Chapter 3

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Y/N started to yell as she thought that she was going to fall at great heights, but when she felt her rear land something she starts to realize that she was sliding down, she sighed in relief at that and squeals a bit in excitement as she did use to enjoy slides as a young girl, as she slid down she passed by a few blue lights which she assumed coming from the lights outside the slide shining down upon them before falling out and into the ground and hit her head in the process.

Y/N groaned and rubbed her head as she slowly sits up from the fall and looked around and she was in another room, she looked behind her and saw that the slide she went in belonged to none other than Elliot Ludwig himself to the left the slide belonged to leith pierre and on her right the other slide belonged to stella greybur along with eddie m.n.r who she knew them as former workers of the factory, she wondered if they retired or ended up as one of the missing workers as well or maybe just left without anyone's knowledge.

The last one didn't felt right with her since why would they leave just like that, after all they're hard work and after all the times they expressed their love for this factory even Stella said in one of her tapes that she loved this factory and wanted to be young again forever so she could play with them, no there's no way it's true and decided to move off the topic and continue her journey.

Y/N slowly stood up and shook her head softly and started to walk forward ahead, continuing her journey to save poppy and possibly the other people trapped in this place and get out of this hellhole of a kids toy factory, not aware a pair of emerald green eyes watched her from the shadows, who had been waiting for her arrival after so many years and now that she's back, she wasn't planning on letting her leave anytime soon.


After going through some tough puzzles, the game station door finally opened and Y/N sighed with relief.

"Finally... Now time to find poppy..." You said to yourself adjusting your grabpack a bit in a more comfy position, letting out a exasperated breath and walked inside the game station.

As you were walking you noticed that the door was sealed shut and above it was a hand scanner glowing red, meaning you had to use your red hand to grab it and get in.

"Let's just get this over with..." You said to yourself once again once you were a few meters away from the door, you looked up at the scanner.

as you were grappling your red hand towards it, you were suddenly stopped by the same elastic pink gloved hand that grabbed poppy and stopped you before you can let it scan it, your eyes widen in shock and a bit of fear.

"Shit!" You started to back away a bit, trying to pry the hand off yours, as it was pulled away from the scanner and up above the darkness of the ceiling.

A voice suddenly spoked from the darkness from above. "A new playmate!" They sounded feminine, she guessed they were a female then.

You were finally able to rip her grasp away, from her but you noticed that your red hand was now gone, thinking that she must've took it with whoever it was up there, you looked up a bit annoyed but still anxious and a bit afraid.

"Hey give me my hand back!" You said from up above with annoyance on your tone of voice.

The creature finally came out of the darkness, she looked like a toy just like the rest but more bigger, after seeing her appearance she quickly knew who it was.

It was mommy long legs.

"It's been sooooooo long~!" Mommy said in in a sweet tone but it had its malicious intentions behind it.

You used to remember her when she was still working at playtime co. She was used to be popular at the time when the factory wasn't shut down and abandoned, all the children would go. Crazy for her and some of them actually called her their actual 'mommy' mainly those who lacks one or absent from their lives, she always felt a little bit bad for them.

You shook your head out of your thoughts and looked up as mommy long legs was now just above from the game station door she was staring at poppy in her hand, she looked distraught in her position she seemed that she wanted to say something but couldn't as if something was stuck in her mouth.

"Isn't this exciting poppy~?" Mommy said in her sweet tone as she turned to look at poppy, lifting her in front of you and waving her a bit at you as if to rub your freedom at your face

"Very exciting mommy!" Mommy spoke in a childish tone for poppy as if poppy was a ventriloquist dummy and mommy was her master doing all her movements.

"Hey! Let poppy go!" You yelled in a annoyed tone stepping forward as you glared at mommy long legs, 'how could this get any worse?' You thought to yourself as you were watching her movements.

Mommy giggles at your little outburst like a little child, what you didn't know was that she's been waiting for you for a long time to come back and when you did she plans on not letting you go this time and when she heard that poppy was going to help you escape, she wasn't happy about it one bit so she decided to take poppy with her and ruin their plans to escape the factory as she had waited too long for this, and now that the time has come she wouldn't let anyone in the factory help you escape and once she has you, she's not planning to let you go, oh she just couldn't wait to have you.

"Ah, ah ah! Let me finish first dear!" Mommy said and stretched out her other hand booked your nose as she said it before pulling her hand away, you blushed a bit for some reason and quickly shook your head, you glared at her growling quietly as you knew she was just playing with you and you weren't going to let her get what she wants.

Mommy starts lowering her head down a bit her neck stretching like rubber still looking at you and pulls her head back up. "Now mommy heard that miss poppy was just going to give you the train code to escape."

"Uh, yeah and your deal is?" You said sarcastically at her, still annoyed that you knew you were gonna be forced to do another obstacle with her and you just wanted out of here.

Mommy then starts twisting her body around so now she was standing in an upside down position. "Now how is that fun~?"

'Well not fun for you!' You thought to yourself.

"Instead why don't we make a game about it?" Mommy said looking to the side as if she was thinking for a second before turning to look back at you again. "The game station is still working and it will be just like old times." She said again.

'Oh great, more fucking obstacles why did I have to fucking jinx myself?!' You angrily thought to yourself, you were getting tired of this and you just wanted to get out of here but unfortunately fate has other plans for you, you groaned with annoyance.

Mommy then waved poppy in front of you again and said with that annoying childish tone. "And if you win all three games, mommy will give you the train code."

Mommy turned to her and gasps a bit at her 'idea'. "Mommy loves that idea poppy!" Mommy closed her eyes looking all excited but you weren't. "Oooh! You're going to have so much fun!"

"No I won't..." You mumbled under your breath quietly, luckily she didn't hear and continued on.

"Head to musical memory dear and mommy will get things started." Mommy said looking at you, you could tell how excited she was for this.

"And if I don't?" You said ignoring that she just called you dear and took a few steps forward until you were just a few steps in front of her still above from you.

"Well there might be consequences, but don't worry too much." Mommy said and started to crawl down closer to you until you and her a few feet apart looking down at you still clinging on the walls.

"You know... Those who didn't follow the rules suffer a gruesome death or get eaten alive but, you... You're special too special to break and kill you I can see it in you my dear." Mommy said as she reached her free hand and stroke some locks of your (H/L) (H/C) hair.

You flinched her touch a bit thinking she was gonna grab your neck and choke while to threaten you, but instead just plays with your hair a bit, you were surprised by her actions, why was she touching you so gently when she clearly has some sort of dark intentions with you.

Mommy pulls her hand away and giggles. "Aww you're so cute! So I'll be nice and won't kill you but if you don't obey me or even try cheating I'll make sure you'll never get out of here..." She said in dark menacing tone still holding the sweetness of it.

You gulped a bit and nodded agreeing, you were glad she was letting you live but you weren't gonna stay here with her forever in this run down factory, so with no other choice you decided to play along with her sick twisted games.

"Good.." Mommy said before laughing maniacally and going back up to the shadows of the ceiling who knows where she's going now, probably preparing the games your about to go up against.

"Why did I even went here in the first place...?" You said to yourself as the door to the game stations opened and entered in it and hoped that you could win the three games and get out of here.

but unfortunately mommy wasn't planning on that she decided to have some fun with you before taking you for herself to keep might as well she goes tell the others in the three games not to kill you as she had other plans for you she told them to make sure not kill her and distract her long enough to make a full plan on keeping you here that you won't see coming and before you know it you'll be eventually......

Caught in her web~

(Sorry if this was bad I was in a bit of a rush but I hoped you like it! See you again in the next chapter!)

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