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(irl, flashbacks)

~A Week Later~
Thursday, September 27th, 2021.

Day 14.

A week had passedย by,ย and Sofia had yet to apologize to Nate, she didn't want to, in her mind she didn't do anything wrong, and she didn'tย  but to her father she did, speaking of her father she felt as if he betrayed her in a way, if you asked someone else it probably wasn't that serious but to her it was very serious, her father chose his fiancรฉ'sย son insteadย of his biological daughter. That was low, especially for him.

Taking Nate's side, arguingย with her dad because of it, speaking of Nate every timeย the two of them were around each other they usually started arguing, Mason and Khai had to pull Nate away and Brooke had to pull away Sofia to stop her from stranglingย him, and this happened at least four times a day.

Sofia usually isn't like this, unless she needs to beย and neither is Nate, Nate is usually a sweet and caring guy but something in him sparked when he metย Sofia, and not in a good way, more in I hate your guts kind ofย way. Same goes for Sofia, she's never really acted like this only around her sworn enemy, her ex best friend, it was always, Sofia, Brooke, Khai and Jess. Their other best friend, but not anymore.

Sofia and Jess were best friends since they were four, the two girls lived next to each other their whole lives, they were always competitiveย with their grades too, Sofia never cared about them until one day Jess tried to brag about her grades and ever since then the two always fought to see who had better grades, in a way they loved each other but deep-down they kind of hated each other but they kept being friendsย until one day they met Mason, they five of them (Brooke, Khai, Mason, Sofia, and Jess) became best friends and then one day in their senior year Jess became more confident after she had a glow up and decided to try and hit on him, everyone knew that Sofia liked him especially Jess but she made a move anyways, turned out Mason also liked Sofia and a few weeks later they started dating, and while they were dating even after they stopped being friends with Jess, she kept trying to hit on him. Mason obviously rejected her no matter how much or how hard she tried to flirt with him,ย and it stood like that until they graduated, Jess went off to college and Sofia and her friends all moved to New York.

Sofia hadn't spoke of or too Jess since then and doesn't plan on it.

Sofia is currently in her room with her boyfriend and friends talking about today, it's 9:30 in the morning and their all getting ready for Carlos's and Rebecca's wedding, Soffia is so mad at her dad that she doesn't even want to go butย she's going because she wants to see her brothers and her little cousins.

Sofia and themย are all getting ready to go, it was crowded in Sofia and Mason's room,ย but they managed. After the girls kicked out the guys so they could change into their dresses, Brooke into her dress of choice, and Sofia into her bridesmaid dress.

(I was going to go into detail but I'm too lazy, so here's the dress)

Sofia didn't necessarily want to be a bridesmaid, but Rebecca thought it would be a good idea, so Sofia along with her sister Sam and three of Rebecca's best friends would be her bridesmaids. Sam didn't mind being Rebecca's bridesmaids, she knew the blonde-haired women well, not as well as her father, but enough.

Sofia however did not want to be a bridesmaid;ย she wouldn't have minded if she knew the women more or if she didn't feel as if she was replacing herย mother.

After the girls changed into their dresses,ย they showed their boyfriend and brothers, "So how do we look?" Brooke asked as she spun around in her dress, Sofia shyly walked out of the bathroom and into the room to show her boyfriend and brother, "You look great Sofie," Khai smiled as Sofia awkwardly played with the bracelet on her wrist, "Thanks," she awkwardly muttered, "Uh, hey, what about me? your dear sister," Brooke asked offended on how her brother hadn't complimented her, "Ehh," Khai shrugged walking away to the bathroom to put on his suit as Mason stood in awe, mouth open, eyes widened, "You look beautiful," Mason spoke as he walked over to his girlfriend while the two siblings bickered in the back after Khai finished changing his clothes.

"You think so? I feel like an idiot," Sofia huffed as Mason wrapped his arms around her shoulders, Sofia hates dresses and everyone knows it, Sofia would never be caught wearing a dress and if you ever did catch Sofia wearing a dress it would be the day of her funeral "You look so beautiful," he whispered in her ear, Sofia shyly smiled at her boyfriend who pulled her into a kiss.

Sofia immediately kissed back, missing the feeling of her boyfriend'sย lips on hers, she felt as if they hadn't kissed in forever, and now that they were always around Sofia's family they didn't really kiss the just cuddled or held hands, I know your probably thinking, do they ever get time together, just the two of them? and the answer is no, not really, Brooke is always doing stuff with Sofia and Mason's always doing stuff with Khai who invites Nate to be nice.

The two stood their kissing for a few seconds until they heard Brooke and Khai's arguing getting louder and more annoying, "Can you guys shut the hell up?" Sofia asked pulling away from her boyfriend annoyingly sighed, the two siblings immediately shut up and went to their own things before they left, Brooke taking pictures in the bathroom and Khai going to talk to Nate.

"Oh, shit, I almost forgot, key word almost," Mason spoke pulling away from their kiss causing Sofia to groan in annoyance, "Happy birthday," Mason whispered from behind, into Sofia's ear sending shivers down her spine as he handed her a small white box, "You remembered?" Sofia quietly asked, "Of course I did!" he said as if it was a stupid question, before asking "Who didn't?"ย 

"Everyone except Brooke and Khai, per usual,"

"And you'reย okay with that? you'reย not going to say anything?" Mason asked wrapping an arm around her, feeling bad for his girlfriend, "Why would I? They're the ones who forgot, that's on them, not me," Sofia replied turning to face him with a sad expression before quickly covering it up acting as if she didn't care, somewhat she did but she kind of didn't in a way.

"Plus,ย I have my amazing boyfriend and amazing...ly annoying friends, what more could I ask for?" Sofia asked rolling her eyes and shrugging her shoulders, before seeing that his tie wasn't tied and started tying it, "Why don't you open your gift?" Sofia looked down at the box, "You know you didn't have to get me anything," she said as she undid the bow tied around the box, "Well I wanted to and now I feel worse knowing that no one remembered your birthday and that your dad is having his wedding on his daughter'sย birthday,"

"Father of the year," Sofia sarcastically muttered as she looked down at the necklace that Mason bought her, it was gold, her favorite, it said Sofia in cursive, "I love it, it's beautiful, thank you," sheย said glancing back at her boyfriend who then gently took the necklace from her hands and wrapped it around her neck as she moved her hair out the way, once he clasped the ends together she turned around and gave her boyfriend a tight and long hug.

"Thank you, and thank you for remembering," Sofia said thanking him with a kiss, he immediately kissed back before breathlessly pulling away and muttering a small "Your welcome," with a small smile before kissing her once again, the kiss started off small but then became more passionate, they stood their kissing slowly backing up into a wall as Sofia wrapped her arms around his neck until Brooke came out, "Sofia, I was gonna as-, oh shit, never mindย I'll ask later," she spoke causing the couple to pull away and give her a 'seriously' look which made her quickly leave the room, the couple looked back at each other before breaking out in laughter, the couple ended up falling on the bed, they laid there next to each other, "Moment ruined?"ย  Mason wondered once the laughter diedย down.

"Moment ruined," Sofia confirmed.

โ•ฐโ€ขโ˜…โ˜… ------------------ โ˜…โ˜…โ€ขโ•ฏ

Sofia walked out of her room and into the hallway, bumping into Nathan, "Watch where you'reย going!" Sofia exclaimed going to walk away but Nathan followed her, "Leave me alone!" Sofia rolled her eyes as she spoke continuingย to walk to the kitchen to grab some water, "I'm just going in the kitchen, my kitchen!" Sofia once again rolled her eyes as she grabbed two waters bottles, "So..." Nathan trailed off, "If you're here to start stuff, again, then just go," Sofia huffed.ย 

"Actually,ย I was going to ask you something,"

"Hurry up then," Sofia nodded for him to continue as she took as sip of her water, "A truce," Sofia looked at him amused before telling him to continue, "Just for one night, me and you put everything behind us so our parents can have a somewhat okay wedding." he offered, "All you have to do is pretend that you don't hate me," he added, "I don't hate you," she replied, "You don't?" Nate asked shocked by what just came out of her mouth.

"What are the rules?" Sofia asked intrigued on what he was thinking and where this idea came from, and ignoring his previous question knowing he'd make a big deal about it, "No arguing, no fighting, no strangling-"

"Blah, blah, boring and boring! I'll do it but once this is over the first thing,ย I'm going to do is strangle you, got it?"ย  Nate frantically nodded in fear, Sofia smirked at his reaction, she always found it amusing when she threatened him, whether she was serious or not.

As Sofia went to walk away before turning around when Nate spoke, "Oh one more thing," Sofia raised her eyebrowsย in question to which Nate replied with a smile, "Happy Birthday Sofia," Sofia was taken aback, he remembered her birthday? not remembered, he knew when her birthday was, how did he know that? and why? why did he care? "Thanks," she replied slightly smiling at the boy.

Sofia walked back to her room wondering how he knew that itย was her birthday.

โ•ฐโ€ขโ˜…โ˜… ------------------ โ˜…โ˜…โ€ขโ•ฏ

Sofia got out of her boyfriend's car with her friends as they made their way into the venue, she was nervous to meet Rebecca's family but so excited to see her brothers again, she missed them so much and hadn't seen them in a while since they both still live LA and she lives New York. Sofia walked hand in hand with Mason into the venue, both Nate's mother and Sofia's father were already there and now that Sofia and her friends are there, Sofia especially they can start.

Sofia walked to Rebecca's dressing room that she in finishing up her hair, "So are you ready?" Sam asked as curled a strand of Rebecca's hair, "To marry your dad? Of course, I'm so excited," Rebecca smiled leaning her head back on Sam who squeezed her shoulder with a smile as Sofia watched the two of them bond, she wasn't jealous,ย but she did still slightly feel as if Rebecca was taking over her family and she didn't like it, but there was nothing she could do about it.ย 

She couldn't lie though, Rebecca looked beautiful and she's happy that they found each other she just wished it didn't happen so quickly, Carlos should have at least waited a little longer to find someone else and get married.ย 

โ•ฐโ€ขโ˜…โ˜… ------------------ โ˜…โ˜…โ€ขโ•ฏ

Carlos sat in his dressing room with Andrew, Khai, Mateo, Mason, and Nate, Carlos had picked his sons to stand beside him along with three of his friends, Rebecca had pick three of her best friendsย and Sam and Sofia, Sofia would walk down Nate, Sam with Mateo and Andrew with one of Rebecca'sย youngerย sisters and best friend.ย 

"You ready?" Mateo asked as he helped his dad tie his tie which failed miserably, "Yeah," Carlos slowly nodded, he wasn't going to lie he missed his wife and getting ready like this reminded him the day of their wedding, he was feeling just as nervous then as he is right now, "I'm ready," Carlos said but he was talking to himself more thanย them.

The guys looked at the man weird as he muttered something under his breath trying to get himself ready, "Let's do this!" Carlos exclaimed, "No, no, no, you can't go out there with your tie looking like that," Andrew said frantically shaking his head, "Do you know how to tie a tie?" Mateo deadpanned, Andrew stayed quiet, "That's what I thought," Mateo smirked to himself, "Yeah and neither do you," Andrew shot back.

"Neither of you know how to tie a tie, I got this," Mason interjected the two before tying all of their ties seeing that none of them were tied. The boys looked at him shocked on how he knew how to tie a tie because the last time they saw him he didn't know how to tie one, "When did you learn to do that?" Andrew asked, "I have no idea," he replied thinking back to earlier.

โ•ฐโ€ขโ˜…โ˜… ------------------ โ˜…โ˜…โ€ขโ•ฏ

Sofia and Nate stood behind the closed doors peeking through them as they waited for everyone else to arrive so they could walk down the aisle. Sofia had yet to see her brothers since she arrived later and she was trying to be as patient as possible, but it wasn't working, she needed to see them, they're the only way she would survive the wedding.

"How did you know today was my birthday?" Sofia abruptly asked as Nate peaked through the doors, "Your dad told my mom not tooย long ago," he replied with a shrug backing away from the door, "And you just remembered that?" Sofia questioned with raised eyebrows, "Yeah."


"Because whether we like it or not our parents are getting married which means we're kind of, technically family and I kind of have to like you and remember things about you," he shrugged, that wasn't the real reason and they both knew it. Nate actually cared about her even if they act like they hate each other, he cares and deep down she does to, she just doesn't want to admit it yet and she never will.

"Aww, you do care about me!" Sofia cheered with a smirk, "I do not," he defended with loud sigh as he sat down on the bench, "Sure you don't..." Sofia sarcastically trailed off sitting next to him, "But if it's any constellation, I kind of! key word! kind of care about you too," Sofia smiled exclaiming some words so she didn't sound like she cared about him too much, Nate smiled at the girl who smiled back before looking away once she saw her dad, boyfriend, and brothers.

All three of them.

Sofia jumped out of her seat and ran to hug her brothers, tackling them in hugs, "I missed you guys so much!" Sofia happily exclaimed as she hugged her older brother Andrew, "I missed you too," after a few moments her youngest brother spoke, "I think I missed you a lot more than Andrew did," Mateo said causing Sofiaย to let out a small laugh before hugging Mateo.

Sofia could not wait to see her brothers and now that they'reย here she knew that today would be good.ย 

"You guys ready?" Carlos asked to which the five nodded, "I'll see you out there," Mason told his girlfriend who nodded, he placed a soft kiss to her cheek before making his inside the church with Khai following him, as Mason and Khai walked inside of the church Rebecca's bridesmaids came out, everyone got in their places and then Sofia and Nate walked out with their arms interlocked and Sam and Mateo following behind them along with everyone else.

"This is so weird," Sofia muttered to Nate as she awkwardly smiled at Nate and Rebecca's side of the family, "Not really," he shrugged as he smiled and waved at everyone, "Yeah, to you, your whole family is here and their all staring at us," Sofia muttered back as she glanced around at everyone, "They just really want to meet you," he muttered, unsure of how true that was.

Once they took their places Carlos came out, and then the music started playing, the doors opened and then Rebecca came out, her arm interlocked with her fathers. Once Rebecca and Carlos stood in front of one another they started with their long ass vows and then the I do's.

"Carlos Ramirez,ย do you take Rebecca Doe to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?"ย  the priestย asked, Sofia waited for her dad's answer as she looked at him with a confused expression.

Carlos looked at Sofia as if he was waiting for her approval, Sofia looked at him confused before realizing what had been going through his head, he wanted her to approve before saying anything,"ย so she looked at him and nodded with a soft smile, she wanted him to be happy even if that meant marrying someone else.

"I do," he nodded.

"Rebecca Doe, do you take Carlos Ramirez to beย your wedded husband to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?"

"I do," she breathed out.

"You may now kiss the bride," andย with that Carlos and Rebecca pulled each other into a passionate kiss and everyone including Sofia cheered in enjoyment. Once the newly married couple pulled away from each other Sofia spoke, "If you wanna get pictures with us dressed up all nice you better hurry up before I change my clothes," the couple along with their kids immediately started taking some pictures.ย 

Once they finished taking pictures, Sofia and Nate ran back down the aisle together so they could change out of their dressy clothes as people smiled and waved at them, "So what are you gonna do?" Sofia asked, "I'm gonna changeย out of these clothes, say hi to my cousins, uncles, sisters, and grandparents, and then I'm going to hang outย with my friends," he told her before going inside to change into his new clothes, "Wait you have friends?" Sofia teasingly asked, "Yeah I do," Nate replied slightly annoyed.

"Yeah, same, I do not want to meet anyone new right now," Sofia replied as she changed her clothes inside the dressing room.ย Once the two were done they came out in their new outfits, "You know if you didn't bring your friends and boyfriend to move in with us,ย I would've thought you didn't have any friend either," he replied sticking his tongueย out at her, "Ugh," Sofia groaned also sticking her tongueย out, "Looks like this truce is over?" Sofia hoped thinking that now since their arguing they wouldn't have to pretend to all buddy, buddy.

"No, it's over when I say it's over," he replied before walking away and going to hang out with his friends, Sofia looked at squinting her eyes in annoyance as she imagined herself slapping him right now before also walking back to everyone, she probably had to save Khai in a conversation with someone from Rebecca's side of the family.

Sofia was right though, but she actually had to save all of her friend's and herself from conversations. Once she pulled them away,ย she went to go hang out with her side of her family and hang out with her brothers.

Sofia ended up getting stuck in multiple conversations with Rebecca's side of the family as she played with her younger cousins, with her boyfriend by her side, she couldn't really complain though, Rebecca's family was nice and practically all of them had kids,ย so she got to play with a lot of kids, babies especially and she loves babies.

ย Brooke went to go hang out with Nate and his friends,ย but his friends had left early and didn't really meet anyone they didn't already know, so Brooke hung out with Nate and his cousins while Khai talked to everyone and made them laugh by saying stupid, yet funny things.

And when she got home,ย she changed out of her clothes and threw on her pajamas, she did her nighttime routine and glanced at her alarm clock, it was 12:30 am and no one except for her friends, boyfriend, and surprisingly Nate remembered her birthday, her own family, "Happy fucking birthday to me," she muttered to herself before knocking out.ย 

Audrina Speaks!

ย Oh my god guys, this is the last chapter of her short backstory, we can finally move on to the present, how she meets them, what they do, how they fall in love.ย  blah, blah, blah.

Also, I was thinking maybe I could make a book for Chris and Brooke, idk tho, but let me know.
But I would make it after I finish this book so you would have to wait a while, but let me know, I might just do it.

I hope you guys liked this chapter, don't forget to comment and vote, but only if you want to, if not that's fine.

I love you all so much<3.

Also, this is unedited... again.

I love you!

3705 words!

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