15| imego (taylors version)

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Parent's Day went rather well for Romeo as he sat between his parents. "Romeo looks like he's headed for a good grade on his GCSE's, his extra curricular's look nice. I'd only hope to see him shine a little more in presentations, that seems to big his biggest struggle."

All teachers agreed.

"Mijo, why didn't you tell us you didn't like to do presentations?" Marco asked his son as they headed out of the school doors. "You really struggle with it?"

"Honey, why are you so tired?" Lana looked as Romeo rubbed his eyes. "Did you and everyone else stay up late at the sleepover?"

"No, I just couldn't sleep." he rubbed his eyes harder as they neared the car, Pemberly jumping out to open the doors for them. "I don't like staying the night anywhere but home."

"You're so extroverted." Marco brought the conversation back to the original topic, getting into the car with Romeo in the middle. "Thank you, Pemberly."

"And so we'll spoken, all the other Mums say so." Lana spoke pridefully as she smiled at her son. "Do you have a hard time putting them together? I could always help you."

"It's not the putting them together, it's having to talk about it infront of everyone." the curly haired boy explained as he shook his head. "I can talk to everyone and I feel fine, but infront of loads of people is just terrifying. I get this horrible feeling in my stomach and my heart starts racing."

"That's called anxiety." Lana reassured him, brushing some of his curls off his head. "Is that the only time you feel that way?"

"That's it." he promised, exhaling. "It lowers my grade."

"Ah, it'll be okay." Marco patted his knee and shrugged his shoulders. "At least we know you won't do public speaking for a career. Plus, you keep the rest of your grades high like you are, one a semester won't matter too much."

Romeo was lucky to have parents who understood and prioritized his feelings over school. They gave him suggestions on how to deal with or instead of cure it, because there was no cure to things like that. They just loved him and didn't yell, they chose to understood despite them both being able to say a large speech before hundred of people.

"Let's just tell Lily you can't be the one to say the speech at her wedding." Lana laughed as the trio hugged in the back of the car, Pemberly smiling through the rear view mirror as he took their street.

Romeo was in full wedding planning mode. He wanted his sisters wedding to be perfect. Lily deserved it, after all. They'd even got to the venue rather early, Lana going to her daughter while Marco was in the process of signing off all the alcohol that was meant to be delivered. Romeo jumped off a chair after he strung up the pink and white flowers, eyeing them from a distance before the shout echoed. "Uncle Romo!"

His eyebrows shot up as he turned, seeing the toddler charging his way. Romeo gasped dramatically as he leaned down to catch the youngster. "Casey! What could you possibly be doing here?"

Casey was Prudences youngest, meaning the rest of the family couldn't have been far. Casey hung around Romeos neck as he looked around, mentally bracing himself as he saw his sister heading their way. Prudence carried a bag while her husband walked with their oldest, Lance. Lance was only eight while Casey had just turned four. Prudence was hard to get along with at times, she often angered Romeo due to her life choices that he knew she didn't want. But, at the end of the day, he loved her. She smiled softly as she looked at her young brother. "You're growing so much."

Not like they hadn't seen each other in almost a year. He didn't say anything. just smiled and hugged her tightly. Casey got down as Romeo looked to Lance and Mark. It was clear Mark had shaped Lance into the son he wanted, stood tall and not the affectionate type. He barley showed an ounce of emotion on his face. Romeo awkwardly smiled. "Mark, Lance. Been a while."

"Hello, Romeo." Mark nodded at him once. "You're wearing pink? I wasn't aware the men were suppose to also wear pink."

Majority of them hadn't, most stuck to regular suits, like Mark had. Romeo shrugged his shoulders. "Well, Lily wanted more pink than anything so I decided to put my oh so toxic masculinity to the side and wear a color that doesn't fit the male species."

Maybe it was disrespectful, maybe it was uncalled for. But, Romeo knew Mark was making a comment about the fact that he was wearing pink, not actually asking a question. He was that type of person, that type of man. He had belittled Romeo since he was young, making snarky comments about his more feminine demeanor in certain occasions. Romeo use to sit back and take it, but this was Lily's wedding. He wasn't able to let him ruin it when he saw his father was also wearing pink, pure Lilys request.

"My beautiful daughter." Marco walked over as he smiled to Prudence, not seeing her in almost a year effecting him much worse than it had Romeo. He hugged her tightly. "You look so beautiful, and my grand-littles!"

Romeo held eye contact with Mark a minute longer before he broke it, walking away to order around the caterers. He hadn't stopped setting up the entire place since they got here before sunrise, but it turned out rather well. The flowers lined the ceiling, the white carpet lined between the rows of seats. The poles wrapped in vine and scattered with flowers, tables worth of food lined out in the back. Romeo was confused why Lily trusted him to handle all this, but now he was able to admit he did a damn good job.

"To think I missed a tiger ride for this." Bee's voice caught his attention as she rounded the gates, looking much tanner than she had last time. Due to being in the sun, she seemed to age a bit more and was wearing plenty of sun spots. Non the less, she still looked beautiful. She still resembled Lana more than any of the other. "Little man!"

"Bee!" Romeo squeezed her as she slightly lifted him off the ground. "Woah, muscles."

"You try traveling the world with weak little arms." she joked, pulling back to show off her arms. She wiggled her eyebrows his way. "Where's that girl of yours?"

"Pemberly took off to pick her up." Romeo nodded with an excited look. "Where's your man of the night?"

"Got distracted by the cheese fountain." she winced and shook her head. "I'm turning him loose the second we're on the plane. If Abulia asked, we've been dating for nine months and have a dog together."

"Please, Abulia is gonna be too focused on Lily and Bethany to even spare us looks." Romeo joked in response, but he knew it hadn't been true. "Besides, Marks here to offend her enough."

"Ugh, they were invited?" Bee cringed at the thought of her twin and her husband. "Why didn't Lily just leave them off the list?"

"Bee." Romeo gave her a look. "Because it's her sister."

"Yeah, and they're gonna ruin it." she pointed out, he couldn't disagree. "Ten pounds Mark makes a comment about gay marriage before dinner."

"Oh, you're on. Mark won't comment about it until we're in a more private setting." he scoffed, the pair showing the other they had the ten pounds ready for whoever one the bet. A man with curly hair and cheese all over his face came out of the opening, Romeo held back a laugh. "Think your boyfriend of nine months and the father to your dog is headed this way."

Romeo hurried to the front of the venue when he got the message, his curls bouncing as he ran. Pemberly opened the door as Imogen stepped out in her pink dress and white shoes, exhaling in relief when she saw Romeo. "I was terrified I'd have to walk through all these strangers alone!"

"What a sight that would have been." he lifted her with an arm, a small spin before Pemberly handed him the bag she packed. "Ah, you're looking real spiffy, Pemberly."

"I have been listening to Taylor Swift the whole way here, Romeo. I am not in the mood for your jokes." Pemberly gave him a look, holding his hand out. "A tip would be nice."

Romeo hid a laugh. Pemberly was family more than just their driver, he was invited but declined the offer in fear of not knowing anyone. He was family, but that consisted of Marco, Romeo, and Lana...not the bride to be. Romeo gave him the money with a wink. "Don't spend it all in once place, you animal."

Imogen held a laugh as Pemberly left nearly immediately, smiling to Romeo. "I'm so excited."

"Everybody has been asking all about you." he held her bag with one hand, out reaching his hand for her to take. He gave her a small spin as they headed up the pavement. "You've turned Pemberly into a swiftie then, have you?"

"As much as I could." she gushed at the recent memory. "I had a song for every single occasion."

"Do you now?" Romeo was a Taylor Swift fan himself, but Imogen definitely had him beat. "What's our occasions then? Is there a Taylor Swift song for us?"

"Are you insane? There's so many for us!" she laughed loudly as they walked in, the pair not realizing a few people had already looked their way. Romeo lead her toward the cabins behind the venue where everyone would he staying. "There's Enchanted, Fearless, This Love, So It Goes, Dress, False God, All The Girls You've Loved Before, Invisible String."

"All those are about us?" Romeo rose his eyebrows as he gave her a shocked look. "I've only heard three of those!"

"Well, I guess you'll have to listen to the other ones starting now." she shrugged, the two walking into the cabin.

Bethany and Lily had a beautiful wedding. Marco walked her down the isle, their vows were shared, and they'd been pronounced wives. Imogen and Lana cried, Romeo had a speech that he shockingly did okay in, then they danced and danced the night away. Romeo and Imogen had the time of their lives on the dance floor, between slow dancing and reenacting Harry's party...they were beyond tired as the night approached.

The family had a tradition created by Abulia, a requirement for the entire family to have a dinner together before the newly weds took off for tbe honeymoon. As the guest left, the table was filled with Lily, Bethany, Marco, Lana, Prudence, Mark, Lance, Casey, Abulia, Bee, Cheese Man that they still didn't know the name to, Romeo, and now Imogen. The string of lights lit up the night as food was served to each of them, Romeo between Lily and Imogen.

"Where is the honeymoon at?" Lana asked her daughter, realizing she hadn't known in the course of getting the wedding ready.

"We're going up to Edinburgh." Bethany answered for her wife, their hands clasped under the table. "I have a few family members up there that weren't able to make the wedding."

"Yes, I don't think we were able to meet any of your family together." Abulia hummed from next to her son, looking to Bethany. "They'd have been able to join us here, all family is welcomed."

Romeo glanced toward Imogen with a small smile, and offered one back.

"Oh, my family wasn't here." Bethany shook her head, holding a smile to show it wasn't a bother.

"They weren't?" Lana frowned. As much as Romeo loved his mother, she didn't pick up on social ques. "Were they not able to make it here because of how fast the timing was?"

"Mom." Lily whispered to her, trying to change the subject.

"We aren't close." Bethany answered, Romeo looked over with frowned eyebrows. While he did pick up on social ques, that didn't exclude how nosy he'd been. "They didn't support my life choices."

"You're going to visit them? Don't let they ruin your day." Marco frowned as he reached over and touched her hand.

"Oh, no. It's a few cousins we're visiting, they're the ones who just couldn't take off work to get down here." Bethany laugh slightly, cutting into her meal.

Lily gave Romeo a hopeful look, knowing he could change the topic a lot more naturally then she could. He cleared his throat and looked around. "Abulia, did Bee tell you how she met her man?"

Bee choked on her food as the Cheese Man froze his chewing. Abulia smiled. "I wasn't told, no. What's your name, beauty?"

"It's Chad." Cheese Man answered.

"Oh God." Bee mumbled with her mouth full.

"Chad, of course." Romeo smiled as he nodded. "Doesn't he look just like a Chad?"

"My first boyfriends name was Chad." Abulia gasped with a soft smiled. "Before I met my late husband, he'd have loved it here."

Romeo pipped down at the mention of his grandfather. He was an amazing man, him and Romeo had been rather close before his passing. He wasn't sad about him anymore, but the dull feeling lingered enough to make him quiet for a minute. Imogen placed her hand on Romeos leg to get his attention, smiling as he smiled back. Bee watched, ready to get the conversation off her before she had to make up a story with Chad. "Has Romeo told you about him and Imogen have study dates in the car?"

"Study dates in the car?" Abulia frowned her eyebrows as Romeo looked to his sister with wide eyes. "That's a strange location to study."

"Oh, yeah. He's real serious about it, too. Makes Pemberly get out of the car and everything, fully focused." Bee went on as Imogen turned red, Romeo kicked Bee under the table.

"Mijo, tell them about all the remodeling the two of you do in the tree house." Marco pointed out, thinking they were taking a second to praise Romeo. Bee gave a loud snort as Lily leaned in her brother, laughter echoing from the brides mouth. Romeo gave Imogen an apologetic look as his sisters seemed to be the only two not confused by the laughter.

It was Marks turn to break the silence. "Well, I was just surprised to hear Romeo had a girlfriend."

That quieted everyone down enough. Marco laughed then. "Where you? Look at that handsome face! I was surprised it didn't happen sooner."

"He's a looker." Abulia agreed from across them, a cheeky grin. "And such marvelous taste, look how beautiful she is!"

Imogen smiled again as she flushed. "Thank you."

"I just didn't even think he liked girls." Mark went on, not realizing that his joke wasn't all that funny. Romeo set his fork down and look his way, as did everyone else. Prudence touched her husbands arm in hopes of it ending there. "I'm just saying, good for you, Romeo."

"No, i'm really curious why you thought that?" Romeo gave him a questionable look, nodding his head. "I don't recall ever saying I don't like girls, or making a point to insinuate I liked boys."

"You always were just so girly." Mark shrugged his shoulders. "I mean, I really questioned it when you went through your phase of painting your nails."

Bee huffed as she pulled the ten pounds from her pocket and passed it toward Romeo. Marco dropped his fork just as Romeo did moments before. "What would it have mattered if he was gay? I love my gay son!"

"Dad." Romeo winced, knowing he had the right intentions. "Mark, i'm not gay and painting my nails shouldn't have alarmed you. It's nails, a body part, with paint....it's not like i wrote GAY across them."

"Oh, come on. You know what I mean." Mark laughed, realizing no one at the table seemed to find his joke funny. "Come- Romeo, you know i'm just messing with you. It's a joke, you're obviously not gay."

"2002 wants their joke back." he gave him a tight lipped smile.

"Oh gosh." Lily jumped in as she looked at her painted nails. "My nails are blue...I must be gay."

"Whatever will we do?" her wife gasped in agreement, everyone found it funny. Even Mark, who seemed more embarrassed now that he'd been called out.

"I'm sorry my family is a little out there." Romeo apologized to Imogen as he sat on the bed, she'd been taking her makeup off in the bathroom with the door open. As long as Abulia didn't find out, Lana and Marco chose to trust Romeo and Imogen, non fertal and all, to share a room. He took his blazer off and loosened his tie so it hung around his neck. "Mark just knows how to put a weird vibe over everything."

"He reminds me of every uncle ever." she glanced his way with a laugh, taking a double take at how good he looked with the messy tie. "I didn't even get a chance to show off my spanish to Abulia."

"Oh, next time." Romeo winced, kinda glad Mark had said what he said to avoid Imogen's newly developed Spanish phrases. "Imogen, I am quite literally ready to go back home and finally give you your surprise."

Romeo still hadn't found the chance to give Imogen the dog yet, Tao babysitting for him for the night.

"Ugh, how long are you gonna keep it from me?" she huffed, taking her hopped earrings out. Romeo stood up and walking her way, squeezing into the bathroom. "It's been five days."

"Trust me, you'll thank me for the wait." Romeo was not about to give Imogen a dog that peed on everything. He stood behind her, smiling at her in the mirror as his head rested on her shoulder. "Did you have fun...homophobia uncle aside."

"I really do like your family. Lily and I talked about wedding dresses for half an hour." Romeos eyebrows shot up. He wondered if Imogen was the type of girl that had an entire wedding planned at the ripe age of five. Did she want to get married young? Was she hoping Romeo would propose right out of school? "You seemed like you really have an eye for these things."

"Weddings?" he leaned off her shoulder.

"Yes, or just decorating. You were all...Rughy Captain out there today." she laughed, not too proud of the analogy. "Can you unzip me?"

"Yeah, I kinda enjoyed it." Romeo unzipped the back quickly and made a B-Line back to the room. "Maybe it's my calling in life!"

"Maybe it is!" she called back.

kylie speaks

girl put dress and
so it goes on the imego
playlist and really thought
we didn't know what's up.
i see you imogen

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