⁰⁰² 𝐈 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞!

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"𝓔𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒾𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓎𝑜𝓊. 𝓔𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒽𝒶𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝒷𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓈𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊"

(irl, flashbacks)

~Ten Weeks Later~

Friday, September 16th, 2021.

Day 1

Brooke's birthday had past, August 27th, a month apart from Sofia's. Anyway, Brooke's birthday was amazing, they had a blast. They invited over all their other friends over which distracted Sofia from thinking about meeting her father's fiancé and her son.
She already hated them though, she didn't even know them, and she hated them, just the thought of them made her want to barf. Which to her is a good start for planning to ruin her father's wedding.

She knew it would be a horrible day, but she didn't think it would be as bad since they allowed her to bring her boyfriend and friends. she also had no idea when the wedding was, she just knew that it was in a couple weeks.

Today she would be driving with her crazy ass friends and boyfriend from New York City to Boston, they'd all be taking turns driving well all except for Khai because he likes to mess around, so he's banned from driving, and knowing Mason he'd be making comments on Sofia's driving the whole time so she'd just have him take over, and though Brooke could drive, she hated it so she refused to do it. 

So, no one would really be driving other than Sofia and Mason, but mostly Mason.

They were currently in her car driving to Boston as Mason drove with his hand on Sofia's thigh while Brooke and Khai fought in the back, the two love each other but hate to admit it and with the way Khai is he's always bothering Brooke. If you ever see the two together alone their trying to kill each other. In Sofia's words "You should never leave the two alone together or one of them will end up dead," 

"Can you guys shut the hell up?!" Sofia shouted shooting up from her seat to turn around to face them in annoyance, "Relax, Babe," Mason said rubbing his hand up and down her thigh as she sighed, she was so tired of them fighting like idiots, they had woken up pretty early to go to Boston, and Sofia hates waking up early more than she hates being sick, man does she hate being sick, along with a lot of other thing, anyways, they had to be there in time for dinner according to Sam.

Brooke, Mason, and Khai didn't want to intrude on their dinner as a family so they planned to say hello and then leave, but Sofia begged Mason to stay with her, she said she wouldn't survive being there without him.

So, he decided, for Sofia's sake that he'd stay with her as long as they were okay with it, but Sofia didn't care what they wanted or what they were okay with she needed him to stay with her or she'd go insane.

The shouted from Sofia shocked the siblings, they hadn't heard her yell like that since she found about her father getting married. The two siblings immediately quitted down leaving the raven-haired girl to get some rest as her boyfriend drove them to Boston.

She needed to get her sleep, or she would be cranky, not that she's not already cranky, but she'd be extra cranky, and no one needs to see that, ever. 
According to Brooke and Khai cranky Sofia is scary, but according to Mason she just needs more sleep or some coffee and she's good.

Sofia turned her head over to look over at her boyfriend who was currently focused on driving until he felt his girlfriend staring. "What?" he asked glancing at her for a split second before turning look back at the road, "Nothing," Sofia shook her head with a shy smile as Mason stopped at a red light he glanced back at Brooke and Khai to see them both on their phone's letting him place his hand on her cheek before pulling her into a short kiss. Once they pulled away the pair was left smiling like idiots, he placed his hand back on her thigh and after a few moments she slowly drifted off to sleep.

A couple of hours later Sofia slowly woke up to Khai and Brooke arguing, again, she groaned telling them to shut the hell up before she smashes their heads together to make them shut up, the two immediately shut up which made Sofia smile as she went back to sleep, only to be woken up a few minutes later but this time it was Mason who woke her.

"What do you want?" she groaned squinting her eyes due to the bright sunlight as she squirmed around in her seat. "Babe, we're here," Mason said after opening her car door for her, Sofia shot up in her seat getting slightly startled that she was in Boston to see her father who she was still pissed at.

"Relax, okay? we're all gonna be right here with you," Mason said as he helped the tired raven-haired girl out of the car, "Even when you want to slap the shit out of someone," Brooke and Khai spoke simultaneously causing the two to fist bum without looking at each other causing Mason to smile. Sofia chuckled softly before nodding and walking to the front door hand in hand with Mason and her arm interlocked with Brooke's as Khai walked very close behind her with his hands on her shoulders for comfort.

She needed the support from her best friends and boyfriend to meet these people who she already hated. She took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. A few seconds later the door opened revealing Sam, even though she was pissed at her sister she was glad she answered the door instead of her father's wife or son, she did not want to meet them at all, she whined like a child when she first woke up this morning, she knew today would be a horrible day. 

Once she saw her sister standing in the door, she sighed in relief not wanting to meet them yet, if she could've stayed in her car for five more minutes or got another hour or two of sleep then maybe she would have the energy to put on her best fakest smile and act like she enjoyed hanging around these new people she had to call her family, but she didn't.

"Hey," Sam awkwardly spoke not knowing if she should hug her sister who she was so happy to see even if Sofia was pissed at her, Sofia reluctantly pulled away from her friends and boyfriend and bought her sister into a hug, after a few moments they pulled away leaving Sam to say hello to the kids she used to babysit and mason.

Brooke, Khai, and Sofia have been friends since they were six years old, and have been inseparable since, and then one day high school, freshman year they meet Mason and then four years later they started dating have been dating since.

Sam let them come inside but Sofia refused to go in first, she made the guys go inside while she stayed behind with Brooke, "You ready for this?" Brooke asked, pulling her to the side so no one could her them, she knew that her best friend would probably soon explode from how angry she was at her father, "Nope," Sofia simply replied popping the P.

"Let's go," Sofia said interlocking her arm with Brooke's before walking inside. The two girls walked in with their arms interlocked, Sofia walked to her boyfriend who stood by the front door waiting for as Brooke walked to her brother.

Sofia took another deep breath before following her sister who led her and her friends inside. Sofia stood very close to Mason as they walked throughout the house with Sam leading them to the kitchen. As they entered the kitchen, there she saw her father, his fiancé, and her son making dinner, they looked like a happy little family, the three of them.

Sofia hated it, no matter how mad she was at her dad and sister no one takes her family, "Hey Dad!" Sofia exclaimed with the fakest smile she's ever put on.

Carlos knew that voice very well, he turned around with a smile on his face, "Mija, you made it!" the three of them were clearly having a family moment because the son looked annoyed and the wife looked happy, but Sofia could tell she ruined their moment, that's how good she is at reading people.

Carlos walked over to his youngest daughter pulling her into a hug, he really missed her, last he remembered she hated his guts (she still does but he doesn't know that) he was also overjoyed that his daughter would be joining him for his big day. 

"Dad, too tight," Sofia breathed out, "Sorry," he apologized slightly pulling away they stood there hugging each other for a few moments, as they hugged each other Sofia slowly got caught up in the moment realizing how much missed her dad and even though she's here ruin his wedding in that moment she felt bad for what she had planned but she stopped caring once someone cleared there throat making Carlos pull away from his daughter.

"Oh right! Mija, Brooke, Khai, Mason let me introduce you to my fiancé, Rebecca, and her son, Nathan," Carlos introduced them, Sofia planned to shake their hands, but Rebecca pulled her into a hug making Sofia freeze, who the hell does she think she is pulling me into a hug? Sofia thought to herself.

Sofia awkwardly patted her back as Rebecca hugged her, Mason along with everyone else other than Nathan stood there shocked and confused, Sofia hates when people hug her unless it's her family or her close friends and sometimes, she makes the exception of hugging her friends she isn't that close with. Usually, she tried to slap whoever hugged her without her permission, she loves physical touch but only from certain people, and Rebecca was not one of those people.

"Oh, it's so nice to meet you, I've heard so much about you! you are so beautiful," Rebecca exclaimed with a smile pulling away to examine Sofia's face, "Thanks," Sofia awkwardly muttered, "Uhhh, let me introduce you to my friends," Sofia said trying to think of something to say, "This my best friend Brooklyn, Brooke for short and Khai," Sofia introduced her friends who were practically introduced, who awkwardly waved at them, but Rebecca pulled them into a hug, talk about personal space, Brooke said to herself.

"And this is my boyfriend, Mason," Sofia added smiling at her boyfriend who smiled back, Rebecca also pulled the boy into a hug before introducing her son, Mason wouldn't have minded the hug if it was a shorter hug and if he knew he a little better if so he wouldn't have minded her dragging him into a hug, "Sofia, Brooke, Mason, Khai, this is my son, Nathan," 

"Actually, it's Nate, nice to meet you guys," Nate waved, the girls waved at him, Sofia with her fake smile and Brooke with a real smile which made him swoon a little, "You too," the girls spoke at the same time causing them to chuckle softly while the guys nodded at each other.

"Let's eat," Carlos shouted in excitement. Brooke and Khai were going to leave but Rebecca insisted they stay and join the for dinner. They looked at Sofia who just shrugged not knowing what to say, the two siblings looked at each other before nodding deciding that they would stay, Brooke for moral support while Khai decided to stay to be nosy and see what happens next.

A few moments later they sat at the table, Carlos and Mason sat across from each other while Sofia sat next to him with Khai and Brooke on her right side, and Nate and Rebecca sat next to each other along with Sam sitting next to her father.

(This is what I tried (key word tried) to do so you guys could see their seating arrangement I know it's bad, but I tried)

They sat in an uncomfortable silence as they ate, Sofia would kill for someone to say something, anything, the silence was just so uncomfortable and that pissed her off, Mason definitely noticed and decided to break it for his girlfriend's sake, "Mr. Ramirez, this is amazing," he said making eye contact with the man who smiled at the compliment "Thank you," 

"So, how was the drive here?" Sam asked slightly shrugging her shoulders, "Yeah, yeah it was good," Sofia nodded immediately responding, "Sooo, how long have you and Mason been dating?" Rebecca asked, "Since senior year," Sofia replied, "You guys are so cute together," Rebecca smiled as she took a sip of her wine, "Thank you," Mason said looking at Sofia who smiled at him as she interlocked her hand with his under the table.

The rest of the dinner was Rebecca trying to get to know Sofia and her friends more as everyone else watched, Nate muttering smart comments to everything Sofia said to himself that no one except Mason and Sofia heard, which pissed the off, Sofia especially.

From what Sofia gathered, Rebecca wasn't as bad as she expected but she was worried about Nathan, he was making smart comments all night and she had the urge to slap him but sadly she couldn't. After everyone was eating Sofia helped clean up spending quality time with her dad and sister even though she's still mad at them, but the more she talked to them the less mad she was.

As Sofia washed the dishes with Sam who was drying them, even after her father and Rebecca protested telling her that she was a guest, she didn't care, to her and Sam it felt like the old days, when they were kids and deep down, she missed it. 

Brooke, Khai, and Mason where all in the living room with Nate and Rebecca, although Mason didn't like what Nate was saying about his girlfriend under his breath, he hung out with them because he wanted to be nice while Brook tried to act like she cared about what Rebecca was saying as she talked her ear off.

Brooke didn't mind talking to Rebecca, but she didn't want to talk about her relationship with her friend's dad's new fiancé. She'd rather talk about gossip or something funny like the Sturniolo triplets.

Sofia and Sam stood in silence as they washed the dishes until Sam spoke up, "So, how have you been since, you know?" Sofia looked confused on what she meant, "Since dad's new girlfriend? or mom?" she knew she probably meant both, but she still wanted to ask.

"Both," Sam shrugged as she dried the cup in her hand, "Well, I'm mad that dad is already moving, but Rebecca doesn't seem too bad, but Nate seems like an ass," Sofia replied as she rinsed the plate in her hand, "What? he's so sweet," Sam said with an open mouth, she was shocked because Nate's been nothing a sweetheart to her, "Did you not hear all those smart comments earlier?" Sofia questioned looking at her instead of the dishes, "Not really,"

"Yeah, well he's an asshole," Sofia sighed as she finished up washing the dishes before walking away and over to her friends and boyfriend. As soon as she sat down next to Brooke spoke, "Thank god you're here, we need to talk,"

"Your gonna have to wait till we go to sleep," Sofia said making Brooke sigh but nod.

For some reason the newfound couple wanted to watch a movie, so they did. They made a whole bunch of popcorn and watched Fast 9, she hadn't watched the fast and furious movies in a while especially since Paul Walker passed, it just didn't feel the same without him, but she watched it anyways and surprisingly Sofia now she absolutely adored it, especially because Han is back, he is one of her favorite characters other than Paul and Roman. 

(Sofia prefers scary movies FYI)

About two hours later, Carlos and Rebecca showed the four teenagers to their rooms, Carlos being Carlos did not want the couple to sleep in the same room. The couple didn't care though and Rebecca let them sleep in the same room because she figured they wouldn't do anything with six other people in the house.

Sofia was in her temporary room changing into her pajamas as Mason brushed his teeth, shirtless with the bathroom door open when Brooke barged into the room with Khai closely following behind with his hand over his eyes, just in case.

"Oh my God, you didn't tell me that your new brother was best friends with the Sturniolo triplets," Brooke dramatically exclaimed causing Sofia to quickly put her shirt on, "Uh hello, I'm changing," Brooke quirked an eyebrow like she's not always in the room with Sofia no matter what she's doing "So? I'm your best friend I've seen everything," Sofia responded with a quiet "That is true," before asking "Who the hell are the Sturn-, you know what I'm not even going to try pronouncing that but who the hell are the triplets?" 

"Um hello, they're those really funny people on YouTube, I'm always watching their videos, you complain about it all the time, remember?" Brooke said trying to remind the confused girl, "Oh, I remember now," Sofia replied in realization, "Can I come in now?" Khai asked waiting in the hallway with his hands still covering his eyes, "Ugh, yes, Khai," Brooke shouted. "Anyways, as I was saying,"

"Yeah, well I have no idea who they are how they know Nathan, or whatever but care to explain before you yell at me?" 

"The Sturniolo triplets are famous on YouTube, and they have a best friend named Nathan Doe, and where currently sitting in his house!" Brooke explained trying to be quiet, but she couldn't really be quiet because she was excited, "Okay, relax," Sofia replied not caring about these triplets as she grabbed Brooke's hands and sat her down on the bed. 

Brooke took a deep breath and then showed Sofia the famous triplet's she was currently obsessing over, Sofia watched the girl in amusement as she obsessed over the triplets, Sofia couldn't lie they were all attractive, but she didn't really care. She watched as her best friend obsessed over them thinking about how crazy and delusional, she was being. 

"Okay, you're doing too much," Sofia said sighing at the girl, "Go get some sleep and obsess over them tomorrow," Brooke and Khai left the room going to their rooms and at first Brooke was going to listen to her best friend and go to sleep but then decided to watch the triplet's old video as she got ready for bed.

Khai sat in his room watching amazing world of gumball until he fell asleep which he soon did.

Sofia sat in bed looking for something to watch to fall asleep too, while Mason got ready to sit down next to her, the couple was exhausted and couldn't wait to get some sleep, Mason especially he was exhausted from all of the driving while Sofia is just always tired and always wants to sleep.

"Okay there's nothing to watch! forget it," Sofia huffed turning off the Tv and laying down, "Let's just relax and go to sleep, okay?" Mason questioned as Sofia laid down on his chest, "Good night," Mason said placing a kiss to her forehead, "Good night," slowly falling asleep, "I love you," Mason muttered looking down at his girlfriend who was already sleeping.

╰•★★ ------------------ ★★•╯

Saturday, 17th

Day 2.

The next day the couple woke up early in the morning, but Sofia was still tired, so she went back to sleep only to wake a few hours later. She slowly opened her eyes wanting to drift off to sleep again but instead sat up to look at the time.

2:42 pm.

She sighed and rolled her eyes, mad that she slept in again, but she was exhausted. She looked to her left to see her boyfriend gone, making her wonder where he went. She quickly changed her pajamas into presentable clothes, she got ready for an exhausting day, walked out her room and saw everyone in the living room talking, some laughing.

They all looked happy, she didn't want to ruin that, so she watched from the hallway, slightly hiding behind the wall. As much as she didn't want to ruin their happy moment she felt left out.

A few hours later, she sat in the living room with her father and sister, having family time just the three of them, bonding like a family, until Nate walked in. He started rambling about something that Sofia was not paying attention to at all, and before you know it Carlos excused himself and left with Nate.

Sofia definitely hates him now.

Later at dinner, which is when Carlos and Nate finally got back, Sofia was glaring at him the whole time, "Okay, what's up with you and Nate?" Brooke asked as she placed her plate in the sink, "He's trying to steal my dad," Sofia whisper-yelled in an anger she would never admit following after the girl to do the same, "Didn't you come here to ruin his wedding?"

"How did you know that?" Sofia asked with a shocked tone on her how her best friend knew that along with everything else.

"I'm you best friend, I know everything, not to mention, we're practically twins," Brooke shrugged, Sofia thought about it with raised eyebrows before lowering them slightly shrugging knowing that is true, "Also you seemed pretty made before we came, so I knew you already hated everything about them," 

"I do," Sofia stated, "Really? I couldn't tell," Brooke sarcastically replied, "So what are you gonna do?" Brooke added in question, "I don't know," Sofia truthfully replied as they walked to Brooke's room, "I realized how much I missed my dad and honestly I don't think I'm that mad anymore and Rebecca doesn't seem too bad, she's, doesn't know how to know when to not hug someone, but overall, she's not bad, and Nate, Nate genuinely is starting to piss me off,"

"Why? what'd he do?"

"Not only is he stealing my dad from me, but the smart comments, the eye rolling, it's so annoying and if he does it again, I'm gonna go off," Sofia explained, "But you're not going to ruin your dad's wedding?"

"Not anymore," Sofia confirmed.

╰•★★ ------------------ ★★•╯

Sunday, 18th

Day 3.

Sofia was in the living room as Brooke took a nap, Khai played a game on his phone in his room, Mason took a shower, and her dad and Rebecca watched a movie in their room, because they wanted to spend quality time together.

Sofia was quite bored and waited for her boyfriend to get out of the shower so they could watch a movie together but he was taking too long to get out of the shower, so she put on a show just as Nate come out of his room and into the kitchen, right across the living room, he obviously came out of his room to bother her because he was making a lot of noise for no reason.

"What the hell are you doing and why are you doing it?" Sofia asked in annoyance as she turned to her left to look at Nate who was hitting pots and pans together, "Oh I'm sorry is this bothering you?" Nate asked with a fake dumbfounded expression, "You know it is," Sofia replied clenching her jaw and holding herself back from slapping the shit out of him, "Sorry, I just don't know what pan to use," Nate said, Sofia rolled her eyes going back to watching tv.

Nate kept on hitting the pans together making Sofia turn up the tv so she could hear, "What is wrong with you?" Sofia asked trying to hold herself back from strangling him, "I don't know what you're talking about, I'm just trying to make a snack," Nate continued to make loud noises as Sofia continued to turn up the volume on the tv the more he made noise "Oh my god, I'm gonna strangle you," Sofia muttered before making her way into the kitchen, "Are you done?" 

"Like seriously are you done? it's getting annoying," Sofia hissed in anger, "First the smart comments, then the dirty looks, trying to steal my dad, and now these unnecessary noises," 

"You think I'm stealing your dad?"

"It sure seems like it," Sofia stated, "Well, I'm not trying to but now that I know it bothers you," Nate replied with a smirk getting an idea, "Ohh, I am this close to strangling you," Sofia said demonstrating with her fingers on how close she was to strangling him, "Do it!" he said tempting the girl, who was very close to strangling him. 

"Oh trust me, I'm going to," Sofia promised lunging at him as she started hitting him only to be pulled away a seconds later by Mason, "Woah, woah, woah, what the hell are you guys doing?" 

"Your girlfriend is insane," Nate breathed out as he rubbed his arm in pain, "You started it, you asshole!"  Sofia exclaimed going to lung at him again but Mason wrapped his arm around her waist so she couldn't go anywhere making her hit him to let her go, "Sofia, stop it!" Carlos demanded walking into the kitchen, he heard everything in his room and came out to put a stop to the two of them fighting, "Leave Nate alone,"

"He started it!" Sofia whined.

"Apologize," Carlos demanded, "No," Sofia denied, "Stop acting like a child and apologize," Sofia looked at her dad, squinting with pure anger in her eyes, "I can't believe you, and to think I was starting to forgive you," Sofia yelled, "Sofia-"

"No," Sofia pushed her boyfriend off of her and purposely bumped into Nate on the way out and made her way to her room.

╰•★★ ------------------ ★★•╯

Tuesday, 20th

Day 5. 

(Skipped one days because I didn't know what to write n didn't want to make it long also Monday's suck)

Sofia hadn't talked to her father, she didn't want to, he took his fiancé's sons side instead of her's, his own daughter. She was mad at him, and he was mad at her.

Sofia was also pissed at Nate, he kept trying to bother her and it was working. Sofia sat in her room texting her brother's about how annoying Nate is and how much she misses them and can't wait to see them. She knew the wedding would be better if her brothers were there so she could talk to them instead of Rebecca and Nate's family.

As she texted her brother's Nate knocked on the door, as much as she pissed him off, he didn't want to walk in on anything, "Come in!" Sofia exclaimed thinking it was probably Khai since he's the only one that actually knocks.

Nate opened the door and walked in the room and once Sofia realized it was him, she rolled her eyes and asked, "What do you want Nate?" Nate looked at her already annoyed and then spoke, "Just wanted to let you know that dinner's ready," she sighed before responding, "Okay, you can go now," she replied shooing him away with her hand.

"What's your problem?" Nate asked, "You, you are my problem, you say rude things and not in a funny sarcastic way, it's just rude, and you don't even make me feel welcome in your home like you do my friends," Sofia ranted with an angry tone, "Whatever," Nate said shaking his head about to walk about, "You are such an asshole," 

Nate muttered an "Ugh, I hate you," as he walked out the room "I hate you too," Sofia hissed making the teenage boy turn around to face her, walking back in the room, "Yeah, well, I hate you more!" Nate exclaimed, "I don't think it's possible to hate me more than I hate you! I hate you way more than you hate me!" Sofia exclaimed getting up and slamming the door in his face. Sofia sighed as she walked back to her bed, she couldn't do another family dinner that her dad wanted them to have every night to get to know each other more, why would I have to do that when I already see these people 24/7? Sofia thought as she threw herself on her bed.

When her sister and friends came to get her to come eat with them, she told them to go away, or that she wasn't hungry but really, she was just mad at her dad and Nate. Sofia ended up laying down and falling asleep only to wake up a day later confused on when she went to sleep and what time it was.

Audrina Speaks!

 I think this chapter is good, hbu?

I feel like it's wayyyyy too long though.
But I didn't want to put it into two different chapters, so I just wrote it all together. But let me know if you like longer or shorter chapters? I'll try to make 'em longer if you like them if not, I'll try to make them shorter.

Anyways, what do you think? let me know.

I love you all so much. Pls comment and vote, I really appreciate it and it helps with motivation a lot. If you don't want to comment or vote that's perfectly fine, do it if you want to.

I love you all again. Thank you to everyone who reads this now or in the future.

Unedited as always, 4925 words.  Also ignore any typos.

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