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"it could be 2 to 3 years..."

jeongguks eyes widen and he could just stare at taehyungs face, he can't imagine how he must feel right now. "wow that's.." jeongguk couldn't find the right words so he just sat there. "I know.." taehyung said and looked sadly at their linked hands.

"I made a mistake I know and I do everything to get it right. I wanted nothing more than to talk to you in a different situation but I can't do anything to change it. I wanted to get to know you to see the person that made me happy with these little moments that we had, even though it was sexual that doesn't mean it doesn't have a meaning for me..."

taehyung trailed of and softly caressed jeongguk's hand. his heart skipped a beat at taehyungs words and jeongguk knew why he was feeling like that towards him.

he fell in love with his voice, with his scent with the sweetness in his voice. taehyung had a beautiful character and now seeing him in person made his heart flutter. "would you.." taehyung bite his lip and looked away for a second, trying to find the right words to say to him.

"would you wait for me? I mean if you feel the same" taehyung was nervous and he was afraid of jeongguk never wanting to see him again and he would understand it, after all he killed a person, yes it was self defense but he did it.

jeongguk looked at him, taehyungs didn't look at him, nervously biting his lip and jeongguks heart melted, taehyung wanted to be with him and that made jeongguk really happy.

"I wait as long as it takes, i want to get to know you" jeongguk smiled at him and taehyung looked up at him and returned the smile and kissed his hands softly. "thank you so much"


it was one month later when taehyung stood in front of a judge, his lawyer proofed it was self defense but because taehyung run away and didn't tell anyone,he was sentenced to 1 year and 5 months in prison.

Taehyung face fell and he looked behind to see jeongguk sitting there with a weak smile, it was less than they said but it still would be a long time. after it was over taehyung walked over to jeongguk and kissed his forehead.

" i will think about you and i really hope you visit me.." he said with small tears in his eyes and jeongguk couldn't help but start crying as well. "I will come as often as I can" he said and the policeman came to take taehyung away.

jeongukk cried and hoseok who sat beside him hugged him tightly and took him back home.


I know this chapter wasn't that long and not really good and I think i'm ending this story with the next chapter because I don't know what to do and I'm not happy with the plot anymore. I want to concentrate on my other books. i hope you're not mad or sad

I'm really sorry guys :(💜

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