00. Winds of Change

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bella notte
act i , distant memories
prologue , winds of change

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        First and foremost, I hope you are well
and that business in Mayfair continues
to be fruitful. We have missed you dearly
since your visit summer last — Nicholas,
especially, there isn't a place he goes
where the brooch, you gifted him upon
your last visit, does not.

        I must apologise for the lack of letters
until now. I am entirely to blame, of
course, maintaining correspondences
does not seem to be my strength — what
an awful businesswoman I would make!
— but, alas, I digress.

         It has been difficult in Florence in the
past months, due to the influenza which
I am sure you have heard about. The
merchants were rather panicked as
exchange and imports virtually ceased
— it seems the rest of the empire had
effectively shut us down until the worst
passed. Luckily, after some months, it
has. The merchants and businessmen
are now out of the storm meaning both
father and mama's shares are safe.

However, the status of such economical
affairs are not the reason why I am
sending this letter so urgently.

The influenza that hit us was rather
unforgiving, it wasn't long before
father and mama fell ill. With father's
health being what it was, it wasn't
much of a shock but with mama, it was
rather startling. Nicholas, too, was
unwell for some time but was quick to
bounce back being as young as he is —
although he is now rather prone to
a cough should he get too excited.

I believe myself to have escaped very
narrowly. Luckily, I was in Pisa when
the influenza first hit and by the time I
returned to Florence, father and mama
were no longer infectious.

The doctor informed me this morning
that he doesn't see many more days
ahead for them both. I have tried my
best to assist father in sorting his affairs,
but he is insisting I send for you. As you
know, I would normally object but I
cannot bring myself to refuse a man
on his deathbed — especially my father.

I am sorry to trouble you with such a
sorrowful matter and apologise for any
inconvenience this may cause you. But
at the behest of my father, I must summon
you to Florence immediately.

Sincerely and most gratefully,
Your loving niece,

       Leopold folded the letter that was held in his grasp as he let out a light sigh. His butler, Terence, stood by cautiously awaiting his lordship's reaction — he did not know the contents of the letter but only that it should be delivered most urgently.

"Terence." The older man announced suddenly bringing his butler to attention. "Prepare a carriage, I leave for Florence before sunset."

The butler nodded hastily as Leopold arose from his chair, shrugging his jacket over his shoulders and striding out of the room with the bumbling Terence in tow.

"Yes, my Lord."

"Please ensure Mrs Turner keeps the household running smoothly, I do not know how long I will be gone." The lord continued to inform his butler as they entered the hallway from where they'd formerly stood in his study.

"Yes, my Lord. But, my Lord—"

"What is it, Terence?" Leopold said with a humoured sigh as they continued down the hallway, the Lord buttoning up his jacket as he walked.

"Just where are you going with such haste, my Lord?" The butler asked, as his master motioned for him to gather his hat and cane from beside the door.

"I wish to visit the Bridgertons before I leave and let the Viscountess know of the nature of my departure." Leopold answered succinctly, gladly indulging the young butler's curiosity.

Terence gave him a bashful smile as he handed over the hat and cane, before walking around his master and opening the front door for him.

"Very well, my Lord."

Leopold was fortunate to not live far from the family which he intended to visit, but instead simply three doors away. Upon his brother's family's departure to Florence twelve years prior, the eldest Grantham son had bequeathed the house on Grosvenor Square to his younger brother, wanting the house to be kept in the family in case of their return.

Leopold was a very common guest of the Bridgerton household what with living alone and them being such a charming family that insisted upon dining with him at least weekly — the large family could hardly fathom the idea of one being lonely in their own home.

The Lord felt he owed it to them to explain his departure rather than disappearing without a word, and he was very aware the nature of his travels should be known by the matriarch of the family, considering her familiarity with his own.

       With a sharp rhythmic knock, Leopold stepped back from the front door of the grand house, his eyes admiring the impressive wisteria growing across the house's front while he awaited for the door to be answered.

        "Lord Grantham." Humboldt greeted the man with a wide smile as he opened the door.

       Leopold reciprocated the smile, taking his hat off his head and holding it in front of him, straightening up slightly.

        "Is the Viscountess home?" He asked the butler to which he responded with a firm nod.

       "Her Ladyship is in the drawing room with the family, if you like to follow me?"

       Bowing his head, Leopold stepped inside the doorway with a small sigh falling from his lips. He could hear the noise of people chatting from the second he stepped through the threshold; the Bridgerton household was always so lively, however, the smile that would have normally adorned his face was weaker than usual, as a result of the weight bearing on his mind.

        He heard the noisy chatter cease momentarily as Humboldt entered the room and announced the Lord's presence at which the chatter erupted once more with eagerness and surprise. This time, Leopold couldn't fight off the light chuckle that shook him.

        Humboldt stepped out of the room and nodded at the man, informing him that he would be received by the family. Mirroring his nod, the Lord straightened up once more and strode into the room at which his presence was met with jovial expressions from the family around him.

        "Leopold!" Violet Bridgerton greeted, rising to her feet and moving over to the lord. "We weren't expecting you until Thursday, but what a pleasant surprise."

        "Is all well, my Lord?" The young viscount asked from across the room, as Leopold took Violet's hands in his own in greeting before looking back to Anthony.

       "I'm afraid I will be leaving you all rather urgently." Leopold informed the family, whose jovial expressions soon faltered into those of confusion — the dainty melody Daphne had been teaching Francesca at the pianoforte ceasing at his words.

        "Leaving us?" The eldest daughter enquired, as the rest of her siblings turned their attention to their neighbour — even Eloise had looked up from her writing.

        "For a few weeks at most." He assured Daphne with a fond smile, as the Viscountess led him over to sit beside her. "I'm sad to say I shan't be able to join you on Thursday."

       "Does that mean we won't be getting any more cinder toffee?"


        Leopold only chuckled at the boldness of youngest Bridgerton as he turned her attention to her a soft smile.

       "I'll be sure to send some in my place, Miss Hyacinth." He assured her, earning a wide smile in response while her siblings merely shook their heads at her antics.

       "To where are you travelling, Leopold?" Colin asked, as he walked over to sit opposite the Lord with keen curiosity displayed across his features — the third eldest always been interested in travel and, Leopold knew, was forming travel plans of his own.

       "I'm expected in Italy, Colin." Leopold indulged him, at which a bewildered smile crossed his features. "Florence, to be exact."


       Leopold's attention was snatched away from Colin and now landed on Benedict who had spoken, sitting upon in his seat from where he was formerly slouched with his head in a book. As soon as the word left his lips, Benedict fell quiet once more although Leopold could see the cogs turning in his head.

       "You are going to visit your brother, are you not?" Violet asked tentatively, as her children listened intently — especially her four eldest who were most aware of just who resided in Florence.

       "I am actually travelling at the behest of my niece." Leopold answered the Viscountess, who wore a small smile at the mention of the individual.


       Benedict had spoken once more, although his tone was much calmer as he looked on the Lord who gave him a reassuring nod.

       "Oh, sweet Belle." Violet gushed, placing a hand over her heart at the thought of the sweet girl who used to run around with her children, what felt like centuries ago. "How is she?"

       Leopold faltered, placing a somber smile on his face and he took her hand in his own once more.

       "At the present moment, she is in need of me." The Lord told her softly, "Her mother and father have taken ill, I'm sorry to say, and from her letter, it's not looking promising."

        Leopold was felt a wave of guilt wash over him as he sensed the once carefree atmosphere, that filled the Bridgerton household, morph into an awfully somber one that even Hyacinth couldn't bring herself to lift.

       "Oh, that poor girl." Violet muttered, her gaze landing on the floor as she gave Leopold's hand a reassuring squeeze.

        "I wouldn't worry about her, she's an awfully strong character." The Lord replied, in attempt to lift the mood as best he could although he couldn't quite shake the apparent weight of the situation — however, Colin could.

        "I'll say." He agreed with Leopold's statement a light laugh on his lips. "Do you remember when she pushed me in a fountain at Lord Harding's garden party?"

       "You deserved it." Daphne retorted, from where she still sat at the piano as the four younger Bridgertons listened to their conversation with curiosity as to the nature of this Belle character. "You insulted her dress."

       "I said it was nice!"

       "You said it was puffy!"

       "I was all but five!"

       "I think I like the sound of your niece, Lord Grantham." Eloise addressed Leopold with a light chuckle at the thought of her brother being pushed into a fountain by a little girl.

        "Benedict knew her best, didn't you, brother?" Anthony chimed in with a reminiscent smile as all attention turned to the second eldest Bridgerton.

       "Well, yes." He stammered before letting out a light sigh. "But it was years ago, we were children."

       "He was smitten with her—"


       Anthony was silenced by a cushion thrown in his direction by Benedict, earning a roar of laughter from the rest of the occupants in the room.

       "Lord Grantham."

       At the sound of his name, Leopold tore his gaze from the two arguing brothers and turned to see Humboldt stood by the doorway.

       "Your butler informs me that your carriage has been prepared and is ready to depart." The butler informed the Lord who gave him a grateful nod.

       "Thank you, Humboldt." Violet dismissed him as the family all rose to their feet to bid goodbye to their neighbour. "We wish you well on your travels, Leopold, don't we?"

        Her eight children replied with affirmative nods and small smiles which the lord returned graciously.

       "I'll be back before you know it." He assured them, placing a hand on Violet's shoulder.

       "Do you know if you'll be back before my debut, Leopold?" Daphne asked, as the Lord began making his way over towards the door.

       He let out a light sigh and shot the girl an apologetic look as he placed his hat on his head.

       "I can't be certain." He told her, sadly. "But I have no doubt that every eligible suitor will be asking for your hand, Daphne."

       A bashful smile crossed the lips of the eldest daughter at his compliment, as the Lord spared a final glance around the room of Bridgertons, preparing to take his leave.

       "I will see you soon."

       And with that, Leopold exited the room and the Bridgerton family slowly sank back into their seats.

      "Do you suppose Belle will be with Leopold when he returns to Mayfair?" Colin voiced curiously, after a few moments had passed.

        "I hope so, maybe if I ask her she'll push you in a fountain again, Colin." Eloise grinned from across the room, earning a pointed from the third eldest.

       "You'll be glad to see if she does, won't you, Benedict?" Violet asked, turning her attention to her second son with an arched brow.

        Benedict offered her a tight-lipped smile as he nodded in response, slouching back down in his seat and he tried to bring his attention back to the book in his hands.

       "Of course." He assured her, at which she shot him a knowing smile before turning back to scold Gregory for taking another cake from the table.

       Yet, as hard as he tried to refocus on the page in his hands, his mind was focused on other things, such as how desperately he wished to see what had happened to the young girl he once doted on and whether she'd be as desperate to see him if she returned.

𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖐𝖘!
and so it begins.
also not me getting a
massive surge of inspo
after they announced
simone ashley is playing
kate — i don't think i'll
ever be over it


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