Chapter 4

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As you entered inside the game station it still looked the same but it looked run down and abandoned after so many years, it looked like no one touched this place for a long time she noticed the train that poppy and you were suppose to escape until mommy decided to intervene and take that freedom away and forced you to play her twisted games unless you want to be stuck here with her forever in this hellhole of a toy factory, in which you didn't wanted that to happen because for god knows what sick intentions she has for you it wouldn't really be pleasant in your opinion.

As you walked forward towards the controls which was next to said train, you looked to your right and saw a cut out of kissy missy wearing a blue conductors a hat and blue overalls, looking all happy there was a red button next to her, you really didn't feel like pushing it right now, you then turned to the controls and used one of you're grab back hands to grab one of the levers and pull it the light bellow it went from red to a glowing and a female voice spoke out through the eerie silence of this place, you recognized it as Stella's voice one of the people who used to work here and one of the high ranking workers around.

"Hi kids! Welcome to the game station! I'm stella and we've got three super duper fun games to play!"

"I'm sure it'll be soooo.... Much fun." You
thought sarcastically and rolled your eyes and continued to listen to stella as you just want to get this over with quickly.

"These little tests show us just how crazy strong and smart you are! Follow mommy long legs down the stairs and we'll start by playing musical memory see you in a bit!"

And with that statement you were left in silence once more it lasted for a moment before hearing a loud flash and turned to see one of the doorways to said games were lit up it had a yellow bunny which you recognized as bunzo one of the mascots of the factory on it with his usual party hat on and two cymbals in his grasp in the middle was a sign that said 'musical memory'.

Musical memory huh? You assumed from the name you have to be memorizing something which made you nervous a bit since you have a bit of a bad memory and knowing that now mommy has bad intentions you knew she must've rigged it to make you lose on purpose so she would either kill you or god knows what she'll do to you.

"Well.... Its now or never Y/N..." You mumbled to yourself as you approach to musical memory as the doors open, you entered inside musical memory and just hoped you'll win this on the first and probably last try you'll do even if mommy did rigged the game


After some challenges you managed to get yourself a green hand to make it up for the loss of your red hand, you finally entered inside the dark room which was musical memory as you walked onto the steel bridge and into the center of the room the door behind you shut and the screens surrounded you glowed and greeted you into the game.

(insert instructions here cause author here is lazy to add the whole thing)

The screen went black after you looked up and saw just as leith pierre said just previously on the screens, bunzo was just above you holding his cymbals looking at you with his beady black eyes looking ready to strike at you at any moment, you gulped and prayed in your mind you'll win the three games and get out alive

You looked around a bit until you saw mommy coming into view through the observational window though she couldn't really see her due to the poor lighting but you could already tell it was her just from her figure alone, Mommy then started to speak excitement in her voice

"oh isn't it amazing? Mommy hasn't seen the place up running in years! Mommy can already imagine how excited bunzo must be, it's been such a long time since he's been able to play... To cheer... To see you after such a long time...."

'Wait what?!' You thought after she said the last part and looked up as bunzo smashed to two cymbals together as he came close but not too close to reach you just right above you, he looked clearly excited for you, what did she mean by that? What has been even going on while you were away from the factory while you've been looking for a new career?

"Oop! Looks like he's ready for you! Good luck!" Mommy said and just stood there against the window to watch you play her sick games and with that the first game began.

"Oh god..." You mumbled to yourself as you turn back to look at one of the screens once it lit up once again.

You started to play along with the game, at first it seemed easy you made to focus hard and try not to get too distracted but as you go on further rounds it started to get progressively hard and to make it worse it added more new buttons, such as violet heart and j.

but you still managed to pass them, when you reached round five though but you starting to get frustrated from the flashing colors and sequences added at them you tried but it didn't seem to work, you could hear bunzo clapping his cymbals in anticipation as he was slowly getting closer and closer to you, which made you even more frustrated as you didn't wanted him near you.

You then noticed a button with exclamation mark on it spinning around you you tried to hit but missed a few times after some failed attempts you finally managed to hit it and the entire room became dark as bunzo went high back up as he groans with defeat, making you sigh with relief as it was finally over.

You the. heard mommy speak up again and you turned to look at her, she sounded disappointed.

"Oh... It broke... Well that's no fun, for doing such a splendid job mommy has decided to give you..... Part of the code for the train." You felt relieved as it was over but there was still more games to play making you groan mentally as you knew they were gonna be more harder and difficult than this, Mommy then stretched her hand up high above.

"Look up.. Take it." You did what she said and looked up and saw her hand holding the one of the parts of the code for the train, you were impressed that she can stretch that far though, nonetheless you grabbed it and mommy retracts her hand back.

"Thank you very much." You said happily as you then put the code in your pocket and looked back at her, as she spoke again

"Mommy was hoping the game could last a little longer... But it's ok though... Mommy knows other ways to play with you... I'll see you at the next game dearie!" Mommy said and finally left to go prepare for the next game the door behind you opened and you turned and started to walk towards it just as you were about halfway the bridge then fell and you yelped in surprise and landed on your back.

You groan from the impact and slowly sat up as you now couldn't reach the exit from the game, making you sigh in frustration. "Goddammit..." You said to one and stood up up as you looked around for anything useful to leave for the next game, you noticed a vent but it was blocked off by a grille there was a small red light above the vent and next to it was a sign that said DANGER. You ignored that warning and grabbed the handle pulled it off and now the vent was open and started to crawl inside of It.

It gave you some flashbacks when huggy wuggy was chasing you through the vents, and it was certainly an anxiety inducing chase but shook it away thinking you already defeated him and he's not coming back at least that's what you think.

As you were still crawling in the vents you heard the faint sound of banging and crashing along with a... scream? You probably imagined the last part but you certainly knew the crash and banging sound was real, you wanted to go back and check what it was but you decided to move on forward as you didn't wanted to get involved whatever was happening there.


Two pair of green eyes watched as the life faded from the creatures black beady eyes in front of her, he had failed to do his task which is to get you and now he suffered dire consequences which foster him his own life getting taken away from his own superior.

She sighed in dissatisfied and dragged the dead toy by it's leg and made it back to the game station and hanged it along with the other dead toys in her web above which was the ceiling along with the other dead toys she previously killed.

After that she went to next game room which was whack a wuggy and entered inside, the huggies noticed her and started to come out from their hiding and went up to her as she called them out.

She then spoke in a sweet cheerful mother like tone. "Now children I have a simple task for you all, there's a girl by the name of y/n about to come here soon and I want all of you not to kill her as she is with me, I just want you to give her some affection as she's a new part of us!"

The huggies all nodded to her in agreement and were looking forward to see the newcomer that seemed to attract her but they all went quiet when she spoke again with a much darker and threatening tone.

"but if one of you messes up and hurt her intentionally or not even fail to get her.... You'll be facing dire consequences and end up like the rest of them...."

They all shook and nodded fearfully, as they didn't wanted to get on her bad side, they all new what she's capable of. She then returned to her cheerful and playful tone.

"Good! Don't fail mommy, now run along I have to get things ready as she's about to enter here at any moment!" The huggies did what they were told and retreated back into their previous holes as she went to Inside the observational room and waited for your arrival

"Don't worry love.... I'll have you soon...."

(Phew! I finally made it after a while don't worry I'm not dead I just took a break I hope you guys enjoyed it and sorry I got something wrong I'll see you soon I the next chapter bye!)

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