

"I get stuck with her!" Rune pointed directly to Lorelai, Wyatt shifting in his seat, ready to defend the woman, "then I get dragged to a French restaurant, then I get dragged out of a French restaurant and god knows where I am now!"

"You're at Lukes." The two Gilmores said with entertained smiles at the mans frustrations, earning a look of annoyance from him.

"Its Sunday night, I wanna bowl!"

"Oh, well.." Jackson looked to Sookie, waiting for her to say something, but she didn't. "I guess.. we should.." he shook his head, moving to get up from his seat.

"Don't go!"



"This is like a live romcom and I love it." Wyatt whispered, placing his head on Mollys shoulder as they watched the scene before them.

"They're so cute together." Molly whispered back, glancing to Wyatt with a smile, not bothering to push him away.

"Sorry, Rune. You're on your own tonight." Jackson told his cousin.

"Fine! I'll just see you at home then!" Rune turned toward the door, "maybe." He muttered as he opened it.

"Bye, Lune!" Lorelai shouted out happily watching him leave.

"Don't let the door hit that stick farther up your ass on the way out!" Wyatt added, earning a hard glare from the short man as he slammed the door closed behind him.

"Guess you'll only need three menus now."

"Why don't you make three fabulous cheeseburgers and send two over there. I'll have mine here." Lorelai said, smiling to the teens at her side.

"First I have to watch a man walk out on you and now I have to watch you eat with these two?" Luke joked, earning offended looks from the teens.

"They're not bad company, plus you're here."

"I'm working."

"We close in ten." Wyatt reminded his dad, a smile on his face.

"Okay, fine." Luke rolled his eyes, reaching under the counter and pulling out a deck of card which Wyatt had stuffed in there for nights he and Molly raided the kitchen.

Lorelai gasped out, Wyatt as well, "how'd you know those were there."

"I know more than you think." Luke retorted, "five card draw, no cheating. I'm talking to you, little red."

"You're on!"

Luke passed out the cards, five for each of them, Wyatt backing away from Molly to hide his deck. As they started the game, they were interrupted by the door being slammed shut, a frantic Mrs Kim walking in.

"Oh, shit." Wyatt muttered, immediately standing from his seat beside Molly, ready to hide from the woman.

"Where are the girls?"


"Lane said she's with you and your daughters." Mrs Kim stated, "I call, no answer. I think they're at video store. I call again, no answer. I call third time, no answer!"

"You have a lot of time on your hands today-"

"I have to know where the girls are!"

"They said they were going to a movie." Lorelai told her, Mollys face twisting as she realized Rory had lied to her mom and Mrs Kim, knowing this wouldn't end well.

"With who?"

"They were gonna meet Dean."

"A boy? You let them go with a boy?"

"Mrs Kim, Dean is Rorys boyfriend."

"Just because you let your daughters run around with boys, doesn't mean I let mine!" Mrs Kim exclaimed, looking at Wyatt with distaste.

"I thought you knew." Lorelai stated, glancing back to Molly for answers and girl shrugged, acting as if she hadn't known anything.

"I didn't know! They could be anywhere! They could be doing anything! Smoking, or drinking or buying drugs!"

"They're at the movies! It's not like Wyatt is with them either!"

"Mom." Molly muttered out, though Wyatt seemed to agree with the woman, knowing his own influence.

"I need to find them." Mrs Kim said, urgently running back out the door.

"I'm coming with!" Lorelai said, paying the three a glance of apology before following the woman out the door.

As Lorelai left, Luke's brows tightened, looking to his son, "want to tell me what she meant by you not being there?"

"I know how to have fun?" Wyatt forced a smile, voice cracking at his own response.

"We'll talk later."

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