A Brand New Home

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Victoria's eyes opened slowly as she sighed a little. Rubbing her eyes, she arched up a little and let her feet hit the floor. "Where...where am I?" She questioned to herself and saw her surroundings, as if she didn't remember anything. She then spotted a necklace around her neck and it caught her attention. "Huh? An engagement ring?" Victoria then remembered everything from before her knock out. "Grace...Pogo...Five...the deal..." She mumbled to herself and thought back to the cave, the tears of her other siblings and niece. "Oh goodness, I'm engaged to Number Five!" Victoria said in worry. "You called?" Five smirked as he spacial jumped in front of the girl, and Victoria let out a small yelp. "Oh...you startled me." She stated. "So sorry, I do have that effect on people. Did you have a nice rest, my dear?" Five replied, staring the ginger in the eyes. "H-How long was I out?" Victoria questioned. "Oh, about an hour or so..." Five said in thought. "I took that time to decorate your room!" Victoria became confused. "M-My...my room?" She questioned. "What? You thought I was going to let my beautiful bride sleep on the couch or even a dusty old dungeon?" Victoria thought for a moment and was about to say yes.

"Never! You like red, right?" Five stated. "Uh...sure..." Victoria informed. "Of course, the sleeping arrangements is only temporary until the wedding." The time traveller said with a grin. Victoria gulped and thought about sleeping next to Five, she wouldn't sleep with hurdles of fear inside of her. "Um...Five...when is this wedding exactly?" She asked in concern. "Oh, I don't know... next month, next week, actually why wait? Let's get married tomorrow!" The boy smirked. "Tomorrow?!" Victoria cried. "Would you rather it'd be today? I understand if you're anxious but we need to get things organised first." Five grinned and crossed his arms. "For instance, we need to pick out your wedding dress. You'll want to look stunning on your big day!" He said. "Um...don't you think-"

Five only spacial jumped them into a massive wardrobe with three mirrors in front of Victoria. "Let's see your a size four, right?" He questioned to the ginger as he scanned her up and down. "Yes, but don't you think you're going a bit to..." Victoria muttered. Five only scanned the ginger once more and then snapped his fingers. Victoria's outfit changed into a wedding dress but the time traveller wasn't convinced. "Nah, it's too white and too classic." He snapped his fingers again.

"Too flowery."

"Too blue."

"Too glittery and black."

"Too pink."

"Too medieval."

Victoria stared at herself in the mirror and smiled at the dress, she was a fan of red and she kind of liked it. "Oh, that's more like it!" Five said. "It is lovely but, Five..." Victoria tried to reason. "Lovely? Gorgeous is more like it!" Five grinned, putting his hands on the ginger's shoulders. "Five..." Victoria muttered under her breath. "Your fiancee is very lucky to have you!" Five said. "Five..." Victoria said again. "Oh, wait! That's me!" The boy exclaimed, ignoring the ginger. "Five!" Victoria exclaimed and had enough of being ignored. "Yes, my dear?" Five asked. "Don't you think tomorrow is a bit...soon...?" Victoria questioned. Five put a finger to his chin and got into a fake thinking state. "Let me think about it...nah..." He protested. "B-But...you see...I hardly know you as it is." Victoria said. "Your point?" Five grumbled. "So I don't think we should marry-"

Five only cleared his throat to gesture for Number Eight to stop. "Need that I remind you that we had an agreement?" He reminded. "I'll still marry you, just...not yet...." The red-head spoke. "Explain." Five stated as an eyebrow rose. "It's just that...I always thought when I got married, I would...fall in love first." Victoria explained, fiddling with a bit of her red dress. "Oh! They'll be plenty of time for that!" Five chuckled, putting a hand on his hip. "But I would rather-" The time traveller only cut her off with the words ofย "Oh, blah, blah, blah! What's makes you think I'll listen to you?" Victoria's eyebrows narrowed as she continued to look at Five. "As I recall, you said you would give me whatever I desired!" She stated with a stern glare and Five's grin went to a nervous face. "I...did say that, didn't I?" He replied as he remembered the exact words he told the red-head back in the cave. "Well, I want the wedding postponed." Victoria said. "B-But...I...." Five tried to reason with her but he only failed. "You said yourself that you wanted a willing bride, right?" Number Eight continued. "Well, I did. But you know..." Victoria huffed and turned her back to him. "Well, Five, I would be willing if we got to know each other first since we barely got any time together as kids."

"You...I...ugh! You're a lot more difficult than I remember! You were always the shy one as we all grew up!" Five clarified in anger. Victoria growled a little and her fists tightened. "That may be and I still quite am, but people change as they grow just like you did when you left us all for evil. But I am very sorry about when things don't go your way, but you'll have to deal with it. Postpone the wedding or I won't corporate." She spat back as she looked the time traveller back in the eyes. Five was about to lash out to the girl but took in a small sigh to hold himself back. He watched the ginger as she was still turned to him. "Be patient, Five..." He whispered to himself in small reassurance. "You'll get her in time...you just have to play it cool..." Victoria looked back to him after seeing he hadn't respond to her. "Well...?" She questioned with a annoyed eyebrow raise. "Very well, my dear. We'll postpone the wedding for now, which means you won't be needing this." Five said, gesturing to the dress that Victoria was still wearing. He snapped his fingers and Victoria's clothes was back to the ones she was wearing before. "Postpone it until when?" She asked. "Hmm...why don't we strike another deal? Every night I will ask you a tincy question, if you don't give me the right answer then I will keeping asking until you give me the right one." The boy replied. "And when I do?" Victoria said. "Oh, let's just say that'll be our wedding night." Five smirked.ย 

"But enough about that, now who's hungry?" As if on cue, Victoria looked to her stomach that gave a small gurgle and the ginger gave a small blush of embarrassment. "I did...skip breakfast..." She mumbled to the time traveller. "Say no more...say no more." Five responded and then clicked his fingers. The two were back in the main room where a long dining table was placed and Five was summoning cuisines onto it. "What will it be, my dear? Roast beef, turkey, roast dinner?" He suggested as the dishes kept summoning. "Um...maybe a salad would do..." Victoria muttered. "Salad it is! Bon appetite, my love!" Five smiled and he summoned a bowl of salad in front of the ginger, who was sat opposite Five at the table. Victoria picked up her fork but only played with her food and stared at it with suspicion. She was wondering if something was in it to infect her or anything else. "Come on, ginger. I thought you said you were hungry." Five said once he noticed Number Eight not eating the salad. "It's not poison if that's what you're thinking." He informed to her. Victoria gave a sigh of relief and then held up a bit of the salad with her fork. She popped it in her mouth and chewed it down as Five watched her, which made her a bit uncomfortable. "Well...?" He trailed. "Delicious..." The girl replied with a shy smile. "You're welcome, anything for my lovely fiancee." Five smirked and stared Victoria down.

Victoria looked to her feet and sighed. "Please don't call me that..." She was still getting used to the ropes of this new, so-called life. "You find me terrifying...don't you?" Five then questioned as a hand was on his cheek. "Um..." Victoria mumbled and didn't know how to reply to that. "Don't worry about it. It's perfectly understandable, I do have...quite...the reputation that is known. You on the other hand..." Five spacial jumped to the behind of Victoria's chair and it made the ginger yelp. "Are a knockout! Has anyone ever told you that your eyes shine like stars at night?" He exclaimed. "Um...well..." Victoria muttered in anxiety. "Or that your hair is as soft as silk?" Five said, brushing a hand through Victoria's long hair and the girl gave a shaky breath. "Five, please stop touching my hair..." She asked but didn't face him. "Or that your skin is as pale as the moon? Unlike Luther...obsessed over the moon still, is he?" Five continued and Victoria was still stumbling to find the right words to say. "You're just simply ravishing, my dear."

"Five, please..."

"What? Ravishing is not a good enough word? How about stunning? Beautiful?"






"Stop what?" Five questioned, seeming oblivious to the fact that Victoria was denying his compliments. "Just stop...complimenting me and touching me." She stated. "Would you rather that I insult you?" The time traveller questioned in sarcasm. "No...look, I'm flattered but..." Victoria tried to reply but like always, she got cut off. "You know what else....I was kind of hoping that you'd be the one to accept my offer..." Five admitted as he faced the floor. Victoria looked at Five with great concern and suspicion. "You see, throughout the few months I was hidden, I was kinda watching you from afar...and the others too, of course!" He trailed and the ginger gave a gasp of shock. "Y-You've been spying on me...?" She questioned. Five gave a small grin and faced the floor again. "Well, yes...and like I said, the others too. I especiallyย liked it when you snapped Diego's neck!" He exclaimed with a devious chuckle. "I was giving him a massage because his back was sore after a event he went through!" Victoria clarified in a small shriek. "Well, it looks fantastic. You must give me one of those once we're married, I'll be looking forward to it...my bride." Victoria leaned back into her chair with an agitated groan.

"Look, I appreciate the compliments and all but..." The girl did a fake yawn to try and trick Five into thinking that she was tired. "You're tired? But it's barely noon, and you just woke up from your nap!" Victoria secretly smiled and knew it worked. "Well, yes..." She did another fake yawn. "But it was only an hour...and you know how cranky you can get. Now you wouldn't want a cranky bride, now would you?" She explained and turned to Five. "I suppose not...well, luckily, I have your room ready for you! I know you like red!" Five smirked and put his hands on the ginger's shoulders. Victoria shivered from the touch of his cold hands on her but brushed it off and went along with it. "But first, my question..." The time traveller stated. "Oh, yes, what is it?" Victoria asked. "Do you love me?" The ginger raised an eyebrow. "What?" She wondered. "I said...do you love me?" Victoria bit her lip in fear and gulped. "U-Um...no?" She replied. "Ah, perfectly understandable. Though...heads up, my dear...I'm going to keep asking you that until you say yes! Now, let's get you to bed." Five spacial jumped the two into a red-coloured bedroom and the girl's eyes widened with a gasp. "Lovely, isn't it? I gave you everything you'd need to feel comfortable."

"Here, I got you a new wardrobe and oh, sit right here. I got you the softestย mattressย in the world." Victoria obeyed and sat on the bed and it felt as light as a feather, making her eyes widen in shock and joy. "Oh my, you're right! It is super soft!" She smiled. "Oh, watch this! Lights on!" Five clapped his hands together and the lights went on. "Lights out!" He clapped again and the light swept away. "Lights on! Neat, huh?" He said. "I also got you a record player with some of your favourite songs, just in case it gets too quiet for you and also a mini microwave in case you get hungry in the middle of the nights, just push a button and food will appear of whatever you'd like!" Victoria was shocked at how much Five had put into her room and she knew that he wanted a bride or things would be utter chaos but she was shocked at how much he was putting in just to make her happy. It was as if he wanted some approval in his life. "I also made sure you could have a great view!" Five opened the curtains and it showed the dreary forest, making him shocked and then quickly shut it.

"So it's not a great view...but any view is better than no view. So what do you think?" He said. "It's...nice." Victoria responded. "I knew you'd like it! Is there anything else you need?" Victoria only shook her head in disagreement. "Alright, well, if you have everything you need then I'll be off. Sleep tight, my darling..." Five trailed before leaving and shutting the door. The ginger's smile left her lips and instead tears began to well up in her eyes. Victoria buried her face in her feathered pillow and began to sob. Victoria didn't know what she was doing but there was no turning back...

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