The Chosen Choice

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Luther sat by the window and looked up at the sky with worry. "It's the third day and no one still hasn't come forth to marry Five. What are we going to do?" He said to himself, putting his hands on his head. "Luther! Luther!" Diego yelled as he ran down the halls and towards the ape-like man. "Diego? What's wrong?" Luther asked in worry once seeing his brother, who was panting and trying to gain his breath. "You've gotta come quickly!" Diego exclaimed. "What is it?" Luther questioned. "It's Victoria. She's gone!" Number Two said, still catching his breath. "Gone?! What do you mean gone?!" Luther shouted and he stood up in slight anger. "See for yourself, come on!" Luther followed Diego up the stairs as the both rushed to Victoria's room on the other side of the academy. Once in, everyone else except for Victoria was in there and they were scavenging her room but Vanya was only sitting on the bed and looking down at the floor. "Luther, oh thank goodness! It's terrible, just terrible!" Allison cried. "Where's Victoria?" Luther asked again. "We have no idea." Diego stated. "I found this note on Victoria's pillow!" Klaus piped up, everyone seeing a piece of paper in his hand. "Let me see that." Klaus handed Luther the paper and Luther scanned it before reading out loud. "Dear siblings, I am very sorry. It was the only not come after me. This was my choice, Vanya will explain. Please, take care of yourselves, tell Klaus I'm sorry because I am. Love, Victoria."ย 

Luther then looked up from the paper to Number Seven, who was still sitting in the same state on the bed. "Vanya, do you know anything about this?" He questioned. It was a few seconds of silence but Vanya couldn't hold the secret any longer. "No, she did! She gone and did it! I tried to talk her out of it, I really did, but she made me bestie promise not to you all!" She blurted out in all of a sudden. "Promise not to tell us?" Allison said. "Calm down, Vanya. What happened?"


Meanwhile, whilst the others were trying to find reason, Victoria had travelled up to the cave where they tried to please the deal with Five. This was different. This time...Five would get a bride. "Hello?" Her soft voice echoed throughout the cave. "Anybody there?" She then whimpered and straighten her hair for comfort. "Oh, I can't do this!" Victoria cried to herself but she then thought back to Grace and Pogo and gained the small confidence back. "You can do this! Just be brave..." She told herself. Victoria slowly entered the cave and gulped slightly. "Hello? Five?" Her soft voice echoed again. "Well, well, well..." The voice of him made Victoria whimper and suddenly, Five was in front of her. "If it isn't Number Eight of the Umbrella Academy..." He said, Victoria backing away a little. "Come to negotiate some more?" Five questioned. "Um, sort of..." Victoria replied in a small murmur. "Strange that Luther would send you to try and reason with me...well, you can tell your ape son of a brother that my mind has not changed. I will take a bride and nothing else."

"And a bride you shall have!" Victoria replied with determination. Five's face went from a scoff to a concerned look. "Is that so...?" He asked as he crossed his arms. "Well, who is the lucky girl?" He continued. The ginger looked down to the stone floor and felt the small breeze against her hair before she spoke in a low whisper, "Right here..." Five raised an eyebrow. "Come again?" He said. "I will be your bride." Victoria replied. Five stared at the red-head for a few seconds and then he let out a small hurdle of laughter. "Oh, this is a joke, right? Who put you up to this? Luther? Perhaps the junkie, Klaus?" He laughed but Victoria didn't crack a smile. "Diego, right?" Five questioned, seeing the expression on the ginger's face. "You're serious about this?" Victoria nodded and said "Y-Yes..." Five's look quickly changed to confusion but concerned as well. "You...?" Victoria nodded again. "If that's alright..." She said. "And nobody put you up to this?"

"This was my choice but if you'd rather have somebody else, I completely understand as I am not the most attractive person..." Victoria started. "Oh no, no, no, no! I didn't say I wasn't interested." Five replied before he began to scan Victoria up and down. "W-What are you doing?" The red-head asked but let out a whimper as Five examined her hair, holding it in his hands. He came to the front and examined up and down again. "She is pretty..." He mumbled to himself. "W-Well?" Victoria questioned, wanting an answer. "You'll do but tell me, my dear...are you certain this is what you want? Because once you agree to this, there's no going back." Five responded with a smirk. "If I marry you, will you keep your promise and let Grace and Pogo go?" Victoria asked. "My dear, you have my word." Five said, running a hand through Victoria's hair. "And I'll never see the others again?"

"Think of it this way, you could either spend an eternity living comfortably, catered to your every need or spend the rest of your short, miserable life in a world of darkness..." Five explained. "Catered to my every need?" Victoria asked as she fiddled with her hands. "If we are to be married, what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine. Call it incentive, if it is in my power, I shall give you whatever you desire." Five said to then walking to stand behind Victoria and speak into her ear. "Why would you do that for me?" She asked, looking down at her hands. "I want my wife to be comfortable. I assure you, you'll be much better off than you are in this dreadful, boring world. So what will it be, my dear?" Five mumbled into Victoria's ear. The red-head didn't respond to his question. "Perhaps I should be a little more romantic?" Five stated, coming back to the front. "Let's use a diamond for this, right?" With a snap of his fingers, a ring in a black velvet box appeared in his hand. "How did you-"

"So my dear Victoria, will you..." But Five was cut off from running footsteps and a shout from someone. "Victoria, don't!" It was Luther and the others. "You keep away from her, you creep!" Diego shouted, taking a knife out his pocket but the four were stopped as Five snapped a force field in front of the entrance. "Hey, let us in!" Allison snapped as they all banged on the force field. "Do you mind? I'm in the middle of a proposal here!" Five grunted, glaring at the others. "Wait! Please, Five, let me say goodbye to them." Victoria pleaded with a frown. "Fine..." Five groaned and snapped the force field away. The others ran up to her as Victoria said "I told you all not to follow me." Luther shook his head. "We couldn't let you go with him!" He exclaimed. "Victoria, don't do it!" A little voice yelled. "Claire?!" Allison said. "I told you to stay at the academy!" Number Three said with a stern look. "I wanted to save Victoria. You're not really going to marry him, are you, Victoria?" Claire argued back. "I'm afraid so..." Victoria admitted. "That's crazy talk." Diego mumbled.

"You have so much to live for!" Allison cried. "I have to do this." Victoria replied. "No, you don't! There has to be another way!" Luther exclaimed in worry. "There is no other way. If I don't do this, Grace and Pogo will be in danger and I don't want my family to get hurt." The red-head said blankly. "But do you have any idea what this monster could do to you?" Diego pointed out, sticking out a finger towards Five. "Nobody chooses my fate but me." Victoria clarified to her siblings and niece. "Victoria, you can't possibly marry this...beast!" Allison shrieked and she as well pointed to Five with a glare. "Well, see if I invite you to the wedding." Five chuckled. "I'm sorry but this is my decision..." Victoria replied. "But Victoria, we'll never see you again!" Klaus sobbed. "Never, ever, ever!" He added between small sniffs. "I know..." The red-head frowned. "FOREVER!" Klaus screamed in agony as tears streamed down his cheeks. "We'll find another way to get Mom and Pogo back." Luther tried to reason. "Luther!" Vanya exclaimed. "She's right..."

"What?" Luther questioned. "Vanya, you can't be serious!" Allison cried. "Victoria's the only person in control of her destiny. If her decision is to save everyone, we should respect that decision." Vanya said as small tears began to form in her eyes. Victoria pulled her in for a hug and held her tightly. "Thank you, Vanya." She mumbled. "Take care of yourself, you hear?" Vanya replied. "I will..." Number Eight said. She pulled away and then faced Diego.

"Victoria...y-you can' won't! Not...not you..." Diego said and tried to hold the tears. "You stood up for me so many times and now I can return the favour." Victoria smiled and could see the tears about to fall. "Darn it, now you've got me all sappy..." Diego grunted and tried to wipe them away but Victoria pulled him in for a hug and let him cry. "I'll miss you, red-head..." He said. "I'll miss you too." The ginger said. "If he gives you any trouble, I'll give him a stab to the head." Diego warned and Victoria nodded lightly.

"But you can't leave, Victoria! You're the best babysitter I've ever had!" Claire exclaimed, running up to her. "And if your serious stare doesn't work on him..." Victoria cut Claire off by picking her up and holding her close. "I'll be fine. You just worry about yourself, Claire." Victoria muttered to her. "But...but...I'll miss you!" Claire sobbed and clutched onto her. "I'll miss you too..."

"I don't see how you can even think of leaving when you have so many friends who will miss you!" Allison said. Victoria only smiled up at Allison and said "Allison, you can keep my clothes if you'd like." Allison only looked in disbelief. "Darling, you can't expect me to..." She started. "D-D-Don't be silly, I'll donate them. They aren't even in my size..." Allison then began to break down into sobs. "Oh, Victoria! You are one of the greatest sister's I've ever had!" She cried as she held onto the red-head tightly. "You too, Allison..."

"Klaus..." Victoria started but Klaus was already in tears and engulfed Number Eight into a hug. "I'M GONNA MISS YOU SO MUCH!" He yelled in between sobs. "DON'T FORGET US!" Victoria smiled with sorrow and hugged the junkie tighter. "I won't forget you all...I never will...tell Ben that I'll miss him too...I'll never forget any of you..." She confirmed as she listened to Klaus's sniffs. "I KNOW!"

"Victoria...please..." Luther whispered and took the girl into a hug. "I'll be fine, Luther, I promise." Victoria stated. "How can you keep a promise like that?" Luther questioned. "I think I can try and tame him. Take care of everyone for me, our leader..." The ginger smiled, pulling away and Luther smiled at her. "You're braver than anybody I know. Remember safe..." He replied. "I will."

Victoria then turned to Five, who was looked as if he had enough of waiting. "Well?" He questioned. "I will marry you." Victoria clarified with a blank face. " to pick up my fiancee!" Five smirked before letting out an evil cackle and held Victoria bridal style. "You hurt a hair on her head..." Diego spat. "Oh, quit your yapping, knife boy. I won't harm this precious girl, so long as you don't try and take her back. If any of you even attempts to enter my kingdom, our deal is off." Victoria struggled in Five's grasp. "Stop squirming, my dear. I'd hate to drop my fiancee!" Five smirked. Diego growled and Klaus had to hold him back. "Let me at him! Let me at him!" Diego shouted. "There's nothing we can do now." Vanya stated. "Listen to Miss Honesty here, knife boy. Now, I'd love to stay here and watch you make fools of yourselves but we have a wedding to plan!" Five's evil cackle echoed throughout the loud bangs of thunder and the time traveller and girl were gone.

"VICTORIA!" The others screamed in fear. They all watched the spot where the two but then tears formed in each pair of their eyes. "She's gone!" Klaus sobbed. "She's gone!" Klaus kept repeating it to himself as he began to cry again. "I will not cry, I will not cry, I will not cry..." Diego mumbled to himself but he was secretly denying it. Suddenly, Grace and Pogo appeared in front of them and the pair saw the academy crying their eyes out from their sister being taken. "What's happened? Where's Five?" Grace said. "Why are you all crying?" Pogo questioned. "F-Five...he's taken a bride..." Vanya told them. "What? Who?" Pogo exclaimed. "Luther, who did he take?" Grace asked.


Five spacial jumped in front of his castle, with Victoria still in his arms. "Oh, I love it when I win!" He laughed. "Um...could you put me down...please?" Victoria asked. "Huh? Ah....yes. Behold, my queen-to-be, our kingdom awaits. Like what I've done with the place?" Five smirked. "It's...lovely..." Victoria stated. "Yes, but this is nothing. Wait till you see the inside!" Five carried the ginger into the castle and it was huge and crazy. "It took a while to come up with a design. I 'borrowed' some ideas from a fellow." He explained. "Oh, I think I'm dizzy..." Victoria slurred. "You'll get used to it after all, this is your new home." Five stated with a smirk. "My new..." But Victoria fell unconscious from the feeling of being sick.

"My, my, my, she's even lovelier when unconscious..." Five said to himself and then snapped his fingers to summon a small but comfortable couch. He walked over and placed her on it and put a necklace with the ring on it around her neck.ย 

"Sleep well, my bride-to-be..."

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