01. A Daunting Notion

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bella notte
act i , distant memories
chapter one , a daunting notion

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"BELLE, YOU'RE AS WHITE as a sheet."

At the sound of her name, Belle's eyes fluttered open to meet the concerned gaze of her uncle.

"Are you sure you feel alright?" Leopold asked, his eyebrows furrowing causing a small crease to appear the space between them which brought a light smile to his niece's lips.

"Don't fret, Uncle." She assured him with that self-same smile, an airy chuckle lacing her tone as she sat up a little straighter. "I assure you it's a mere bout of sea sickness."

She willed herself to fight the strong nausea that filled her chest, and look out the window of the carriage as it progressed along the English countryside. Although, the movement of the carriage as it rocked along the uneven roads did very little to aid her sickness.

"She still hasn't found her sea legs." Her younger brother, Nicholas, chuckled from opposite her - he, of course, had experienced no nausea on the journey.

But, then again, Belle wasn't all too sure that the sickness she felt was solely down to the uneasy journey. Her stomach had been unsettled ever since their plans to return to England had been set in motion.

"Perhaps, we should stop the carriage." Leopold insisted, his eyebrows still furrowed as he followed her gaze out of the window to try and gain an understanding of just where they were on their journey.

"Nonsense, we're nearly there, aren't we?" Belle shook her head adamantly, placing a smile on a features as her eyes landed on large structures in the distance. "I'm sure I can manage."

She thought her response was fairly well-reasoned, however Leopold wasn't a man that was very easily convinced to give in.

"We're passing by the Danbury estate on our way, perhaps it would be best to drop in for some tea." Her uncle told her, with a pointed look at which she gave a defeated sigh. "Get some colour back in your cheeks?"

"I have no desire to impose upon Lady Danbury, Uncle." The young lady countered, her jaw squaring ever so slightly.

"Well, I do."

Belle let out a light scoff at her uncle's retort, narrowing her eyes as he sent her a victorious smirk. The Lord seized his cane in hand, and promptly knocked it thrice upon the roof of the carriage.

"Have us drop by the Danbury estate, if you will, Mr Hargreaves?"

A faint response of affirmation sounded from beyond the walls of the carriage, as Belle found herself sinking back into her seat and rolling her eyes at the gentleman.

"Uncle, you're incorrigible."

"I only have your interests in mind." Leopold assured her, before shooting a glance at the young boy beside him who was tapping his feet idly upon the floor of the carriage. "Besides I can see Nicholas itching to stretch his legs. Isn't that so?"

The young lord gave a vigorous nod at his uncle's suggestion which only spurred another scoff from his older sister.

"I wonder if she'll have any chocolates."

"Honestly, Nicholas."

However, while his thought was received in an irritated manner by his sister, their uncle only chuckled at his antics before turning the young boy with a humoured glint in his eyes.

"If you ask, I'm sure she'll be much obliged."


"YOU HAVE CERTAINLY grown into a lovely young lady, Miss Grantham."

Belle fought every urge that screamed within her at Lady Danbury's comment. She'd been called many a thing in her time, but 'a lovely young lady' was not one of those things.

"You're too kind, Lady Danbury." Belle stifled a small cough as she set down her teacup, before shooting their hostess a small smile.

"It's a shame you couldn't arrive to London sooner." The elder lady mused, before shooting Leopold a glance from where he sat next to her in her drawing room. "I'm sure your uncle would have loved to present you onto the marriage mart."

"Ah yes, to be paraded like a herd of heffers at a farm auction with the other divine young ladies."

Belle's eyes widened as she heard the words slip out of her mouth, before she winced slightly at the sound of Lady Danbury's humoured chuckle.

"You must forgive her, Lady Danbury." Her uncle quickly cut in, grasping the lady's attention. "I've yet to remind Belle of the social etiquette expected from her."

"It's no matter, Leopold." Lady Danbury replied, her tone still laced with a chuckle, before she placed a hand on Belle's forearm and shot her a knowing wink. "You remind me of myself, Miss Grantham. In the worst possible way."

A relieved smile left the girl's lips at the lady's reassurance, although her stomach still turned at the very narrow miss. Her mind was awfully prone to being spoken in the least appropriate of contexts, and she was very well aware that other members of the ton would not be as forgiving as Lady Danbury.

"I suppose, therefore, I'm to believe that your late coming is no coincidence?" The lady mused, a smirk creeping onto her lips as she withdrew her hand.

"There always seemed to be one delay or another, remarkably. Didn't there, Belle?" Leopold chuckled with a knowing look, as his niece slowly began to feel more at ease.

"Uncle, I have far greater things to accomplish before you marry me off." Belle answered promptly, sparing her uncle a resolute look in response to his knowing one.

"I have assured you, time and time again, that you needn't worry about the estates or your father's affairs." Leopold protested, leaning forward in his seat, and setting down his tea.

"Well, maybe I should like to worry about them? After all that is the reason we are here." Belle retorted, picking up her own tea with a defiant sigh. "I apologise, Uncle, but I have every intention to return to Florence once the season has passed."

Leopold sank back into his seat, with nothing more to be said. This was an argument they'd had all too many a time, and he certainly didn't wish to launch into it once more in the presence of Lady Danbury.

"Nevertheless, your return to the ton will cause quite the ruckus, I have no doubt." The lady chuckled, sparing a glance between the uncle and niece, effortlessly changing the subject.

"Oh, I do hope not." Leopold chuckled once more, although his response was adamant; his existent in Mayfair was rather peaceful, and he liked it that way.

"Nonsense, Leopold. I believe you could benefit from some exposure. You should be thanking your niece for providing it." Lady Danbury chided with a disapproving look sent in the Lord's direction, before turning her attention to his niece. "Speaking of which, I should hope the two of you will be in attendance at my ball, this evening?"

"It's the first of the season, is it not?" Belle asked, before taking another sip of her tea.


"Then I suppose I'm much obliged." The young lady shrugged, nonchalantly, while her uncle nodded in response to Lady Danbury's query.

"Even if you have no desire to enter the marriage mart, Miss Grantham, re-establishing yourself as a member of the ton is no bad endeavour." The wise woman informed Belle with a knowing look, pursing her lips every so slightly. "A lady, such as yourself, will need all the allies she can get."

Belle felt her stomach turn once more but nevertheless masked it with a small smile, taking another large sip of tea as the conversation lulled.

"Who is Lady Whistledown?"

The attention of the three adults were seized by the young lord, who had been perusing around the room in which they resided, and had now turned to face them with a pamphlet in hand, a confused look on his features and chocolate around his mouth.

"Nicholas, you mustn't pry like that." Belle quickly chided him, shooting an apologetic look at their hostess as Nicholas began approaching them.

"Oh, don't trouble yourself, Miss Grantham." Lady Danbury abruptly dismissed her concern, with another light chuckle. "Children are curious things after all."

"Who is she, Uncle?" Nicholas repeated himself, as he sat himself down in the seat by Leopold and handed him the pamphlet.

"I'm certain I do not know the name." The Lord mused as his eyes scanned over the sheet. "Lady Danbury?"

"Oh, I haven't the faintest idea who she is, the pamphlet was delivered this morning." The woman shrugged, a wide smile beginning to emerge across her lips. "It's been delivered all over the ton."

"What is it?" Belle asked, her eyebrows furrowing in curiosity as she set her teacup down and leant further forward.

"A new scandal sheet." Lady Danbury told the Grantham girl, her smile never wavering. "It lists subject by name. Makes for quite an entertaining read."

"I'm sure." Belle agreed before a small smirk settled on her own features, and she reached out a hand in her uncle's direction. "Perhaps I should peruse? Try and get the measure of who I should and should not consort with later this evening?"

"Belle." Her uncle replied warningly, however she could see his own eyes scanning each page.

"I think it to be a grand idea." Lady Danbury cut the Lord off and turning to face him with a commanding stance. "Give it to her, Leopold."

A defeated sigh left her uncle's lips as he stood, with a slight grumble, and passed his niece the scandal sheet, which she took with great intrigue.

With a brief quip of 'thank you', Belle leant back a little in her seat as her eyes scanned the front page, where a number of names were listed.

"Are these the names all the ladies who were presented yesterday?" She asked, her eyebrows still furrowed as she leant closer to Lady Danbury so the woman see just as to what the girl was questioning.

"Yes." The lady affirmed as her finger traced some of the name before stopping at the series of names listed: Featherington. "One of the Featherington daughters fainted. Poor girl."

"How amusing." Belle absentmindedly responded as her eyes read the rest of the page upon which a rather familiar name resided. "Bridgerton? Daphne Bridgerton?"

"Why, yes."

"Goodness, is she already debuting?" Belle found herself saying breathlessly, her tone laced with disbelief.

"She's ahead of you, dearest Belle." Leopold chuckled from where he sat, now wiping Nicholas' face free of chocolate with his handkerchief. "And you are only eighteen months her senior."

"Apparently, she's a diamond of the first water." Belle couldn't help but chuckle at the choice of wording, her disbelief still overwhelming her as she read Whistledown's article. "It appears she made quite the impression."

"You're familiar with the Bridgertons?" Lady Danbury asked, raising an eyebrow, as she took a sip of tea.

"Who isn't?" Belle shrugged, setting down the pamphlet on the table before her. "They're the most prolific family in the ton, are they not?"

"Before they left for Italy, my brother and his family used to reside in Grosvenor Square." Leopold added, shooting a knowing glance at his niece who had purposefully left out the personal details she had with the Bridgerton family. "If you remember, Lady Danbury?"

"I remember just fine, Leopold." The lady shot him a warning look that caused Nicholas to let out a light chuckle at he arose from his seat to go and explore some more.

"I grew up with them." Belle stated, with a small sigh before shaking her head ever so slightly, and taking a sip of tea. "But that was years ago, I'm sure he'll have forgotten all about me."


Belle nearly choked on her tea at Lady Danbury's prompt retort, as she realised the minor slip her tongue had made. She let out a hearty chuckle, shaking the thought of a certain Bridgerton out of her head before she corrected herself.

"They." She chuckled, her smile a little too forced. "They'll have forgotten all about me."

Lady Danbury's eyes narrowed ever so slightly, her lips pursing. She was not fully convinced and the young lady's nervous behaviour did not aid her case, however she decided to let the subject pass.

"Did you not stay in touch?" The lady asked, her disbelieving look contorting into one of curiosity.

"For the first few years, yes." Belle nodded, as she set her teacup down and let out a disheartened sigh. "But after the dear viscount died, it just faded."

A small moment of silence passed between the three adults at the mention of the late viscount, but Lady Danbury was quick to change the subject to one more hearty.

"Then, I believe a reunion is in order at tonight's ball."

Belle's eyes widened, her smile faltering ever so slightly as she stifled a nervous chuckle.

"They'll be there?"

"Of course, they shall. They have a lady to present." Lady Danbury reminded the young lady, who immediately caught on and nodded with understanding. "Are not excited by the prospect, Miss Grantham?"

"Forgive me, Lady Danbury, but the notion is rather daunting." Belle confessed, making the decision to disclose her nerves to the lady before her. "It has been an awfully long time."

"My dear, if you are to enter society then the Bridgertons will be your greatest allies." Lady Danbury told her with a pointed look that in no way succeeded in easing her nerves.

Picking up on his niece's uneasiness, Leopold let out a light cough and seized her attention with a soft smile.

"I sincerely doubt her ladyship will rebuke the daughter of her greatest friends, Belle."

Shooting him a grateful smile in response, Belle allowed herself to relax back into her seat and digest his words. Another silence fell over the three of them only for it to be broken by the excited cry of Nicholas, who had stationed himself by the window.

"There's a man outside!" The young boy called excitedly at the sight of a familiar man progressing up the path on horseback. "... It's Simon!"

"Simon Basset?" Belle repeated, awaiting clarification from her younger brother who gave her an eager nod.

"Better known now as the Duke of Hastings." Lady Danbury corrected the young girl, who had risen from her seat and progressed over to the window, a small smile settling onto her face when she saw that Nicholas was correct.

"Did his father pass away?" Leopold queried, as he helped Lady Danbury to her feet.

"Indeed, my Lord."

"What a shame."

"Hardly." Belle scoffed as Nicholas broke into a run, leaving the room to go and greet the visitor.

"Belle, condolences still must be offered. It is custom." Leopold reminded her with a tired groan, raising his hand to his eyes in slight despair.

"Oh Uncle, do calm yourself." Belle chuckled as she walked over to the man, linking her arm through his own. "It's all too easy to get under your skin."

As they emerged into the grounds, Belle shot her uncle a light smile - although he was too engaged in conversation with Lady Danbury to notice - as she slipped her arm out of his and quickened her pace up the path to where she could hear her brother excitedly greeting the new Duke of Hastings.


The Duke who had been taking a brisk swig from a flask, quickly stowed it away in his pocket at the sound of the young boy's cry. A small smile breaking out across his face, as he dismounted his horse and greeted Nicholas with open arms.

"Nicholas!" He chuckled, embracing the boy, his tone laced with light surprise. "What on earth are you doing here?"

"It's a rather long story." Belle called with a hearty chuckle from where she was approaching the two.

The Duke's surprise had yet to leave him as the young lady broke into a light jog to cover the last few metres between them, and she was quickly embraced just as her brother had been by Simon, who was still chuckling away.

"However, I do believe the reasoning is not too different from the nature of your own visit." Belle shot him a sorry smile as she withdrew from his embrace, at which he mirrored her smile.

"If that is case I'm most saddened to hear that, Belle." He sighed, his gaze flitting between both her and her younger brother who now stood in front of her, her hands resting on his shoulders. "My condolences."

"Thank you."

"Still, what a pleasant surprise to see you." Simon chuckled, nudging the young boy's shoulder, as he directed them back to lighter of the conversation topics.

"Likewise, your Grace."


Simon Basset had become a rather recent friend of the Grantham family, having made their acquaintance whilst on his travels after he completed university. Belle's father had always been rather taken with him, and her mother acted as the one he never had, leading him to return year on year to visit them.

"Well if this is not a sight for my sore eyes!" The sound of Lady Danbury's hearty chuckle entered their midst as the woman stepped forward and took the Duke's hands in her own. "My condolences, your Grace, for your father."

"Very kind of you."

"Kind of me?" Lady Danbury repeated with a light scoff, arching an eyebrow at the man. "You hated the man."

Belle let out a light chuckle before looking over her shoulder and shooting a knowing glance at her uncle.

"Told you."

"It is so wonderful to see you, Lady Danbury." Simon smiled, with a calm sigh leaving his lips.

"Words I do not hear often enough." The woman agreed, as she turned on her heel and began leading the party back towards the house.

"Lord Grantham." Simon nodded politely at Leopold, who mirrored his expression as they fell into step with one another.

"Your Grace."

"You must excuse the disorderliness. As you know, I'm to host a ball this evening." Lady Danbury announced, her attention still fixed on Simon, who immediately winced upon the mention of a ball.


"I have managed to keep the details of your return quiet." The woman continued, not allowing for any objection to be voiced by the Duke. "But when those vulgar mamas discover that there is an eligible duke present at tonight's fete, I shall be able to keep such a secret no longer."

"That is what I was hoping to discuss." Simon retorted, with a resolute expression on his features, stopping in his tracks. "I have only returned to London to deal with my late father's affairs. I'm afraid it leaves me no time to ... socialise."

Belle let out a light chuckle at the apparent discomfort felt by the Duke, and the uncaring expression on Lady Danbury's face which was just as apparent.

"And so, whilst I appreciate your most gracious invitation, Lady Danbury, I must ask you to accept my regrets."

Simon, while his tone sounded adamant, wore an expression that told Belle he hadn't even managed to convince himself that his excuse was up to scratch.

"You regrets are denied." Lady Danbury promptly responded with a knowing smirk, at which a defeated sigh left the Duke.

"A worthy effort, nonetheless." Belle shrugged, giving the Duke a sympathetic pat on the shoulder.

"I suppose a brief appearance-"

"Excellent." The woman cut him off resolutely before turning her attention to Belle. "Miss Grantham will be in need of a partner, won't you, dearest? You shall accompany her."

In that brief moment, it was as though both Belle and Simon had aged back into five year olds as they let out objectionable groans at her suggestion, but they were silenced by the abrupt stomp of her cane on the cobblestone.

"No objections." She warned the pair of them who quickly gave in to her request, before her gaze shot to Simon with a displeased expression crossing her features. "And you may leave that flask you carry at home; most undignified."

Lady Danbury then promptly turned on her heel once more, before striding back inside the house, followed quickly by Leopold and Nicholas.

Simon and Belle shared the briefest of glances between them before they both broke into a stifled bout of laughter.

"Most undignified indeed, your Grace." Belle told her with an exaggerated scowl, as he presented her with his arm which she took as he let out a loud snort.

The two of them stepped through the threshold, light laughter still shaking them, as they waited to see what more Lady Danbury would ask of them before the ball that night.

The ball that, little did either of them know, would change both their lives forever.

𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖐𝖘!
and the award for
the cheesiest closing
line goes to ...

anyway, the belle x
simon friendship
is one that will
move mountains


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