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finally a year passed and they let taehyung out of the prisoner sooner. When Jeongguk got the call he couldn't believe it and started crying.

The past year he visited Taehyung almost every day, they talked about everything, about their likings and dislikes and really getting to know each other. Sadly they couldn't hug or kiss each other because it wasn't allowed but he would finally kiss him and touch him.

The day he got released Jeongguk stood before the door and waited for him. He was the only one there, Taehyungs parents died 10 years ago and his friends walked away from him after what happened. His grandmom couldn't come because she had a doctor's appointment but she gave Jeongguk a kiss on the cheek and said he should give it to taehyung from her.

With a big smile on his face and teary eyes Jeongguk stood before the big scary building and waited for Taehyung to come out. When the gate opened and he watched Taehyung walk out with an officer, he couldn't contain his happiness and he started running towards him.

"Taeee" he screamed and Taehyung looked up to see his pretty boy running to him. He dropped his bag and held his arms open for Jeongguk to jump in them. They hugged each other so tightly and tears streamed down their faces.

"God that feels so nice" Taehyung said and pulled Jeongguk even closer if that was possible. Jeongguk closed his eyes and hugged him tightly, enjoying the warmth and the smell of him again. They stood there for a while and Taehyung slowly pulled away to caress Jeongguks cheeks. "Thank you for waiting for me"

With teary eyes and a big smile on his face Jeongguk could only do one thing to show him how much he cared. So he grabbed him by his nape and kissed him deeply. Taehyung was surprised but melted in the kiss without thinking twice, after over a year to feel jeongguk's lips against his again was amazing. He felt his heart skip a beat and pulling him on his waist closer, their tongues meet and he enjoyed every second of it.

Jeongguk wrapped his arms around his neck and let their tongues dance together. They didn't know how long they stood there and kissed each other but they couldn't keep their lips away.
After a while Taehyung pulled away and looked into Jeongguk's eyes "I missed this more than I thought, your soft pretty lips" with a smile taehyung cupped his cheeks and Jeongguk smiled at him and after a few minutes they decided to leave this place.

they could finally be together and live the life they dreamed of. Jeongguk and Taehyung couldn't be any happier to have met in a darkroom and now being together and loving each other till the end.

- the end

first of all I'm really really sorry for this short ending but I think I lost my motivation too write and I'm so unhappy because of that and I'm so so sorry..

I love you guys so much and I hope you not that disappointed:( ♥️♥️

love M💜

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